Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 248 The dream collaboration between Doctor Strange and Captain America 3

Of course, it’s to learn a lesson and never let yourself become like that.

The scene unfolded, and Stephen Strange was dressed up and preparing to attend a party organized by the Neurological Association. After checking himself a little, he was ready to go out.

Stephen Strange is very familiar with this rhythm of life. If he has nothing else to do at night or is not on duty, he will live like this.

Go to various parties, various high-society drinking parties, and make friends with high-class people, so that you can get business.

Who says doctors don’t have to manage interpersonal relationships?

In order to save their own lives, these powerful people were very generous in their actions.

And this is also the standard daily life of white elites.

His mansion is filled with all kinds of luxury goods, and it is also in a very good location in New York. Although it is not comparable to super rich people like Tony Stark and Lin Feng, it is already beyond the reach of ordinary people. Lived.

Soon, Stephen Strange drove out in a sports car, constantly weaving in and out of the traffic, and soon came to a mountain road.

Halfway through, he received a call.

"Billy, what job did you introduce to me this time?" Stephen Strange answered the phone and asked.

Seeing this, Stephen Strange instantly understood why Lin Feng said that the video of him overturning his car could be used as a video for legal education.

It is true that it is a bad habit for him to look at something while driving.

Although many people have done this, and he has done it more than once or twice, there are indeed great risks, especially when driving on mountain roads. He has never paid attention to this before. After all, he feels that his driving skills Still very good.

But now, no matter how good the hormone is, it may be useless, because it is almost certain that something will happen to him in the future.

So just now he was a little strange and resentful about Gu Yi, why did he choose to do it, and why did he want to use up his hands? Now that he saw it, he was really asking for his own death.

It's lucky that he didn't die, and no one can blame him.

The rest of the people also understood what was going on, and almost everyone couldn't help but lower their heads, because they often did this, often answering phone calls while driving, and even more outrageous behaviors were not uncommon.

Many experienced drivers feel this way.

Of course, there are also those who can’t. For example, Wonder Woman Diana has never driven a car, Thor has never driven a car, and Spider-Woman Gwen has not bought a car yet.

Others feel more or less like looking in the mirror.

But the scene continues, with Stephen Strange driving and taking a call from his colleague Billy.

"I have a thirty-five-year-old Air Force colonel here. His lower spine was crushed by some kind of experimental armor, and he suffered a burst fracture in the middle of his thoracic spine!" His colleague Billy's voice was on the other end of the phone.

Everyone outside the screen also heard that this was a broker of some kind of surgery, helping to contact doctors who could perform certain very complicated surgeries.

Otherwise, if he was just a normal surgeon, how could Dr. Strange afford to live in his super luxurious mansion and drive his very expensive super car?

Naturally, there are still some other surgeries, and the people who perform these surgeries are often rich, and the rich are willing to pay.

One operation costs a lot of money.

It is also an important part of the income of top surgeons.

"Okay, I can do this!"

Stephen Strange, who was driving, thought for a while and then said.

"And you can find anyone to do this. Find me something worth doing!"

Obviously, Stephen Strange disdains this surgery. How difficult is such a level of surgery for him?

He wanted to do something challenging.

[Hahaha, Doctor Strange probably didn’t expect that this air force colonel is the war machine Colonel Rhodes. Now Tony Stark is searching for top doctors all over the world for his good friends. If he goes, maybe he can I got to know Akko Ostrich many years in advance.

Dream linkage belongs to yes! 】

"What? This Air Force Colonel is actually Rhodes?" Tony Stark was a little shocked. He didn't expect that this little easter egg was actually related to the previous Avengers Civil War.

At this time, everyone also remembered that in the video of Avengers Civil War, what happened before was that Vision shot down the war machine, which eventually caused his lower body to be paralyzed.

Everyone's mood was very complicated for a while. The tragic civil war between the Avengers had not happened yet, but to them who had watched the relevant videos, it was almost as if it had happened.

It's just that they are still able to gather under the strong pressure of Thanos.

"But if you look at it this way, you can probably tell the time!" Natasha, the widowed sister, said. "It will be at least several years before he becomes this Doctor Strange!"

In the picture, Billy continued to introduce: "There is also a 68-year-old woman suffering from advanced brain stem glioma!"

"Do you want to ruin my reputation? I don't want to do it!" Strange refused.

"That 22-year-old girl had an electrical stimulator implanted in her brain to control schizophrenia, but she was struck by lightning!"

The rejection of Stephen Strange on the other end of the phone was not surprising. After all, the two parties had been cooperating for many years and knew each other very well. He immediately introduced a brand new customer.

"This sounds interesting!"

Stephen Strange said with a smile.

After a while, it began to rain heavily in the sky. The rain became heavier and heavier, gradually obscuring the vision, and seemed to be warning that danger was approaching.

"Can you send it to me..." Stephen Strange saw the X-ray picture sent by Billy just halfway through his words. "receive!"

Obviously, Billy knew his old partner very well and sent it directly.

And Stephen Strange looked at the X-rays, and just by looking at them a few times, something was destined to happen.

After just a few more glances, the car collided with another large truck, slid down the cliff, and rolled continuously. A moment later, the luxury car plunged directly into the wastewater, and Stephen Strange was injured and was already dead. There was a blur of consciousness.

This scene was seen by Stephen Strange who was outside the screen, and it scared the smart guy. As a professional surgeon, he knew very well what the consequences would be if he fell directly from the cliff like this.

It can be said that it is a blessing that there are seat belts, it is a blessing that there are airbags, and it is a blessing that the quality of the car is good, otherwise, it would be dead.

But even so, it was a fluke to survive, let alone lose both hands.

In such a serious car accident, his first priority was to survive, not his hands.

He didn't know whether this car accident was an accident or the result of some kind of behind-the-scenes push, but the lesson he had learned was big enough. He would never watch movies while driving in the future.

If you really go through all this, it will really be over.

Although this may be some kind of opportunity, through which he can become the Doctor Strange in the future, but do you want such a blessing for you?

He, Stephen Strange, didn't want it at all anyway.

Currently, he just wants to be a good neurosurgeon and enjoy his elite life until he dies of old age.

This is obviously a very fulfilling life, why do you want to be the successor of some bullshit mage?

Just when there were countless resentments in his heart, in the picture, the unconscious Stephen Strange had been rescued. After rescue, his life was saved.

But his hands have been completely disabled, and he has missed the golden period of rescue. As long as his life is saved, there is nothing to think about. He has to complete even more painful rehabilitation training, otherwise he will not be able to become a surgeon. Now, it is even difficult for him to live a normal life as a normal person.

As a top neurosurgeon, he is very aware of the extent of the injury. Without these hands, it is impossible for him to gain a foothold in the elite class.

And this is the biggest gap between the middle class and the bourgeoisie. In other words, there is no middle class at all. It is just an illusion created by the capitalists.

"How long will it take before I can..." Stephen Strange asked cautiously.

"Dr. Strange, those soft tissues are still recovering..."

In the picture, the attending doctor replied, but his face didn't look good, and he obviously didn't have much hope.

"Use that to accelerate, use the stent to connect it from the artery..." Stephen Strange said immediately.

As a top neurosurgeon, he naturally has his own judgment.

"His suggestion is feasible, but although it is in the experimental stage and expensive, it is feasible..." the female doctor said.

"What I need is something feasible!" Stephen Strange said seriously.

Then there was another operation, which cost him a lot of money.

The surgery was finally completed and it was time to enter the reconstruction stage.

But during the reconstruction, when faced with the constant encouragement from his black friends, he didn't believe it at all. He was a top expert in this field. He didn't know why. It was not easy to return to daily life. He wanted to return to being able to be fucked by others. With the level of surgery, it is even more impossible.

"Answer me honestly, have you ever seen someone with such a serious neurological injury recover through this method?" Stephen Strange asked with despair.

He knew that his friend only wanted to comfort him, but in fact there was no hope at all.

Who knew that black friends gave him hope.

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