Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 52: Forum Id: Chen Ji Tang Hongdou! Shocked Pei Liang: How Come I Have So Many Sons At Such

Chapter 52: Forum ID: Chen Ji Tang Hongdou! Shocked Pei Liang: I am so young, why do I have so many sons?! (Kneeling to subscribe!!!)


The moment Shu Wanqing saw the large and miserable corpse, she felt her scalp go numb.

Qincheng is not too big,

Such things as dead people are not common.

And more than 20 people died in one breath... It may not be possible to meet once in a few years!

"What happened?" After the shock, Shu Wanqing couldn't help being curious.

If an ordinary girl encountered such a situation, she would have been frightened to kick the accelerator and run as far as she could.

But Shu Wanqing was different, she was extraordinarily courageous.

In addition, as a "Mage Creator", she usually needs inspiration for writing, and unexpected events like this are undoubtedly an excellent way to stimulate the brain and generate inspiration.

So, driven by curiosity, Shu Wanqing first found a parking space nearby, parked the car, and went straight to the scene of the incident.

Soon, she trotted all the way on her high heels, came to the crowd of onlookers, and squeezed to the front.

Before Shu Wanqing was in the car, she couldn't see clearly,

But right now, when she walked in here, she suddenly discovered that there was actually a space crack not far from those corpses!

"A new copy?" Shu Wanqing couldn't help calling softly.

This kind of space crack is both common and uncommon.

It is common because in the context of job transfers and global dungeons, once a new dungeon appears in a certain place, such a space crack will be born.

After about ten hours, the dungeon tends to stabilize, it will become more "gamified", the cracks will disappear, and it will become something like a "door", becoming the "instance entrance".

When a job changer approaches, it can automatically display information such as "Dungeon Level", "Dungeon Name", and "Difficulty Selection" on the job changer's panel.

And say it's not common,

It's because a small place like Qincheng hasn't had a new dungeon for a long time.

At least in the last month, Shu Wanqing hadn't seen much.

"Could it be that there was an accident during the exploration of the new dungeon that caused so many deaths?" Shu Wanqing muttered in a low voice, speculating on her own.

Generally speaking, the danger level of most dungeons is very low.

Especially for low-level dungeons, the damage Wuxiu suffered in it can be recovered immediately after coming out, let alone cause death.

But before the new dungeon has just formed and has not stabilized,

But it can make people who forcibly break into the inside suffer serious injuries or even die after returning to reality!

Therefore, the official order strictly prohibits any trade unions and individuals from forcing new copies.

However, the new dungeons that first appear often have a lot of bugs. If you are lucky, you may do nothing and drop the best 113 treasures!

Driven by such huge interests, people often risk their lives,

Some people get rich and some people die suddenly.

"Maybe, or maybe not." Beside Shu Wanqing, a burly strange man took over her words at this moment.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Shu Wanqing looked at this man's temperament, guessed that the man was a powerful martial artist, and immediately asked.

"During the investigation just now, the police said that the danger level of this new dungeon is not high." The burly man frowned slightly and said, "Even if there is danger, the entire team cannot be wiped out.

"The matter is very strange, and it cannot be ruled out that the 'Red Name Trade Union' did it secretly.

"Also, in the past three months in Jiangbei Province, the number of new dungeons has increased significantly, and it is estimated that similar things will happen in the future.

Red name union?!

The number of new copies has increased significantly?!

Hearing what the burly man said, Shu Wanqing's heart tightened for a moment.

The former is a notorious extremist terrorist.

The emergence of a large number of new copies will bring great danger to the real world.

If it is in the game, the new dungeon will definitely be liked by the players. It is good to be able to refresh the map and new equipment.

But for real people, it's completely different!

If within a certain period of time, the new dungeon is not cleared once, then there is a certain probability that the monsters inside will invade reality and cause casualties to civilians!

"I hope nothing will happen..." Shu Wanqing prayed silently.

After watching for a while, she also left here, and Chen Yang returned home.

The good mood that had been promoted to the second level of consciousness is not much left now.

Simply put, Shu Wanqing stopped asking her girlfriends to come out for dinner, and instead opened the forum, wanting to share what she saw today.

"Second awakening...Second awakening, how should the mage create second awakening?"

In the hut, Pei Liang is sitting in front of the computer, trying to use the browser to search for content related to "Creator Erjue".

did not expect,

The content that popped up first in the browser was actually not related to "Second Awakening of Master Chuang".

Instead, it was a website called "Qincheng Chuang Master Forum".

Pei Liang couldn't help frowning slightly.

his meow,

The name of this browser is not called "X degree",

Did you get paid?

How to net push these irrelevant websites to yourself?

But soon, after Pei Liang casually glanced at the "Qincheng Chuang Mage Forum", he suddenly found that this website seems to have... something!

"This seems to be specially established for the mage creators in Qincheng [for colleagues agbb] to communicate in it!"

So let's talk about it,

Wouldn't it be easy to solve problems like "Creator's Second Awakening" here?

That's great!

After roughly understanding the function of this forum, Pei Liang didn't hesitate any longer, and hurriedly clicked in.

Then simply register again.

And took a "Chen Ji Tang Hongdou" ID for himself,

Not for anything else, just for a perfect correspondence with the pen name "Zhongyuan Wubai"~

Afterwards, Pei Liang decided to ask a question on the forum, asking the bigwigs how to "get a second sleep"?


Before posting the post, Pei Liang's attention was first attracted by the three top posts in the forum.

Can't blame Pei Liang for being distracted,

Just because the post with the most popularity is named——

["Eternal Sword and Dragon Slayer" vs "Three Musketeers with Broken Arms" are both set to bet on each other!】

"???" On Pei Liang's head, a lot of question marks popped up immediately.

What's the situation?

Why did my own work become the object of gambling in the forum?

And, the heat is still so high?!

Click in and have a look,

Pei Liang was even more surprised.

I found that all the Netizens who created Mage inside seemed to be themselves, or fans of the "Five Hundreds of Central Plains".

In order to see whether "Yitian" can defeat "Three Swords" on the day it ends,

Can't fight to open glue.

"Oh.... If I had known earlier, I would have made a bet." Pei Liang rubbed his chin, deeply regretful.

When the time comes, I will deliberately make less and more, delay it for two days, and win for sure~

After browsing this gambling post, Pei Liang looked down and saw the second most popular post.

whose name is—

[Analysis of Rational Discussion on Martial Arts, "Shooting the Condor" Trilogy's Top Ten Strength Rankings]

With a cursory glance,

For a moment, Pei Liang thought that he had traveled back to the earth in his previous life to post, right?

This Nima, the taste is too similar!

For fun, Pei Liang also posted a post here:

[Chenji Tang Hongdou: When it comes to the value of military power, I feel that in terms of actual combat alone, it must be counted alone. The several realms of Dugu Qiubai clearly showed the process of his progress in force.

[From sharp swords, to software, to heavy swords, to wooden swords, and finally to no sword. In the period of no sword, Dugu Qiubai realized the martial arts concept of "no sword is better than a sword" that surpasses all the world, and it is the best in the world, and it deserves its name!]

And after typing this paragraph and sending it out,

In less than a few tens of seconds, several posts "唰唰唰" appeared quickly:

['Zhang Sanfeng Taijiquan': You can pull me down! Have you seen the "Trilogy"? Dugu Qiubai hasn't even shown his face, is he the number one in the world? It's all about himself, he What record?]

['Dark Clouds': That's it! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! On martial arts! You have to look at our Guo Jing! The actual combat record is just one word, awesome!]

【'Qiankunmo your sister': Guo Jing? Hahaha! What examples did I think you could give? You’re fooling around for a long time! I, Zhang Wuji’s Nine Suns Magic Art, can beat you Guo Jing and vomit blood with one palm, do you believe it?! 】


This group of old buddies on the post bar...... Uh, uh, no, it is the fighting power of this group of old buddies on the forum, a bit strong, can't stand it, can't stand it...

Pei Liang immediately withdrew from this post,

By the way, I clicked on the third most popular post.

The name of this post is nothing special, but the content inside makes Pei Liang call it "Fuck"!

【'Han Ye Slowly': Wubai is big! Can you see it? I want to give you an old age! Take me as a foster son!】

【'Wubai kisses his son online': Wubai father! Father! Please!! Teach me to write a book! My girlfriend and I belong to you! I don’t want to work hard anymore!】

【'Three hundred catties fat tank': Wubai's dear father! Accept my worship! I am wandering and accompanied by life, but it is a pity that I have not met the Ming Lord! Today...  ]


"Good guy... I... didn't even know I had so many sons and daughters outside!" Pei Liang couldn't laugh or cry.

No wonder,

This is the first time I visit this forum, Pei Liang somehow feels like going home?

It turned out to be because of this!

The children are gathered together!

Reasonable, reasonable!

"Everyone really knows how to work hard." Pei Liang smiled and shook his head.

Then, he continued to scroll down.

This time, a post titled "Sudden! An E-level trade union in Jing'an District took the risk to forcefully refresh the dungeon, and all members died! Suspected that there is a 'red-name trade union'!], which caught Pei Liang's attention.

Especially the words "Red Name Union" really made him very curious.

Afterwards, Pei Liang quickly read through the content of this post,

I roughly understood what happened.

The comments below the post are even more exciting and informative:

['Yulan Killing Sword': So far, no one from the 'Red Name Union' has appeared in our city, so the cause of this incident is still a mystery. 】

['Poetry and wine while taking advantage of the years': But for safety reasons, I decided to stay at home recently. 】

['I'm excited for the female ghost card TV': Speaking of the emergence of new dungeons... combined with the recent large-scale emergence of new dungeons in other cities in our province, I suspect that there is a 'duplicate group' that is opening. For Wuxiu in our city, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. 】

['Chenji Tang Hongdou': Big guys, what is a "duplicate group"? 】

['One Night's Merry Night': Huh? You don't understand the dungeon group? Oh, Mengxin, it's okay. Let me popularize it for you.

[The so-called dungeon group refers to the new dungeons of the same category that explode in a certain area within a short period of time. The new copy of this category is called a copy group. It's a very headache. after a while

In two days, the province may issue an announcement, you can pay attention to it then. 】

['Chenji Tang Hongdou': Oh! Got it! Thank you for your explanation!]

Pei Liang, who took the opportunity to gain new knowledge, silently wrote down the concept of "duplicate group", and then continued to post.

Not to mention, the people in this forum are talented and interesting, Pei Liang was soon immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

until an hour later.

He found that his eyes were a little sore, so he gave up.

But when he exited the forum and was about to take a short break, Pei Liang was suddenly taken aback:

"Huh? Wait... I seem to have forgotten to do something..."

I froze for several seconds,

Pei Liang finally remembered, and then slapped his forehead:

"What the hell... I'm here to ask Master Creator how he fell asleep...

"Why are you brushing and brushing, and lost the business?"

This feeling... It's like in the previous life, in order to write a novel, and then use Douyin to find material.

In the first five minutes, I was watching hot news or something,

But in the next two hours, I don't know when it turned into black silk long legs and small waist...... Outrageous!

Pei Liang, who came back to his senses, opened the forum again at the moment.

Follow up with a serious post asking:

[Bosses, I am new and asking for advice, how does Master Chuang wake up?]


This post was rushed to the bottom by those "on martial arts posts" in a blink of an eye.

Five minutes later,

Pei Liang was stunned and couldn't wait for someone to answer him.

Just when he thought this post would sink to the bottom.

Suddenly, a reply appeared:

【Xiao Shu can’t see clearly: Newcomer, hello, do you want to ask about the ‘Second Awakening of Master Chuang’?】

Pei Liang saw that someone answered him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he typed immediately:

[Chenji Tang Hongdou: Yes, boss! Adorable newbie!]

This time, the other party didn't reply immediately, but about two minutes later, a 200-word reply appeared on the screen:

[Xiao Shu can't see clearly: It's actually very simple. The awakening of our mages and martial monks are all in the "Zone Awakening Center"

[If you want to apply, remember to bring your ID card.

[And because of the particularity of the 'Mage Creator', in order to protect the information security of the 'Mage Creator', the awakening is carried out in a confined space.

[At the same time, before processing, you must first sign the 'Confidentiality Agreement' with the staff before continuing to process.

【By the way, teachers will say these things before graduation, don’t you know?】

I'm still far from graduation Pei Liang muttered in his heart, and then replied:

[Chenji Tang Hongdou: I'm sorry....... I didn't pay attention to listen at the time, slipped away. 】

[Xiao Shu can’t see clearly: So it’s like this... Then I can’t blame you, it’s because the teacher is too irresponsible. Generally speaking, the teacher will put these things in the form of words,

issued to each student. I guess your teacher didn't do that. 】

Isn’t Teacher Shu responsible? Pei Liang recalled Shu Wanqing’s earnest and diligent appearance in class. He really couldn’t draw such a conclusion, so he immediately replied:

[Chenji Tang Hongdou: No...don't blame the teacher, our teacher is very nice, it's all my problem. Big brother, thank you so much. 】

[Xiao Shu can't see clearly: Haha, you're welcome, we are both Qincheng's mage creation masters, and we should help each other. Look at your forum level, it seems that there is only one level, are you new to it?


[Chenji Tang Hongdou: Yes, I just registered today. Seeing that there are big bosses in the forum, Mengxin shivered and dared not speak. 】

【Xiao Shu can't see clearly: Haha, don't say that, "Everyone is very interesting.】

I don't know if the other party is naturally gentle and intellectual, or if he really hits it off with me, Pei Liang and this netizen with the ID [Xiao Shu can't see clearly], the more they chat, the more interesting they become.

After getting acquainted with each other, Pei Liang also took the opportunity to ask each other about the "Red Name Union".

And this "Xiao Shu" didn't think too much, and directly popularized it for Pei Liang.

[Xiao Shu can't see clearly: the so-called "red trade union"...]

ps: This chapter and the previous chapter, pave the way, pull the follow-up world view, and then ensure a fast pace. Every awakening ends with tens of thousands of words. Thank you all! Thanks too

Thank you for your patience! I will do my best to present the stories in my heart to all veterans!

Another update at 7pm!.

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