Writing Books For All People: Only I Can Reproduce Online Articles

Chapter 86: Unable To Pass? ! Crisis! ! ! Variation Acceleration? ! !

Chapter 86: Crisis!!! Mutation Acceleration?!!

Wang Sheng's injuries are extremely serious at this time,

If it is not still in the copy space,

I am afraid that he can directly launch "turn right" from the ICU and send it to the morgue downstairs, there is no need for rescue +!

And not just him!

On the right side, Qin Yanyan's legs were cut off at the knees, the white bone balls were clearly visible, and a huge blood hole was pierced through her abdomen, bloody and bloody - extremely terrifying.

But she is still persisting, supporting the ground with her last strength, unwilling to fall down.

On the left side of Wang Sheng,

Cheng Miaoyu's situation is the best. She was cut off by the opposite boss "Zombie King" with her arms and shoulders. Although she bled a lot, she was still able to stand up and barely fight

None of the three of them thought of it!

The difficulty of the eleventh sub-dunge is so ridiculously high!

Although, the difficulty of the dungeon increases according to the gradient.

The further you go, the harder it will be to fight.

But here they are,

The feedback ratio of the system has been increasing, and now it has reached 70%!

Moreover, the level of "Complete Concentration·Changzhong" was pulled down to the highest level, and at the same time, he learned "zebras"!

Under the premise that it skyrocketed several times during the battle,

Still no match for the Zombie King!

The three teamed up to fight the Zombie King for a full 40 minutes!

Cut off the opponent's head eight times during this period!

It's useless!

After the other party loses his head, not only can he move as usual, but he can also grow a new head later!


The opponent's regenerative ability is also ridiculously strong!

In the past, after other mobs were slashed by the Sun Wheel Knife, their wounds were difficult to heal for a long time.

But this "Zombie King" seemed to have been given a stimulant,

It's back to normal in a blink of an eye!

That's it,

Relying on the almost immortal super metamorphic regeneration ability,

Plus the inexplicable skyrocketing speed and strength,

This Zombie King boss dragged Wang Sheng and the three of them to the brink of life and death through a 40-minute dust battle!

At this moment, because it was cut off by Cheng Miaoyu, it is in temporary stiffness,

And according to experience, there are more than 20 seconds,

it grows new heads,

By the time,

Whether it was Wang Sheng, Qin Yanyan, or Cheng Miaoyu, there was only one dead end.

"Sister Cheng...do you know what's going on?!" Wang Sheng was still spitting out blood, and the piercing pain made him almost faint several times.

"I'm not too sure..." Cheng Miaoyu shook her head, but her attention was not on the Zombie King in front of her at the moment, but she was looking around, as if observing the surrounding environment.

"Sister Cheng...... Did you find anything unusual?!" Qin Yanyan asked with difficulty while covering the bloody hole in her stomach.

"Have you noticed...the sky here, the land here, the water here..." Cheng Miaoyu said the abnormality he saw,

"It's all... different from when we first came in?!"

"This?!" Hearing this, both Wang Sheng and Qin Yanyan tried their best to look around them.

Immediately found out…………

It was exactly as Cheng Miaoyu said!

It was originally a dark night sky, but now there are aurora flickering;

The land was covered with green grass before, but now it is withered and yellow

The river water, which was originally clear, is now like ink...

Although, the dungeon world is not reality,

But after stabilizing, everything here will become almost indistinguishable from the real world.

If there is no external force to change, its environment cannot change to such a degree!

This is indeed abnormal,

An unprecedented anomaly!

But several people have not had time to further think about the reasons for these abnormalities.


Boss Zombie King has grown a new head!

Even the dark golden shattered crown recovered by itself with the appearance of the head!


After a deafening roar, Zombie King came directly to kill him,

Kill the three of Wang Sheng who were already dying!

real world,

Outside the illusory light gate.




Three beams of light suddenly appeared.

The figures of Wang Sheng, Qin Yanyan, and Cheng Miaoyu also appeared.

But the thousands of Wuxiu who had been waiting outside did not cheer loudly this time as usual.

Because the "first pass announcement" did not appear.

This shows that the three of them failed to pass the copy of "Chaotic Night Zombie King"!


If it is normal, it is really too common for everyone to fail to clear the dungeon.

No one will care.

But at this very moment,

But it is completely different!

Because the three of Wang Sheng...undoubtedly represent the entire Qin City, and can even be said to be the strongest Shangdang combat force in the entire Jiangbei!

If you can't even brush them...

It's even more impossible for others!

According to the news from the "Provincial Federation of Trade Unions"... there are only three days left before the alienation time of the dungeon!

three days later,

If this copy still cannot be passed, and the next three copies are passed.

At that time, the monster will turn fiction into reality and kill reality, which will definitely bring about a big disaster!

"This...... What should I do?! I thought I would go all the way to the end today! But why did such an accident happen!"

"That's right! These three young men are so powerful! They cleared so many dungeons in front of them like a bamboo shoot! Who would have thought that they would be stuck here!"

"Hey.....There are three more difficult ones in the future... I wonder if these three children can succeed before the dungeon mutates?"

Everyone talked about it, and most of them were pessimistic.

Wang Sheng's eyes no longer had the look they had before, and now he was like an eggplant beaten by frost, quietly in place, with a lonely face.

Although he is in the dungeon, he has already tried his best.

But he still blamed himself quite a bit, feeling that it was his own fault, if he wasn't too weak, he would definitely be able to clear this copy of "Chaos Night Zombie King"!

"Okay, old Wang..." Qin Yanyan stepped forward to comfort him at this moment, "It's not your fault...that boss is really too strong.

"You just did well enough.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

After finishing speaking, she did not forget to pat her good friend on the shoulder, then turned her eyes to look at Cheng Miaoyu:

"Sister Cheng, don't you have any clue about the sudden change in the environment in the dungeon you mentioned earlier?"

"No..." Cheng Miaoyu frowned, full of worry.

"Let me call my dad and ask...he should know." While speaking, she took out a mobile phone from her trouser pocket and quickly dialed a number.

After a few seconds, the call is connected.

In the microphone, Cheng Xiongshan's very happy voice sounded: "Xiaoyu, do you want to tell Dad that you have cleared the eleventh copy?

"Haha! You don't even need to tell me, when I saw the 'first pass announcements' pop up one after another,

"I guess it's the three of you!

"Good job! As expected of my Cheng Xiongshan's daughter!

"After this dungeon group is over, Dad will reward you well!"

"Dad" Cheng Miaoyu's rather low voice sounded, and compared with the almost hyperactive male voice on the phone, the difference was extremely obvious.

"Huh? Xiaoyu, what's the matter?!" Cheng Xiongshan knew his daughter very well, and immediately noticed something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked,

"What happened? The copy thing?"

"Hmm..." Cheng Miaoyu nodded heavily, and then told Cheng Xiongshan over the phone what happened in the twelfth dungeon.

Especially emphasized the two things that the strength of the Zombie King BOSS has skyrocketed, and the environment in the instance has suddenly changed.

After listening,

Cheng Xiongshan on the other end of the phone fell silent for a moment.

For him, these two things can actually be boiled down to one thing...

"The mutation of the copy... has been accelerated!"

In the office of the chairman of the Qincheng Trade Union Federation, when Cheng Xiongshan said these words, the expression on his face became extremely heavy!

Cheng Miaoyu is still young and has not held a specific position in the Municipal Trade Union Federation, so he doesn't know much about these things.

Cheng Xiongshan, as the chairman,

But it's so clear!

According to past experience,

BOSS accelerates and becomes stronger!

Stable environmental drastic changes in the copy!

These are the situations that will appear in the dungeon 24 hours before the mutation!

But the problem is... 013207121 Feilu 140441551]

...asking for flowers......

According to the previous calculations of the "Provincial Headquarters Alliance"...the real mutation time should be about 3 days! Or even longer!

Although this time is a bit urgent, it is enough for Jiangbei Province, which has already promoted the "Ghost Slayer" system!

Don't say three days!

If the copy is not alienated, one day is enough!

That's why Cheng Xiongshan was so happy when his daughter just called.

But now!

Mutations are born!

The copy intensifies the mutation!

Boss strength soars!

There are only 24 hours left for Jiangbei!

But the strength of the martial arts practitioners under the "Ghost Slayer" system cannot suddenly increase!

so since,

The last four remaining dungeons will no longer be possible to brush!

The arrival of monsters in reality... will also be unstoppable!

"...Xiaoyu, I'll hang up first." Cheng Xiongshan hung up the phone in a daze.

He never expected,

All the things that were originally going well, suddenly had such a huge change when it was nearing the end!

And his mood, within these two days,

Also like a roller coaster.

First it rose high last night, and then took a sharp turn at this moment!

Cheng Xiongshan now has an inexplicable sense of powerlessness being teased by fate!

If I knew the ending would still be like this... Then why give him hope in the middle?!

However, although Cheng Xiongshan is full of anxiety now, he is still a man who has seen storms.

After taking a deep breath, he immediately picked up the phone again, and in the address book, he found the phone number marked "Old Wu".

Then dial the number.

After a "beep" sound.

On the other end of the phone, Wu Guanyue rang with a somewhat relaxed voice: "Xiao Cheng? Is there any good news for me?"

It's not hard to hear,

Wu Guanyue's mood at the moment is very good, exactly the same as Cheng Xiongshan three minutes ago.

And when Cheng Xiongshan completely recounted to the other party what his daughter had just said to him.

Wu Guanyue's voice was instantly low: "If there are no mistakes or omissions in what Xiaoyu said, then the situation is indeed as you said...

"The copy has mutated at an accelerated rate, and the time from complete alienation will not exceed 24 hours."

"Then Mr. Wu... what should we do?" Cheng Xiongshan tried to hear some words from Wu Guanyue, the old leader, that could make him feel at ease.

Ke Wu

Guan Yue just sighed, and said: "I need to think about it, it's fine, let's hang up first.

After all,

In the office of the chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Wu Guanyue put the microphone in his hand back on the landline.

And he leaned back slightly, half leaning back in the chair, his wrinkled face was full of worries at the moment.

Just because it happened so suddenly!

Let him, a veteran, feel caught off guard!

"Why did the mutation suddenly accelerate?!" Wu Guanyue clenched his fists tightly.

And on this issue, he didn't struggle for too long.

The most urgent task is not Soin...but to solve the crisis that is close at hand!

Only 24 hours left!

He must race against time!

And conventional treatment methods, although effective, will also cost a lot.

"If you want to reduce the loss to the greatest extent... then you still have to pin your hopes on Wu Xiu. Only within the last 24 hours, clear the last four sub-instances!

"But the strength of the martial arts cultivators has reached the upper limit... In a short period of time, there is no way to improve!"

As for the reason for this,

Wu Guanyue is clear,

The key is not in martial arts.

It's about the "system"!

First, it is the feedback ratio of the "system". If it is not high enough, it will limit the upper limit of the strength of martial artists!

Secondly, it is the work corresponding to the "system", which is currently being serialized, and there are still many powerful abilities that have not been shown!

in this case...………

"If you want to increase the strength of martial arts within 24 hours...it seems that you can only start with the comic works corresponding to the "Kang Mie" system!"

Thinking of this, Wu Guanyue's eyes, which had already dimmed, suddenly brightened.


Thank you for subscribing!!! Thank you guys!!! Tomorrow at 7 o'clock, there will be an update!! Death!.

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