‘Peak Alliance? ’

Another unfamiliar term.

Bai E wrote down these words, but he didn’t completely follow the other party’s persuasion.

This guy’s other words might be somewhat credible, but this kind of words at the moment sounded like fart.

In the process of running between so many cities on the planet, Bai E has come into contact with many people of all kinds, and some words sound like excuses... For example, what the other party said now.

The other party is a member of the Sharp Knife Society who works for the Peak Alliance, but now he wants to run away with him to avoid the Sharp Knife Society. It is undoubtedly that he has offended the Sharp Knife Society.

It is him who has to run away, not himself.

If he is caught after meeting once, then the woman in the windbreaker has met so many people along the way. Could she catch the entire Freeport?

Saying these words is nothing more than asking me to run away with him.

In other words, to some extent... he needs something from me.

With this in mind, Bai E chuckled and said in a tone that completely saw through the other party's mind: "Why should I run with you?"

If you need help from others, you should always have a real attitude, right?

Knowing that he couldn't deceive the other party, the Wild Wolf's attitude was quite straightforward.

He clasped his hands together, bowed his head and bent down, and said in a low voice, "If you don't abandon me, I am willing to be your big brother! My lord, I am useful! It will be a great honor for you to accept me!"

"Oh?" Bai E raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the other party in the dim environment.

Although the environment was dim, the other party's breathing and every move seemed to be able to form a clear image in his mind, just like the "blind fighting" ability that he had perfected...

Including the battle just now...

In the battle between those gangsters, I felt more and more handy.

The further I fought, the more I felt that my reaction was faster, my strength was greater, and I was more durable.

It seemed that my strength and skills were rapidly approaching the previous level in this kind of battle.

It's just that without the display of the game panel, I don't have an accurate data-based understanding of my own strength level.

Is it because I once reached that height, so I can recover so quickly now?

Or... is there any other reason?

However, this may be the greatest contribution that the other party has shown to me so far.

Through an unexpected battle, I found a way to quickly recover my past strength-fighting, or training.

No matter where I go, the first lesson I learned in this world always plays its aftertaste: training! After the body reaches its limit, continue to take another step forward, which is the only shortcut to progress!

But this kind of self-discovery is not the value of the other party.

"What's the use of accepting you?" Bai Er asked in a low voice.

Facing the other party's gaze in the dark, the Wild Wolf only felt that his whole body was under the other party's gaze, as if there was no secret at all.

"I... I can lead you out of the free port."

"Obviously, I'm not in a hurry to leave, let alone leave through some crooked ways."

Wild Wolf's eyes turned straight, "I can collect intelligence for you. You are also a powerful space ranger, right? In any case, when you are out, I can reduce some trouble for you. Some things that are inconvenient for you to show up can be done by me. When you go out to explore, I can also guard your private spaceship for you. Usually, I just need you to leak a little of the wealth you get in the adventure to me, that's all I want..."

"This sounds quite honest." Bai Er nodded and continued to walk forward without comment.

Wild Wolf, who didn't receive a clear answer, was a little anxious. The capable masters in this universe either belonged to some forces or had younger brothers under them. There were not many powerful and lonely rangers like this.

If there is no fate of knowing each other, it is probably difficult for me to have any contact with such people in my life.

If you can fight for it, it is better to fight for it.

So he followed closely, "Sir, you haven't said yet...whether you will accept me or not?"

"I have to go over there first." Bai'e didn't answer directly, but just got out of the narrow pipe and looked at the brightly lit commercial district not far away.

People came and went, and the prosperity was almost the same as the central area of ​​the imperial capital when he left the original star.

On the street, countless "humans" with different body shapes walked on the neat streets.

Although everyone looked like humans overall, some people had iron-gray skin and tall stature, and some people had fair skin, even so white that it reflected light.

There were also some individuals who were obviously not human, and there were some alien races like elves and dwarves in those magical movies and TV shows that he had seen before.

Elves had been seen on the planet before, but these alien elves looked even colder. Although their eyes swept over everyone, it seemed that no one really saw them.

As for the dwarves that Bai'er had never seen before, they had a strong smell of sweat glands, thick and hard hair, short stature, but strong and full of strength.

The universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders.

The shops on both sides of the road were filled with things that Bai'er had never seen before.

Some mechanical structures, but looking at the appearance, it is impossible to guess what the actual purpose is.

Bai'e didn't show his appearance of a country bumpkin entering the city and looked around curiously.

His identity as coming from a remote planet that had never been exposed to the interstellar society was not necessarily good or bad. Before he really understood the basic rules of the operation of the cosmic society, he had to be cautious.

But the Wild Wolf beside him was eager to make merit, or to show off his knowledge to let this adult know that he was really useful, so he kept following Bai'e's gaze and explained: "This is the new cloud steel skeleton of Yuntu Technology. It can replace the bones and veins of the whole body, and it has an extraordinary effect on improving strength and physical adaptability!"

"This is the simulated sex doll of Xingmeng Company. This is their latest combat sex doll. It can fight during the day and at night... Hehehe~"


Bai'e didn't say a word along the way, but under the leadership of the Wild Wolf, he quickly became familiar with some basic things popular in the universe.

Judging from their popular products, at least one thing can be proved...

Humans in the universe do not have a destructive crisis right above their heads.

So things like insects, orcs, and high-dimensional demons are not really a big danger to them... right?

Bai'e pondered these thoughts secretly, and unknowingly slowed down his pace.

As if thinking that Bai'e had seen what he wanted, the wild wolf leaned closer to Bai'e's ear and whispered, "Sir... it's best not to have anything to do with this group of people."

"Hmm?" Bai'e took two more steps forward, a little concerned about the words he had just seen.

'Finely processed chalk'

What is that?

It's a white-ash color, and it's neither soft nor hard, and it's piled into a cuboid-like mass.

"If you don't come here often, you may not know the real owner behind this store... This is a group of lawless interstellar pirates! They not only take advantage of the chaotic environment in our star zone to rob passenger ships and merchant ships, but also rent three mineral planets as their basic industries. I heard that many missing warriors nearby were kidnapped and imprisoned on mining planets to work as their black miners!

Don't think that the infrastructure materials they sell are cheaper than others, but there are some examples of losing money and goods in transactions. If you don't have a reliable force as a backer, I think it's better not to deal with them."

The Wild Wolf's eyes were turning black with divine light as he spoke.

Seeing that Bai'e paid more attention to this store, he must of course explain the details of the store's origin clearly.

First, to show his own value; second, he can also use this force to test the background of the adults.

If the adults retreat instantly, then they are naturally afraid.

If the adults still maintain interest, then the adults I choose will be interesting.

And obviously, my vision is quite good.

The adults who heard this did not show their fear at the first time. Instead, their eyes lit up and they seemed to be more interested.

‘The volunteer player that Kuang Xin and the others mentioned seems to be working as a black miner in the hands of a pirate organization. ’

And I was originally chasing the beacon of the volunteer player. Although I had to leave the high-dimensional space because of the high-dimensional storm before I completely reached the target point, the mapping relationship between the high-dimensional space and the material world generally showed a positive correlation on a large scale.

I should not be very far away from the location of the volunteer player.

And there should not be many pirate organizations of this scale in one area, right?

Maybe through this group of people, I can find the pirate organization behind them and find a way to contact the player.

But... not now.

My current strength is limited, and I don’t know what the combat power ceiling in the universe is. I definitely can’t go head-to-head with a pirate organization that spans the entire universe.

Secretly memorizing this clue in my heart, Bai E strode forward again, through this prosperous alien commercial district and the introduction of the wild wolf, to familiarize myself with the basic environment in the universe as soon as possible.


Walking in front of a store that looked like it was doing an improper sex trade, the Wild Wolf's eyes were clearly filled with desire, "My Lord, Xiaoyu tastes really good..."

Before Bai'e rolled his eyes, the entire lower level of the commercial district suddenly shook violently.

Some passers-by on the street lost their balance and stumbled and almost fell.

A group of men and women dressed in fancy clothes suddenly rushed out of the meat shop. The most gorgeous woman shouted in a sharp voice, "Who is it? Who dares to make trouble in the Free Port!?"

And even sharper than the woman's voice was the buzzing alarm echoing over the entire Free Port.

"Warning! Warning! Please stop the fight immediately and wait for the law enforcement team to take over the scene!"

"Warning! Warning! Please stop the fight immediately and wait for the law enforcement team to take over the scene!"

The voice repeated over and over again.

But it was obvious that both sides in the fight did not take this threat seriously.



From time to time, waves of vibrations followed the ground structure under everyone's feet and were transmitted to everyone's senses.

It was just that some were minor and some were serious. In fact, Bai E had felt the vibration from the lower structure area earlier.

I guess... it was the organization called "Sharp Knife Society" that had a direct fight with the mysterious woman, right?

As an insider, the Wild Wolf stared blankly at the direction they came from, muttering to himself, "They... really dare to use hot weapons in that place..."

Not just a thermal weapon, but a powerful thermal weapon!

When the boss asked those idlers on the phone if they had used thermal weapons, he was already heartbroken.

But I didn't expect that now that the entire Sharp Knife Association had assembled, these sons of bitches would actually dare to disregard the basic safety of the entire free port and directly use powerful thermal weapons at the structural level!

This is disregarding the lives and safety of all people in the free port at this moment!

"Crazy! They're all crazy!" Steppenwolf looked at Bai E anxiously, "Sir, we really have to go."

If those crazy guys really smashed the structure of the free port for the bounty offered by the Summit League, it is impossible to say that the entire free port would become a floating ruin in the universe.

Most people who cannot physically travel across the universe will have to become a cold flying corpse in the universe...including themselves.

Bai E also frowned and raised his chin at the Wild Wolf, "Lead the way."

I can't do it without running.

My current strength is unknown, but it is probably not as strong as the physical body that spanned the universe in the past.

Not to mention that the previous fourth-level psychic ability was gone, and he couldn't summon the mecha that was sealed in his psychic storage space.

If the entire free port is really scrapped, I might actually have to send it.

Is this the universe?

So damn exciting!

The crowd immediately went berserk.

Bai E was not the only one who reacted.

The two people of Bai and E, who were crowded and running towards the ports where the spaceships were stationed, were just a microcosm of the terrifying flow of people on the street.

However, with their extraordinary skill and physique, the two of them managed to squeeze through the crowd and get into the first group of people approaching the port.

At this time, who would honestly buy a ticket and take the boat?

It’s true to get on the boat first and buy the ticket later.

While the traditional merchant ships and passenger ships were still blocking the crowd and trying to establish order, two large black ships opened their doors and welcomed anyone to enter.

"We on the Black Pearl welcome every passenger! At times like this, we should help each other and tide over the difficulties together." The generous-looking cowboy man stood at the boarding gate holding a loudspeaker and shouted, while not forgetting to diss Other colleagues, "Resolutely resist those unscrupulous merchants who try to charge exorbitant prices at this moment!"

But Steppenwolf dragged Bai E and ran straight to the unscrupulous merchant, "Sir, don't go, this is the ship of that group of interstellar pirates! If you get on their pirate ship, these people will be dragged back to work as black miners!" (End of chapter)

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