Chapter 146 The woman of the Great Tang is really fierce~!!

Ling Shuang Heart Sword!

Different from the domineering of the Ling Shuang Demon Sword, what can increase the scale of the sword qi and even damage the Ling Shuang Heart Sword is the so-called right path, the so-called power of the heart.

Perhaps it is a bit ethereal to say this, but Ling Shuang’s heart sword does have the power to stabilize the mind and even make people explode and break through.

To put it bluntly, Ling Shuangxin Sword is equivalent to a concrete and low-end version of the protagonist’s aura.

And its own strength is not low.

I saw Ye Ling’s two swords coming out in unison, and her face froze visibly with the naked eye.

The power of the Ling Shuang Demon Sword was terrifying enough, and even enough to suppress Shifei Xuan and Void Zen Master almost couldn’t raise their heads.

Now Ye Ling took out another sword.

“Hehe, it seems that Gongzi really has nothing to do with that white-clothed killing god.”

The smile was a little reluctant, and the voice of the woman was much softer.

Obviously, like Shifei Xuan, they are both almost half-step grandmasters, and there is not much difference between rounding and grandmasters.

But in the face of Ye Ling, there was not much difference between the half-step grandmaster and the innate earth.

Especially with Ye Ling holding Ling Shuang’s twin swords.

No matter how demon a witch she is, she can’t joke about her little life.

Especially when Ye Ling clearly expressed disdain for Shifei Xuan’s appearance and turned a deaf ear to her charm.

“If that’s the case, let’s go first.”

Seeing that this little demon girl was finally a little stunned, Ye Lingdang flashed away.

The white robe mask, the posture is tall, and it looks like it has a calm nobility.

Even if she prides herself on being handsome in the world, but so, looking at Ye Ling’s departing back, she can’t help but have a flash of color in her eyes.

“If you want to just get rid of the, that’s not okay.”

I don’t know what came to mind, Wanwan suddenly laughed stupidly.

It seems to be a little sick, but more is the irresistible charm of the world…

Compared with the second defeat on Wanwan’s side, the entire Luoyang undercurrent is surging, but it is broken and orderly.

“Legend has it that there are Nine Heavens Saint Ji in Phantom Sound Place, but only three Saint Ji are the strongest of the Nine Heavens Saint Ji.”

“Compared to you, you are the Ji Luo Shengji among the three, right?”

In an inconspicuous old tavern, Wen Caiting, who had retreated on the border of the Great Song Dynasty, chuckled at the air.

If he really chuckled into the air, then Wen Caiting naturally made a big joke.

But unfortunately, as Wen Caiting’s words fell, I saw a beautiful woman with an extremely graceful figure as if suddenly appeared.

“You are not worthy to talk to me yet, let Zhu Yuyan come over.”

His eyes did not look at Wen Caiting more, and Luo Tian’s tone was quite indifferent.

There is no doubt that as the Nine Heavens Saint Ji of the Phantom Music Workshop, Luo Luotian is extremely arrogant.

But her strength is fully worthy of this arrogance.

Half-step Grandmaster!

It has even gone one step further than a half-step grandmaster, and can be called a quasi-grandmaster!

Maybe not as good as the mistress of the Phantom Sound Workshop, that is, the one who agrees to call herself the female emperor, but it can also be regarded as one of the people in the Phantom Sound Fang!

In contrast, although Wen Caiting was the elder of the Yin Kui Sect, she was far from touching the threshold of a grandmaster.

That is, there is no heart and no talent.

“Don’t be in a hurry, our sect master is still busy, but there is no time to come.”

“If there is any problem with Luo Shengji, the little woman must know everything and say everything.”

Draw a book of closed knowledge.

It was that little woman who almost didn’t let Luo Shengji do it directly.

How old are you and don’t have a little AC number yourself?

Although on the surface, he still maintained his pressing status as a Nine Heavens Saint Ji.

But in fact, Luo Luotian’s eyes looking at Wen Caiting were already a little disgusted.

“Let’s talk about it, how much do you know about the Evil Emperor Relic and Heshibi.”

According to the disgust in his heart, Luo Luotian said in an increasingly indifferent tone.

It seems that Luo Luotian put the Evil Emperor Relic in front of Heshibi, but in fact.

The three major Saint Ji sent by Phantom Music Fang this time are all priority targets of Heshibi!

[Appointed by heaven, both life and eternal chang]

These eight big characters are simply not too tempting for the female emperor, okay?

In fact, for the female emperor of Phantom Sound Place, what she wanted to do most was to say something to the current lord of the entire Great Tang.

“He can take his place!”

are all women, why can you become the peerless female emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty? Even with the body of a woman, he pressed the entire Great Tang.

Whether it is the imperial court or the rivers and lakes, they can’t raise their heads!

“Evil Emperor Relic? And Shi Bi? Since Sheng Ji wanted to know this, the little woman had to have a good chat. ”

Of course, Wen Caiting would not know the mind of the female emperor of Phantom Music Place, and listening to Luo Tian’s words, the smile on her face was even worse.

Anyway, the task of her, the elder of the Yin Kui Sect, is very simple, that is, to fool Luo Tian away as soon as possible.

Although they can all be regarded as quacks, Phantom Music Fang is different.

It is neither right nor evil, but an intelligence gathering force and even assassination.

It is the magic gate, which is incompatible with the painting style of Phantom Sound Place.

However, Luo Luo Tian, including Yan Ferris Tian and Free Heaven, these three saints never planned to cooperate with anyone.

After receiving general information from the Evil Emperor Relic and Heshibi, Luo Luotian left very happily.

At the same time, Yan Ferris and Zizitian also left from the forces they were targeting.

Many people feel relieved.

It’s not that I’m really afraid of the three half-step grandmasters, but once I really fight.

It is easy to attract the attention of the imperial court.

The imperial court is still nothing, I am afraid to attract the attention of that Di fat and fat, especially the ancient female emperor.

This ancient female emperor is not the self-appointed one from Phantom Sound Place.

It is a true sense that it is recognized by the world as an emperor who is bound to leave a strong mark in the history books.

It doesn’t take much skill to cover the three emperors and the five emperors of the German Super League.

Just because someone is a woman ascending the throne is enough.

No way, who let Kyushu be so strong and powerful, but there is such a female emperor in the true sense?

There are no ancients before, and probably no more.

After the three saints got what they wanted, they all gathered in a tavern very tacitly.

Unlike the old tavern, although the old tavern is old, it is because it is old, so there are definitely many customers.

Especially those die-hard fans, repeat customers, just such a taste.

In contrast, the tavern is really small.

It’s small and nobody, and there is only one old man in the museum, and the little two is about thirteen or fourteen years old.

“The Evil Emperor Relic is a strange stone treasure jade, which was later discovered by the Evil Emperor of the Demon Gate, so the successive Evil Emperors of the Demon Gate infused a body of essence yuan before they died.”

“Cycle after cycle, this Evil Emperor relic has become an incredible treasure.”

The three saints had good looks and shared their information in pleasant voices.

Then they found that the information of the three women was all inseparable.

In short, the repetition rate is extremely high.

For a while, time in the tavern seemed to have fallen into some kind of stagnation.

The shopkeeper carefully wiped the pipe, and the little two shrunk in the wine cellar.

“Hehe, Brother Mask, they’re really interesting.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, causing the veteran of the treasurer to shake and almost didn’t drop his precious pipe on the ground.

“Interesting? I don’t think. ”

Facing Wanwan’s words, Ye Ling was noncommittal.

It just feels offending like this.

The wine was not drunk, but the people were offended, and the name of this demon girl really deserved its name.

Especially Yan Ferris, Luo Tian, and Free Heaven all turned their eyes to here, Ye Ling wore a mask, his face did not show anything, but he seemed to be provocative.

He also smiled toothyly at the three Nine Heavens Saint Ji.

If it is a man, he must be overwhelmed by this laughing spirit.

However, the three major saints are all women.

And they are all women with qualifications, appearance, and strength.

“Yin Kui faction, the strength should not be underestimated.”

Zi Zitian suddenly pressed Rou Yi on Yan Motian’s wrist, and said in a rather calm tone.

Ye Ling looked at these three Saint Ji who had no impression in his previous life, but felt that it was very suitable to wear glasses in the sky.

Quite a calm, calm feeling.

In contrast, Yan Motian seemed a little breathless, and just wanted to start directly.

It belongs to the category of big sisters with hot tempers.

Luotian was equally calm and calm, but not as obvious as Shutian.

It looks more like a city defender sitting on one side.

Or rather… High cold female president?

In short, the three daughters of Luo Luotian and Wanwen suddenly froze.

It is clear that Luo Tian’s side has a numerical advantage, but it doesn’t seem to be falling behind at all.

As for the reason, of course, it was Ye Ling, who was sitting quietly opposite Wanwen.

I saw that Wanwan suddenly showed a pitiful look, and said to Ye Ling’s tearful eyes: “Woo, brother mask, these three old women bully people, can you help others fight them away?” ”

In the face of Wanwen’s jumping move, Ye Ling only felt that his fist was hardened.

The kind that is harder than diamonds.

But whether Ye Ling’s fist was hard or not, the three Saint Ji had already shifted their gaze to Ye Ling.


Seeing this scene, Ye Ling could only sigh.

“The three of them, they are just entangled by this girl, I don’t know if they can ignore it?”

Holding the scabbard of the Ling Shuang Demon Sword, Ye Ling still said with a little luck, but Luo Tian, Freedom Heaven, Yan Ferris, still looked directly at Ye Ling.

“It’s strange, obviously the breath has not yet reached the realm of a grandmaster, not even a half-step grandmaster.”

“It gave me a very dangerous feeling.”

A dignified look flashed in Tianmei’s eyes, and his tone was not as indifferent as before.

As the Nine Heavens Saint Ji of the Illusion Sound Workshop, the nine Saint Ji all practiced the same Illusion Sound Technique.

However, the weapons of the Nine Heavens Saint Ji are different, and the direction of emphasis is naturally different, among which what Zi Zitian is good at is eyesight and perception.

Even the weapon he is good at is a silver needle.

Compared to the free sky, Luo Luotian’s weapon is a chain or chain blade that is more partial to the door.

Yan Ferris is a wide and long giant blade.

“Hmph, what does it matter, the three of us against the two of them, the advantage is in me!” Yan Motian snorted coldly and said rather arrogantly. ”

Facing Yan Ferris’ posture, whether it was Zitian or Ye Ling, they couldn’t help but feel a headache.

Naturally, I feel that Yan Ferris is not saved.

Ye Ling is a little sore in the brain, obviously just trying to get rid of this little demon girl.

Why are you going to match up with Phantom Sound Shop now?

If it weren’t for Ye Ling’s already secretly passing on the news, let Li Mochou plan something.

Today is really not going well.

“Could it be that this is the backlash of the Ling Shuang Demon Sword?”

Holding the Ling Shuang Demon Sword, Ye Ling suddenly thought in his mind.

But Nine Heavens Saint Ji didn’t

Give Ye Ling time to think about it.

I saw that Yan Motian took the lead in making a move, and the giant blade in his hand seemed to have no weight, and directly slashed towards Wanwen.

Yan Motian is just a temper, and he is not really stupid.

Of course, understand who exactly is the person who wanted to provoke the fire from the beginning.

“Oh, it’s terrible, isn’t Brother Mask ready to save someone’s family?”

I saw Wanwan let out a silver bell-like laugh, and her figure was like dancing to avoid Yan Motian’s sword.

Not only that, this little demon girl also said to Ye Ling in a resentful tone while directing Yan Motian’s attack towards Ye Ling.

Also a half-step grandmaster, the Nine Heavens Saint Ji was just cultivated by the female emperor of Phantom Sound Fang through some means.

Even if the nine selected in the end are all the proud sons of heaven, thousands of choices.

It still can’t change their nameless division guidance, and they have no divine weapons.

There is not even a better martial arts.

Even the weapons are more than one side door! It’s different.

Not only is it the only descendant of the Yin Kui Sect, but there is no shortage of weapons, exercises, etc

Perhaps Wanwan couldn’t defeat Yan Motian in a short time, but she could play with this Nine Heavens Saint Ji in the palm of her hand in some small places.


Looking at this scene, Ye Ling couldn’t help but smack his lips, and his eyes turned slightly cold.

“Woman, you’ve crossed the line.”

The Ling Shuang Demon Sword was unsheathed, and none of the people present could even see how the sword was unsheathed.

Only when it was unsheathed, the bright red sword light made people tremble in their hearts

Such a sword, as if with the blink of an eye, his life will be taken away.

But Ye Ling didn’t ask for Yan Motian’s life, and even the figure suddenly came to Wanwan’s side.

The scarlet-covered demon sword was just like that, next to the snow-white neck.

It seemed that as long as Ye Ling exerted a slight force, then Wanwan’s incomparably beautiful head would fall.

Look at the Yan Ferris again.

I saw Yan Motian as if he was fixed, staring blankly at the giant blade in his hand.

It is obviously a giant blade forged by craftsmen with fine iron, but it is extremely crisp at this moment.

No, that’s not a break.

Instead, it was cut off abruptly!

Looking at the smooth fracture, don’t say Yan Motian looked blankly.

Even Luo Tian and Zi Zitian, who had not yet made a move on the side, couldn’t help but shrink their pupils for a while.

It was true that Ye Ling’s Ling Shuang Demon Sword was not an ordinary product at first glance.

But not everyone with a divine weapon can exert the power of divine jade.

There is only one possibility for such a scene.

That is, Ye Ling’s sword skills were extremely superb, and even his body technique was so fast that Ling Yan Tiantian never reacted.

“Brother Mask, what are you doing? Is it to kill Wanwen? ”

Pretending to be pitiful, Wanwan glanced at Ling Shuang Demon Sword, and then looked at Ye Ling with her beautiful eyes.

There is no doubt that this demon girl is recklessly exuding her charm at the moment.

Not only tried to touch Ye Ling’s bottom, but also tried to shake Ye Ling’s mind.

“Shifei Xuan, you or you, and the Nine Heavenly Ji of this Phantom Sound Place.”

“One by two, the Great Tang woman is really not cute, no wonder even the position of the emperor has been taken by a woman.”

Sighing, Ye Ling’s hand holding the Ling Shuang Demon Sword was slightly forced.

I saw that Wanwen’s white neck was as white as snow and instantly flashed a line of blood, and a drop of bright red blood dripped on the scarlet body of the demon sword.

At this moment, Wanwan finally understood that her charm could not make Ye Ling shake her mind.

The pupils of her beautiful eyes contracted slightly, and her body and the charming and pure smile were also slightly stiff.

“The Evil Emperor Relic, Heshi Bi, does not deny that he is really interested in them.”

“But now Luoyang has become a whirlpool, and who is not here for the people of the rivers and lakes who are attracted to them?”

“In the next sentence, if you want to exclude competitors in advance, you must also see if you can pay enough.”

Sheathing the Ling Shuang Demon Sword, Ye Ling said as he walked outside the door of the tavern.

This time, Wanwan was not following and pestering Ye Ling.

It still seems to be shrouded in the shadow of death just now.

And Luo Tian and the other Nine Heavens Saint Ji would not stop Ye Ling.

As Ye Ling said, everyone is for the Evil Emperor Relic and Heshibi.

But if you want to eliminate competitors in advance, you must also see whether you have the strength to withstand the counterattack of others.

At the very least, the third daughter of Luo Tian didn’t think that she could withstand Ye Ling’s counterattack…

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