Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 82: Only One Night! The "Ghost Slayer" System Is A Smash Hit!

Chapter 82: It only takes one night! The "Ghost Slayer" system is sold out!

Due to the fact that there are too few comic authors in the Creator,

As for other novel creators, the attention paid to comics is almost zero.

So even if there is any explosion in the "comic circle",

In this "provincial forum" where the novel creators are the absolute main body, it is often difficult to make any waves.

This makes the work "Demon Slayer: Blade", although it has exploded in the circle of cartoonists,

But in this "Provincial Chuang Mage Forum", no one knows about it.

But with this thank-you letter from the "Provincial Headquarters Alliance", the airborne forum was placed at the top of the page.

This manga titled "Ghost Slayer: Blade" blew up the entire forum in an instant!

['One word breaks the sky': Damn it!!! I originally thought that anyone who could respond to the 'Provincial Federation' and add the corresponding restraint 'ghost dungeon' setting in their works... would be outrageous enough.

【But I never imagined that there is actually a giant who can directly create a hit comic with this!】

['I think you look like a dog': I write novels full-time, but I probably also know the hard work and difficulties of some comic writers.

[If you want to draw a hit manga in such a short period of time, in a way that is almost "propositional composition"! This is so... It is unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future!]

['Baichuan East to the Sea': It's too crazy to imagine! Not to mention, just the fact that it took two days to become popular... I feel that I was very shocked! Isn't this the "Central Plains Five Whites" in the comic circle?]

['If I have an afterlife': Don't say it! You really don't want to say it! It seems that you really mean it! Now there are really great gods appearing frequently! First of all, in my novel circle, the "Central Plains Five, One, Four, and White" Tubang style suppresses everything!

[Now in the manga circle, another "Ogishi Kudori Fu" has been born! Awesome, awesome! Are we going to enter the "Golden Age" when we create a circle of mages?!]

While exclaiming, someone deliberately ran to "Tianqi.com", found this "Blade of Ghost Slayer" in Erjue's comic book library, and quickly browsed it.

I want to see with my own eyes, what is this masterpiece that ignited the circle of mage creation masters in the whole province!

Not long after,

Soon, the first group of mage creators who had a rough reading of "Ghost Slayer" rushed back to "report the military situation":

['Time is a river': I just took a rough look! Tsk tsk, it’s really good! I usually don’t read many comics, but I probably know the quality of them. And this "Ghost Slayer >> is undoubtedly playing all the comics of Erjue!】

['Starlight is like you': That's right! Just compare it casually, and you can probably tell! Take the "Moon Night Love Sword Legend", which is the second in the serial list, for example. As a layman like me, I can tell at a glance that the two are one heaven and the other underground!

[I really have the feeling when I compare it with other novels after reading "The Condor Shooting Trilogy"! It's not on the same level at all!】

【‘Xiao Shu can’t see clearly: Is it really so beautiful? I want to go and see what you said. 】

【'Wind and Rough': Upstairs, I’m not a human to lie to you! Really! You can go and have a look, it’s definitely worth it!】

Seeing the reply given by the netizen whose ID is "Wind and Rough", Shu Wanqing couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Don't hesitate now,

Unfold the panel directly, and enter the "comics area" that she may not click into several times a year,

Soon, Shu Wanqing found this "Blade of Ghost Slayer" on Erjue's serialization list.

With a bit of curiosity, Shu Wanqing began to look through it from the beginning.

And this reading is two hours.

It was almost 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and because she had finished reading the latest chapter, she had to log out from the main text page.

"It looks good!" Afterwards, Shu Wanqing gave this evaluation from the bottom of her heart.

Although, she feels that this "Ghost Slayer" is not comparable to "The Condor Shooting Trilogy" in terms of the plot alone.

But while watching,

But Shu Wanqing submerged herself in it unconsciously, being constantly moved by the characters inside!

Laugh for them, cry for them.

Especially at the end, when she saw that "Yanzhu·Purgatory Xingshoulang" died before dawn, Shu Wanqing couldn't help but shed tears, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart

"No wonder you can achieve such results...it should be so!"

After sighing with emotion, Shu Wanqing really wanted to share this work with everyone who hadn't seen it yet,

So, Shu Wanqing quickly scanned the friend list of the forum, and found a few IDs that were displayed as "offline".

Among them was "Chenji Tang Hongdou", who had just asked her a question a few hours ago,

"This manga called "Ghost Slayer: Blade" is recommended to you, I hope you like it!"

After posting, Shu Wanqing returned to the homepage of the forum, watching everyone continue to brag about "Ogishi Kutori Fu" there.

12 midnight.

The lighting is not very bright in the hut.

"It's finally done!" Pei Liang breathed a sigh of relief after finishing the last stroke on the last page of the last chapter of the twelfth volume.

Even if he is just "copying" the painting;

Even if he has the professional talent blessing of "Creator Master";

Even though he still has super buffs such as "Blessing of a Comic Body"...

But it takes only a few hours a day to complete the workload of others for nearly a year... still makes Pei Liang feel quite tired mentally.

Fortunately, he only needs a good night's sleep to recover.

At the moment, after uploading the latest four scrolls, Pei Liang plans to wash up and go to bed immediately.

But the phone rang suddenly at this moment.

Taking a closer look, Hei discovered that someone had sent him a private message on the "Province and City Forum".

"Who could it be?" Pei Liang picked up the phone and opened it.

It turned out to be that "Sister Xiaoshu".

And the content of the message surprised him even more.

"You actually recommended "Ghost Slayer" to me?"

This feeling was amazing, and Pei Jing couldn't help but smile.

After reading this private message, Pei Liang also glanced at the home page of the forum.

Immediately, he saw something even more unexpected——

"[Provincial Federation of Trade Unions: Special thanks to the god 'Ogishi Kudori'!!!]?"

When this extremely popular post at the top of the page came into view, Pei Liang wondered if his eyes were dazzled?

Otherwise, how could he see his pseudonym in the manga section appear here?!

And it has also become the object of gratitude of the "Provincial Federation of Trade Unions"?

In order to find out what happened, Pei Liang immediately clicked into the post to have a look.

After reading the whole article, he finally knew the reason.

And for the fact that he was specially thanked by the "Provincial Federation of Trade Unions"... To be honest, Pei Liang is still very happy!

At the beginning, he chose "Ghost Slayer" as the second-sleep work, not only because he wanted to rely on this work to quickly get three-sleep.

Another part of the reason is that he wants to use the "Ghost Slayer" system to solve the various problems and difficulties that the "ghost and shadow copy group" has brought to the entire Jiangbei.

Although in essence, Pei Liang's heart is not so ambitious, he also knows that he is just a little shrimp with two senses now.

It is not his turn to save the country and the people.

However, as a good young man who grew up under the red flag, the education Pei Liang has received over the past ten years still makes him willing to lend a helping hand wherever he can to help those in need.

"Then since the Provincial Headquarters has sent a letter of thanks...then the sales of my "Ghost Slayer" system..."

While being happy, Pei Liang suddenly thought of this, and immediately opened the panel.


【Congratulations! Wuxiu 'Chen Ze' purchased your "Ghost Slayer" system!】

【Congratulations! Wuxiu 'Liu Nan' bought your "Ghost Slayer" system!】

【Congratulations! Wuxiu 'Chen Feng' bought your "Ghost Slayer" system!】


There are countless "purchase" prompts, filling the entire panel in an instant!

Look at the specific sales data:


Pei Liang remembers that when he just got home this evening, he was just vulgar!

And now only a few hours have passed,

Sales soared more than three thousand times!

And, this number is still increasing!

"Good deeds are not for nothing!" A big smile appeared on Pei Liang's face.

This kind of win-win situation has always been what he is most willing to see.

I am very happy~~~

And before going to bed, Pei Liang took another look at the uniform order.

Found that the subscription has reached 550,000!

Officially surpassed "Moon Night Love Sword" and reached the top of the serial list!

In this regard, Pei Liang was not too surprised,

It's not right if it doesn't exceed it!

"550,000 average bookings... I still can't last a day after all..."

In a luxury villa,

Su Youming sighed softly while looking at the subscription data of "Ghost Slayer".


Her mood at the moment doesn't seem to be as uncomfortable as she imagined...

"Being surpassed by a masterpiece of historical level like "Ghost Slayer"...it seems nothing..."

Anyway, she was surpassed...and she wasn't the only one.

Su Youming reckoned... Following this momentum, one of the top few comics in the total subscription list counts as one, and no one can escape!

"That is to say, what's so embarrassing about losing to "Ghost Slayer"? Others don't have the qualifications to lose!"

Thinking of this, Su Youming not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but also faintly proud...

Even the waist straightened up unconsciously!

Well, I, Su Youming, really deserve to be a genius!

To be able to be defeated by the great god "Ogishi Kudori Tomi",

Great, really great!

And just when her mental activities were infinitely rich, a reminder on the panel that "the follow-up work "Ghost Slayer" has been updated" suddenly popped up.

"It's already 12 o'clock! "Ghost Slayer" has been updated!"

After reading this prompt, Su Youming immediately collected her thoughts, manipulated the panel, and came to the chapter page of "Ghost Slayer", and then couldn't wait to open the latest volume that was freshly released, and began to read it with relish.

An hour flies by,

She read all four volumes in one go.

"It's still as beautiful as ever!"

Su Youming lay halfway on the big bed, sighing with emotion, while looking at the ceiling, reminiscing about the plot of the latest four volumes of "Ghost Slayer".

First, the well-dressed and somewhat unreliable sound column appeared on the stage.

Then the three little ones were forcibly taken away, and they were asked to disguise themselves as women and sneak into the flower street.

And the three little ones are also full of jokes, and the whole story is extremely relaxed, which makes people laugh.

But later, because of the appearance of Fallen Princess and Taro the prostitute, the plot becomes tense in an instant!

Fortunately, the sound column showed super fighting power, and the three little ones also broke out separately, killing the string ghost and his younger sister.

Double kill!

During the period, the gorgeous "Breath of Sound", the unexpected "God of Fire Kagura", and the explosive "Speed ​​of a Thunderbolt" all made Shu Wan clear her mind.


I am amazed by the extraordinary creativity of "Ogishi Kudori" and admire the expressive painting skills of the other party!

"Let me just say...it is something to be proud of losing to 'Ogishi Kudori'!"

Su Youming, who has always been proud, straightened her back and said to herself.

After reading the latest chapter of the manga, Su Youming clicked on the comment area as usual.

I saw the innumerable number of comic reviews, like snowflakes all over the sky, filling her entire field of vision in an instant:

[01:04, 'Dogs don't even need notebooks': Cool!! It's so cool!! Fuck, today's four volumes are so cool! I thought the sound column was very weak! No

Thinking of exploding, it’s so fierce!]

[01:04, 'I think you're hopeless': Haha! The sound column has three wives! Shanyi is so envious! In this situation, I suddenly want to recite a poem

, I don’t envy mandarin ducks, I don’t envy immortals, I envy the sound column every day!】

[01:04, 'This is not the end': Having said that, Shanyi's 'Speed ​​of Thunderbolt' is too handsome!!! Damn! I have to admire the author

The painting skills!! That impact! I feel like I'm about to explode out of the screen at 4.9! Awesome!!!]

【01:04, 'I would like to eat dog food for you': I am worthy of being my sleeping pillar! When I close my eyes, I am invincible! If Wu Mi comes, I will get two knives! Hahaha!】

【01:04, good-hearted people, please give me some food’: What a goddamn ‘sleeping pillar’! Hahaha! Then, wouldn’t Tanjiro be called a ‘head pillar’?

The head is so hard! And today’s head is also a proper MVP! That ‘God of Fire Kagura’ looks so fierce!]

[01:04, 'One hundred thousand troops follow me': not only the 'God of Fire Kagura'! The scar that suddenly deformed on the forehead is also very powerful! I don't know what it is

West! Looking forward to the update of the boss of "Ogishi Kutori" soon!]

After reading all these positive reviews, Su Youming didn't forget to grab the digital tablet, planning to copy the "Ghost Slayer" manga one by one as before, and use it as a future

For courseware.

But then she suddenly remembered———

"Tomorrow seems to be a novel class... I'm taking a break."

In this way, it seems that I am not in a hurry. I have plenty of time to paint tomorrow.

"Then let's sleep well tonight." Su Youming had just made up his mind,

But she suddenly remembered something:

"No... Tomorrow is Wanqing's class... She is in competition with me now.

"I can't let her 'strike' Pei Liang!

"Just in case......... tomorrow morning I have to secretly go to school to have a look! Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win all battles!

"Well, that's it, go to sleep!"

ps: Thank you guys for subscribing!!! The little brother was so moved that he had to hurry up and type to repay!! Beg for subscription!

Still at 7pm!.

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