Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 321 Good luck, Spider-Man was deceived

But becoming Iron Man's successor is not that simple. Since he became Iron Man, he has to solve most things by himself. He even has to help other Avengers solve problems and become their financial sponsor.

That's why he was able to become one of the leaders of the Avengers, able to compete with the highly prestigious American Captain Rogers.

Being able to rally a group of people when the Avengers were split was the result of years of hard work.

Compared with them, the environment in which Peter Parker grew up can be considered very superior.

But it was precisely because of this superior environment that he became confused, because he was a flower in a greenhouse that was well protected from the beginning.

Now it's time to go out and face the storm.

He didn't feel soft-hearted because of this. If he didn't train Peter Parker now while he was still within his ability, should he wait until one day in the future, after he died in a hurry, and let Peter Parker work hard on his own?

At this time, Bruce Banner suddenly said: "Tony, are you putting too much pressure on this kid?"

I didn't put a lot of pressure on him, but as a superhero, he has to face such pressure, Banner! "Tony Stark said. "No superhero does something until he is ready. Everyone must be prepared to deal with various emergencies. The crimes that superheroes have to deal with are often emergencies. , I think you should understand! "

Tony Stark's thinking has not changed, which is to squeeze the little spider's potential as much as possible and promote his growth without endangering the life of the little spider.

"The young eagle will eventually have to face the storm on its own. We, the elders, have done everything we can for him. The rest still depends on how he handles it!"

Tony Stark said with a sigh.

In the picture, Mysterio is comforting Peter Parker and saying: "What do you want, Peter Parker, now... I know what you are thinking..."

"I want to go on my own trip right now..." Peter Parker said directly.

He was too tired during this period, and he had to pretend to be Night Monkey to help Nick Fury. He just wanted to do what a simple high school student should do.

If, at the beginning, he was still very excited about becoming a superhero, and even used his own money to make a suit to do heroic things, then it is different now, he no longer has that nature.

At this time, he suddenly realized that perhaps, for superheroes, ordinary life is truly elusive.

"I want to go back and travel with my friends and the girl I like!"

Peter Parker said longingly.

It was a trip that he had thought about for a long time. It was simple and ordinary, instead of having to face all kinds of super criminal crime problems.

"Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and confess to her...and then kiss her!" Peter Parker finally said what he was saying hesitantly.

Under Mysterio's teasing, he couldn't help but said: "Shut up!"

Everyone outside the screen showed a bit of an aunty smile. Although so far, everyone has not officially contacted Peter Parker and has not roped him into the Avengers, but in the past few years, they have read a lot about Peter Parker. The video, emmmmm, why doesn’t it count as watching him grow up?

At this time, seeing that Peter Parker has someone he likes, I feel like my little pig has grown up and can finally become a cabbage.

In Europe and America, there is no such thing as puppy love.

In high school, the relationship may have ended badly. This is due to the difference in cultural concepts.

The little spider outside the screen suddenly turned red. He couldn't imagine his future self, what kind of person he liked, and what that feeling was like.

"You wouldn't do that, would you!"

Mysterio said.

"No, I can't!" said Peter Parker.

"Why?" Mysterio asked.

"Because I still have too many responsibilities!"

Peter Parker shook his head and said.

He has too many responsibilities, he is not just Spider-Man, especially after Tony Stark passes away, he also has to shoulder the task of not letting the reputation of Iron Man fall. He was told that he has such responsibilities and obligations.

But he is a child himself, and he wants to live a life that an ordinary child can live. He doesn't want to live as Spider-Man, he just wants to live as Peter Parker.

In the scene, someone picked up a pair of glasses and handed them to Peter Parker.

Peter Parker thanked him repeatedly, and the mysterious guest on the side saw the glasses, his eyes immediately lit up, and he quickly said: "What is this?"

"Not well-intentioned!"

Tony Stark, who was outside the screen, flattened his mouth and said with a bit of sternness in his eyes.

"These are Edith glasses!" said Peter Parker. "Yeah, that's it!"

"Did it fall to the ground before?" Mysterio asked. "Bring it on and try it, let me see!"

"Is it?"


When Peter Parker heard this, he naturally put on his glasses, then looked at Mysterio and said, "I quite like it!"

And Mysterio said: "Can I tell the truth?"

Peter Parker nodded and said, "Of course, please!"

"It's so ugly!" Mysterio said bluntly, with a serious look on his face, as if he was just commenting on the glasses.

"Those are my glasses, who is he qualified to comment on!"

Tony Stark off-screen is very angry. This guy is not only a bad guy, but also a bad guy with no aesthetics at all.

who do you think You Are?

You are just a liar, you are just an employee of my company, how dare you slander your boss's aesthetics like this.

Then Mysterio put on his glasses at Little Spider's strong invitation.

"How's it going, kid?"

Peter Parker seemed to have finally made a heavy decision and said: "The next Tony Stark, I believe in you!"

"To the next Tony Stark, I trust you!"

Peter Parker muttered silently.

"What?" Mysterio said.

"Mr. Stark had another message when he left it for me!" Peter Parker continued to explain. "To the next Tony Stark, I trust you!"

"You're so blind, you don't even know you've been deceived."

Tony Stark, who was outside the screen, was furious when he saw this scene. At this time, he already understood what his future self was thinking, that is, he hoped to entrust these things to the little spider Peter Parker, and then let him replace him and become The key to the Avengers.

Who knew that this little guy couldn't bear the pressure and had to shirk responsibility.

"When I handed the glasses to him, I definitely hoped that he would take responsibility, rather than shirk responsibility to others and let others work hard for him."

"Tony, I think your demands for a child are too high, and your death was too sudden. It's not just this little guy who has to face all this, everyone is dealing with this sudden thing!" Nick on the side Fury said.

"Not this time!" Tony Stark snorted twice and said. "There is no second Iron Man. I am unique. What I hope is that he can be the best Spider-Man, not as good an Iron Man as me. I don't need such a second Iron Man!" "

"He knows every mistake I make, and he must also know that I'm not ready for this yet!"

Peter Parker thought for a moment and said.

"Then why did he give this to you?" Mysterio continued to ask.

Peter Parker had a look of realization on his face, and then said: "Because maybe he didn't entrust Edith to me, but entrusted me to choose someone who should own it!"

"This is much more reasonable. He has always known that I will make the right choice. He will not give the ban to Fury, because Fury will only keep Edith for himself!"

"You're right about that!"

Mysterio nodded in agreement.

When Nick Fury saw this scene, his face really darkened. It was already dark enough, but now it's even darker.

Everyone else also looked over, and he suddenly became a little angry and said: "What are you looking at me doing? Am I that kind of person?"

"Yes, you are." Tony Stark said bluntly.

It's not that he doubts Nick Fury's determination to protect the world, but according to his habit, once he gets this Edith and the wealth and resources behind him, he will definitely use it for himself instead of looking for the next Iron Man. .

"Yeah, so the world needs the next Iron Man!" Peter Parker said. "But that couldn't be me, I'm just a sixteen-year-old kid from Queens!"

"This has to be an adult, with experience!" The more Peter Parker said, the more he felt that his analysis was correct, while the more Tony Stark looked at him outside the screen, the more he felt that his face looked ugly. "As good as Tony Stark, like you!"

"No, Peter, that's it, no!" Mysterio took off his glasses and said with a serious look.

But Peter Parker had already recognized his idea in his heart, so he simply put on his forehead glasses and said, "Edith?"

"Hello, Peter!" Edith's smart voice assistant appeared and said.

"Hey emmmm, I want to hand over your control to Quentin Baker!" Peter Parker finally said the words to transfer control of Edith.

Hearing this, Mysterio seemed stunned and asked: "Peter, what are you doing?"

"Doing the right thing!" Peter Parker said directly.

"The transfer of control needs confirmation!" Edith Zhinao asked.

Hearing this, Mysterio became a little irritable and said, "Stark gave you the glasses!"

"Stark gave me a choice. This is the choice I have to make. Now I have to choose! You are a soldier and a leader. You stopped the elemental monster. You saved me. You saved the world, okay? ?" Peter Parker said seriously. "He'll wish you had your glasses!"

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