Chapter 90 The Emperor Has Something on His Mind!!

“Take a look, it’s Xiao Xiaosan, what is there to say about a black list master entering the capital.”

“That is, the capital is not without black list masters now.”

Seeing the name of the waves, Ye Ling’s eyes instantly froze, and he even ignored the feeling of wet and hot and slippery in his ears.

No way, the waves are over, this is not an ordinary person.

Not even an ordinary genius, maybe the demon wall can describe him.

The player’s qualification is only five levels, but the qualification of a person like Lang Yunyun is definitely above the fifth level.

Of course, qualifications are not necessarily accurate, and the attribute of savvy, which is not revealed by the system, may be more appropriate.

“It’s a pity, haven’t you shown your true strength yet? It’s no wonder players don’t pay attention. ”

Seeing that the waves in the communication channel were only mentioned in passing, Ye Ling couldn’t help but shake his head.

It’s shaking your head for the waves, and you’re shaking your head for these players.

It is too common to have eyes that do not recognize Tarzan.

Not just players, but also NPCs.

“Oh, don’t move!”

Get up.

Simply buried his little head in Ye Ling’s arms, looking like he was autistic.

“But… Fang Yeyu, the waves and clouds are coming, it seems that this capital city is not stable. ”

The self-contained little loli in her arms was warm and fragrant nephrite, but Ye Ling’s mind was not focused on this.

Today’s capital is really a bit dangerous.

If the capital was conscious, it would probably feel so.

Little Magician Fang Yeyu represents Pang Ban, let alone the clouds, he doesn’t need to represent anyone.

Plus Izumo Country and the Whale Gang that file matter.

This capital city does not shake twice, it is the great master’s compassion.

When Ye Ling came back to his senses and stopped paying attention to the communication channel, he suddenly found that the pillow in his arms was gone.

Qu Feiyan, who had recovered his strength, had already broken free from Ye Ling’s embrace and ran away with a sulk.

However, Ye Ling was not worried, and Qu Feiyan would not really run away.

Speaking of which, before leaving, Qu Feiyan gave Ye Ling a somewhat funny grimace.

If Ye Ling saw it, it was obviously indispensable for the little butt to be beaten severely.

“Forget it, let’s go to Shangguan Haitang to take a look.”

The small pillow was gone, and of course Ye Ling couldn’t calm down to see what scriptures.

It is not the kind of spiritual scripture related to the exercises.

It’s almost equivalent to watching it for nothing.

With a slight movement in his eyes, Ye Ling thought of Shangguan Begonia.

“Maybe you can go to her place and play.”

Two days ago, Ye Ling did not promise to avoid trouble in the world’s first village.

This made Shangguan Haitang seem angry, and came to the inn to find Ye Ling five times a day.

In five times, Ye Ling was invited to the world’s first village a total of eight times.

Let all the disciples of the Huashan Sect be amazed, feeling that even men in charge of their own family can be fascinated.

However, Ye Ling only went two or three times, and then came back with a bang.

This time around, Shangguan Haitang not only did not become angry, but also quite a bit close to Ye Ling.

Obviously, Shangguan Haitang was affected by Ye Ling’s A-nose Hell.

However, what Ye Ling did not expect was that the desire that Shangguan Haitang was guided out was actually – closeness.

That’s right, a very strange property.

If you think about it, Shangguan Haitang seems to have always been confused about emotional matters, and he is not as crisp and neat as a secret agent.

The most typical is probably that Shangguan Haitang thought that he liked Duan Tianya because he got along with Duan Tianya day and night.

The result is not, it is just an emotion such as longing for the elder brother.

Ye Ling wondered if this so-called closeness attribute was related to the emotional confusion of Guan Haitang.

But it doesn’t matter, even if it really has nothing to do, Ye Ling will use A-nose Hell to make them related.

When I came to the world’s first village, before I stepped into the gate, I saw a figure leaning against the door frame.

“What do I say, even if the owner of this estate does not invite, you will still come over!”

Playing with a paper fan in his hand, Shangguan Haitang said with a chuckle.

After Ye Ling approached, he also slapped Ye Ling’s chest twice with a paper fan.

“I can’t help it, who let the first village in the world have a Shangguan Zhuang owner who speaks well and is so predictable as a god.”

A light smile appeared on Ye Ling’s face, and he also teased back.

The two looked at each other and smiled, walked side by side and walked into the world’s first village.

If Shangguan Haitang is really a man, at most, the relationship between the two men is closer.

Nothing surprising.

But Shangguan Haitang, she is not a man, but a woman.

For the changes and closeness of Shangguan Haitang, Ye Ling has always been in control.

Walking into a gazebo in the garden, I saw a person sitting there.

It is not Duan Tianya, but a knife to the sea.

Seeing Ye Ling and Shangguan Haitang walking into the garden so intimately, Gui Hai’s eyes suddenly changed.

Ye Ling knew that Shangguan Haitang was a woman pretending to be a man, and Gui Hai also found it with a knife.

Even, he had a crush on Shangguan Haitang.

“This man, absolutely be careful”! ”

Feeling bad, Gui Hai thought secretly in his heart.

“A knife, wait for a long time, you also know this Brother Ye, I won’t introduce it too much.”

Seeing Gui Hai turn his head and look over, Shangguan Haitang suddenly said.

“Brother Yidao, long time up.”

Nodding at Gui Hai, Ye Ling chuckled.

“Well, thankfully.”

Also nodded, Gui Hai said concisely, looking a little indifferent.

But there is nothing wrong with Shangguan Haitang’s eyes, and Gui Hai has always been like this to outsiders.

“Since everyone is here, Brother Ye, let’s say anything directly.”

After the pleasantries, Shangguan Haitang looked at Ye Ling again and said with a smile.

“How do you know?”

With a stunned look on his face, Ye Ling subconsciously asked.

Of course, the above are all acting.

“Of course, that’s because, with my understanding of Brother Ye, it’s completely the nature of not going to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.”

The paper fan in his hand suddenly opened, and Shangguan Haitang covered half of his face and said.

The only pair of eyes left behind looks a little feminine.

Even just looking at these, it is really a standard beauty.

“Hahaha, begonia is worthy of begonia, I did receive some news.”

Patting his palm and laughing and sighing, Ye Ling immediately said squarely.

“Then say it.”

Shangguan Haitang was still smiling, completely unaware that there was something wrong with Ye Ling directly calling her name.

Only Gui Hai stabbed, and the eyes that looked at Ye Ling became more and more vigilant.

Gui Hai Yidao didn’t know if Ye Ling knew the true gender of Shangguan Haitang.

But over the years, Ye Ling seemed to be the first man to be so close to Guan Haitang.

Shangguan Haitang did not have a look of repulsion.

“Well, I received news that Little Magician Fang Yeyu has probably entered Beijing.”

“In addition to this little magician, there is also a famous master of the black list!”

Without too much delay, Ye Ling directly said the news he had obtained from peeping through the screen.

I saw Shangguan Haitang’s smiling and groaning appearance suddenly changed, and a pair of delicate willow eyebrows subconsciously wrinkled.

“Sure enough, the news I received is not fake, these two guys have really entered Beijing!”

The smile on his face disappeared, and Shangguan Haitang muttered with a solemn face.

He did not shy away from Ye Ling and Gui Hai’s knife at all.

“One message may be false, and the probability that both messages are false is too low.”

Ye Ling said bluntly.

Shangguan Haitang nodded subconsciously, and his eyes also looked at Ye Ling.

“So what’s next?”

Shangguan Haitang asked worriedly.

But instead of stabbing Gui Hai, he asked Ye Ling.

“These people must come badly, and their intentions are not small, and they cannot be careless.”

Shaking his head, Ye Ling was full of nonsense.

But even if it is nonsense, it must be said, otherwise how to deepen the impression in Shangguan Haitang’s heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the nonsense came out, Shangguan Haitang suddenly fell silent.

Gui Hai’s lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, nothing was said.

It’s okay to let him cut people with a knife, but ask him to give Shangguan Haitang an idea.

Then it is better to let him, an ancient man, learn calculus.

Ye Ling looked at Gui Hai, who seemed to be entangled, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

“If you want to fight me, don’t you think it’s a little worse?”

Even if Gui Hai found something, he was not a threat after a few days.

Forbidden City, Imperial Palace, Golden Luang Hall.

“Your Majesty, the envoy of the Izumo Kingdom has arrived and is now being placed.”

“Listen to them, they will come to visit Your Majesty in the near future.”

A guard with a knife was half-kneeling on the ground, his tone respectful and firm, which made people listen to it and couldn’t help but feel a sense of security.

“Huh… Know, first place them, what are the requirements, as long as you don’t go too far, agree to them. ”

The majestic voice hesitated at first, and the emperor waved his hand and continued.


The guard with the knife lowered his head and answered before retreating.

“Wait, call Shangguan Begonia… See if there is anyone around him, and if there are words, they will be announced together! ”

Hurriedly shouted to the guards with knives, and the emperor ordered coldly.

Compared to before, the current emperor seems to have made some big decision.

“Understand, subordinates retreat!”

Nodding, the guard with the knife got up and bent down to exit the Golden Luang Hall.

After a while, the three secret agents in the world’s first estate, including Ye Ling, who visited the door, were all brought to the palace.

“I’ll wait to see Your Majesty!”

Without much hesitation, Shangguan Haitang and Duan Tianya half-knelt and saluted.

Ye Ling, on the other hand, did not intend to do anything at all, after all, he was not an official under the emperor.

If it was an old emperor, he would frown when he saw this scene.

But the Daming Emperor was young after all, and he still had troubles now, so he obviously didn’t pay attention to it.

“All flat, disrespectful.”

Brows furrowed tightly, and the emperor first waved his hand, and then began to fall silent.

The entire Golden Luan Hall suddenly fell into an unspeakable silence.

The three of Shangguan Haitang looked at each other, feeling that they understood something, but they didn’t understand anything.

“The emperor has something on his mind, but he doesn’t want to say it, but he can’t help it.”

Looking at the emperor’s silent frown, Ye Ling saw it thoroughly.

In the end, the three of Shangguan Haitang still have a filter, believing that imperial power is supreme.

Even a grandmaster, even a grandmaster, could not completely remove this filter.

But Ye Ling is different, he is a traverser, but also a player.

Coupled with being a bystander, Ye Ling could certainly see it very clearly.

But if you can see clearly, Ye Ling will certainly not be stupid enough to remind the emperor.

Even if the emperor is young, it is still an emperor.

“The Queen Mother… Missing! ”

The emperor was silent for a long time, and finally said in an astringent voice.

In a word, the hall was shocked!

Shangguan Haitang, Gui Hai Yidao and Duan Tianya, although there is no exaggerated gaffe, but the pupils of both eyes are violently contracted.

You know, they are all secret agents carefully cultivated by Zhu Wei.

Even the emperor now trusted and relied on them extremely much.

But now, in the face of the extremely shocking news of the disappearance of the Queen Mother, there is no way to calm down.

Like Duan Tianya, his face twitched, and Gui Hai almost didn’t stick his nails into the flesh with a knife.

The paper fan grip in Shangguan Haitang’s hand was absolutely broken!

“Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is in the deep palace, how can she disappear for no reason?”

Taking a deep breath, Shangguan Haitang immediately opened his mouth after calming his mood and asked, “May I ask Your Majesty, what was abnormal or moving when the Empress Dowager disappeared?” ”

“Or, is there something wrong with the little eunuchs and palace maids who serve the Empress Dowager on weekdays?”

In the face of Shangguan Haitang’s questioning, the emperor shook his head again and again, and said with a sigh: “Begonia, how can you not blame people for investigation, but the Empress Dowager’s disappearance did not leave any clues at all, not even a warning.” ”

“If it weren’t for this broad daylight, Xu Du would feel haunted!”

In the end, the emperor suddenly sneered, and he didn’t know whether it was mockery or self-mockery.

Ignoring the emperor’s final reaction, the Empress Dowager disappeared strangely, and any exaggerated rumors circulating in the palace were possible.

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang and Duan Tianya all frowned, and they didn’t know whether they were troubled or pondering.

Even Ye Ling frowned.

In the plot of the previous life, the Empress Dowager was always done by Princess Toshihide and Karasuma, and among them, Zhu ignored this guilt.

But the problem is that Zhu Yan is dead!

“If it is still the hand of Princess Toshihide and Karasuma, then there must be an inner ghost in this palace.”

Thinking of this, Ye Ling’s eyes were faint, but he didn’t have the slightest meaning to say at all.

Let’s not talk about how I came to the conclusion, and this inner ghost is not simple

If nothing else, how much ability and volume is needed to develop an inner ghost in a place like the palace?

Thinking that Ye Gucheng still seems to be in the Forbidden City, but Nan Wang Shizi has never appeared mysteriously.

Ye Ling gradually had an answer in her heart.

“Nine times out of ten, this inner ghost is related to the Southern King!”

Although he came up with the answer, Ye Ling still had no intention of saying.

Just watch quietly, like an outsider watching chess silently.

After another while.

Seeing Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya and the three of them had no answer, and the emperor’s face suddenly showed irritation.

Patience is also running out.

“In this way, the matter of the Empress Dowager will be handed over to Er and others, and it is necessary to find the Empress Dowager as quickly as possible!”

“If you find it, you will definitely be rewarded!”

Looking at the three of Shangguan Begonia, the emperor frowned and said.

The punishment of the Empress Dowager could not be recovered, and the emperor did not say.

But the emperor did not say, Shangguan Haitang and the three could understand in their hearts.

What is the use of three secret agents who can’t handle the case?

Even if it is not abandoned, once the two things of prejudice and impression are established, it is a hidden danger.

It’s a ticking time bomb!

“By the way, there is also this Ye Chief, I wonder if Xu can also invite you to handle this case with Begonia and them?”

Turning his gaze to Ye Ling, the emperor’s face was a little kind.

In any case, he can have a good relationship with Guan Haitang and enter and exit the world’s first village several times.

Not to mention Ye Ling’s brilliant sword technique, the emperor will also pay some attention to Ye Ling.

Hearing the emperor’s words, Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya, and Gui Hai suddenly looked at Ye Ling in unison.

I want to know what kind of answer Ye Ling will give.

Especially Shangguan Haitang, just hooked his eyes and looked at it without blinking.

“Your Majesty wishes, do not dare to ask for ears.”

Ye Ling did not have the slightest hesitation and answered very cheerfully.

“Hahaha, good, worthy of being a young hero of the Huashan faction, worthy of being the new head of Huashan who inherited the gentleman’s sword!”

Seeing Ye Ling so cheerful, the emperor immediately laughed and said, praising words like money.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll leave it to you.”

After dropping another sentence, the emperor stood up from the dragon chair, and the dragon walked and left the Golden Luang Hall in a hurry.

The little eunuch followed behind the emperor in a tumultuous manner, looking a little funny.

After the emperor left.

The huge Golden Luang Hall fell silent again, just because the disappearance of the Empress Dowager was too absurd and even a fantasy.

is as witty as Shangguan Begonia, and it is difficult to think of any clues for a while.

Subconsciously looked at Ye Ling.

I saw that unlike Gui Hai’s sword and Duan Tianya’s sad face, Ye Ling was admiring something very leisurely.

It’s like a bored guy going to watch the ants move.

And Duan Tianya, Gui Hai Yidao and herself, they are all the ants who moved!

“Brother Ye, you… Do you know something? ”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Shangguan Haitang’s tone was a little dangerous…

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