After all, not only was his son beaten badly, but Lin Tianci also detained his son and threatened to take 500,000 pure Yuan Dan.

This was tantamount to a slap in the face of the Blood Eagle Martial Arts School.

Hearing this, Jiang Lei’s eyes did not change, but he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Since you are not here for this matter, then surrounding my Eagle Martial Arts School without saying a word is a bit too much.”

“Jiang Lei!”

Seeing that Jiang Lei was pretending to be stupid, Luo Jiu’s already gloomy face became even more terrifying.

He stared at Jiang Lei with ferocious eyes and said grimly:”Jiang Lei, hand over my son and the little beast who hurt my son immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for being cruel and ruthless and destroying your Eagle Martial Arts School today!”

“Oh? Is the young master in our Eagle Martial Arts School now? Why haven’t I heard about it?”

Jiang Lei still didn’t change his expression:”Could it be that the young master was playful and went out of the city alone, and then some people with ulterior motives spread random messages, causing some misunderstandings in the middle?”

After saying this, Jiang Lei turned his head and said:”Wait a minute, Master Luo, I will help you verify it.”

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Jiang Lei whispered something to a coach beside him.

Seeing that Jiang Lei continued to play dumb, Luo Jiu’s aura almost couldn’t be suppressed.

Until a moment later.

The Eagle Martial Arts School split into a road.

Two apprentices came out one after another carrying a stretcher.

And on the stretcher, lying was Luo Shan, who had fainted.

At this moment, Luo Shan’s whole body was soaked in blood, his chest was sunken, and he looked extremely miserable.

After seeing Luo Shan’s miserable condition, many onlookers took a breath of cold air.

Although they only It was word of mouth, and they didn’t see the scene of Luo Shan being beaten, but they obviously didn’t expect that Lin Tianci’s attack would be so cruel.

Judging from the current situation, even if Luo Shan was rescued, he would probably become a useless person.

It’s a pity that his cultivation of Yuan New Year’s Day is perfect. If there is a chance in the future, he may be able to break through to the third level of creation.

The people in the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall reacted even more violently.

Luo Jiu’s hands were clenched tightly at this moment, and his aura burst out without reservation at this moment, rushing straight into the sky!

“”I’m sorry, Master Luo. I asked about the situation. The young master must have sneaked into my Eagle Martial Arts Hall and got lost. I don’t know how he fell and ended up like this.”

Jiang Lei spoke again at this moment.

“But don’t worry, Master Luo, I have already criticized the guards at the door and told them to watch carefully in the future and never let in irrelevant people!”

Jiang Lei’s words were righteous.

However, such innocent words made Luo Jiu even angrier!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall also became suffocating.

“Jiang Lei, you don’t have to wait until tomorrow. Today, your Eagle Martial Arts School will be destroyed!”

Luo Jiu’s face was full of ferocity, but he couldn’t bear it any longer.

Then, Luo Jiu clenched his palm, and a fine iron hammer appeared in his hand.

“Luo Jiu, I have explained the matter clearly. Do you really think I am afraid of you?

Jiang Lei sneered at this moment. His hand trembled, and then a heavy sword appeared in Jiang Lei’s hand.

A strong breath suddenly burst out from Jiang Lei’s body.

“Jiang Lei, now that I have reached the Great Perfection of the Formation Realm, are you qualified to fight me with your strength at the Small Perfection of the Formation Realm?”

Luo Jiu’s eyes showed a hint of disdain, and he clenched the giant hammer in his hand.

“Then let’s give it a try!”

Jiang Lei’s eyes were gloomy, and then he stomped his feet hard on the ground, and the whole person flew out with an extremely swift momentum, and the heavy sword brought up a sharp sword light, fiercely sweeping towards Luo Jiu on horseback!

“”Looking for death!”

Seeing Jiang Lei dare to attack him, Luo Jiu’s eyes were fierce.

He held the hammer in one hand and slapped the horse’s back with the other hand, and his figure flew into the air.

The heavy hammer whistled and hit Jiang Lei’s sword fiercely.


There was a sharp sound of metal colliding.

At the same time, there was also a sharp fluctuation of Yuanli!

Jiang Lei’s powerful attack was directly intercepted by Luo Jiu halfway.

Afterwards, Jiang Lei’s figure was shocked and retreated continuously, falling back to the ground, leaving a trace of about ten meters.

Seeing that the gap between the two was so obvious after one attack, the people in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall were obviously a little panicked.

Worried eyes gathered on Jiang Lei.

At the same time, the crowd watching couldn’t help but let out exclamations.

“The difference in strength between the minor and major achievements is a little too obvious.”

“That is to say, it’s only been one round, and Jiang Lei is clearly no match for Luo Jiu.”

“It seems that the Eagle Martial Arts School is really in danger this time.”

Many of the people were talking about this, and Luo Jiu heard a lot of it.

At that moment, Luo Jiu’s face became a little more serious.

“Jiang Lei, since you insist on standing up for that little beast, I will get rid of you today!”

After saying this, Luo Jiu was unwilling to give Jiang Lei any time to react. He raised the heavy hammer in his hand again. At that moment, the whole person flashed with a fierce momentum and reappeared in the air.

Then, like a vulture, he rushed towards Jiang Lei on the ground!

The huge hammer in his hand brought up extremely fierce power and Yuanli fluctuations.

Seeing this, Jiang Lei’s face became extremely solemn.

He changed from holding the sword with one hand to holding the sword with both hands, tightly grasping the hilt.

At this moment, there was a flash of purple lightning on his heavy sword.


The sword and hammer collided, and sparks burst out.

Waves of powerful Yuanli fluctuations burst out like waves, and the ground was actually cracked at this moment.

Looking at such a strong impact, the troops of both sides and the onlookers were watching this scene intently, waiting for the result of the confrontation.

The two figures separated after the collision. Luo Jiu stayed in the air, looking at Jiang Lei with a hint of sarcasm.

Jiang Lei also tried to straighten his back, and then a trace of blood slid down the corner of his mouth.

At the base of his palm, there was a big tear at this moment.

“Jiang Lei, the strength of the Forming Realm is not something you can stop just because you want to. Die!”

Seeing this, Luo Jiu’s face showed a ruthless look, and he swung the giant hammer in his hand, ready to swing it towards Jiang Lei!


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