Huashan School, Zhengqitang.

A teenager knelt on the ground, his head stuck to the ground for two hours.

It wasn’t because he had made any mistakes, but because he wanted to ask for his Lin family’s Evil Warding Sword Lineage.

At first, neither Yue Buqun nor Ning Zhong agreed.

Yue Buqun simply didn’t want to have another person who practiced the Evil Repelling Sword Technique, but on the surface, he still rebuked the Evil Repelling Sword Method.

Finally, under the pretext of protecting Lin Pingzhi, he refused righteously.

Ning Zhong, on the other hand, purely thought that this evil sword method was simply an evil path for the sword to go sideways.

However, after two hours, Lin Pingzhi did not say a word, but quietly knelt in the Hall of Righteousness.

As if to kneel until the sky is wasted, or kneel to… Died of hunger strike.

“That’s it, this is your Lin family’s things, and now the old man returns it to you, which can be regarded as the whole fate.”

Yue Buqun, whose voice became more and more sharp, suddenly waved his hand impatiently, and took out the robe with the sword spectrum written on it from his long sleeve.

As if throwing garbage, he threw it directly in front of Lin Pingzhi.

“Thank you Master for your success!”

Picking up the Evil Warding Sword Spectrum, Lin Pingzhi obviously didn’t treat Ye Ling’s meaning of almost digging out his heart and lungs.

After thanking him, he forcefully lifted his numb legs and limped out of the Hall of Zhengqi.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Lin Pingzhi couldn’t wait to spread out his robe, and sure enough, he found the four words Ye Ling had said at the beginning.

“That’s right, it’s my Lin family’s sword spectrum to ward off evil.”

Lin Pingzhi, who distinguished the authenticity of the sword spectrum and took it home to pass on the sword technique, did not feel the slightest bit happy.

Instead, he left with an extremely gloomy face.

Inside the Hall of Justice.

Watching Lin Pingzhi’s figure disappear in place, Ning Zhong looked at Yue Buqun and said

“Senior brother, Pingzhi is still a child, and he has a deep hatred of blood and sea, aren’t you afraid…”

“Hmph, now there is already a lot of noise in the rivers and lakes because of the Evil Repelling Sword Method, and it is said that many people have already obtained the content of the Evil Repelling Sword Method.”

“Even if I don’t give it to him, can you guarantee that he will give up?”

“Instead of waiting for him to get the Evil Warding Sword Method in the future, it is better to directly complete him.”

“This will at least keep him from feeling resentful!”

Yue Buqun snorted coldly, and said in a somewhat bored tone.

A hand subconsciously pinched the orchid finger, and after realizing this, Yue Buqun quickly closed his movements again.

“So, Senior Brother, is this also the reason for you to practice the Evil Warding Sword Technique?”

Seeing this scene, Ning Zhong was silent, just secretly asked in his heart.

Although since Yue Buqun practiced the Zixia Divine Skill, the couple had not had sexual intercourse.

From beginning to end, there was only one daughter like Yue Lingshan.

It could be seen that Yue Buqun had once again made this decision in order to ward off the evil sword technique.

Ning Zhong still couldn’t help but feel resentful.

It was as if he had been disliked and abandoned by Yue Buqun, and it was still twice!

Yue Buqun didn’t notice this.

In his opinion, since the husband and wife had long since they had never shared a room, it was nothing to cultivate this evil sword technique.

Isn’t Ning Zhong also used to it for a long time?


A month later.

Ye Ling stood on the beam of the room practicing swordsmanship, and a pair of eyes were covered by a white cloth.

But even so, Ye Ling’s practice of swordsmanship was still smooth and graceful, and he never fell from the beam.

After practicing the sword technique, Ye Ling began to practice the Great Zhou Tian to cultivate the Zixia Divine Skill.

Now, in Ye Ling’s body, the internal power cultivated by Zixia Divine Skill was already very large and extremely pure.

Perhaps because of this, even after a few big weeks of operation, the internal force has not grown a little.

No, maybe it has grown, but it is too subtle to feel.

“Is this the bottleneck from second-rate to first-class?”

After stopping the Great Zhou Tian, Ye Ling’s face was extremely calm.

There was no emotion at all because of the bottleneck.

That’s right, one month is enough for Ye Ling, the liver emperor, to refine all the sword techniques and even the internal skills until they can’t advance.

But the breakthrough is first-rate, which is different from the third-rate breakthrough second-rate.

This is a bottleneck that takes time to precipitate and can be gradually worn out by dripping water through stones.

Simply put, a bottle is filled with water, and if you want to fill it with water, you can only make the bottle bigger.

And the human body is not a bottle, and if you want to break through this ‘limit’, you can only boil slowly little by little.

This is why some people fail to break through the top in their lifetime.

Although Ye Ling had an advanced version of the Zixia Divine Skill, the heaven-level exercises could allow Ye Ling to step into the first-class steadily.

But that would take a long time, and there was no doubt that Ye Ling couldn’t afford to wait.

“It seems that it is time to completely get out of this novice village.”

Thinking of the inaugural task of the hidden profession he took over a month ago, Ye Ling muttered.

Although he has surpassed other players too much, Ye Ling has always been very pressing.

For example, the advanced task of the Sunflower Treasure Book, Ye Ling has never meant to touch it.

Just kidding, what strength is the undefeated in the east, what strength is he Ye Ling.

A scum who is not even first-class goes to the East undefeated, does not have that ability okay!

Therefore, considering that he still had a task to sweep the tomb for Dugu’s defeat, Ye Ling chose to go to the Great Song.

Instead of staying in Daming.


“Master, the master, the disciple has now encountered a bottleneck, and his skill and sword technique cannot be advanced.”

“After thinking about it again, the disciple is ready to go down the mountain to the Great Song martial arts to experience it, and also ask the second elder for approval.”

Ye Ling saw Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong salute, and said in a very solemn tone.

“Well, when you encounter a bottleneck, going down the mountain is indeed a good choice.”

“The old man agreed, and Ling’er was careful all the way.”

Compared to a month ago, Yue Buqun said in a sharper voice.

If someone compares the current Yue Buqun with the Yue Buqun when he did not practice the Evil Sword Technique.

It is estimated that he will find that Lao Yue’s skin is really white now, and even a pair of rough big hands seem to have been maintained.

“But, Ling’er, now the martial arts in the rivers and lakes are in turmoil, or you better wait a little longer.”

Unlike Yue Buqun’s cheerfulness, Ning Zhong’s pretty face was full of worry.

Or because of the evil sword method.

With the first ruthless man who obtained and practiced the sword technique to ward off evil, he stood up and killed the entire family of the enemy one hundred and thirty-three.

The entire Daming River and Lake seems to have completely fallen into a bloody storm.

The Dragon Guarding Mountain Villa was about to move, and the chief eunuch of the Great Interior, Cao Zhengchun, had already begun to stretch out his hand.

In short, the current rivers and lakes are super dangerous, and those scattered and lone wolf players are out of luck.

Almost every day, thousands of players post their tragic experiences on the communication channel.

More than 90 percent of them are innocent scourge.

This is also an important reason why Ye Ling chose to go to Dasong instead of staying in Daming.

The current Daming rivers and lakes are too dangerous.

Both players and NPCs are dangerous.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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