"Sir, we have collected a total of fifty-three Xiaofang fighters and twenty-three Eagle fighters. As for the air combat mecha... we have not found them yet."

As the situation unfolded, more and more Freeport leaders gathered around the Covenant agents and Catherine.

After all, in this chaotic moment, they are the only ones who look like they are actually doing something.

Hearing the news from their subordinates, some leaders turned pale, "It seems that our ban is really in place!"

Freeport is a commercial floating city, so naturally it will not allow too many powerful combat forces to approach.

All spacecraft that dock at the port need to undergo strict inspection.

Fortunately for fighter planes, air combat type mechas are absolutely prohibited and cannot appear in a free port.

Therefore, even if the entire port is searched, the combat organization that can be collected is absolutely limited.

In the past, they would still say that they had good leadership and meritorious governance.

But now...

They just wish there were more banned dangerous goods!

Catherine, who also heard the news, was not surprised at all. She just frowned and whispered, "This is one of the reasons why they chose Freeport."

Even if the trapped himself and others want to find a way to fight back, there are not many weapons available.

But even so, give it a try!

Fighters are of course not as good as mechas in increasing personal combat effectiveness, but at this time, it is better to use them than not.

"Let's go." She whispered to the Star Alliance agent beside her. Catherine moved her long legs and was about to walk outside, but suddenly she heard another voice walking through the narrow corridor and heading straight into the starry sky dome hall.

"Report! Report!"

"What news is there again?" the original Freeport leader asked with expectation on his face.

"Found it! Found two air combat mechas! They come from the collection of Baron Nowitz and are antiques from the first generation products of the Mecha War Company! I wonder if they are needed by adults?"

Catherine raised her eyebrows and asked quickly, "How is the condition? Can it still be used?"

"Sir, please wait a moment..."

Time is tight, so the executors who find the clues below must report the information as soon as possible before they can go and accept the target.

Asking for details requires feedback from frontline personnel.

The man who reported the message waited for a moment, listened attentively, and then replied again: "Replying to your lord, it needs to be repaired. It was because of the many scars on the two mechas that Baron Nowitz saw that they were two works of art worth collecting. , so it has not been repaired or renovated.”

"The strange habits of nobles!" the Star Alliance secret agent cursed secretly.

But Catherine shook her head and walked out quickly, "Without his collection, we might not even be able to find these two antiques now. Lead the way!"

The battle-damaged version of the mecha also depends on the extent of the battle damage.

If it can be restored to service with a simple repair, it is better than operating a fighter with a limited upper limit.

In an empty hall, countless large and small art collections from all over the universe with completely different styles are displayed.

Among them, the largest and most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the two tall blue-gray mechanical bodies.

Blade Type I, this was the name of these two mechas back then.

Although the blade series of mechas have grown larger and larger as the mecha war company has grown in size, and have now reached the thirty-seventh generation, the shape of this initial generation has always been the most classic style in the hearts of many mecha enthusiasts.

The humanoid mecha is designed with perfect golden proportions, and the streamlined body retains its edges and corners in many details.

This is the first epoch-making product after the major cosmic empires relaxed the ban on mechas as exclusive weapons for the military of various countries. Almost no pilot can avoid this classic product.

However...the two classic products in front of me look really miserable in terms of appearance.

The blue-gray fuselage is covered with visible rust scratches, and large areas of dents and peeling paint can also be seen everywhere.

The only thing worth celebrating is that both mechas retain their most complete body structures.

Although there seemed to be quite a lot of superficial scars, there were no serious penetrating wounds or any other serious injuries.

As the owner of the collection proudly introduced his collection, "Only warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles can leave behind this medal of merit, and their outstanding skills allowed these two warriors to return from the battlefield successfully. They Every scar on the body is the epitome of courage and exploration. This is a medal of our times in the era of great development. Their scars give them a unique identity!”

Baron Nowitz is a man with soft blond hair and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

There is no trace of the aristocratic temperament that has been passed down for many years. Inside and out, he looks more like a historian with a fanatical hobby for art.

"If you want these two veterans to step onto the battlefield again, please make sure they can triumph again!"

However, the Covenant agent was a little dismissive of his statement. He followed Catherine quickly towards the two rusty mechas that were fixed on the machine seats with external force. At the same time, he turned back and held his hand indifferently. , "In fact, it is possible that it just fell down in the primitive jungle."

"Stop talking nonsense." Catherine's cold voice sounded from the front, "It's your territory."

The Star Alliance secret agent looked slightly happy, "How do you know that I have studied mecha maintenance? I even have a professional technician certificate?"

"If you didn't show off this paragraph without seeing a beautiful woman, I should really not know this secret." Catherine's face was cold, "Do it quickly, there is not much time."

"Okay!" The secret agent said nothing nonsense.

Knowing that the situation was urgent, he only occasionally used some words to adjust his mentality, but there was never any delay in his speed of action.

"Is this a maintenance bay? Please help me turn on the power if it works." The spy quickly climbed up the stairs and shouted to the baron below.

The baron stood there and looked at the other person with a strange expression, "This is just a support frame. I don't even plan to repair it. Why are there two maintenance machine bays installed here?"

"..." The secret agent's face darkened and he paused for a moment.

After a while, a curse word broke out, "Bleach!"

"Find someone! Let them find someone quickly! Those who have the strength to contribute, those who can repair and repair, and find a few cranes to come over. Without the assistance of professional maintenance stations, how can I handle such a big thing by myself? Or two tower!"

Catherine was not surprised at all. She had just received a message from the top leaders of Freeport in her headset and a look of relief appeared on her face, "I have been looking for it for a long time... and I have found it."

A seemingly diverse group of people was being escorted by a group of Freeport guards, moving quickly in a certain direction.

The Wild Wolf, who was mixed in the crowd, looked at the retrograde team he was in, and asked the boss he had just recognized next to him with a curious tone, "Boss, are you really good at repairing mechas?"

"Repairing mechas?" Bai E's eyes were slightly in a trance, thinking of the previous period, "I know how to do it... I just haven't used it for a long time, and I don't know if my skills are rusty."

According to what the clown-like voice said, all his powers were completely taken back by him, and he didn't know whether these technological or intellectual abilities were completely taken back.

If he thought about it deliberately, he still had some theoretical knowledge and practical standards about mecha structure in his mind.

But when it comes to actually taking action, I don’t know if that’s the case.

The main reason is that advanced academic abilities are somewhat magical, such as "Mecha Speed ​​Repair", which are related to psychic abilities. They can no longer be explained by knowledge alone.

What Bai E wants to know most is whether he can still use his abilities in this area.

Of course, even if he could use the technology on the planet to repair the mechas in the universe, Bai E didn't know if the two technologies were from the same source.

If there are two completely different technology lines, it may not be easy to use.

Do not know at all.

So Bai E just went to see the situation, and maybe there would be an opportunity where he could help.

Steppenwolf looked back at the silent spaceships at the port from time to time, his eyes full of reluctance, "But boss, does this mean that we will completely miss out on those spaceships?"

No matter what, only by boarding the spaceship can we have a chance to survive in this cold universe.

If you stay in the free port, once the free port is attacked and disintegrated, you will definitely die without a burial place!

Although now because of the invisible barrier, all the spacecraft have returned to the Freeport port.

But once things turn around, those docked spaceships can take off again at any time. Staying on the spacecraft obviously has a greater chance of survival!

Bai E walked quickly and glanced at him sideways, "If you're afraid, just go back by yourself."

Steppenwolf shook his head fiercely, "How can that be possible! Now that you recognize the boss, there is no reason to leave him alone!"

Shaking his head slightly, Bai E added and explained: "The current situation is very simple. Either the unknown attacker wants to wipe out everyone in the Freeport, or the Freeport thinks of a counterattack to escape the closure of the barrier. Other than that, there is no third clause There is a way to go.”

Even if Bai E doesn't understand some basic rules in the universe, basic people's thoughts should be the same wherever they come from.

Judging from the reactions of these people, this method of sealing off an entire floating city in space must be by no means an ordinary method in the universe.

The person behind the use of this method to seal off the entire floating city had no intention of letting any living person escape except to achieve his own destination.

Letting the entire Freeport population become a floating piece of garbage in the universe along with the Freeport is what the people behind the scenes really want.

In this case, there is no essential difference between being on a spaceship or in a free port.

After being on the Free Port side with no choice, only by finding ways to provide even a little help to the Free Port side can it be possible for those who are truly capable to lead the Free Port to fight a bloody road!

However, as the team of technicians was being escorted quickly, a voice that made many people's expressions change came from the horns that sounded throughout Hong Kong——

"Everyone in the Freeport, listen! The psychic canopy has been set up. You have one hour to hand over the leader of the thief, Catherine! She has stolen important information from our Summit Alliance. As long as we hand over the leader of the thief, Catherine, we will retreat immediately! Otherwise, everyone in Freeport will pay with their lives!"

"Everyone in the Freeport, listen! The psychic canopy has been deployed..."

"Quickly cut off the signal!" Upon hearing this sudden sound, many Freeport senior managers who were discussing countermeasures gathered in the starry sky dome hall fell silent.

It wasn't until the horn sounded twice, and when he was about to repeat it again, that the signal was cut off in time by a Freeport staff member who responded quickly.

There was silence in the entire hall.

Everyone looked at each other, and some people's eyes were slightly shaken.

"What they said is false!"

"Don't listen to their bullshit!"

"There is still their traitor in the harbor!"

Some leaders are clear-headed and speak out immediately when they have figured out the key to stop others from thinking wildly and having ideas that they shouldn't have.

"Go and capture the traitor quickly! Don't delay the actions of the Covenant's secret agent!"

"Yes, yes! At the same time, appease the people and don't let them interfere with the adults' plans!"

On the surface, everything seems to be supportive.

Even those who have strange feelings will not react at such a time.

However, some of the people who dispersed clearly had other plans in their eyes.

Although the response of the Free Port staff was relatively fast, the information carried in this voice still reached the ears of everyone in the Free Port.

Bai E's face darkened slightly when he heard the sudden sound in the crowd, realizing that the attack from the organizer behind the so-called "Psychic Canopy" had arrived in advance.

This plan is called alienation!

So even time is not on their side anymore.

Not far away, obvious commotion could be heard.

"Quickly stop them! They are the accomplices who want to help Catherine repair the mecha and escape!"

"Seize Catherine! Don't want us to be buried with her!"

"The mecha is in the port warehouse in Area C! That bitch Catherine must be there now! Let's catch her together! Prove our attitude to the Summit Alliance!"

Several people in the collection warehouse also heard the noise that resounded throughout the free port.

Even with the sound insulation of the warehouse walls, inside the quiet warehouse, you can clearly hear what the voices outside are saying.

Catherine's eyes flashed with cold light.

Baron Nowitz, who noticed some cold air, smiled awkwardly and took half a step back. He raised his hands and smiled favorably at Catherine, "My lord, you know that I am not one of those idiots. The Summit Alliance will obviously not Let no one here go, I will definitely stand firmly on your side!"

Catherine glanced at him, then looked up without saying a word and looked at the Covenant agent who was doing basic maintenance on the shelf in the hangar, "You have to move faster!" (End of Chapter)

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