Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 83 is about to be released

I've said it before, but I'd better open a separate chapter to talk about it specifically...

Tomorrow Wednesday, March 15th, will be on the shelves on time at 12 noon. Five chapters will be released first, and four chapters will be released every day for half a month.

To be honest, I do have some manuscripts on hand at the moment, but four updates a day has exceeded my limit. I can only write three chapters every day with all my strength. The only reason I can publish four chapters is because of the manuscripts I have saved for the new book issue. After all, it is just a part-time job. .

Keeping some manuscripts on hand allows me to have a little room for maneuver in plot arrangements, and if I can't write the text one day, I won't have to write it all just to update it.

Regarding adding updates... I can only say that I have tried my best to update, and it is difficult to add updates.

But it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any——

The first update of the alliance leader, 11 silver, 150 gold... (I guess there is no reward, let’s settle the rules first~)

I still have some saved manuscripts on hand, so if I give a reward, I will add it on the same day. The gold does not count, and there are not so many saved manuscripts, so the water will flow slowly.

Then...please subscribe~

[This book has entered a new stage. Faced with the upcoming release, you decide...]

A:【Automatically subscribe! 】

B: [Automatically subscribe + vote hard! 】

C: [Automatically subscribe + vote hard + reward support! 】

D: [There is no obtuse angle! 】

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