Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 354: The mind-numbing truth about the creation of the God Group

A terrifying, majestic aura enveloped everyone watching the video, especially the stronger people like Thor, the more powerful they could feel the power of this terrifying creature.

Peter Parker even stood on his head with all the hair on his body.

On the contrary, ordinary people like Nick Fury, although they have some phobia of giant objects, are not frightened because he is too weak to feel it.

But everyone still felt their scalps numb. This creature reminded them of countless existences in myths and legends, but none of them could match the creature in front of them.

"Cersei!" The giant creature spoke, and surprisingly it was also the lingua franca of the universe, English.

Looking at this behemoth, the Asian woman Sersi also spoke: "Arizom, Ajak was killed by a mutant race. We think it absorbed her power. An unusual thing happened on the earth. "


Another thought came to everyone's mind, what kind of race is this? Why have they never heard of it before?

But since they all appeared in the diary video, it probably existed, but they just didn't know about it before.

Everyone thought about it and felt very headache. Why are there so many people from this tribe and that tribe?

"This is a side effect of the appearance of the gods." Arisem, the god group, replied.

"God appears?" At this time, Circe was a little unable to understand, and then said.

Alitham continued: "It's time for you to understand the true purpose of the mission. You were sent to Earth to give birth to the god Tiamu."

These words reminded everyone of what Lin Feng mentioned in his diary. The birth of a group of gods would cause the earth to explode. They understood it very abstractly before, but now, they seem to be able to understand it.

There is no other reason, because this group of gods is really huge, as huge as a planet.

Compared with it, the earth may be as big as an egg shell. In this case, once it is born, it will directly explode the earth. This is very intuitive and clear.

"Every billion years, a new group of gods must be born. I spread the seeds of the group of gods to all the planets in the universe, and the earth was chosen to create the god Tiamu."

Along with Alitham's narration, everyone saw a seed being dropped from the depths of the universe into the depths of the earth, penetrating layers of soil and entering the depths of the earth.

"In order to grow, Diamu needs a lot of energy from intelligent life. The mutants eat humans, which hinders this. Until the Eternals destroy them, now the population of this planet has reached the required number, and it is time for the gods to begin. It’s time.”

In the picture, as there are more and more humans on the earth, a terrifying monster is born from the earth, directly exploding the entire earth. Everyone sees the spectacular scene of the entire earth turning into ashes all over the sky.

That terrifying scene made everyone feel numb. Although this was just an illusion evolved by the God Group, there was no doubt that it had a terrifying deterrent effect.

It turns out that this is how these so-called groups of gods were born.

No wonder Lin Feng always calls them bastards and spends all day trying to deal with them.

Their power is undoubtedly unquestionable, but so is their hatefulness.

For the sake of the birth of their people, they don't care if ten billion humans die.

There is no doubt that this is extremely scary thinking.

"I finally understand why Lin Feng said Thanos' snap of his fingers saved mankind." Hawkeye Barton said. "It turns out that more than 7 billion to 8 billion people are the conditions for the birth of the Celestials. Thanos wiped out half of them, which directly delayed the birth of the Celestials."

"Then it looks like Thanos has done something good." Quicksilver said a little speechlessly. Unexpectedly, Thanos's snap of his fingers also caused the earth to be preserved to a certain extent. "No wonder Lin Feng is very confused about Thanos' snap of his fingers. If it were me, I would be confused too."

Everyone nodded. Now that they understood this, they finally understood why Lin Feng was so entangled many times.

On the screen, Circe said in great pain: "Everyone on earth will die."

"Cersei, the end of one life is the beginning of another life." As Alitham told, everyone saw the light ball in his hand explode. "Our universe is a constant exchange of energy, an infinite cycle of creation and destruction. The Celestial Group uses the energy gathered by the Creation Planet to create the sun, generate gravity, heat and light to form a new galaxy."

In the picture, groups of gods are creating the universe and creating planets.

"Without us, our universe would be plunged into darkness and all life would die."

"Does Ajak know the truth?" Circe said painfully.

"For millions of years, she has assisted many groups of gods to appear, and so have you." Alitham said.

"But Earth is my first mission, and my hometown is on Olympia." Circe said painfully.

"There is no Olympia star at all." Alitham said decisively.

The scene turned, and on the earth, a giant hand rose from the ground. Even the clouds could only reach the thickness of the palm. The entire body of this giant hand was golden and gradually turned into gray.

Then the screen zoomed up, and everyone saw a scene of a huge Celestial Group that was about to be born, halfway through its shell. The terrifying scene was frightening.

Then the screen went black and the video ended, but everyone felt their scalps numb.

Lin Feng mentioned the Celestial God Group before. Although they knew it was scary, they didn't have a concrete concept yet. But now that they have it, they finally know how terrifying this so-called Celestial God Group is.

And there are countless groups of gods.

This is the most terrifying thing. Even if he is as powerful as Lin Feng, he is still so afraid of the Celestial God Group that exists in reality.

The strength of any god group here is probably at the Heavenly Father level, or even stronger than the Heavenly Father level.

If Lin Feng really offended this tribe, it would be difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists, let alone these are not four hands, but countless hands.

Even the earth will not be able to be saved by then.

It seems that the only thing that can be done is to wipe out half of the people on the earth with the snap of fingers and prevent the birth of the Celestial Group.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Lin Feng's anxiety and worry are justified.

The opponent is powerful and has many people.

A cosmic civilization as powerful as Asgard only had two Heavenly Fathers at its peak.

"How come I have never heard of the existence of these gods..." Thor, the God of Thunder, murmured to himself.

Any education he received did not include the existence of the Celestial God Group.

He didn't know if his father didn't know, or if his father felt that he didn't need to know.

But no matter which one it is, it means that the water in this universe is much deeper than he imagined.

No wonder my father didn't expand further. Now it's ridiculous to think about what tricks my sister wants to do to rule the universe. In the eyes of many big guys, she is probably just a clown.

Breaking through to the Heavenly Father level is considered to be at the peak of the universe, but it does not mean that you are the only master in this universe. When you reach the Heavenly Father level, you have just joined the master club.

The reason why people feel that there are very few heavenly father-level bosses is just because many people don't take action and have their own things to be busy with.

For example, these gods group, everyone knows for the first time that this is how the universe was created.

"It turns out that the universe was neither created by God nor born from the Big Bang?" Bruce Banner said with a wry smile. "I feel like I have learned all these years in vain and it is of no use at all. It turns out that this is the truth about the birth of the universe."

Everyone also felt that their three views had been subverted. Except for Thor, the God of Thunder, and Diana, who was a demigod but had always grown up on Paradise Island, everyone else had basically received a basic scientific education.

It is basically said in science education in schools that the most popular theory at present is the Big Bang theory, which states that the universe originated from a Big Bang.

But it was these gods who created it?

"I will never be able to look at astronomy in the future. I feel like they are all wrong now." Peter Parker, the little spider, said. He felt that if he were allowed to study astronomy and physics now, it would be basically useless. How could he learn it?

Before you learn this, you are told that what you have learned is false. In fact, the universe was not born with a normal big bang, but with creationism.

Although this god is not God, but a group of gods, there is no difference at all.

Everyone had similar feelings. Fortunately, they didn't have to go to school. Only Little Spider was too young and still had to go to school.

"Accepting the truth is a painful process, but no matter how painful it is, we must accept it. We must also accept that this world was created by a group of gods, and there is also such a god inside the earth, and there is nothing we can do." Tony Stark said He said with pain, trying to make himself accept it. "The key is, how do we deal with the Celestial Group?"

"There is no way, just like Lin Feng, we can't deal with Lin Feng's problem, how can we deal with the Celestial Group's problem?" Nick Fury said with a sigh.

Everyone was also very silent. This result really made them uncomfortable. They were helpless and desperate.

[Peter Parker became Spider-Man a little earlier than I thought, but as long as Spider-Totem chooses him, it will be a matter of time. As the eternal male protagonist of Marvel, his growth is still too slow, and he still lacks A person who gave him three moles, ah, no, was a person who made him truly understand that with great power comes greater responsibility.

This is a reminder that someone will die. Whoever reminds him will die.

This version of Uncle Ben died too early, and it should have been his life that was sacrificed. 】

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