The sunset is on the western mountain, and the lights are on.

Ye Ling followed the winding mountain path and walked towards the cliff in the dark.

He wanted to come over in the afternoon, but was blocked by the guard disciples.

It is claimed that the back mountain is a forbidden place in the gate, and disciples of the outer gate are not allowed to enter.

It just so happened that there were still some things to prepare, and Ye Ling took advantage of the night to act.

The mountain road is rough.

It’s hard to argue with black lights.

Ye Ling walked for nearly an hour before finally coming to the Thought Cliff.

“Congratulations to the player, discovering the forbidden land of the Huashan Sect – thinking over the cliff, and obtaining 100 points of the reputation of the Huashan Sect.”

The sudden prompt sound made Ye Ling’s heart feel at ease.

Good, didn’t find the wrong place.

Then he pouted: “This forbidden place is too worthless, so I give 100 prestige.” ”

According to the introduction, this reputation is a good thing.

Not only can it increase the goodwill of NPCs, but it can also get a lot of convenience.

If he had prestige during the day, and wandered around casually in the Huashan faction, no one would stop him.

Laugh at! ~

Ye Ling lit the prepared torch and cautiously touched it towards the depths of the cave.

After going around in circles along the way, I finally stopped in front of a boulder.

“It should be here.”

Ye Ling was short for a moment.

The cracks exposed from under the boulder burrowed in, coming to an enclosed space.

The first thing that catches your eye is the bones of a place!

Ye Ling just glanced at it casually, and immediately walked towards the stone wall with a bit of excitement and held a torch.

“Hah! ~”

Seeing the dense handwriting on the stone wall, Ye Ling suddenly grinned.

Immediately, his eyes widened, staring at the handwriting on the stone wall, and secretly said in his heart: “Come on, qualification, move me, let me see your limits!” ”

Qualification: “…”

Poor inferior qualifications, weak and helpless.

It wants to stand up, but it also has to have that ability!

Relying on the qualifications of inferior grades alone, a set of Huashan basic sword techniques had to be pondered for a year or two before they could get started.

It takes ten years and eight years to comprehend these advanced sword techniques!


Ye Ling’s eyes were almost spent, but he still didn’t understand anything.

I had to give up helplessly and stuck my whole body to the stone wall.

“Congratulations to the player, did you learn the Huang-level martial art – Yangwu Sword Technique?”

“Congratulations to the player, did you learn the Xuan-level martial arts-life-killing serial three immortal swords?”

“Congratulations to the player, did you learn the Yellow-level martial arts – the thirteen styles of the ever-changing Hengshan Clouds and Mist?”

“Congratulations to the player, did you learn if you found the yellow-level martial arts – Taishan Eighteen Plates?”

“Congratulations to the player…”

As Ye Ling’s palm flicked across the stone wall, a wonderful prompt sounded in his ears one after another.

The martial arts heart method also exists at a high or low level.

From high to low, it is heaven, earth, xuan, yellow, and unimported.

The Huashan Basic Sword Art and Basic Internal Power that Ye Ling cultivated were martial arts that were not in the ranks.

Yellow-level martial arts, only true disciples will be taught.

As for the Xuan level….

Other sects aside, after the Five Mountains Sword Sect was abolished twice by the ten great elders of the Sun Moon God Sect, Xuan-level martial arts had already become a town sect master!

It’s just that Xuan-level martial arts is not the upper limit of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, otherwise it is not qualified to lay a huge foundation.

“Congratulations to the player, did you learn the prefecture-level martial art – Hengshan Five Divine Sword?”

Prefecture-level martial arts!

This sword technique is the strongest of the Hengshan School, with a total of five styles, and the sword moves are exquisite and powerful.

The current head is great, just learning a little fur, which makes Zuo Lengchan very jealous.

“It’s a pity that the qualifications are not strong, otherwise I would have trained into the Hengshan Five Divine Sword in one night, wouldn’t I have taken off on the spot?”

After the excitement, Ye Ling sighed slightly and silently chose to study.

Through the previous test, he has accepted the fact that his qualifications are too low and his understanding is too poor.

Comprehending martial arts basically has nothing to do with him.

At least before the qualification is improved, it can only be made up for by diligence.

“Congratulations to the player, the first to obtain the yellow level martial arts, the reputation of the jianghu has been slightly improved, the reputation of the jianghu is 10 points, and the reward is one hundred condensing pills, and five hundred taels of silver.”

“Congratulations to the player, the first to obtain Xuan-level martial arts, the reputation of the jianghu has been slightly improved, the reputation of the jianghu has been obtained 20 points, and the reward is ten refining pills and twenty taels of gold.”

“Congratulations to the player, the first to obtain prefecture-level martial arts, the reputation of the rivers and lakes has been slightly improved, 50 points of reputation in the rivers and lakes, one (sharp weapon) of the Qinghong Sword and twenty Qi Refining Pills are rewarded.”

“Congratulations to the player, the first to enter the forbidden land, and harvest the forbidden land heritage, the reputation of the jianghu has increased slightly, get 100 points of the reputation of the jianghu, get the reward hidden class, characteristics, talent, choose one of the three.”


Ye Ling did not rush to check the other rewards, staring at the last system message.

“I sincerely apologize to the forbidden land for my previous ignorance and arrogance…”

Think about the forbidden place of the cliff, where is it worthless.

The value is so high!

[Hidden Profession – Storyteller: Wandering around, the probability of getting chance increases].

[Characteristics – A nose hell: between shots, there must be a spiritual attack, and the visual realm increases].

[Talent – Sword Heart Clear: The speed of kendo practice has been greatly accelerated, and observing other people’s sword techniques has a chance to learn].

Three rewards, one more exaggerated than the other.

The storyteller is equivalent to a passive lucky buff, falling off a cliff and picking up the kind of Jiuyang Shengong.

It is a must-have for the Emperor of Europe!

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite match me.”

Ye Ling shook her head regretfully.

It is undeniable that the nature of the storyteller makes him very impressed.

However, in his memory, there are many opportunities in the martial arts world.

You don’t need to use the ‘storyteller’ effect to find the opportunity accurately.

“Alas! ~ Kenshin Tong tomorrow Fu ah, believe me, if my memory is lost, I will definitely choose you! ”

Excluding an option again, Ye Ling couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

He does not deny the strength of the sword heart.

Especially at the moment, with a lot of sword techniques, coupled with the sword heart mastery talent, it can definitely make him a kendo master in a very short time.

And yet….

“This thing can be obtained by cultivating the Cihang Sword Codex, there is no need to waste a precious reward.”

Of the three options, two are excluded, leaving only one A-nose Hell feature.

And this is also Ye Ling’s most satisfactory reward.

“Psychic attack…”

Ye Ling sighed, and chose the characteristic reward with a look of emotion.

Spiritual attacks have the reputation of ‘pervasive’ and ‘unpreventable’.

And, the magic is endless.

Sneak attacks, deterrence and other means are only the most obvious uses.

The clever usage has to be deceitful to make reality.

Or, Pang Ban’s kind of forced brainwashing!

Ye Ling was still too weak to be the master and apprentice pair.

But doing some inducements and psychological cues is still very easy.

If he can often play tricks with people, moisturize things silently, and those who practice against him will become his loyal dog sooner or later!

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