Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 647: Double Gun Dance

"This firing rate... isn't right?"

Someone soon discovered something was wrong.

Especially Bauhinia's own team members.

They were very familiar with the performance of their own mechas and knew the direct performance of the weapons equipped on this mecha. The firing rate of the opponent was almost twice the normal level.

Using one's own psychic energy to increase the performance of the mecha itself was a field that only legendary pilots could step into.

So this mysterious stranger teammate was actually a genuine legendary pilot?

When they thought of this, the eyes of every member of the team lit up.

Never expected that such a killer weapon had been hidden in their own team.

In fact, Catherine was even more shocked.

All along, she only thought that Bai'er was a pilot who was better at close combat.

When he teamed up with her to break the psychic sky curtain, the close-range destructive power displayed by the opponent was obviously not something that ordinary pilots could do.

But now that the facts are in front of her, she realized that she might be wrong...

This white pilot is more accomplished in the operation of long-range mechas.

There are not many legendary pilots who are good at long-range mechas. It will be more difficult to enter the legend with long-range mechas.

I... really picked up a treasure!

However, the two legendary pilots are not so easy to deal with.

The temporary suppression is just an appearance. Before the opponent's strength is unknown, it is a normal coping strategy to adopt a conservative approach.

Once the opponent knows the true level, even at the risk of paying a certain price, the opponent will force a breakthrough.

The front row of Victor alone is still somewhat weak.

Thinking so in my heart, the situation on the field has indeed changed.


"Still long-range."

"Just rush forward, don't entangle with him."

The two legendary pilots communicated briefly.

The tactical choice changed instantly.

Originally, in order to avoid risks, they would rather give up the attack and dodge.

But now, they are more inclined to walk on the edge of the knife.

Wandering in the passing ballistic trajectories, they launched a more fierce siege on the besieged Victor.

When the two legendary pilots did it at all costs, Victor was in danger.

After the ballistic trajectories from afar could no longer be his amulet, the gap in strength was immediately revealed.



After the mechas operated by the two legendary pilots were all shot, the mecha operated by Victor also knelt in ruins and did not move.

Without caring about completely destroying it, the two legendary pilots immediately changed their targets, making irregular changes of line to dodge, and quickly flew towards the target that was still "sniping".

"It's over!"

"I didn't expect that the Bauhinia team had such a trick up their sleeve, but we are still better."

"So what if they are legendary pilots? What can a Sentinel do if he is attacked by an Almighty and a Vanguard?"

Not only the spectators outside the stadium, but also the Bauhinia team members behind Bai'e, and even the two legendary pilots facing Bai'e, all thought so.

In their minds so far, under the same level, let alone one-on-two, even if it is one-on-one, only under the condition of obstacles can the Sentinel-type mecha get a little advantage over the Vanguard or Almighty mecha.

What's more, it is one-on-two at this time, how should this strange legendary pilot resist?

However, when the two legendary pilots were about to get close, the Sentinel-type mecha that had been in a "sniper" posture suddenly put away its gun and stood up.

This action made the two sneer instantly, "Want to run now? It's too late!"

The distance between the three has reached a very dangerous limit.

In the process of charging, although both of them could not avoid being shot one or two more times, the wounds did not affect the mecha's ability to move when they deliberately avoided it to the extreme.

When they reached this distance, they were already the world of melee mechas!

With the linear acceleration and change of direction ability of the singer mecha, how could they be the opponent of melee mechas like them?

They could not escape!

Without the threat of the muzzle, the two of them moved even faster.

The singer, who was double-teamed by the two, was as weak as a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, the mecha that had just started the engine and turned around and ran a few steps suddenly turned around, and the two guns in its hands faced the two legendary pilots who were chasing them.

"Boom boom boom!"

The trajectory was shot in all directions.

Right in front of everyone's eyes, this sentinel mecha, which was regarded as a turtle in a jar by everyone, launched a dance of bullets called killing.

Gun fighting!

The ability that had not been used for a long time was once again displayed on the stage of this mecha.

The singer, whose movements were not light, was like a ghost at this moment, freely shuttling between the two melee mechas that were chasing and blocking him, and his double guns fired deadly bullets that were enough to penetrate gold and split rocks.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The two legendary pilots who were opponents were certainly not kind people, but all their resistance was just like the unwilling struggle of a clown being played with.

As the double guns fired at the same time, the short and sharp alarm buzzers sounded almost at the same time inside the melee mechas driven by the legendary pilots.

The mechas were severely damaged and deformed in various places.

If they hadn't used their own psychic energy to maintain the legendary pilots, the mecha they were operating would have been completely scrapped earlier.



In the rising black smoke, the twisted cockpit door was violently kicked open from the inside. Two legendary pilots who were unwilling to accept this outcome came out from the inside at the same time, and asked unwillingly at the back of the tall mecha that had put away its guns and walked away, "What is your origin?!"

Using a sentinel mecha to defeat a vanguard and an all-around mecha that were all driven by legendary pilots in a close-range trembling, this kind of strength has never been seen in their eyes.

The intelligence did say that there might be a legendary pilot in their Bauhinia team who worked with Catherine to break the psychic sky, but this level... can it really be described as a "legendary pilot"?

Bai Er didn't look back, and didn't even say a word.

For the peeping of these forces in the universe, he didn't intend to reveal too much information for the time being.

Not to mention, he is also not very clear about his own strength now.

Since he lost the panel, he has no idea about his own strength.

He just felt that there were some things he could do, so he tried.

Now it seems that this intuition is not much wrong.

And it seems... there can be more? (End of this chapter)

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