

Bright red!

Dark red!

The color changes only flashed in the mind frame by frame in the afterthought.

In fact, in the next reaction time after realizing that the warning bar had surged again, the display showing the performance of the psychic sky curtain had already shown a bright red warning of "lost connection".


The membrane that was pierced with a hole instantly caused a violent reaction in the entire psychic sky curtain. In the eyes of the observers in the outer spacecraft, they could clearly see that the original layer of faint light blue light curtain was like a balloon that was blown to the extreme, and it shattered in an instant when it exceeded the limit.

The fragments of the light blue light curtain briefly drifted in the dark space, and then turned into more subtle particles, gradually blending into the dark background, and completely disappeared.

Psychic power is a spiritual power.

It has never been a power that can be applied in one direction.

After being defeated by the attack beyond the limit, all the components of this layer of psychic sky curtain - that is, the sky curtain generators scattered in the spherical space, all floated in place.

The feedback of psychic energy caused them all to fall into some kind of violent shock, and even many heads loaded in the sky curtain generators had fallen into a state of true extinction due to excessive impact.

Perhaps the remaining sky curtain generators can be put into use again after a certain period of self-repair, but that is obviously no longer relevant to the current situation.

Catherine, who had escaped from the trap, would never wait to surrender, and the distance to the border of the Bauhinia Republic would not give them another chance to set up such a cage.

The legendary Bauhinia pilot who escorted the treasure finally killed all the way through the countless checkpoints set up by their Peak Alliance and successfully returned to her motherland.

However, being at the closest scene, the members of the Peak Alliance observation team in the spaceship were only thinking about the last thought -

Is there any illusion in front of their eyes?

Did the warning bar just now show a downward trend for a short time?

Time has completely different meanings for the strong and ordinary people.

In the same one second, the strong may be able to observe tens of thousands of information sources and turn over thousands of thoughts; while ordinary people may only be able to observe hundreds or thousands of information sources and have dozens or hundreds of thoughts flash through their minds.

The utilization rate of time between the two is absolutely different.

In the brief change just now, they all felt that they had clearly seen that the warning bar had a downward trend for a short time...

This means that the legendary pilot of the Bauhinia had reached his limit at that moment.

One effort, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted.

No one can become more courageous after setbacks.

Unless there is a huge breakthrough on the spot, such as instantly upgrading to a demon or a saint.

Otherwise, the performance of the legendary pilot is already at the level where the top can be seen.

Not to mention that in their sight, the legendary pilot had already slowly stopped after launching the strongest bombardment.

Even if there is a certain delay between the actual picture in the sight and the feedback rate of the spacecraft feedback system to the sky curtain generator, after the brain naturally processes it, they can integrate the actions of Catherine, the legendary pilot, and the display of the warning bar on the timeline.

At the moment when the trend of the warning bar fell rapidly, Catherine had probably slowly stopped.

But now, the psychic sky curtain that they thought was stable was still ruthlessly broken.

Does this mean that the pilot in the mecha with Catherine, the legendary pilot, still launched an attack that was enough to penetrate the psychic sky curtain when Catherine had weakened the output power or even stopped directly?

What level of strong man is this?

Is the strength even higher than that of Catherine, the legendary pilot?

But... the legendary pilot is already the strongest level that can be clearly defined among humans for the group of pilots.

Or, this pilot may not have penetrated the psychic sky curtain by himself, but he was able to penetrate the psychic sky curtain with the help of some of Catherine's tail tune.

But even so, the starting strength of this pilot is at least at the same level as Catherine.

The premise is that everyone did not have any illusions just now.

"The warning strip just now did show signs of falling, right?"

"I clearly saw that Catherine had stopped!"

"Catherine has definitely reached the limit of her ability, there is no surprise about this!"

If a person's illusion can still be an illusion, then the phenomenon observed by everyone can never be an illusion!

And if there is really no illusion in their reaction just now, then the strength of the pilot in the mecha next to Catherine is in the stage of "equal to Catherine" to "far beyond Catherine".

To what extent it has reached, it is difficult to accurately verify due to the delay between the display screen and the feedback system.

All observers inside the spacecraft who realized this felt a panic from the bottom of their hearts.

But the question is...are there any strong people of this level in the entire star zone?

There are about six or seven people of the same level as Catherine in the entire star zone.

But most of them belong to the alliance of the Peak Alliance and there is no way they can help Catherine get out of trouble.

One of them is in the same country as Catherine, and he is most likely to help Catherine.

But the problem is... Intelligence has clearly confirmed countless times that the legendary pilot who personally taught Catherine, the legendary pilot, is still sitting on the central planet of the Bauhinia Republic.

It is absolutely impossible to go outside the border at this moment to rescue this legendary pilot Catherine, whose actions are completely secret even from her own country.

So, who is it?

"Is that the guy from the Covenant?"

"Impossible! Unless he has been hiding his strength! That guy is only at the level of an ordinary first-level pilot. When facing the psychic canopy, he will not be any better than those fighter planes."

"But other than him, are there any strong people in the entire Freeport?"

"Is it the Black Thief King?"

In the entire star area, except for the free-roaming Space Pirate King, there is no longer a legendary strong pilot who escapes their monitoring.

"It can't be him! It can't be him!" a member who seemed to know the inside story insisted.

"Then there will be no one left! Could it be that Catherine herself has suddenly been promoted?"

Failure in the mission is of course a fatal crime.

But what's more troublesome than the mission failure is that they can't even find the reason why the mission failed.

After all, if the mission fails, there are other ways to remedy it.

But if the reason cannot be found, it will be difficult for the Summit Alliance to take targeted measures during the next layout to prevent a similar situation from happening again.

The Alliance has never been a place that refuses to fail... but if one cannot learn from failure, then such a person is obviously useless to the Alliance.

If a reasonable explanation cannot be given, the outcome they will face after returning may be far more terrifying than the failure itself!

"Who is it...?"

"Breaked... broke?"

Looking at the brand new space in front of her, as well as the countless small sky-generating aircraft floating in front of her, Catherine, who had just been frustrated just now, had absolute disbelief in her eyes.

"How could it be... broken?"

The feedback he received clearly showed that his attack was far from reaching the level of penetrating the sky.

After realizing this, she even stopped her hand... But the next moment after she stopped her hand, this indestructible psychic canopy was completely penetrated!

Precisely because she was at the scene of the confrontation, she could be more sure than anyone else that she had stopped in advance at the moment when the psychic canopy shattered.

The intensity of the backlash after the peak bombardment should not be underestimated. Even if she wanted to continue the bombardment, she had to ask whether her body, including the structure of the mecha, could withstand it.

Therefore, it can be said that the shattering of this psychic canopy has absolutely nothing to do with me!

Was there some spontaneous damage to its internal structure?

After all, no technological equipment or psychic thing can guarantee that it will not be damaged at all, let alone something that has both technology and psychic powers.

However, it is unimaginable that such important weapons of the country receive such attention. The occasions when they need to appear are of absolutely important strategic significance for any force.

If it does suffer any spontaneous damage, I am afraid that none of the engineers who built them will be able to escape subsequent scrutiny.

So the possibility is not impossible, just very small.

Putting aside this extremely unlikely direction, there is only one answer left -

The mysterious pilot next to him... single-handedly defeated this psychic canopy blockade that made him feel desperate!

What level of power is this?

On top of planet-level powerhouses, there are of course star-level powerhouses.

But this kind of theoretical strong man has only been heard of in the distant central star region of the Galactic Empire. In this remote star region where Catherine is located, there has never been any such level of strong man.

A random stranger you bump into on the street is a stellar powerhouse that is rare to see in the entire universe?

Catherine couldn't help but laugh when she thought about this possibility.

Emotionally speaking, Catherine is more willing to believe that the other party is just a top figure among planet-level powerhouses who are slightly stronger than herself.

After all, if I were stronger, I might be able to see the limits of the psychic sky in front of me.

So even if this man is a little better than me in the mecha field, he may have just reached the standard of penetrating the psychic canopy.

For the same planet-level powerhouses, the gap between planet-level and planet-level might be even greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

For example, myself and the secret agent in the mecha field.

Or... myself and this strange man beside me.

"Looks like I'm pretty lucky."

Among the silent voices, Catherine's relieved voice came.

After all, my own vision is correct.

"Huh?" Bai E was still immersed in the strange feedback touch just now.

When Catherine said he was going to take action, he did use what he thought was the strongest power to explode.

But it was obvious that the initial attack was not effective and could even be said to be quite weak.

But Bai E felt that this shouldn't be the case.

The feeling is all there.

This so-called indestructible spiritual energy sky curtain is not so absolutely strong intuitively.

He always felt that he could do it.

So he really did it.

With one strike, a hundred cuts were made!

After Catherine beside him had clearly stopped, he slashed again according to his subconscious intuition.

At the same time as he slashed, the scene of the sky curtain in front of him seemed to have appeared in his mind.

It was as if this cut would definitely achieve the desired result...

So countless blade lights gathered into one, and slashed fiercely on the seemingly tough film.

The film broke at the touch.

There was not even much resistance.

Bai E gently put away the knife with ease, and he did not even feel any recoil or strange feeling of slashing in the air from this knife.

Just a light cut, and the universe in front of him instantly showed its truest appearance.

One after another, small black spherical aircraft were quietly suspended in front of the eyes. Looking along their roughly spherical curved surfaces all the way to the distance, more small spherical aircraft could be seen quietly suspended in the dark space.

Bai'e looked at those small aircraft with curiosity in his eyes.

'Is this the technological product that makes up this psychic sky curtain? '

Alien technology is indeed different.

If Helen saw it, she would definitely be very happy, right?

After hearing the voice of the powerful alien pilot beside him, Bai'e responded subconsciously with a slightly sighing tone, "Yes... Fortunately, it's not a larger-scale sky curtain."

Although I don't know where my current limit is, according to what Catherine said, the strength of the sky curtain that can cover the planetary level is unknown How many times the strength of the current sky curtain, so my instant kill of 100 heads against the sky curtain in a state of complete victory may not be able to penetrate it.

If this is not good luck, what else can it be?

Catherine, who heard Bai'e's words, also confirmed what she thought in her heart.

‘Sure enough, he also admitted that this intensity of the sky curtain was about to reach his limit. ’

It is indeed a fortunate thing.

Fortunately... after passing this level, the next step will be smooth sailing.

“Let’s go…” Catherine looked deeply at the dark spaceship floating in the distance.

She knew clearly that it was the lackey sent by the Peak Alliance, but she had no time to entangle with the lackey at the moment.

There is no end to the lackeys, and sending the treasures she carries back to the country as soon as possible is her first priority.

Watching the two mechas turn around and leave, observing the dead silence on the spaceship.

After a long time, someone said: “Let the people below observe closely and find the pilot!” (End of this chapter)

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