Such reckless attack, the number of legendary pilots owned by the opponent is probably one-sided crushing.

The previous abnormal situation was finally verified at this moment, and Catherine, who knew what happened, turned pale.

‘All legendary pilots are concentrated in the hands of the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance! ’

No one knows why such a sudden change happened, but such a thing happened.

The minimum number of legendary pilots is four, and judging from the opponent’s reckless attitude, it may even be five... six.

“They are ready to end us directly.” Catherine looked at Bai E beside her with an ugly face.

When the number of legendary pilots in hand reaches a certain level, the opponent’s choice space will be much larger.

For example... directly winning five single-player games and one three-player game can directly eliminate the Bauhinia team.

The final five-man team battle does have the most four points, but they can’t get to that step at all.

The opponent is almost open.

Even if they knew they had two legendary pilots, the other side only needed to give up a two-person team match that might be risky, and directly win five single matches and one three-person match to secure seven points.

The remaining two points from the two-person match plus the four points from the last five-person team match were no longer important to the final outcome.

To break this situation, they had to at least grab a key point from the other side in the single match.

But in the current situation where all the pilots were legendary, only Bai Er and himself could get a point.

"We must take action in advance."

Catherine frowned.

In the remaining two single matches, they had to win at least one to have a chance to continue the game.

In fact, even so, their chances of winning later were very small.

After all, each person only had two chances to take action.

Even if they won a single match, if they wanted to win the game later, they would need to get a 2-point and a 4-point match.

I have made a move in the singles match, which means that I cannot make a move in the subsequent 2nd or 4th round.

Bai Er must either fight 1 vs 2 in the 2nd round, or fight 1 vs 5 in the 4th round...

But no matter what, first of all, I have to defeat my opponent in the singles match of the same level to make the game continue.

This is hope...

Of course, it is also possible that this attitude of making a move is just a tactical arrangement of the opponent, just to make me have this illusion and cheat my number of moves.

But obviously, they are not qualified to gamble.

Catherine looked at Bai Er with sharp eyes and a firm face, "I must play in the next game."

Bai Er also realized the current situation, but nodded to the other party with a gentle look, "Go."

The situation is already like this, no matter how difficult the remaining choices are, they can only try to do it.

Catherine is on the stage.

When the players are on the stage, the audience outside can see the contestants of both sides.

Many high-level officials of the Bauhinia Trade Zone watched the team representing the former Bauhinia Republic fighting on the field, and many of them could not bear to look away.

The fighters on the field did not know that the country behind them had disappeared, they just kept working hard for victory.

Even if they guessed that the opponent might have four or five legendary pilots, they still did not give up.

Catherine's participation in the battle was for the only chance.

'You can't win...' The former chief of the Bauhinia Republic, now the third in command of the Peak Alliance, lowered his eyelids with a gloomy look.

In the face of the trend of the times, personal efforts are just the light of a candle.

They, the Bauhinia, have gathered the efforts of all the people in the country for decades, but they still cannot withstand the suppression and blockade of the entire star zone.

The team representing the Bauhinia in the battle now... will also end up with the same fate.

After joining the Peak Alliance, he knew that this universe league was an absolutely top-notch event.

For marginal star zones like theirs, only the first place has the right to enter.

Not to mention that even the second place has a chance to be shortlisted. With the efforts of a stranger pilot and Catherine, what can they do in the universe-level league?

The reason why I fully supported Catherine's team was just to give Catherine a stage to show herself in the end.

She deserves a better future, and she won't be dragged into the abyss by "Bauhinia".

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The sound of mecha fighting came out from the live broadcast screen one after another.

Facing opponents of the same level as herself, Catherine was still as fierce as the wind and fire, and she had the initiative in her hands.

But at the same time, she was also steady, almost forcing her opponent into the abyss of despair step by step.

Everyone knows her current situation, and she certainly knows it herself.

The more so, the more calm her playing style is.

She is calm in every major event.

This is the strongest legendary pilot that the entire Bauhinia should be proud of.


Faced with the opponent's last struggle and counterattack, Catherine simply suppressed it completely with a cold look.

"Boom boom boom!"

Almost replaying the same scene where Victor was killed, the singer mecha controlled by Catherine stepped on the opponent's chest, and the machine gun on it directly stuck to the face of the opponent's mecha.

Under the violent bombardment, the charred mecha was silent.

Catherine turned and left, her eyes cold and firm.

Winning the first game was just a seed for the final victory.

After winning one game, the outcome of the remaining single game was of little value to both sides.

The fifth single game, a battle between two legendary pilots... Even if the pilots of Bauhinia tried their best, they could not add another point for Bauhinia.

The winner of the fifth single game: Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance.

The current score is 4:1!

Facing the first team game that followed, that is, the two-person team game, Catherine looked at Bai E with a pleading look, "This game depends on you."

Our side can only play one legendary pilot, but the opponent has no restrictions.

One against two is always easier than one against three.

Even if the opponent guessed that our side would make such an arrangement, we had to do it.

When we have more legendary pilots, the opponent can crush us from a tactical level.

Bai E smiled softly, "No problem."

He turned to look at Victor, "Can you still fight?"

Victor was stunned and nodded vigorously, "Of course!"

"Then follow me." Bai E smiled and turned to walk outside.

Looking at the backs of the two, the other team members in the landing cabin were stunned, "Can he... do it?" (End of this chapter)

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