In the front hall, Qin Chuan confronted Emperor Shitian.

The might of the Sword Saint unleashing ‘Sword Twenty-Three’ instantly alarmed Emperor Shitian.

The monstrous sword intent immediately made Emperor Shitian’s heart frightened, and he miscalculated in his heart.

Although I don’t know how the Sword Saint came to Dali without the eyes and ears of the Heavenly Gate, it is obvious that the subordinates who went to the back hall should have been completely destroyed at this moment.

The plan failed, and at this time, Emperor Shitian had no time to worry about his subordinates, his face remained silent, and he began to think hard in his heart about how to run.

In Emperor Shitian’s heart, even if Qin Chuan is a Heavenly Prodigy, at his current age, it is already the limit to be able to advance to the Heavenly Human Realm by chance, and it is certainly impossible to surpass Wu Invincible, with his thousand-year skill, he is still sure to win in battle.

But if you add the Sword Saint, a land immortal who becomes a god and has a burst of attacking power, Emperor Shitian is not so confident.

What’s more, the Sword Saint was able to hide from the eyes and ears of the Heavenly Gate, would Nameless and Zhang Sanfeng also hide in the courtyard.

Di Shitian looked at the brightly lit courtyard, feeling like a beast mouth that was about to devour him with its mouth open, and couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

The confident smile on his face was really tight, and Emperor Shi Tian said with a smile:

“Lord Qin Zhuang, if the old man just joked with you, do you believe it or not.”

Qin Chuan pouted and said:

“Emperor Shitian, you said I don’t believe it or not.”

“Believe, I believe for sure.”

For more than a thousand years, not only did Emperor Shitian gain incomparably profound skills, but also made his face invulnerable.

Past experience told Emperor Shitian that only those who are alive are qualified to win, and a little face is nothing at all.

As long as he can escape this time, he is only hiding for more than a hundred years, and he can afford it.

But if you behave too hard, hang it directly here, and countless hours will really be gone in the future.

Emperor Shitian had the Sacred Heart Secret to protect him, and Qin Chuan’s sight and smell could not hear his heart, but he also roughly guessed Emperor Shitian’s retreat.

Originally, Qin Chuan and Emperor Shitian should be two parallel lines that do not intersect, as long as Emperor Shitian does not come to provoke himself, Qin Chuan has no intention of searching for this underground rat all over the world.

However, Emperor Shitian actually attacked him first, and jumped directly in front of him, giving such a big opportunity, Qin Chuan would definitely not let it go easily.

Since he had already made up his mind to kill Emperor Shitian in his heart, Qin Chuan would never have changed his attitude because of Emperor Shitian’s softened words.

As soon as a trace of killing intent arose in Qin Chuan’s heart, he was keenly detected by Emperor Shitian, and suddenly Emperor Shitian’s face changed slightly.

For more than a thousand years, Emperor Shitian has been able to wave in the world for so long and has not been killed, in addition to the powerful recovery ability given by the phoenix blood, it relies on his keen perception of danger.

Knowing that today’s things could not be good, Emperor Shitian no longer hesitated, and decisively decided to strike first.

“Hands on.”

Emperor Shitian shouted loudly, and more than a dozen Heavenly Gate masters hidden in the crowd all jumped out and rushed towards Qin Chuan.

For a time, the sword qi and palm wind fist shadow shrouded Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan’s face remained unchanged, and he had expected the attacks from all sides.

Although he could not hear Emperor Shitian’s heart and could not know everything about the plan of the Heavenly Gate, the masters of the Heavenly Gate were basically branded by Emperor Shitian in the spiritual world.

So that such a person, even if hidden in the crowd, in Qin Chuan’s eyes, is as bright as a bright light bulb, and wanting to sneak up on Qin Chuan is undoubtedly a joke.

With a cold snort, Qin Chuan’s figure shot out, like a piece of paper, twisting and slipping out of the gap in the encirclement.

After Emperor Shitian gave the order, he wanted to turn around and leave, but he didn’t expect Qin Chuan to appear in front of him in an instant, and more than ten masters of the late stage of the Great Grandmaster didn’t even touch the corners of Qin Chuan’s clothes.

“Frozen Fist.”

Qin Chuan let out a low sigh, his right fist glowed with a light blue light, and he blasted straight towards Emperor Shitian’s face.

Although the hall of the Qin Mansion was spacious, it was surrounded by guests, making it difficult for Qin Chuan to carry out his big move.

In desperation, Qin Chuan could only use the ‘frozen fist’ that had not been used for a long time.

In the past, Qin Chuan Xiaocheng’s ‘Frozen Fist’, with one punch with all his strength, could only seriously injure Murong Bo of the Great Grandmaster Fourth Heaven.

But now, the ‘Frozen Fist’ of the full level blessed by the selfless realm, plus the increase in the limit of opening the first gate of thousands of temperings.

As soon as the doubly powerful ‘Frozen Fist’ was released, the surrounding temperature instantly dropped by more than ten degrees.

Before the fist came, Emperor Shitian’s face was already covered with frost.

Emperor Shitian was about to raise his hand to intercept it, but suddenly the alarm bell sounded wildly in his heart, and a thought appeared in his mind: it can’t be hard connected.

Between the electric light and flint, Emperor Shitian seemed powerless to dodge.

Suddenly, Di Shitian’s figure shrunk, and the whole person sank into the ground, and the solid ground became like the surface of water, rippling layer by layer.

With a punch, the cold aura of the ‘Frozen Fist’ instantly froze a large area of ground.


Qin Chuan didn’t expect that Emperor Shitian would actually use the technique of spatial transfer, but he didn’t notice it for a while, and he actually avoided it.

With a frown, Qin Chuan instantly opened the limit of the second gate to radiate his energy, and the domineering aura that was brought to the extreme instantly enveloped the entire house.

In the end, this is just a martial arts world, and the art of space transfer is definitely not as exaggerated as the magic world and the fantasy world.

Qin Chuan guessed that with the strength of Emperor Shitian, at best, it was enough to let him transfer a hundred meters.

Sure enough, in the foreknowledge of seeing and hearing the domineering, Emperor Shitian’s figure would jump out of the ground tens of meters away.

Without hesitation, Qin Chuan immediately flew away, a light blue cold aura condensed on his fist again, and a ‘frozen fist’ blasted towards the empty place.

Just when everyone felt strange, Emperor Shitian’s figure appeared under his fist, as if he had sent his body to the ‘Frozen Fist’.

Emperor Shitian, who had just floated from the ground, did not expect Qin Chuan to be able to guess the location of his appearance, and was caught off guard, and was slammed straight in the back by a punch, eating all the damage of the ‘Frozen Fist’.

The strong force carried Di Shitian’s body, flipped forward a few times, and by the time he landed, Di Shitian had turned into a stiff ice sculpture.

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