Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 340 Another Doctor Strange dies

"Yes, it is indeed so!"

At this time, Wanda also spoke, she said: "I didn't rely on the Mind Stone to awaken my own chaos magic. I also awakened it myself!"

At this time, she finally understood that she and her brother Pietro were born with this energy in their bodies, but some had the opportunity to release it, while others did not.

In the picture, Wanda got what she wanted and put America on the altar. She didn't care about America's cry for help.

"This is not what your child wants!" America exclaimed.

But Wanda just walked around her lightly, and then said: "They will never know!"

"Maybe not..." America said coldly. "But you will!"

At this time, the scene changed again, and it was Doctor Strange Strange and Christine who came to a dilapidated world. The world seemed to be disintegrating, which was very terrifying.

This seems to be the result of the collision of two worlds, with a dilapidated scene everywhere.

The space was upside down and there was dead silence.

At this time, everyone saw for the first time what horrific consequences it would have on reality after the two universes collided.

Faced with such a dilapidated scene, Doctor Strange tried to find himself in another universe, which could be regarded as his own clone's clone's clone.

He came to a broken sanctuary, which was also a post-apocalyptic scene.

Everywhere is extremely dilapidated.

Following Doctor Strange's footsteps, he walked up the spiral staircase step by step and arrived at the second floor, which was all gray and white, as if there was no one there at all.

But after a moment, someone called out to him.

"Stop, how did you get here?"

"It's a mistake!" Doctor Strange said.

At this time, he looked coldly at the person coming down the stairs. It was none other than Doctor Strange from parallel time and space.

"Who are you? What are you?" Doctor Strange looked at Doctor Strange in the ruined time and space and asked the doubts in his heart.

"I'm just, I'm one of us!" Doctor Strange didn't know how to describe this relationship.

Everyone outside the screen was a little numb. Which Doctor Strange is this?

In addition to Doctor Strange on their side, there is also Doctor Strange on the sacred timeline, and there is also a dark Doctor Strange who finally turned black in order to reverse time and destroyed the entire universe, and then there is another The pigtailed Doctor Strange, and the Doctor Strange from the 838 universe. Now in this ruined time and space, there is another Doctor Strange.

It really makes my scalp numb. Ordinary people will never see a homologue of their own parallel time and space in this life, but Doctor Strange can see his homologue of parallel time and space as easily as eating and drinking.

"From the multiverse?"

Doctor Strange asked in the ruined time and space in the picture.

"That's right!"

Doctor Strange nodded and said.

"Prove it!" Doctor Strange said in the broken time and space.

Doctor Strange was silent for a moment and said: "We have a sister, Donna, but she... died when she was a child!"

"How did you die!" Dr. Strange in the ruined time and space continued to ask, walking down the stairs as he asked.

"We were playing on a frozen lake and she fell into the lake and there was nothing I could do to save her!"

Mentioning this sad past, Doctor Strange felt extremely sad and even choked up in his words.

Even Stephen Strange, who was outside the screen, couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, his eyes were red. That happened a long time ago. He thought he could forget it, but who knew that the memory suddenly came to his heart.

Part of the reason why he studied medicine was out of guilt.

"Sounds right!" Doctor Strange said in the broken time and space. "But I'm afraid we won't talk about that, right!"

"Yes, I won't talk about it. I guess your world hasn't always been like this, right!" Doctor Strange said, looking at the time and space outside which was completely ruined.

"Yes, I guess I was the same as you until...until I got lost..." Doctor Strange said calmly in the broken time and space.

"Because of who?" Doctor Strange asked.

At this time, everyone could see his appearance clearly. His appearance was older, as if he had experienced some huge disaster, and his voice was a bit hoarse.

Everyone instinctively realized that the destruction of time and space must be related to Doctor Strange in this ruined time and space, right?

If it is really related, it means that Doctor Strange has killed another universe.

The dark Doctor Strange who was obsessed with resurrecting Christine had already killed one universe, and then the Doctor Strange of the 838 universe killed another, and then the Doctor Strange of this ruined time and space killed another. Got one.

In total, as far as they know, three universes have been completely destroyed because of Doctor Strange.

No wonder people in the 838 universe say that the real danger is none other than Doctor Strange himself.

Even if Thanos came, it would not cause such horrific consequences.

"What do you want?"

Faced with Doctor Strange's question, Doctor Strange in Broken Time and Space did not answer directly, but asked.

"I just want to go home!" Doctor Strange replied.

Faced with this answer, Doctor Strange of the Broken Time and Space said calmly: "Believe me, I have been wanting to leave here for a long time!"

At this time, Doctor Strange noticed that Doctor Strange in the ruined time and space was holding a book in his hand. It was none other than the Book of Darkness.

Obviously, Doctor Strange in this universe has also found the Dark Book, and ultimately turned the whole world into what it is, precisely because he used the Dark Book.

"The Dark Book? Are you guarding the Dark Book in this universe?" Doctor Strange asked.

"Yes, there is a good reason!" Doctor Strange said in the ruined time and space.

"This is just the beginning. I can use it to help me communicate with my universe!" Doctor Strange seemed to have a little hope, but he also felt a little weird. The person in front of him was a little evil. It's overwhelming.

"Be careful, the Dark Book will cause serious casualties!"

Doctor Strange said in the ruined time and space.

"It's not that I'm cruel, but how serious the casualties can be!"

Doctor Strange said.

"Not just its reality, but also its readers!" Doctor Strange reminded of the broken time and space.

"I'm sorry it can't save your time and space, but maybe you can help save mine!" Doctor Strange tried to convince his other self.

"Are you happy, Stephen?" Doctor Strange said while stepping back in the broken time and space.


Doctor Strange didn't understand what this meant.

"Are you happy, Stephen?"

Doctor Strange in Broken Time and Space walked towards the window as he spoke, then looked at Christine below, and said: "This question was asked by Christine Palmer at her wedding. I said, Of course I am very happy. I am a powerful magician. How could I not be happy?

Then I went back to this fucking haunted house and sat down and thought about why I lied, I had no intention of letting this happen, I was looking for a different world where I had Christine and I was happy , but I didn’t find it, only more of us, so I did those Stephens a favor, have you ever had that falling dream, as if you were pushed off a tall building, that should be me! "

Everyone heard the horrifying result from this. This Doctor Strange in ruined time and space even attacked other Doctor Strange and directly pushed them off the tall building, becoming even more possessed by Wanda than Wanda.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was shocked to find that a third eye had grown on his forehead, symbolizing an unknown. There is no doubt that this must be directly related to his use of the Dark Book. This is the most direct sequelae.

Dr. Strange in the ruined time and space wanted to exchange the Dark God Book for Christine. He was obsessed with it, but of course Doctor Strange would not agree. The two sides started fighting directly. Both sides used the notes in the musical score as an attack method to launch an attack.

The strength of the two can be said to be indistinguishable. In the end, it was Doctor Strange who was able to blast Doctor Strange out of the ruined time and space with just one move, causing him to fall hard on the spikes on the fence. Direct death.

Christine who was waiting below was almost dumbfounded and everyone was confused. What is going on?

Everyone outside the screen slapped their foreheads, "Oh, another one died, especially for Stephen Strange. He was numb now."

It can be said that except for the protagonist, all the other selves are very extreme, and each of them has committed a lot of sins, and has even caused the destruction of at least one multiverse.

To sum it up, he even saw four of his own deaths. Although they were all in the same place in parallel time and space, it still made him feel very uncomfortable.

He remembered the concept mentioned in Lin Feng's diary, the protagonist's halo?

Without the halo of the protagonist, would there really be no human rights?

"I guess these may have gone astray, or in other words, they are not Stephen on the correct timeline!" said the widowed sister Natasha. "There are so many multiverses and so many timelines, but not everyone in the multiverse can walk on the right path. If he is wrong, he will be the evil Stephen!"

Everyone nodded. If we calculate it this way, it is very likely that there will be evil variants of them in the long history.

For example, the evil Iron Man, Hydra Captain America, the Hulk who rules the world, the Thor who kills all the world, and so on.

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