Chapter 125 The Mechanical Beast Enters the Battlefield

“I will let my brave eldest son Mu Nai serve as Maben, send 200,000 troops, and attack Daming Kunzhou. However, once Tubo and Daming fight, I hope that the Great Khan can capture Dali as soon as possible! Tubo can’t contain Daming for long. ”

Akamatsu Dezan said in a slightly bitter tone.

Daming’s 200,000 Golden Fire Cavalry had already become famous in a battle. Even the Mongol Empire is difficult to resist, with the army of this small country as Tubo with them, how is it an opponent!

It’s just that this is Temujin’s order, and they can’t disobey it, so they have to bite the bullet and do it.

“That’s for sure, Zamp thought too much! I will take Dali in this battle, and when the time comes, Tubo will also be a meritorious minister, and the Great Khan will be rewarded! Shuchi snorted slightly. The last time Mongolia fought against the Daming Kingdom, he was actually beaten to pieces, and Shuchi made up his mind this time that he was bound to win back a game.

“In this way, thank you to the Great Khan and His Royal Highness Shuchi!” Akamatsu Dezan said.

He knew that Shuchi was painting him a pie, but it was still doubtful that he really had his reward for winning Dali. Mongolia also coveted Tubo, but because he was willing to submit, he did not use troops.

Trisong Dezan believed that in the end, the spearhead of the Mongol Empire would definitely be aimed at Tubo!

“It’s all done, Zamp! I’ll take my leave! ”

Seeing Akamatsu Dezan’s absent-minded appearance, Shuchi showed a look of displeasure, got up from his chair, and left proudly.

Mu Huali and Tetsubetsu immediately stood up and left the table with their hands bowed to Akamatsu Dezan.


On the same day, Akamatsu Dezan summoned the Wuru soldiers by order of the king and appointed his eldest son Kinai as the marshal. After the cattle and sheep grain and grass were prepared, they headed for Daming Kunzhou.

The military units of Tubo are called Wuru, Yoru, Yeru, Rula, and Subiru. Each “such as” is equivalent to the military “wing”, Wuru is the central wing, about the right wing, Ye Ru is the left wing, Rula means the subsidiary wing, and Subi is the Subi wing. At that time, the Tubo country was strong, the army was strong, and there were 200,000 people, including 80,000 cavalry, all of whom were well-equipped and fierce elites.

Looking at the Tubo army advancing one by one, Chisong Dezan sighed helplessly.

This time I went to Queensland, I don’t know how many people can come back.


It didn’t take long for Daming Kunzhou to be invaded by the Tubo army.

The 200,000 Tubo army, including 80,000 elite cavalry, was caught off guard by the Kunzhou garrison without any wind, completely did not react, and suffered a lot of losses.

However, the Daming Kingdom’s garrison in Queensland originally had the intention of guarding against Tubo raids and invasions, but the number was too small, only 50,000 troops.

These 50,000 troops also reacted quickly after the first fierce blow, holding the city while rushing to send the war report to the imperial court for eight hundred li, waiting for assistance.

Daming Guoshifu.

With the support of huge funds, coupled with the construction of public revenge day and night, eighty mechanical beasts were finally built.

When he saw that the last batch of mechanical beasts were built, a relieved smile finally appeared on Gong Qiao’s face.

He originally had plenty of time to build organ beasts to conquer the Six Kingdoms for Zhu Houzhao, but people are not as good as heavenly calculations, and before he made machine beasts, the war had already occurred in advance.

Tubo attacked Daming Kunzhou, and there was a war on the front line, and the assistance of organs and beasts was urgently needed. These days, he rushed day and night, and finally drove out eighty mechanical beasts, and on Zhu Houzhao’s side, he was also able to make a difference.

After changing into imperial uniforms, Gong took revenge and came to the Qianqing Palace to restore his life to Zhu Houzhao.

It happened that Meng Tian, the main general of the Golden Fire Cavalry, was also waiting outside the palace, and the two had a face-to-face conversation.

“General Meng Tian!”

“Gong Defeat National Division!”

Meng Tian and Gong Qiu greeted each other politely, arched their hands, and stood expressionlessly outside the gate of the palace waiting for Zhu Houzhao’s summons.

Not long after, Liu Jian, the head of the cabinet, Shangshu of the military department, and Zhang Liang, one of the founders of the Quicksand Organization, walked out of it.

Zhao Gao, the supervisor of the East Factory, accompanied and sent out, and after several people said hello, Zhao Gao invited the two to enter.

Gong lost revenge first, and said: “Your Majesty, although it is a little late, but a lot of eighty mechanical beasts have been prepared, and they can come to the aid of Queensland at any time!” ”

Zhu Houzhao’s solemn and majestic face was slightly calmer, and he nodded.

Last night, he was still asleep, when he was awakened by Zhao Gao, who reported that Queensland had been invaded by Tubo and that the local garrison suffered heavy losses.

Liu Jian, Shangshu of the Bingbu, and Zhang Liang stayed to talk after the meeting of the small dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao said to the public at this moment: “Eighty mechanical beasts were sent to Queensland together. In addition, Meng Tian, you led 200,000 golden fire cavalry to Queensland to support! ”



Zhu Houzhao knew that there must be someone behind the invasion of Daming by the small country of Tubo for no reason. Otherwise, with the strength of the small country of Tubo, they would not dare to fight with Daming.

Zhang Liang had already reminded him that the Mongol Empire was likely to strike when the Tubo Kingdom and the Daming War were in a state of stalemate, and Zhu Houzhao naturally would not let this happen.

Two hundred thousand golden fire cavalry, plus eighty mechanical beasts, not to mention the army of Tubo, even the army of the Mongol Empire can also fight him without raising his head, once he fights with the Tubo country, a quick victory will definitely appear a result that no one expected.

“The Mongol Empire is likely to start when the Golden Fire Cavalry is engaged, Meng Tian, this battle, you must fight quickly!” Zhu Houzhao said.

“Quick fix…. Weichen will definitely do it! Meng Tian said.

“Well, go down! There is also a national master, and Xu will allocate another sum of silver to you, and the machine beast will step up its manufacturing. I don’t know how much involvement will be involved in this war, and eighty mechanical beasts are far from enough! Zhu Houzhao said.

“Yes! The old minister must be working day and night to build the beast! Gong Qiu also replied respectfully.

Soon, Meng Tian led 200,000 golden fire cavalry and 80 machine beasts made by the public revenge to leave the Daming capital and rushed to the battlefield in Queensland.

There are no longer a few people who pay attention to this battle.

The Great Sui Kingdom, the Great Song Kingdom, and the surrounding Dali Kingdom were all paying close attention to this war.

It is well known that Tubo became a vassal state of the Mongol Empire, and many people of insight know that the Mongol Empire must be controlled behind this war, and if the Mongol Empire wants to fight with Daming, Daming will be dangerous.

A country dominated by cavalry, compared with a country with only part of the cavalry, is ultimately inferior.

The follow-up actions of the Mongol Empire, and the key to whether Daming can turn the crisis into safety…. It’s all about the battle of Tubo!

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