Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 343 Captain America? No, Captain Hydra!

In this month, Hydra has re-developed its power in this world for seventy or eighty years with the help of SHIELD. Now it was eliminated overnight. The extent of this encirclement and suppression even exceeded that of the Red Army in the late World War II. When the skeleton is destroyed.

Because at that time, no one knew that Hydra could be so difficult to deal with, that after being destroyed for seventy years, it could come back to life and become even more powerful.

After learning this lesson, the fear of the major forces towards Hydra has also reached its peak.

It is not that easy for Hydra to develop again on this basis.


Nick Fury had just returned to his office and rubbed his temples. He had just dealt with a wave of inquiries from the Supreme Council.

When everyone thought about it, it was indeed the case. Lin Feng was a bit of a conceited person, but he could be regarded as someone with a clear distinction between love and hate. If he were a super villain, he would not have a good face.

"I don't think it's a rumor. Lin Feng said a long time ago that in different universes, everyone's identity may be somewhat different. For example, Wanda and Pietro are still the so-called Wanwan in some universes. Magneto's child, and he once mentioned in his diary that in some universes, you are just your father's godson, adopted. Do you remember what he mentioned at that time?" said the widowed sister Natasha.

The same sentiment was shared by Spider-Woman Gwen.

It’s so funny, as soon as this news came out, everyone exploded!

At that time, many Iron Man fans said, Fortunately, Iron Man is not Hydra, laugh to death, who can tell you otherwise, Tony Stark's biological father is a double agent of SHIELD and Hydra! 】

It will explode immediately.

Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.

For a moment, everyone was silent after seeing the diary, dumbfounded!

Ah this. . .

"Is it possible that he is also an evil variant of the captain of some parallel universe?" At this time, Coulson immediately thought of another possibility.

Captain Hydra?

Hydra Iron Man?

"Nick, you have to give me a holiday recently, I'm really tired!" Hawkeye Barton said. "I just finished a battle!"

His mother has been recruited by Hydra, and Captain America Rogers has always been a member of Hydra, and Captain America's identity is false.

Even Nick Fury is already a battle-hardened veteran, and he still feels a headache at this time.

For these secretive organizations, governments of various countries have a tacit understanding not to let the public know too much, so Hydra is not very well-known, and only some history fans will delve into the original events.

This wave has caused heavy losses. It should be Age of Ultron after that. Ultron should have been invented by Tony Stark. Sokovia will be in big trouble by then. Such a big city will fall down. , the whole world must follow suit!

Captain America with low EQ: Before we do anything, does anyone want to go down?

Everyone looked at Tony Stark and Captain America Rogers.

The representatives of these councils are clinging to the matter of Hydra, and behind them they represent the anger of many high-level bosses.

He is Rogers' number one fan, and he cannot accept the collapse of his idol's house.

Captain America with high emotional intelligence: Long live Hydra!

"Impossible, my father is Howard Stark!" Tony Stark immediately retorted. "Lin Feng started spreading rumors again."

"Wang Defa! How is this possible!" Peter Parker, the little spider, looked at the contents of the diary on the rooftop and felt incredible.

Even non-loyal fans of Captain America like him feel that their views are shattered. If it is really seen by his loyal fans, it will really set off a frenzy.

This revelation is nothing short of earth-shattering!

All the previous complaints about Hydra were quickly ignored, and everyone's attention was focused on the following point. No one even paid attention to Age of Ultron.

He didn't know about Hydra. In fact, most Americans are ignorant of history, especially the children of ordinary people. They even lack ordinary general education, let alone history. As many as eight It is very difficult for tens of millions of illiterate and semi-illiterate people to know some common sense.

Not to mention, this also involves another super rich man and superhero, Tony Stark, whose biological father is actually an agent of Hydra.

Most of the people who came in looked tired. They had been very busy this month. They not only had to deal with various inquiries, but also participated in various actions.

Because Hydra comes from SHIELD, you can imagine how furious the Board of Directors, SHIELD's parent organization, will be. Isn't this a public slap in their face?

And this is just one of the questioning meetings that he needs to deal with. In addition, there are a large number of various questioning meetings from the United States, such as the National Defense Committee and other organizations. Sometimes he has to attend several meetings a day. Question session.

No matter what other people in parallel time and space are like, at least in this time and space, there is no doubt that he is his biological child.

But now he was told that it was all fake and he was actually the captain of Hydra?

Captain America is Hydra?

Seeing everyone's eagerness to try, Nick Fury quickly said: "Okay, okay, you all have a share, and everyone can have paid leave!"

But now they are told that it turns out that Captain America Rogers is also a Hydra, and he is also the second generation of Hydra with a dark roots?


God knows that when the news that Captain America was an undercover agent of Hydra came out, it immediately became a trending topic!

It is said that Captain America’s mother was recruited by Hydra. In fact, Captain America has always been a member of Hydra. Captain America is just Steve Rogers’ disguised identity!

But at this stage, Captain America is still young.

Tony Stark's biological father is also a Hydra?

What kind of divine expansion is this?

Compared to Tony Stark, who was only said to be a double agent, Captain America Rogers was directly said to be a member of Hydra, and Captain America was just a cover-up identity for Steve Rogers.

This accusation is not serious.

No one knows better than him that he is really not Hydra and cannot be Hydra. In order to eliminate Hydra, he has been fighting for his whole life.

"Okay, now that the matter is almost settled, I'll grant you ten days of paid leave!" Nick Fury said.

It turns out that in other parallel time and space, I am just the adopted son of my father, or is my biological father even a Hydra agent?

Once this news spreads to the world, you can completely imagine what a terrible storm of public opinion it will create.

Even Stephen Strange was shocked when he saw the contents of this diary. To be fair, he is not a big fan of Captain America, but as a normal American, he grew up listening to the stories of Captain America when he was a child.

At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a thing. Lin Feng said that he was not his father's biological son, which made him very angry. He asked Jarvis to find the DNA information that the old man had saved in SHIELD during his lifetime. After comparing it with himself, he found that he was indeed his biological child, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

How could he bear this.

Everyone in SHIELD cheered. They have been busy enough this month and can finally take a good rest.

In fact, everything is very clear, but it is normal to have a peer in parallel time and space. After all, Doctor Strange has so many evil clones, so it makes sense for Captain America Rogers to have one.

Her outlook on life, outlook on life, and values ​​are about to collapse.

If you think about it this way, you probably understand.

But now it has suddenly exploded, especially when Captain America Rogers came out to testify in person, which adds countless credibility.

[The cleanup of Hydra has been in full swing this month, but it’s a pity that something went wrong. The three space carriers of Hydra did not fly into the sky. It is said that the three space carriers of Hydra did not fly into the sky. The Heavenly Mothership can kill a million people in an instant. It would be difficult for Hydra to rule the world with this thing!

But this matter was originally left alone and was just an anecdote from another universe, but now it has laid such a big minefield.

Anyway, I kept explaining and being scolded, especially during the closed inquiry meeting. Many of the words above were hard to hear when scolded.

But during this period, with SHIELD's actions against Hydra, many old events were rediscovered, including the actions of Captain America Rogers, which were not only against the Third Reich, but also against Hydra. snake.

But before he could take a breath, he sensed that the diary had been updated again, and he quickly sent a message to everyone. Everyone who owned the diary either rushed to the office in person or put on online devices to go online according to their own circumstances.

If Captain America Rogers was Hydra, then the idol he was chasing would have completely collapsed into ruins.

Everyone thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. If Captain America Rogers was Hydra, why would he personally stop the Red Skull's actions?

"What is the boss doing? Is he crazy? How could Captain America be Hydra?" Gwen stared at her big beautiful eyes with an incredible look in her eyes, feeling that this was simply impossible.

He can't stand this anymore!

"Yes, that's very likely!" Agent Hill said immediately. "Judging from Lin Feng's attitude towards the captain, it doesn't look like he is towards a super villain, right? He was quite complimentary in his words!"

"I'm not!" Captain America Rogers shook his head and said. "I can't be, I have nothing to do with Hydra."

She exploded.

She had just joined Lin Technology this year and was contributing to Lin Feng's wealth empire. Lin Feng seemed to take special care of her and offered generous benefits.

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