Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 346 Captain America vs. Captain America

But they can't help but not believe it, because so far, no one knows that Hydra is lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., and no one knows it. In other words, no one knows this except their own people.

Then there is no other possibility for this American Captain Rogers besides being Hydra.

So everyone, including Crossbones, believed what he said out of shock.

Thinking that Captain America is actually from their side, I don't know why, but I feel that my chances of winning have increased. I feel full of trust!

If Captain America belongs to the other party, it would be really desperate, but if it is one of our own, it would really feel very safe.

Then he handed the box containing the Psychic Scepter to Captain America, and Captain America walked out with the box in hand, a smile on his face.

Obviously, Rogers' goal was achieved. This time they came and got at least one of the three gems.

The video was still going on. Before they could think about it, they saw Rogers walking out of the elevator and saw the existence of another Rogers. Obviously, this was Rogers from the Battle of New York. He could only helplessly Said: "This is too ridiculous."

In other words, they actually don’t know what the correct timeline should be now.

"I'm not Loki, and I don't want to hurt you!"

The two sides fought directly without any hesitation. The American team, which was the end of the battle from the beginning, suffered a big loss.

So this is another parallel timeline, a timeline where Captain America Rogers is actually Captain Hydra.

The result of Captain America vs. Captain America has obviously come out. Captain America from Endgame is more cunning and knows how to use Bucky to shake Captain America's heart in the Battle of New York.

It’s really a lifetime of black history.

After all, in their timeline, the Battle of New York was easier to fight, and they didn't let Hydra take away the Mind Scepter.

But the most annoying thing is that their timeline is obviously not a normal timeline. Because of Lin Feng's appearance and the influence of his diary, their timeline has long been diverged from the original timeline. There is a huge difference.

The centenarian American Captain Rogers immediately made a big blush. He wanted to say that he had not practiced, or that he had not practiced specifically, but there was no way. After being transformed by the super soldier serum, his body had already moved towards With the perfected human physique moving closer.

Everyone immediately understood what the problem was. It was that Loki had just transformed into Captain America Rogers. This matter had already been remembered.

However, this will also bring about a very serious consequence, that is, the collapse of the entire timeline. Now that the American team Rogers is considered to be Hydra, there is no need to think about the subsequent consequences.


Everyone was dumbfounded. This was a situation they had never expected.

Therefore, Rogers, the American team in the Battle of New York, obviously thought of Rocky immediately. Otherwise, how could there be two versions of himself in this world? It is simply impossible.

They have seen this kind of timeline so often that they are all numb.

Obviously you know yourself best and know what to do!

"Wow, this Hydra captain is really insidious." Coulson said speechlessly. "Or is he Loki? But it doesn't look like he has the fighting ability that Loki possesses."

From the beginning, they knew very well what the Mind Scepter was and how important the Mind Stone on the Mind Scepter was. Naturally, they could not let others take it away.

Maybe in the sacred timeline, there was a situation where Loki escaped briefly. After all, they didn't know very well whether there was such a situation.

But everyone kept their spirits up. Captain America vs. Captain America sounded very interesting.

"Is it Loki pretending to be?"

However, the current US team Rogers obviously has not thought about this.

"No, I don't think it's Loki. He doesn't have that technology. I think it might be Captain Hydra." Captain America Rogers was silent for a moment and said. "Because it's very simple, he can look exactly like me in appearance, but he can't imitate my skills and tactics. I can be sure that this person's combat skills are in the same vein as mine, so if there is such a possibility If so, it can only be the Hydra captain, and this can also prove why he knows that Bucky is still alive, because they may be working for Hydra at this time, so it is normal for them to know each other. "

Two Captain Americas?

Agent Hill couldn't help but said: "But I have to say, it is indeed the American butt, you must have practiced it too!"

Under this circumstance, many of their actions and situations on this timeline are no longer referenceable.

"I think it might be Loki. As you all know, he can cast illusions, so there is a high possibility that he pretends to be Captain America to defraud the mind scepter!" Thor said.

So the two sides were almost indistinguishable, and they fell from the air while fighting.

"Now the question is, is this Captain America Loki or Captain Hydra?" At this time, Tony Stark said. "If it was Loki, how did Loki know about Hydra? I don't believe that he, the second prince of Asgard, would pay attention to an evil organization on earth, but if it was the captain of Hydra, he How could he appear next to another Captain America?"

"I could spend all day with you!"

Therefore, they have no way to distinguish what the situation is like in other timelines that have not been affected by referring to their own actions.

If this were not the case, many places would not make sense!

And just when Captain America wanted to take the opportunity to snatch the Mind Scepter in Endgame, he was stopped by Captain America in Battle of New York, and even choked him.

As for Captain America Rogers outside the screen, he was also confused as to why he knew about Hydra and why he could deceive the Psychic Scepter from them.

Then Captain America in Battle of New York saw the pocket watch with Peggy's photo that fell out of Captain America in Endgame. He picked it up, took a look at it, and said, "Why do you have this?"

Then, he was punched by Captain America in Endgame and directly hypnotized by the psychic scepter he snatched.

Just now in the Battle of New York, Captain America Rogers said he found Loki, could this be it?

And he knew very well that his brother had the ability to change, so it was really very possible.

After doing this, Captain America picked up the pocket watch, held the spiritual scepter, glanced at Captain America's own body lying on the ground, and then said with emotion: "The United States really has a nice butt!"

He never thought about the possibility that this was himself from the future time and space.

Then the two sides began to engage in amazing physical combat. Both sides were the same person and had similar abilities.

The Battle of New York Captain America said into the headset: "I found Loki, on the fourteenth floor!"

In Endgame, Captain America put down the suitcase containing the Psychic Scepter, but obviously, he also knew his character very well. It can be said that from the moment he was discovered, the battle was inevitable.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who had been silent before, couldn't help but speak.

Even though they are now past the time of the New York War, it is still unclear.

"Okay, I know!" Captain America in Endgame said with a mask of pain on his face as he reluctantly climbed up. "I know I know!"

Captain Hydra!

Everyone instantly remembered the concept that Lin Feng mentioned in his diary, that is, Captain America Rogers is actually Hydra, and this is likely to be some kind of confirmation.

However, when he saw everyone smiling maliciously, he was afraid that from now on, this American saying about having a buttocks would be with him for the rest of his life.

These are all his own lines. With such tenacity, he has killed countless people, but he never thought that one day, he would be rubbed on his own head. It really hurts his head.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Captain America immediately let go and asked quickly: "What?"

Seeing that he was about to be strangled and fainted, Captain America came up with the ultimate trick in Endgame. For Captain America, it was equivalent to a nuclear weapon, that is: "Bucky, he's still alive!"

This is different from the previous video where they saw Rogers not knowing that Alexander Pierce was Hydra, so this can only be a new timeline.

Including why Captain America knew about Hydra, including that after the Battle of New York, Captain should be directing disaster relief, but he was not and instead showed up here to get the Psychic Scepter. This makes a lot of sense.

Just like Thor being tossed around by the Hulk and Loki being tossed around by the Hulk, they have a dark history and are the object of ridicule by others.

Things like the American buttocks are all done by hand. He has never practiced this kind of thing specifically.

Battle of New York Cap said.

There are a lot of doubts in everyone's mind. There are too many doubts in this video, especially the two Captain Americas, which really makes everyone feel a little dumbfounded.

"But if this is Captain Hydra, then there is no way to explain what the other Captain America is." Coulson said. "Both of them are Captain America, and they fight in similar ways."

"Is it possible that it is time travel, just like Doctor Strange's time travel? Is it possible that it is the parallel time and space where the Hydra captain is? Hydra developed a machine to travel through parallel time and space, allowing him to travel through time and space and come to this On the timeline." said the widowed sister Natasha.

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