Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 58: Pei Liang's First Kill! One Palm! Send You On Your Way!

Chapter 58: Pei Liang's first kill! A slap! Send you on your way!

Zhao Yan was stunned,

Unexpectedly, this big boy in front of me who looks like he is still in high school actually said that he wants a second sleep?!

"How old are you this year?!" She wanted to confirm the age of the other party, so she asked in surprise,

But the other party didn't answer directly, but scratched his head and said with a smile: "Sister, do we have to sign a non-disclosure agreement first?"

"Oh yes yes yes!" Zhao Yan slapped her thigh, "Look at my memory!"

While talking, she took a futuristic electronic screen from her desk and placed it in front of her.

"The confidentiality agreement can be signed here."

She pointed to a small blank space on the electronic screen, and then said,

"The next step is to explain to you some details of the 'Non-Disclosure Agreement' according to the workflow.

"This is actually mainly aimed at those of us who work.

"After all, only us have the opportunity to have access to the personal information of you 'Mage Creators'.

"If any of us caused a leak,

"Once found out, they will be punished with extremely serious penalties, starting with 30 years, with no upper limit.

"Not only that, we are also implanted with nano-robots. During the process of leaking secrets, we will immediately be controlled by nano-robots and lose consciousness.

"In this way, criminals will use illegal means to prevent the possibility of asking Chuanger for information.

"To ensure that your personal information is 100% protected."

While talking, Zhao Yan found that the other party had written her name—Pei Liang—with her fingers.

Finish these.

Zhao Yan continued: "Please give me your ID card, then face this camera and stare at it for three seconds."

"Okay." Pei Liang immediately complied. While handing over his ID card, he looked at the camera on the side of "710" and exchanged glances with one of them.

Opposite the window.

"You...you... are only eighteen years old?!!" After seeing the date of birth on Pei Liang's ID card, Zhao Yan swallowed hard.

Eighteen...that means the other party is just in his third year of high school!

It also means that the other party has just awakened to the profession of creating a mage...less than a month!

And now, the other party wants to take a second look!!!

What kind of concept is this?!!

Zhao Yan has been in the industry for ten years, and it took a year and a month to meet a genius who awakened the fastest!



After calming down a bit, Zhao Yan asked again in surprise: "Student Pei... are you sure you want to sleep?"

"Yes." Pei Liang looked serious.

"Then follow the process." Zhao Yan stared into Pei Liang's eyes and said, "Please expand your career panel, and we will give you a second sleep after checking the information.'

"Okay." Pei Liang directly displayed the panel without hesitation.

Display your own level information, your pen name and other personal information on "Tianqi.com".

Seeing this, Zhao Yan hurriedly opened her eyes wide, wanting to make sure that the other party was not joking.

Soon, she saw the bright "Level 30", and couldn't help taking a breath of air.

This shows that the other party is indeed not joking, but is seriously about to have a second sleep!

But...it doesn't make sense!

According to common sense... students who have just awakened as Mage Creators should still be sweeping the rankings at this stage!

Very few geniuses probably just reached the threshold of signing.

And people like Pei Liang... I am afraid that there is no possibility except in a dream!

With wonder and curiosity,

Zhao Yan continued to move her gaze,

Look towards the "pen name" and "personal works" at the bottom of the panel.

but watch and watch,

Her vision suddenly froze!

In the eyes, the pupils vibrated uncontrollably!

The mouth is like being stuffed into a big light bulb, unable to close for a long time.

This state lasted for seven or eight seconds.

Only then did Zhao Yan recover from the extreme shock and stammered to Pei Liang: "You...you...you are...just... ....The Five Days of the Central Plains?!!!"

"Yes, it's me, big sister." Pei Liang nodded seriously.


Zhao Yan's head seemed to be filled with thousands of thunderbolts, which flashed in an instant!

This is definitely the most incredible day for her today, no, her entire career, or her entire life!!!

how could she think,

The author of "The Condor Shooting Trilogy" is actually a senior high school student who has just awakened for less than a month!!

How could she think of it!

Just such an unremarkable weekend!!

I actually saw the real "Five Whites of Central Plains"!!!


Too Nima outrageous!!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The 32-year-old Zhao Yan couldn't help screaming in the sealed workshop.

No way, she was too excited, too excited, too happy!

As a loyal fan of "Shooting the Condors" and a super fan of "Five Whites of the Central Plains"!

She can't control herself at all!!!

"It's really you! You are Da Da Zhongyuan Wubai!!" If it weren't for the bulletproof glass between the two, Zhao Yan would have climbed over the table and threw Pei Liang down.

Thanks to this layer of bulletproof glass, Zhao Yan finally calmed down.

With her trembling hands, handle the "second sleep" for Pei Liang.

After that, the process of awakening was nothing special.

Under Zhao Yan's guidance, Pei Liang opened a door on the side of the room. After entering, he found a huge machine with a height of two meters inside.

Pei Liang walked into it alone, followed the fingerprints, put on the peepers, and closed his eyes.

After silently reading "3, 2, 1",

He was told by Zhao Yan that he had succeeded in the second sleep.

"Is it so amazing?" Pei Liang played a meme about Xiao Yueyue from his previous life to express his current mood.

He thought how cool Erjue would be,

I didn't expect it to be so "plain and unpretentious".

Afterwards, Pei Liang first expressed his thanks to Zhao Yan, and then left here amidst the other party's shouts of "I love you, Wubai!" and "Go slowly, Wubai".

Seeing the figure of Pei Liang leave, Zhao Yan was still immersed in the joy and excitement of seeing the idol himself.

And, I can't wait to immediately reveal this big secret that only she knows,

Announce to all!


The "Confidentiality Agreement" is already effective immediately after signing.

Zhao Yan is doomed to keep this secret in her stomach forever.

Alas! Lanshou!

Go back to the lobby.

Pei Liang found that the two friends hadn't come out yet.

Waited almost another five minutes.

Only then did I see Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan, who looked happy, walking out from the corridor side by side.

"Old Pei, I've been waiting for a long time!" Wang Sheng put his arms around Pei Liang's shoulders, "Dude!

"From now on, I will cover you!"

Qin Yanyan came over at the same time, and put her arms around Pei Liang's waist: "Sisters, you've woken up too.

"Cover you!"

"All right, all right, I'll be there for you!" Pei Liang laughed.

Remaining time.

Driven by Wang Sheng, he took Pei Liang and Qin Yanyan to the shopping mall in the city center, watched a movie, and had a big meal.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon before the end of the day's trip.

on the road,

The heavy rain is still there.

Pedestrians are in twos and threes, and there are not many cars.

The location of Pei Liang's house is relatively remote.

At this moment, when passing through a construction site of unfinished buildings, there is not even a single person in sight.

"It's raining too much." Wang Sheng complained while holding the steering wheel.

Although the wipers have been turned to the maximum, the front is still blurred.

"Thanks to the fact that this place is poor and run-down with few people, otherwise it would be really dangerous." Pei Liang was sitting in the passenger seat, talking casually.

He planned to take advantage of this time to open the panel to see what books were in the corresponding library after the second sleep.

But now I have enough food and drink, and this car is indeed quite comfortable.

It made him feel a little drowsy, and he thought about it when he got home.


Just when Pei Liang was about to close his eyes and prepare to take a nap.


The whole car was hit from behind by something, causing him to lean forward in an instant. Fortunately, he was protected by a seat belt, otherwise...

Otherwise, he would have to expose his super high combat power in front of two good friends!

"Damn, rear-end chase?!" Wang Sheng couldn't help being a little impatient,

This is a car borrowed from his mother,

If it was really crashed, I can't explain it when I go home!

"Old Wang, Yanyan, you two are waiting for me in the car, I'll take care of it." After speaking, Wang Sheng grabbed a folding umbrella, opened the door and got out of the car.

Pei Liang looked through the rearview mirror, and he could roughly see that he was rear-ended just now, which was a white van.

Then, I saw the door of the van open again,

Three or four people came out of it,

The weird thing is,

In this rainy weather, these people didn't even hold an umbrella.

What surprised Pei Liang even more was that those few people suddenly attacked without any warning!!

Two use fists, the other two use feet!

I can't help but say it right now,

With lightning speed, they attacked Wang Sheng together!

And as soon as he makes a move, it's all killer moves!

"Grass!!" Qin Yanyan also saw the same scene, "Old Pei!! Stay in the car and don't move!"

After finishing speaking, she jumped out of the car and joined the battle...

Although no one in the trio knew what was going on, how could there be time to think about it?

If you hesitate for a second, you may be killed!

And the four people on the opposite side are obviously not ordinary people.

At least in the second sleep!

Otherwise, Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan, who are invincible at once, how could ordinary martial arts be their single-handed enemies?

Seeing that the two sides were evenly matched, Wang Sheng and Yanyan were able to deal with it with ease, and there was no danger of injury, so Pei Liang temporarily put down his plan to go to help.

Prepare to wait for the two to fall into a disadvantage before making a move.

But several people were hitting and hitting, dodging and chasing all the way, and ran out of sight.

Pei Liang had no choice but to get out of the car and follow.

But the front foot just hit the ground.

On the side of the road, another small car suddenly rushed out and hit him!

But Pei Liang's reaction was faster, with a little movement of his vast internal force, he flew into the air and dodged him lightly.

And the car flew past Pei Liang's feet, then made another beautiful flick, and stopped in the middle of the road.

Then, two tall and short people wearing peaked caps came out of the car.

"This rainy day made us take a step back." The short man spoke first.

"But it's okay." The tall man said with a sinister smile, "It just so happens that there is a little lamb that can be slaughtered for wine."

"But judging by his appearance, he is not the person in the photo." The short man doubted.

"It doesn't matter

. The tall man laughed, "Then solve it quickly, and then help kill those two."

between two people talking,

He kept walking, approaching Pei Liang step by step.

When they were twenty meters away from them, one of them said, "Boy, I didn't intend to kill you.

"If you want to blame, blame your two friends.

"Just in time, you can die with me."

After finishing speaking, the tall man suddenly rose up, took a big step, and directly attacked Pei Liang!

Both of them are masters in the early stage of Erjue,

In the face of a senior high school student, even if only one person makes a move, how can there be any reason to hold it?

In fact, when their "Holy Spirit Union" drove out with Wang Sheng this morning, only a few people who were close to the full level were dispatched.

But unexpectedly, these three high school students actually drove all the way to the "Awakening Center"!

Although the "Awakening Center" has a wide range of businesses, it cannot be ruled out that these people did not come to "Second Awakening".

In addition, Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan in the car are both "geniuses" who appeared in the photo yesterday.

That's more worthy of attention!

So, just to be on the safe side, this group of members of the "Red Name Labor Union" took advantage of Pei Liang's time when they were eating and watching a movie, and asked the upper management to call the six members of the early second awakening

Four of them are in the van, and the other two are the opponents Kuo Jing needs to deal with now.

And although these two people are only in the early stage of "Second Awareness", their level is not 1.1, which is considered very high.

But facing a martial artist who is suspected to be just at the second level, and has not yet learned any system, any martial arts, and his combat power is no different from that of a dream, they are still very confident!

"Go to hell!!" the tall man was yelling, his figure was already approaching Pei Liang.

Then a fist suddenly swung out,

Straight to Pei Liang's face!

If Pei Liang just had an ordinary sleep, and he took this punch hard, his head would explode and be blown into a ball of paste!


Something unexpected happened to the tall man with the peaked cap!

At the moment when the other party was about to be hit, he turned to one side at random, and unexpectedly dodged his powerful punch with ease!

"Huh?!" The tall man in the peaked cap was shocked.

Even if a martial artist is practicing the "Three Swords" system, it is absolutely impossible for him to avoid this punch in such a short period of time!

And at the moment when he was in a trance.

A palm waved straight, accompanied by the sound of a dragon's roar, and hit his chest.



He flew upside down,

Along the route when he came, he fell heavily to the ground.

Just right at the feet of his shorter companion!

After the body twitched twice, there was no more movement.

If you take a closer look, you can find that this person's nose is bleeding, his eyes are wide open, and he has died suddenly!!

"?!!!" The short man in the peaked cap was completely stunned by this sudden scene.

What the hell is this high school student?!!


Killed a companion who was similar in strength to him with just one punch?!!

This is so unreasonable!!!

ps: A fresh chapter is here!! Begging to subscribe!!! There will be more at 7pm!! Thank you! Thank you!.

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