Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 395 Iron Man’s relief and reconciliation with himself

Tony Stark probably learned from Howard Stark for the first time that he was beaten with a belt when he was young, and that it had historical origins.

It had been like this for generations.

But this annoying tradition was going to end in his hands. He didn't want his Morgan to live in such a harsh environment like him.

He wanted to start with him and change the family style of the Stark family.

Although he knew that his father loved him as much as anyone else, the only form of expression was a belt, which caused him a lifetime of trauma when he was a child.

Even Tony Stark, who was mentally strong, had a lot of psychological shadows and regrets.

Some people rely on their childhood to heal a lifetime of pain, while others have to spend their entire lives to heal the pain of their childhood. Obviously, Tony Stark thinks he is the latter.

Tony Stark then said: "I think my father was also very harsh on me, but now when I think about it, it's all good things, you know? Every word he said is a pearl!"

No matter how many bad memories there were at the beginning, but now when I think about it, there are only good memories left.

Especially after he became a father, he began to understand his father. He was inexperienced, flustered, and too strict. Although there were many bad things, many things were relieved after meeting his father. At his age, he could see his father again, and he was still a young father. What regrets did he have?

No regrets!

But it was a pity that he could not change history, could not be honest with his father, and could not let his father know how deeply he appreciated everything the couple had done for him.

"Really? For example?" Howard Stark asked.

Tony Stark thought about it and said, "Time is more valuable than gold!"

"Very good people!"

Hearing this, Howard Stark seemed a little surprised. This man's father had similar ideas to his own.

That's not similar, it's just one person's idea.

Tony Stark smiled and said, "He tried his best!"

He looked at his father in front of him. He was sure that his father would never know that the person he was talking about was standing in front of him.

Many things between men cannot be said in such silence.

Howard Stark smiled and said, "I tell you, although my child has not been born yet, I am willing to do anything for him!"

Tony Stark, who was outside the screen, was silent when he heard this.

Although he knew that his father should also love him, this can be seen from many minor details.

However, he had never heard his father say such words. From the time he had an impression, his father was very strict and serious in educating them.

So that time when they were looking for new elements to save their lives, they saw the father's love expressed in the video left by their father, which shocked him greatly at that time.

But hearing their father mention this matter in person was another matter.

This overturned their perception of their father and themselves.

Because he always felt that his father was never satisfied with him. It was basically the so-called frustration education of the traditional old white man. He was not satisfied here and there.

But later, from the video materials left by the father, he knew for the first time that he was his father's most satisfied work.

From that time on, he really understood his position in his father's heart. It was just that his father was educated by a traditional old white man, so he couldn't speak.

But now, they heard another statement, which went a step further.

For himself, his father was willing to do anything.

It must be said that the old wounds in his heart were being healed little by little. Perhaps, family is not such a disgusting thing.

Let it go, he really let it go.

Tony Stark in the picture still needs to act and can't express it too obviously, but Tony Stark outside the picture doesn't have to consider these. He can cry unscrupulously. For a while, he couldn't control himself.

At this moment, he completely forgave that father, the father who was not perfect and did not do well enough.

There are many things that he didn't do well as a father. In the future, he also lost Peter Parker, the little spider. He also left little Morgan to save the world and failed to give her a perfect childhood. People are such imperfect existences, what's so strange about it.

His father really tried his best!

At this moment, he reconciled with the serious and old-fashioned father in his heart, let go of the obsession for many years, and let go of the obsession of wanting to prove himself.

It turned out that he was born with such expectations like other children, and was also loved deeply, just like he loved his little Morgan.

"Nice to meet you, Boci!" Howard Stark took the initiative to speak.

And Tony Stark also realized that the time of separation was coming, and immediately said to his father: "Howard, everything will be fine!"

After that, he hugged Howard Stark and said, "Thank you for everything!"

But after he said this sentence that had been hidden in his heart for many years, he was afraid that his father Howard Stark would notice something was wrong, so he immediately added: "Everything you have done for this country!"

Howard Stark smiled, and after bidding farewell to Tony Stark, he came to his butler Jarvis and said, "Jarvis, did we know that person before?"

He always felt that that person was so familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Anyway, it felt a little familiar, but they had never seen it before, which was strange.

And Jarvis took one look and said, "You've seen too much, sir!"

Jarvis didn't have that feeling of blood connection. To him, this was just another passerby.

Howard Stark thought about it and it was true, and then said: "This man looks familiar, but he has a weird beard!"

And when Tony Stark, who was outside the screen, was still immersed in the touch that his old father had brought to him, he only heard Nick Fury say something that made him directly break through the defense.

"Tony, didn't you say that your father became more and more strict with you? Is it possible that your father felt that the longer you grew, the more he looked like that person named Bo? The more you thought about it, the more you felt something was wrong!" Nick Fury said jokingly. "If I were your father, I would beat you more!"

When everyone heard this joke, they couldn't help laughing.

And Tony Stark's face is full of black lines, and he always feels like hitting people.

Fortunately, I was still so moved. Now, it was so good that the atmosphere was completely destroyed.

However, the scene was not over yet. Young Hank Pym appeared in the scene and he received a phone call.

"He is really young. It turns out that he was young before." Quicksilver Pietro said.

"How fresh, who hasn't been young before?" Wanda glanced at her brother and said.


A man's voice came from the phone, saying, "Is this Dr. Pym?"

When everyone heard it, wasn't that the voice of Captain America Rogers?

Immediately I understood what was going on.

Obviously he and Tony Stark have a division of labor and cooperation.

Tony Stark went to obtain the Cosmic Cube, while he went to find a way to replenish the Pym Particles.

Hank Pym said: "Yes, you dialed the right number, it's me!"

"I'm Captain Stephen in charge of transportation, and I have your package!" Captain America said on the phone.

"Bring it up!"

Hank Pym said after taking a sip of coffee.

"The problem is, I can't get it!" Captain America continued to deceive on the phone.

"I'm confused. Isn't this what you should do?" Young Hank Pym said in confusion.

"Yes, it's just sir, this box is glowing!" Captain America on the phone continued to lie. “Honestly, our postman is a bit afraid to touch it!”

"They didn't open it!" Hank Pym asked, as if he already knew what was inside.

"They're open, you better get down here!"

Captain America continued to ramble and spoke.

Hank Pym then put down the phone and ran madly downstairs.

And then, Captain America's figure appeared, and he was the one who led the people down.

Everyone looked at Captain America Rogers with an expression that showed you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, could actually deceive others.

Captain America Rogers shrugged. This is normal for him. Although he is upright and kind, he came from the war years. How could he not have basic adaptations?

After Hank Pym left, Captain America Rogers sneaked directly into the laboratory and successfully took away some of the Pym particles that needed to be replenished. However, when he was about to leave, he encountered the man in the elevator. That black aunt.

The black aunt was obviously very alert, so she was reporting the sneaky actions of Captain America Rogers and Tony Stark.

Obviously, they thought they were hiding very well, but in fact, this was not the case. The traces of their performances were too serious and had long been seen.

In order to avoid this black aunt, Captain America Rogers hid in a nearby room.

But soon, he discovered the difference in this room. There was a photo of him in it.

Then he took a look and saw exactly what was written on the door, Chief Margaret Carter.

It was none other than his old flame Peggy Carter.

Captain America outside the screen was also stunned. He didn't expect to see Carter. No, or to be precise, he thought that in 1970, it was only fifteen years away from his era.

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