Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 397 Act like a clown, Captain Carter

While everyone was still immersed in how Howard Stark solved various problems with the armor in that era, there was already an additional video.

Tony Stark clicked on it and saw that at the beginning of the video, a map from the World War II era unfolded. The Germans were invading the European continent like fire, attacking cities and plundering territory.

"Earth in June 1943, as the Nazi armies swept across Europe, bringing death and destruction, the Allies came together to create a new type of soldier, the super soldier. In humanity's darkest hour, a scrawny kid from Brooklyn, After becoming Captain America, he made a huge sacrifice, restored peace, and saved the world after turning the tide of World War II!"

With the narration of this paragraph, everyone looked at Rogers. In fact, probably only Rogers knew whether it was true or false.

Because they basically heard about the birth process of Captain America Rogers, and many even heard the news about the two knives that had been screened by external governments. Only Captain America Rogers knew what happened in the first place.

"But in another world, a simple choice created a brand new hero!"

At this time, in a laboratory, countless scientists were busy.

"All this to create a super soldier!"

At this time, Steve Rogers, who had not yet become Captain America, looked at the device below and said.

Beside him, Agent Carter slowly spoke: "Paris has fallen, London may be next. If this works, you can end the war. We mortals can only dream of doing such a thing!"

Obviously at this time, Rogers has not yet become Captain America, and is still a thin young man.

When the experiment was about to begin, when Dr. Erkins asked Agent Carter if he had returned to his office, Agent Carter chose to stay, and this created a new universe.

"It was that, that decision, that created a whole new cosmic moment. When Margaret Page Carter was asked to leave the room, she chose to stay, but soon she would venture into the unknown and create A whole new world!”

Everyone knows that this is the characteristic of the timeline. Every different choice will create a new timeline.

The question of whether Peggy Carter left the room or not directly created a new timeline.

No one has ever seen the birth process of Captain America Rogers, so they all watched everything on the screen with bated breath, and finally the change happened.

No one expected that Hydra agents sneaked in, launched an attack directly, and detonated the explosives that had been prepared long ago.

During this process, Captain America Rogers did not complete the transformation as in the original timeline, but jumped out directly and was shot down.

This Hydra agent took away the super soldier serum, but was immediately killed by Peggy Carter who arrived.

No one, including everyone outside the screen, expected that things would turn out like this.

"Captain, was this the same when you were injected with the super soldier serum?" the widowed sister Natasha asked.

"No, I completed the injection!" Steve Rogers said.

He frowned. In this video, everyone's focus was originally on Howard Stark, wanting to see the steel armor he developed kill everyone.

But no one expected that the first person to have an accident was not Howard Stark, but the birth of Captain America Rogers.

After being shot twice so directly, even if he did not die in the parallel time and space, he would not be able to become Captain America again. In the state of serious injury, it would be impossible to complete the final transformation.

If that's the case, then who in that world became Captain America?

Or is it the Peggy Carter mentioned in Lin Feng's diary just now?

Captain Britain?

At this time, as the situation developed like this, many people finally understood what the problem was.

Knowing what is going to happen next, Captain America may be dead, but Captain Britain?

It seems to be a very interesting development direction.

Howard Stark, who had two mustaches, turned around quickly and said loudly: "We either start now or we never do it!"

In the end, Agent Carter chose himself to be the experimental subject. In the end, Howard Stark withstood the pressure and let Agent Carter complete the injection. In the end, it was successful, and a tall woman came out.

Captain Britain Carter!

"Wow, Captain, in that world, the difference between you and her is even bigger!"

The widowed sister Natasha said teasingly with a smile.

Rogers, the American team, is also a little helpless. Without transformation, he is much shorter than ordinary people, a head shorter than Peggy Carter.

Now it's good, Peggy Carter has become much taller than ordinary men, at least 1.8 meters, or more than 1.9 meters, and the feeling between him and Peggy Carter is even weirder.

And without becoming Captain America, the self in that world would not even have the chance to stand side by side with Peggy Carter. So, becoming the first-generation Iron Man is the only hope?

Don’t think how tall European and American white people were at that time. You have to know that going forward a few decades, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, Dutch officers would lament the tallness of Chinese people when they saw Chinese officers.

The so-called tallness of white people in Europe and the United States is the result of nutrition that has kept up with them in the past few decades after the war, and their growth has skyrocketed, just like the Chinese children born after the new century.

This shows how outrageous Peggy Carter's height is in the eyes of those people.

But obviously, the higher-ups were very angry about this turn of events. For them, this was an absolutely failed experiment, and 60 million US dollars and all hope in the world were gone.

They didn't think Carter, a woman, could have the same effect.

The military only continued to draw blood from Peggy Carter for research, but it did not trust her.

In that era, the status of white women was slightly better than that of black women, but it was limited.

Even the right to vote, which is said to represent the freedom of democracy, has only been obtained for about ten years.

In a place like the military, which can be said to be the most stubborn place in the world, it is impossible for everyone to be equal, and women are looked down upon at all.

The scene changed, and Captain Carter was venting his anger and boxing hard.

Everyone looked at Captain America Rogers, as if he also had the habit of boxing, but only Captain America Rogers himself knew that this was to vent the powerful power in his body that was about to overflow, especially at the beginning. Unable to control this power that is growing every second, this is the only way.

As a boxing bag was blown away by her punch, the thin Steve Rogers said: "Nice left hook!"

Captain Carter was obviously in a state of extreme anger. She growled in a low voice: "That's not what Colonel Flynn said, that weapons idiot!"

Then she threw the barbell in her hand. There were barbells like this everywhere on the wall, and they were all smashed into it.

The strength of Captain Carter at this time can be seen from this.

The transformation effect of the super soldier serum is also amazing to everyone. Whether it is a naturally weak person like Steve Rogers or a woman like Carter, it can be transformed to an extremely outrageous degree.

If Hydra had not intervened and popularized this super soldier serum, World War II might have ended earlier.

"It would be great if I could do this to Hitler's head!" Captain Carter said depressedly.

"Worse than that, Flynn might put you on a U.S.A. tour!" joked Steve Rogers. "Put on your middle school clothes and smile ten times a day!"

All this made Captain America Rogers frown outside the screen, and some dead memories began to attack him. He once participated in this kind of tour and wanted to vomit. He really couldn't stand performing everywhere, and then soliciting donations everywhere to give to the army. show.

This made him feel like he was not a soldier, but a clown in a circus, just for people's entertainment.

"He won't, he can't, can he?" Captain Carter was a little skeptical, but soon, she realized that the other party was really possible.

Steve Rogers just shrugged and smiled without answering directly.

At this time, a troop of troops passed by outside the window.

This reminded Steve Rogers of his friend Bucky, who should also be sent to the battlefield now.

"Bucky, a friend of mine in Brooklyn, he was just sent to Unit 107, and the army didn't even tell me where he was going!" Steve Rogers said in a very depressed mood.

"We all have people fighting for us!" Captain Carter sighed. "If only we could fight for them!"

"I'm sorry, you are the one destined to end the war!" Captain Carter apologized. She felt that this opportunity should have belonged to Steve Rogers, not hers.

She knew very well how much effort Steve Rogers had made in order to wait for this opportunity, but now, the success fell short.

After being successfully injected with the super soldier serum, she could only box here in boredom, so the military believed that the $60 million was wasted. This was not a joke, but a reality.

In this era, sixty million US dollars is undoubtedly an astronomical sum of money.

"But it's yours now, don't worry about me, I'm not very good at dancing anyway!" Steve Rogers said with a faint smile.

"Maybe it's because you haven't found the right person yet!" Captain Carter said.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then the scene changed, and the opportunity Captain Carter was waiting for arrived.

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