
Lin Tianci nodded.

He naturally knew this truth.

“If I object, you people from the Dark Temple will not be able to touch Qingtan at all, let alone take Qingtan away.”

“Brother Tianci, the separation now is only temporary. The elders of the Dark Palace promised me that in two years at most, I will be able to catch up with you in strength, and then I will come back.”

Qingtan also spoke to comfort him at this moment.

“Two years……”

Lin Tianci muttered something in a low voice, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

Two years have passed, and I’m afraid that this strength will not only be unable to catch up, but will also be pulled further behind.

“Lin Tianci, the power of the Dark Temple is much greater than you think. Only I am willing to discuss with your Lin family in a normal way. If it were those people with hot tempers, I am afraid they would take Qingtan away without any explanation.”

The woman on the side also spoke.

Lin Tianci sneered:”You should also be thankful that you are not the kind of person with a bad temper, otherwise, you may not even be able to return to the Dark Temple now.”

This woman played the carrot and stick game brilliantly.

First she tried to persuade him, and then threatened him subtly.

It was obviously their Dark Temple that needed Qingtan, but after what she said, it became the Lin family that should be grateful to their Dark Temple for not using rough means to take Qingtan away.

With such a strategy, Lin Tianci would naturally not indulge her

“Lin Tianci, I admit that you have a strong talent, but no matter how good your talent is, it takes time to practice. You are far from me now, so it is not good to be too arrogant.”

After hearing Lin Tianci’s words, the woman’s voice was also a little unhappy. With her current Nirvana Realm strength, she is a powerful existence in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, but in this small Yancheng, she was threatened by a junior in the Formation Realm?

“For Qingtan’s sake, I won’t bother with you. If it were in the outside world, anyone who dared to threaten me like this would have been dead long ago.”

“If you think I’m bragging, then you can try it.”

Lin Tianci narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous look appeared in his eyes.

“Is that so?”

The woman in the black robe took a step forward, her tone became a little cold.

The evil power also emanated at this moment.


The flowers, plants and trees around her suddenly froze, and then turned into tiny ice crystals, collapsing with a bang, reflecting the pale moonlight in the sky, a white patch of white.

The energy of the One Yuan Nirvana Realm was released, pressing on Lin Tianci.

Suddenly, a great sense of oppression appeared on Lin Tianci.

“The strength of the Nirvana Realm is really not comparable to the three realms of creation. Even Lin Langtian, who is in the Qi Creation Realm, is far inferior to this woman in terms of the aura he releases!”

Lin Tianci took a deep breath.

If his body had not been transformed by the power of chaos many times, he would have been unable to withstand such horrible pressure and would have fallen to the ground.

When a Nirvana Realm expert faces a Formation Realm expert, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is using a dimensionality reduction attack.

“Lin Tianci, a man who knows the current situation is a hero.

Before the woman finished speaking, Lin Tianci suddenly raised his head.

“Is this all you have? Nothing more than that!”


The woman was startled, and then her face darkened. She took a step forward, and the strength of the Nirvana Realm was finally released without reservation!

Then, it was like a mountain pressing down on Lin Tianci!

Lin Tianci only felt that the pressure on his body suddenly increased several times at this moment!

His originally straight body was slightly stiff at this moment!

He clenched his fists tightly, and his fingertips were slightly white at this moment.

“Senior, Brother Tianci, what are you doing?”

Qingtan saw this almost instantaneous scene of tension, and a hint of anxiety appeared in her eyes, and then she quickly said

“Senior, please stop. Brother Tianci is doing this for my own good.

Qingtan’s words were filled with heartache.

“Don’t worry, I know what’s going on. I’m only giving him a slight punishment. With his arrogant character, he will suffer a great loss in the future if he is not educated.” After hearing Qingtan’s words, the woman did not stop releasing her energy, but said lightly:”Lin Tianci knows how to apologize and show weakness, and I will naturally take back the pressure.”

However, before she could finish her words, Lin Tianci in front of her suddenly took a step forward!

“Ten times combat power bonus card, use it!”


Facing the surprised look of the woman, Lin Tianci’s aura suddenly surged. At this moment, Lin Tianci seemed to have grown a little taller, and his sharp aura burst out without reservation.

Then he easily forced the woman’s aura back!

The domineering aura made the woman dare not look at Lin Tianci’s face.

“I ask you, who should apologize now?”

A sneer appeared on Lin Tianci’s lips.

At this moment, he felt that he had endless strength all over his body, and the power of chaos in his body also increased several times at this moment.

Lin Tianci slowly clenched his fist, and he could clearly feel the powerful force condensed in his palm.

Lin Tianci is now confident that in his current state, if he meets Mr. Shen again, even if he does not use the power of chaos in his body, he can easily blow him up with his physical strength.

And the woman in the Dark Temple in front of him is no longer a mountain for him!

“You, how did you do it!”

The woman couldn’t help but take two steps back, her originally calm voice was full of astonishment.

The strength of Lin Tianci in front of her suddenly increased by who knows how many times at this moment.

Even though she had been in the Dark Palace for so many years, she had seen countless methods.

But Lin Tianci’s strength increased so much at once, she had never even heard of it!

Even if he practiced the supreme divine canon of their Dark Palace, he would not be able to achieve this step! At this moment, Lin Tianci’s figure became infinitely mysterious in her eyes!

“Now, it’s my turn.”

However, before she could think about it, Lin Tianci’s voice came into her ears again.

The woman was stunned.


The extremely terrifying Qi suddenly hit the woman’s body.

Under the influence of this Qi, the Yin Sha power surrounding her was forced back into her body!

The woman’s back also bent down at this moment.


The scene was so changed that Qingtan was stunned.

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