Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 626 The enemy invades

Catherine clapped her hands, and the sound of psychic energy attracted the attention of all the technicians who were working.

Looking at the technicians who poked their heads out from all corners of the mecha, Catherine said coldly: "From now on, the on-site dispatch will be changed. Everyone, listen to this..."

"Bai'e." Bai'e whispered on the side.

"Master Bai's command."

So it caused an uproar in an instant, "Him?"

"Just him?"

"Who is this little guy? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Maybe this adult found a strong helper from somewhere, it's not a bad idea to listen to his opinion."

Only the Wild Wolf who was hiding in the crowd looked at the direction of Bai'e with a dull look in his eyes, and made a puzzled sound, "Ah?"

Didn't the eldest brother say that he just came to take a look? Didn't the eldest brother say that his skills were not good? Didn't the eldest brother say that he might not be able to repair it after not getting started for a long time?

How come he became the chief technician here in the blink of an eye?

Big brother, awesome!

No matter what these technicians thought, facing the order issued by Catherine at this time, no one dared to question it at the first time.

Maybe this guy really has some real skills?

It's too early to say it, it's easy to hit yourself in the face.

Not to mention that they received a transfer order to come here to work. The master has said who to listen to, so they will naturally listen to who.

So after the initial buzzing sound, Bai E walked to the foot of another mecha with a thick cable in the eyes of everyone.

"Everyone stop for a while, I'll turn on the power to check what specific problems there are."

The spy brother of the Star Alliance stood behind the mecha and leaned back, as if he didn't hear clearly, "What do you say you want to do?"

"Power on?"

"Power on for what?"


"...Are you crazy?" The spy brother stared at Bai E with an incredible look on his face and said bluntly.

When others were afraid of the majesty of Catherine, a planetary powerhouse, he was the only one who could raise doubts.

He didn't object to finding someone to command temporarily.

But this commander should at least understand the market, right?

Power on self-test?

He had tried it before everyone came.

However, after being shelved for perhaps dozens or hundreds of years, the various sensors inside the mecha had long been in tatters and had no meaning to provide feedback.

In this case, wouldn't it be a complete waste of time to power it on again?

Moreover, many of their technicians are now inside the mecha, and many have even removed some wiring harnesses. Powering it on at this time is both dangerous and a waste of time. It is the stupidest decision!

Bai'e did not answer, but climbed up to the tall back of the mecha in a few steps and slammed the cable plug in his hand into the power-on port on the back of the mecha.

As the switch was turned on, the current that was enough to drive this primordial beast entered its sleeping body.

The spy brother looked in disbelief and said, "You..."

"Shut up!" ×2

Before closing his eyes, Bai'e spoke a little harshly for the first time.

And along with his voice, there was also the voice of the female soldier of the Bauhinia Republic standing below.



The spy folded his arms across his chest in anger, turned his head away fiercely, and glanced back.

‘I want to see what this guy is capable of! ? How could he make Catherine believe him so quickly? ’

In front of him, the technician who was messing around slowly stretched out his palm and placed it on the iron wall of the mecha after the mecha was powered on and emitted a series of vibrations and sparks from time to time inside... Then, he closed his eyes.

At this moment, he felt a mysterious breath, as if linking this strange technician and this damaged mecha together.

In his breath perception, the two seemed to become one in front of him.

The mecha is him, and he is the mecha...

‘Machine soul? ! ’ The spy was horrified.

This is the aura that can only be emitted by those who have machine souls in the past when they are in their own machines.

But now... but now...

Hasn't this mecha been collected by Baron Novitz for decades? Can this also have a machine soul?

Or is this machine soul inherited from the family?

Looking at the young appearance of the technician with his eyes closed, the spy frowned secretly, thinking about the possibility.

But no matter what, he understood why Catherine trusted this completely unfamiliar technician so quickly.

No matter what means this guy used to achieve this level, it was really easy for him to know the key damage inside the mecha as he was integrated with the mecha.

As long as he knew where the damage was, he would naturally have an accurate clue for repair. No wonder Catherine asked everyone to listen to him.

This female soldier of the Bauhinia flower was as decisive and bold as ever!

In the dark world of Bai'e, only the thoughts like lightning traveled along the body of the mecha.

With the thoughts connected, the damage of each part of the mecha was instantly clear.

When he opened his eyes again, the orderly repair plan with different severity was instantly clear.



That mysterious integrated aura not only appears in the perception of psykers with psychic abilities such as Catherine and the agent. In fact, even Baron Nowitz, who has no knowledge of repairing mechas, can also detect it. That "natural" compatibility between the new guy and the mecha.

It was as if as soon as he arrived, this old antique that he regarded as a treasure suddenly woke up from decades of slumber and rushed to be with the other party.

A certain sour emotion quietly fermented in my heart.

But this complicated emotion was instantly washed away by the noise coming from outside——

"They're in here!"

"Come on! Capture the thief leader Catherine alive and restore peace to Freeport!"

"As long as Catherine is caught, the adults of the Summit Alliance will definitely not kill good people indiscriminately!"

"Shameless thief Catherine! If you know that your crimes have implicated our entire city, please stand up!"

"We in Freeport will not accept scum like you!"

"I heard that the top leaders of Freeport are also secretly having an affair with this thief. When this matter is over, they will be liquidated together!"

"I've long been unhappy with those fat-headed officials!\

,"Among the chaotic voices, there are many traitors from the Peak Alliance, and there must also be other ordinary people who have been bewitched.

As a common interest body established by all the national organizations in this sector, the Summit Alliance naturally has an absolute deterrent force against some idle and small forces in the sector.

Saying their names is a deterrent.

Even if some smart people know what the final result will be, when one side is the psychic canopy deployed by the Pinnacle Alliance, and the other is an unheard-of personal power, the balance in their hearts may gradually tip towards the Pinnacle Alliance. The two sides will fight for the possibility of a miracle.

But it's a pity...

Since you always have to fight hard, why not stick to your true heart?

Am I...that easy to bully?

Catherine bared her white teeth, with a cold and slightly crazy murderous intent on her face.

If you want to live well in this cold universe where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, you can't have any compassion at all.

Since these people chose the wrong direction, they should pay a certain price.

Catherine drew out her single-edged sword and stepped towards the warehouse door, which was gradually being attacked, slowly but urgently.

"You go on! I'll help her!" The Star Alliance spies didn't want Catherine to fight alone.

Even if a planet-level powerhouse has good resistance from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, the opponent has a large number of people. What if there are some taboo-level weapons or hidden powerhouses hiding in the crowd to attack her? A fatal blow, even if the mecha is repaired, they will have no room to fight back after losing Catherine, the legendary pilot.

What's more... With the new white technician under his command, a technician like me who only holds a professional maintenance certificate seems to be of little use.

It would be better to make more contributions to solving this crisis in the areas in which you are better at it.

"Let me adjust our mechas! When the two of us return, it will be the time when the sky will break!" The spy brother felt that the blood in his chest was burning.

After saying that, the secret agent kicked his legs violently, and like a cannonball, he instantly knocked open the steel ceiling above everyone's heads, and hit the chaotic crowd that was temporarily formed outside.


The earth shook.

"Da da da da!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of bombardment bullets, howitzers and other explosions suddenly rang out.

Looking at some of the technicians who seemed to be frightened by the outside and their eyes were slightly distracted, Bai Er shouted coldly, "They are using their lives to help us delay, what are you waiting for?! How could the Peak Alliance be so generous this time? Let anyone who knows the information go out and talk nonsense?”

The frightened technicians immediately shouted in unison, "Yes!"

"There are so many of them!" The spy who had just smashed out looked up after landing handsomely and saw countless figures surrounding the warehouse from all directions.

The peak number of people that the free port can accommodate is at least tens of millions.

Even if only one percent of the people in the free port come now, it will be endless with no end in sight.

This feeling of fighting alone makes it easy for people to doubt whether they are the one at fault.

"What a fool! Aren't they all here?"

And when his consciousness was slightly in a trance, when his eyes glanced at something that slowly turned its direction and glanced at it, the secret agent was even more frightened.



Something streamlined drew a swift and graceful arc in the air, dragging and whistling, aiming at the spy and chasing after him.

"Fuck! It's still a tracking bomb!"

The secret agent gritted his teeth, and after finding a target, his body, which moved at nearly the speed of sound, suddenly turned at a sharp angle. The tracking bomb behind him could not turn at such a large angle, so it slammed into the heavy container.

A small explosive cloud rose instantly, and the aftermath of the explosion made the secret agent's body a little unstable.

He had just escaped a tracking missile launched by a fighter plane, and before he could even take a breath, he saw countless metal storms aimed at him.

The insurgents who set up various heavy machine guns at various commanding heights under the complex terrain of the warehouse opened fire collectively. The dense bullets made the spies feel numb just by looking at them.


The bullets penetrated the gold and split the stone, chasing after the spy and smashing the messy goods on the ground.

No matter how fast the spy moved, he didn't know how many bullets he had been bombarded by in this dense metal storm.

The metal bullets hit his body and caused a piece of pain, but the spy didn't dare to stop dodging for a moment.

Although the planetary-level strongmen can withstand the output of thermal weapons below a certain energy level, it doesn't mean that they can stand there and let the opponent keep hitting them? !

Even the strongest metal will have metal fatigue. How can a planetary-level warrior who has not yet become the top of the universe dare to stand there and let these countless heavy firepower hit him casually?

And even if these bullets can't break the defense, the kinetic energy impact attached to them will hit him, and he will have to take it all.

Once he is nailed in place by countless bullets, those covetous fighters will not be merciful.

The output firepower of the fighters that can be used in the star war level in the universe is not something that he, a small planetary-level warrior, can handle.

‘The collected fighter planes were not used to fight against the Peak Alliance, but were used to attack us first! ’

The spy shuttled through the dense forest of bullets and took the initiative to rush to the chaotic soldiers.

Perhaps those heavy firepower hands who fired recklessly would have some scruples if they were involved with the other party.

For example, Catherine, who jumped out earlier than him, was already mixed with the chaotic soldiers and was obviously less suppressed by heavy firepower.

But correspondingly, several strong men with strong auras also gathered around her.

This group of chaotic soldiers who gathered temporarily were so strong that they were somewhat unexpected.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Feeling the pain of bullets hitting him, the spy who ran and dodged like the wind almost crushed his fist.

‘I shouldn’t have taken this task! Why did I have to be so naughty on a good vacation? ! ’

‘But if it wasn’t me, Miss Catherine would have no one to help her, right? ’

Thinking of this, the spy’s fighting spirit rose again.

“How long did he say it would take?!” The spy used his psychic power to shout.

“Ten minutes!” Even though she was being chased and blocked by more people, Catherine’s voice was still cold and calm.

“It’s been almost time since then, right?!”

“…” Catherine didn’t say anything.

During the time when countless bullets and shells were chasing and bombing behind him, the spy felt that time passed so quickly.

Those who besieged the two of them probably knew their close-range strength, and they kept pulling and fighting in the face of their approach.

Some of the friendly forces who approached were also shot and killed mercilessly by those heavy firepower.

No one cared about the sacrifice at this time.

The two lonely figures, being chased and blocked by countless black shadows, seemed to be alone and unable to support themselves... (End of this chapter)

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