Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 392 Tony burst into tears when he saw his old father

When faced with the words of Master Ancient One, Bruce Banner did not choose to lie, but he still insisted: After hearing the question from Supreme Master Ancient One, Bruce Banner did not lie. He could only shake his head and said: "No. , But we can eliminate all this. After we use up the gem, we will return it to its original owner at the original time, so from the perspective of time and space, it has never left in the original time and space!"

Bruce Banner took back the Time Stone and put it back into the river of time. The timeline that originally derived from the dark tendency disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone outside the screen looked at this scene and nodded. This is the same as their understanding. The future Avengers will travel through time and space based on this theory.

Well, the truth is right, but it is extremely difficult to operate.

"But you missed one of the most important questions!" Supreme Mage Gu Yi turned around and said calmly. "If you want the property to return to its original owner, you must survive!"

The Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, raised a fundamental question, they couldn't defeat Thanos.

If she took action herself, it would be possible to defeat Thanos, but just relying on these little guys?

How could it be possible to defeat an overlord like Thanos!

"We will, I will, I promise!" Bruce Banner quickly began to promise, saying.

"I can't take this risk just because of a guarantee!" The Supreme Mage Ancient One refused unceremoniously and said. "The duty of the Supreme Being is to protect the Time Stone!"

Since the Avengers in Endgame will do whatever it takes to save Zi's world, even at the expense of destroying other timelines and causing huge fluctuations in other timelines.

So as the Ancient One Master in this timeline, they don't care about the countless casualties in the future reality. For the reality where they are, they are more ruthless than anyone else.

"Then why did Strange hand it over?"

After hearing this, Bruce Banner finally couldn't help but ask.

If the mission of the Supreme Being is to protect the Time Stone, then why did Doctor Strange hand over the Time Stone?

Something is obviously wrong here.

"What did you say?" When the Supreme Mage Gu Yi heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. She did not expect that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.

"Strange, he handed over the Time Stone!" Bruce Banner explained, he was a little impatient. "He gave it to Thanos!"

"Voluntary?" Supreme Mage Ancient One said in disbelief.

For the Supreme Being, guarding the Time Stone is the first priority. If necessary, he would rather die than let the Time Stone have problems.

Because the Supreme Being is no longer available and can be re-elected and cultivated.

If the time stone is gone, it's really over.

Later, without the help of the Time Stone, how many of the Supreme Masters, like the Supreme Mage Ancient One, could stop the demons of many dimensions with their own tyrannical strength?

I'm afraid the earth is really doomed.

So no matter what, it's impossible to joke about the Time Stone.

"Yes, voluntarily!" Bruce Banner nodded and then said.

"Why?" Countless thoughts flashed through Supreme Mage Gu Yi's mind, but he couldn't figure out what the reason was.

"I don't know, maybe he is wrong!" Bruce Banner replied, and now he is also very irritable, because this means that his mission has failed.

Before coming, everyone promised that they would succeed, but they never expected that it would fail.

For the Supreme Mage Ancient One, this is undoubtedly a huge shock. The person he chose, the successor he chose, chose to hand over the Time Stone when he knew that he could not hand it over no matter what. out.

What does this mean? It means that he must have his own considerations.

After a moment, she thought of a possibility and said, "Maybe I was wrong!"

As she spoke, she cast a spell, and Hulk's huge body flew directly over and merged with Bruce Banner's soul. He turned back into the Green Doctor Bruce Banner.

She chose to believe Doctor Strange's judgment. Since he did that, there must be a reason to do it, but she didn't know what the reason was.

Perhaps, it is related to the final outcome.

Immediately afterwards, the Supreme Mage Ancient One cast a spell and took out the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto on his chest and handed it to Green Doctor Bruce Banner and said: "Strange should be the best among us..."

"So there must be a reason for him to do this!"

Green Doctor Bruce Banner is also a smart man. Almost instantly, he understood the thoughts of the Supreme Mage Ancient One and believed in the wisdom of later generations.

"I'm afraid you are right!" Supreme Mage Gu nodded and said.

He gave the Time Stone to Green Doctor Bruce Banner.

"Thank you!" said Green Doctor Bruce Banner.

"It all depends on you, Bruce, we all depend on you!" The Supreme Mage Ancient One looked at Green Doctor Bruce Banner and said sincerely.

Everyone outside the screen felt a little emotional when they saw this scene. Unexpectedly, Tony Stark failed, but Bruce Banner succeeded.

This scene ended. Outside the scene, Stephen Strange felt a little inexplicably complicated. Apparently, his teacher inexplicably believed that he was a Supreme Mage who was even more outstanding than her.

Obviously what she said is the best among us. By us, we are not referring to ordinary mages, but to mages at the level of the Supreme Mage.

Ancient One is already a heavenly father-level existence, but she still thinks that he will be better than her?

This is really hard to imagine.

He finally made up his mind to find Karma Taj in advance and become a magician in advance, so that he would not be so confused when facing Dormammu again in the future.

If he had had the strength he had when he fought Thanos later, he wouldn't have been caught off guard by Dormammu's followers.

"But this also proves one thing, that is, although she can see the timeline, she cannot see too far. In other words, she may only be able to see things before and after her death. The more distant future may not be visible. Arrived!" Tony Stark said. "Otherwise, she wouldn't be shocked that Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone, so this should be the limitation of the Time Stone.

She could predict that the doctor would have a car accident, lose his hands, lose everything, and start over, but that was all she could see. There was no way to see the more distant future. The future more than ten years later was what she wanted. A future that cannot be seen. "

"This may be a certain time point, such as her death. Before her death, she could easily see a lot of things, but after she died, many things began to blur, and the time stone did not Not omnipotent," Nick Fury thought for a moment and then said.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One seems to be omniscient and omnipotent, even involved in the knowledge of timelines. It is not surprising that she is concerned about time travel, but her vision is still blocked by death.

Her omniscience and omnipotence about things also have limits.

"But that's pretty much it. If she is truly omniscient and omnipotent, wouldn't she be the same as God?" Rogers said.

Even the Heavenly Father level has its own limits, otherwise Thanos would not have been defeated.

There is no omniscient and omnipotent person in this world. Even a race like the Asa Protoss, which is infinitely close to gods. Among them, the royal family can live for more than a million years. They are not omniscient and omnipotent, and may even die.

"But now, in our timeline, the fate of many people has been changed, and it is different from the original history. Is it possible that the Ancient One in our timeline has also changed his own fate? " Nick Fury continued.

After hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought. Whether the Ancient One in their timeline could still survive, for them, it can be said to have mixed benefits and disadvantages.

The good side is that they have another golden leg, and it will be easier to face future crises. But the bad side is that they don't know what kind of subsequent crisis will be triggered.

But before they could think about it, Lin Feng's diary continued to be updated.

[When Tony Stark really met his old father, the tension was unquestionable and everyone could see it.

But no matter what, when he saw his old father and finally talked to him, he went from never understanding his father, to understanding his father, to finally becoming a father. This was a very obvious process. Perhaps until that moment, Tony Stark finally reconciled with his father and himself.

Let go of all the complaints I had about my father!

Complain about being beaten as a child, blame them for leaving without saying goodbye, blame them for leaving themselves in this cold world.

All at this time, the Great Reconciliation of the Century was completed!

Although no one knows, even though Howard Stark himself can't know, that's enough! 】

When Tony Stark saw the contents of the newly updated diary, his eyes turned red for a moment, and even a young man had tears in his eyes.

What did he see?

He actually saw himself in the future and his father in the past.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, it was a great comfort to him.

As Lin Feng said in his diary, no matter how many bad impressions he had of his father when he was a teenager, now, he only has good memories left.

For a moment, I burst into tears.

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