Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 380: Spoilers are fun for a while, spoilers are always fun

In other words, at that time, under desperate circumstances, he was very likely to use this trick.

In other words, Lin Feng saved his life.

Seeing everyone turning their attention to him, Doctor Strange, who was dressed in a suit and dressed as an elite, nodded, and then said: "Absolutely, this is the only possibility of winning among the more than 14 million futures I have seen. Sex, I'm sorry, I can't tell you because if I say it, it won't be allowed."

"Ha, then I really want to thank you." Tony Stark said a little speechlessly.

Although he complained a little, he was not really angry.

Today, he has already looked away. If he has to be sacrificed to save millions of people, he is willing, not to mention that this is their only chance of winning.

Although this is cruel to his wife and children, sometimes, as a superhero, he has no other choice.

"Tony." Pepper Pepper looked a little incredulous among the crowd, and at the same time a little scared. If things really went in that direction, he didn't know how he would survive.

At this time, she looked at Lin Feng with a bit of gratitude and a bit of flattery in her eyes.

"Then I should solemnly say thank you." Tony Stark said.

Even the thank you he said was in Chinese, which made Lin Feng slightly startled, and then he burst out laughing and said, "I didn't expect you, Tony Stark, to have such a side."

"Although I am arrogant and arrogant, I am not a completely ungrateful person, okay?" Tony Stark said a little speechlessly. "You can tell me whatever you need me to do."

"If anything is okay, then just send me a copy of your data over the years and I will take it with you." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, but I would have had a headache in the past." Tony Stark said with a smile.

He doesn't mind causing a little trouble for his past self.

"He already has a headache, but his development is much better than yours, so you don't have to worry about him." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You just said that you have some prophecy ability. I wonder if you can predict something related to me?" At this time, Thor, the God of Thunder, suddenly said. "In the future, will I rebuild Asgard?"

"There are indeed some prophecies about you, but as for Asgard, you let the lady next to you take charge. As for yourself, you haven't wandered around the universe and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy. Although you are Shortly." Lin Feng said.

Thor said that, and of course the Valkyrie beside him.

This is not surprising to Valkyrie. In the past few years, she has actually been managing the remaining people of Asgard.

"What? He wants to join the Guardians of the Galaxy? This..." Peter Pan Star-Lord said in shock, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was not impossible. After all, they were comrades fighting side by side, so it seemed acceptable.

"But there is one thing I want to remind you, that is, your girlfriend may get cancer. Otherwise, why don't you ask her to have a physical checkup now?" Lin Feng said with a slight smile. "How about you give her your meow hammer?"

"What the Mewhammer, this is too ugly." Thor complained, but he really took Lin Feng's words to heart.

Although he and Jane Foster are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, he is still very concerned about each other's health and safety.

"Oh yes, there is another thing that has something to do with you, that is, a guy named God Slayer has appeared recently and is killing gods everywhere. Sooner or later he will find you. If you don't exercise your body properly, increase With your strength, don't be the first to be chopped off by his sword." Lin Feng continued to reveal the story.

"I will never let him have any chance." Thor said loudly, but his expression was very solemn.

Because the other party's name is God Killer, and he has killed many gods, so he is obviously not going to be a good person.

And everyone else can also tell that no matter who the other party is, whoever dares to call this name is obviously targeting certain gods.

Dare to target gods, this strength is unimaginable to them.

"What about me? Are there any prophecies about me?"

Hawkeye Barton asked quickly from the side.

"You will bring out a little girl in the future, the second generation of Hawkeye." Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

"Hawkeye II, that sounds good." Hawkeye Barton thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be okay.

Everyone else also started asking questions. Being able to predict part of the future destiny is really not a temptation that ordinary people can resist.

But not everyone has a plot, and not everyone has a future.

"I wonder if there is a prophecy about me?" Black Panther T'Challa asked.

"You will die. It may be some kind of cancer. If you have time, check your body carefully, otherwise your death will be quite inexplicable." Lin Feng said.

He has always felt that it was a pity for Black Panther T'Challa's death. Although the plot of Black Panther 1 was quite outrageous, compared to Black Panther 2, Black Panther 1 was much better.

But he didn't know if there was any way, because the essential reason for Black Panther's death was that his actor outside the fourth wall died, so it might not be that there was really some kind of virus lurking in his body.

Hearing this, T'Challa was like a bolt from the blue.

There is no doubt that when Lin Feng said that he died, it would definitely not be a normal death of old age, otherwise there would be nothing to say.

And it's probably in the not-too-distant future. Is there really some kind of disease in my body?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become anxious, but he didn't leave immediately.

"Then I wonder if you can tell me about my future?" Captain America Steve Rogers stepped forward and said.

He also has some interest in his future.

"Aren't you clear about your future plans? I can only say that you have achieved what you wanted." Lin Feng said.

Captain America Rogers was shocked because he had never said that he planned to go back to the past.

After experiencing this series of things, he was really tired, so he planned to go back to the past and no longer participate in these ups and downs.

But Lin Feng saw it, but he felt a little relieved. Lin Feng also said that he succeeded.

"Captain, are you hiding something from us?" Tony Stark looked at Captain Rogers and asked.

"That's right, but this is also a little secret in my heart. Everyone has a little secret in their heart, right?" Captain America Rogers smiled and said.

"What about me, what's my future?" Bruce Banner also asked with a bit of curiosity and expectation.

"You have a son and a cousin who have both become the Hulk. You can form a Hulk family. There may be a Hulk World War in the future," Lin Feng said.

"Ah?" Bruce Banner was shocked, how could he still be like this?

Everyone else was also shocked. Bruce Banner actually has a son?

With him like this, who can be his wife? That would be overwhelming.

And forget about his son, why did his cousin also become the Hulk?

"Could it be that it was not the gamma rays that actually caused you to mutate, but some kind of genetic mutation in your family?" Tony Stark touched his chin and then said.

"Ah..." Bruce Banner was also a little confused. He didn't know whether it was true or false.

"Then can I know my future?" At this time, Doctor Strange said.

Lin Feng glanced at him, then at Wanda, and then said: "You and Wanda will destroy the entire multiverse. Let's die together."

Lin Feng felt extremely happy in his heart. It was really good to reveal the spoilers for a while, and it was always good to keep doing the spoilers. Anyway, he was not messing around in the future timeline, no matter how the future shifted in all kinds of strange directions.

Anyway, just focus on one thing and it’s fun, so don’t worry about it at all.

"Ah? What?" Doctor Strange was dumbfounded. How could he say this and destroy the entire multiverse?

How do you say this?

And Wanda was even more dumbfounded. She was not a villain and had no intention of causing trouble. Why was this happening?

"Can you tell me why?" Doctor Strange said.

He realized the seriousness of the problem. If this problem was not solved, he would be in big trouble in the future.

Look at the distrustful eyes of the people around you.

Almost treating him like a villain.

"Then let me tell you." Lin Feng had no intention of hiding it. He was going back soon anyway, so there was no need to spoil the story any more. "Because after Vision died, Wanda's mental state was not right, so she used illusions to create a situation for herself to live with Vision, and she also used magic to give birth to two sons. Later, the illusion was exposed. Everyone is back to normal, but both sons are gone."

Everyone listened attentively, but when they heard this, they all looked a little pitiful towards Wanda.

This is also a poor woman. Her brother is gone, her husband is gone, and now her two children are gone. Although it is fake, it is really heartbreaking.

Everyone could see that Wanda might really have some mental problem.

"Then Wanda started looking around for different timelines, and her own variant really had her son's timeline... By the way, you can understand the concept of timeline." Lin Feng glanced at everyone, and then said .

Some of these people understand, such as Tony Stark or Bruce Banner, scientific masters like this. They will understand what the so-called timeline is when they think about it.

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