Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 80 Research Institute

[You persisted in strenuous exercise beyond the peak for an unimaginable time, with physical fitness +0.2 and reflex +0.1. 】

[Your body feels your hot desire and quickly converts a little physical energy from the "mobility reserve" for you. Please use it wisely. 】

[Physical energy recovery is 5%, quick recovery (unlocked) unlocks progress by 18%. 】

The setting sun lengthened the shadow of the truck, and it seemed that the Overlord, who had finally had enough fun, stepped into the depths of the insect nest with heavy and slow steps.

It is still a mystery to humans.

"Creak, creak, creak~"

The restless thumping sound of joints and limbs began to brew behind the scenes. The bloodthirsty desire that had been suppressed by the master for a long time had accumulated to the extreme. Faced with the temptation of flesh and blood that was so close but difficult to stomach, the insects had already gone crazy.

The night wind from the plains poured in through the rolled-down car window, and Bai E's eyes swept over the statue-like bodies one by one on his way back.

Their lives, if nothing unexpected happens, will be permanently fixed at this moment.

Will they feel physical pain when they are shrouded in nightmares?

Having been trapped in extreme fear in the spiritual world for so long, even if the master lets go of the suppression, will they be able to wake up and run for their lives?

This is the first time Bai E has experienced a real battlefield.

He witnessed with his own eyes the bloody scenes of front-line soldiers, and could predict that these soldiers who had lost the ability to resist would eventually be killed by the insects.

The word human life seemed to become lighter and lighter in an instant, like a white feather on the scale, unable to hold down the heavy night on the other side.

Night is coming, and the Lord will not give him unlimited time.

A total of four cars was already the limit of what Bai E could do.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch..."

The invisible force field covering the vast plain suddenly relaxed at a certain moment, and the sea of ​​​​insects that lost their suppression instantly surged forward, where... there was the flesh and blood that their crazy hunger craved.


"I tried my best."

Bai E looked away from the rearview mirror and stepped on the accelerator.

The clearing operation failed!

The military camp was quiet late at night.

The day's war had drained almost every ounce of strength from all the soldiers. Except for the guards who stayed at the camp, they all fell into a deep sleep.

For some, however, the trouble is just beginning.

Two dazzling light beams tore through the curtain of the night, and the guards faced them with guns. It was not until they got closer that the guards could clearly see who was coming under the halo.

Research Institute...

"Open the door!"

After waving to the tower, the soldier who stayed behind turned on the switch.

The car drove straight in.

"Tap tap tap tap~"

Urgent footsteps sounded quickly in the corridor, and the door to the ongoing meeting was suddenly violently pushed open.

"So fast……"

Weslin looked towards the door.

A woman in a white coat hugs a tablet, her brown hair is tied into a ball, and two strands of curly hair hang from her earlobes, revealing her slender neck that reaches her shoulders.

"Academician Helen?"

He knew that the city would send people over, but he didn't expect that the first person to come would be someone from the Research Institute.

The woman walked into the conference room unceremoniously and came to Weslin's side. She put down her tablet on the table. Her eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses scanned all the officers in the room. She asked in a gentle and hoarse voice, "I heard that you met a new person. insect?"

"Yes...we temporarily named it 'Master'."

Weslin remained calm and had already made plans for the arrival of people from all walks of life in the inner city.

While they were talking, the adjutant on the side promptly showed the screenshot captured by the drone on the screen opposite the two of them.

The characteristics are similar but the size is much larger than that of a mantis. The ferocious four-armed bug, which is almost two-thirds the height of a combat mech, looks like an absolute king.

"This kind of bug has been photographed once or twice before, but this is the first time it has appeared on a frontal battlefield." Weslin stared at Helen's white profile and explained softly.

"What specific abilities?"

"Psychic shock."

"The second level of psyker's ability?"

“But the scope and intensity were incredible.”

While the two were talking, the scene of the entire battlefield being silent at the moment when the Overlord appeared was played on the screen.

Weislin said to himself, "According to Miss Yueying of the Elf Tribe, the Overlord gathers the will of all insects, and its psychic power is incredibly powerful."

Helen just stared at the insect swarm and whispered to herself, "Will the insects themselves be suppressed?"

"I think this is the reason why the Overlord has never appeared in the past. Its ability cannot be controlled. If it hadn't been threatened by us this time, it might never have appeared."

It's a fairly reasonable explanation.

Helen's eyes narrowed slightly, noncommittal.

"What else?"

"It doesn't seem to have much interest in eating."

The scene continued to play. After easily cutting off the mecha made of eight-element alloy, the Lord stood there and fiddled with the remains of the mecha, studying it for a long time. "In addition, its symbiotic weapons seem to be much more powerful than ordinary bugs."

Bugs' symbiotic weapons are equivalent to human firearms and swords. They are detachable and can theoretically be equipped on any bug.

If every insect could be equipped with a bone blade used by the Overlord that could easily cut through the eight-element alloy, then all human armor would be almost equivalent to waste paper.

Helen shook her head, not too interested in this speculation, "It is most likely a psychic field. The second level of psychic energy can be released naturally. It can also do things that human psychics can do."

As for the desire to eat... only low-level bugs are controlled by the instinct of hunger. This kind of master who can rule all bugs naturally has enough wisdom to suppress the instinct.

Not surprising.

The only thing worth noting... is that this insect seems to be studying the structure of the mecha?

Are they learning?

This is disturbing news.

Helen was worried, "What about the performance of the soldiers?"

The strength of psychic energy cannot be concretely measured, and can only be basically analyzed through the performance of the warriors fighting against it.

"We have done portrait analysis..."

The tactical analysts in the military camp are not vegetarians. They need to learn lessons and experiences after every battle. When they come back, they have thoroughly studied all the key points of the battle.

"Almost all soldiers who can break free from the master's psychic suppression within five minutes, and it will be difficult for them to wake up after more than five minutes. At the same time... the proportion of artificial human soldiers among them reaches 89%."

This ratio is not normal. The ratio of artificial humans to natural humans in the military camp is about 7:3.

However, 90% of the warriors who can awaken themselves are artificial humans.

"So, our speculation is that the suppression of the artificial man's sensory thinking has played a decisive role. I wonder if you can find a way to popularize this technology to all warriors. Facing the Overlord, the only way is not to be affected by its psychic field. Only warriors can be effective.”

If we don't find a way to overcome this problem, humans will never be able to destroy the insect nest "so close". It will be an eternal threat and will be passed down to future generations.

Helen frowned.

The training cabin... is actually not a technological product developed by the scientific research institute.

It is discovery, not making.

This is a legacy inherited from the ruins. To this day, they can only use it slightly. They cannot change the settings at will or separately disassemble and use certain functions.

"And...what's going on with those soldiers who drove into the suppression area?"

"Through practice, we have found that warriors who have experienced psychic suppression will have a certain amount of mental resistance when they enter the domain again."


Helen shook her head impatiently and pointed at a personnel carrier in the picture that was traveling in the opposite direction from all the vehicles.

"What about him? What happened to him?"

Looking at that special troop carrier, Weslin had a helpless smile on his face.

"He...he's special."

"I have a rough idea."

Helen closed her eyes and sorted out all the information in her mind, then opened her eyes and looked at the men waiting at the door, "Install the equipment and prepare for analysis."

Then he looked at Weslin and said, "Notify all the warriors who have come out of the suppression field to assemble!"

"They need a break."

"I needed first-hand knowledge of the sleep fix."

Facing Helen's sharp and narrow eyes, Weslin smiled bitterly and said, "I understand, I will cooperate with your work."

"As for him..." Helen looked at the android warrior numbered 95B27 on the screen, "Leave it at the end, his situation cannot be used as a general reference."

"Academician Helen..." Weslin said hesitantly.

"Anything else?"

"I've heard some rumors about you..."



She was obviously an extremely beautiful woman, but it was rare that she could not give people any thoughts. Weslin sighed in his heart and finished speaking in one breath.

"95B27 is an excellent warrior. We are planning to announce his remarkable feats of saving many warriors tomorrow. So if possible... I hope your research will not harm him."

Helen was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I know...but please keep it secret until I finish my research."

Hang on to someone ~ a book written by a brother——

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