Chapter 207: Eastern Emperor Taiyi kills ghosts

It seems that the evil ghosts attacked here are not one, and many ghosts are floating in other directions, exuding a terrifying laugh! The sharp claws mercilessly tore at the bodies of those great inner guards, and chewed with relish!


The head of a guard was fought by two evil spirits and finally tumbled to Zhao Zhen’s feet.

His bloodshot eyes were full of this word! Hurt!

A concubine next to her saw such a scene, howled and passed out directly.

The scene is extremely chaotic!

Those ministers, including Zhao Zhen, also had weak legs, could not run, and moved at a tortoise speed under the protection of the guards.

“Your Majesty! What now? What to do! The minister asked.

“What to do? How do I know what to do?! Zhao Zhen wanted to cry without tears.

In this case, if even he, the head of the country, is killed, how will he know what to do? If he knew what to do, he wouldn’t let this happen!

I just didn’t expect that such a famous Taoist priest was actually a liar! They didn’t even have the power to parry the demons, and now they have been harmed to such a situation!

“Stop them! If he escorts meritorious people, I will give him an official and a knight! Zhao Zhen plucked up his courage and shouted at the guards.

Even though there was a great temptation in front of them, many guards still did not dare to step forward.

Dozens of evil spirits quickly ate the flesh of those Daoist priests and guards, and even the souls were not spared, and all of them were swallowed into their stomachs.

Bloodthirsty and cruel eyes scanned the surroundings.

The palace female ghost who seemed to be the strongest set of strength aimed her gaze at the little prince next to Zhao Zhen, and let out an eerie laugh. Her gaze like a blade cutting on her body made all the guards lose the courage to resist.

“Nope! Stay back! Stop them! Zhao Zhen shouted in horror.

The spacing is only three feet….

It only takes a breath of kung fu evil spirits to pounce and devour the flesh and blood of him and his son!

No one can save their lives anymore…. Zhao Zhen’s heart was full of despair.

A critical moment! Suddenly, I saw a red fist as red as blood descending from the sky, and smashed straight on the evil spirit three feet away from Zhao Zhen!


The body of the evil spirit like snow meeting the blazing sun was melted, a wisp of green smoke rose, and with a harsh hoarse scream, the evil spirit completely disappeared.

Immediately after that, the emerald green leaves that almost covered the sky of the entire palace also swept in.

Many moving evil spirits were penetrated by these green leaves and quickly disappeared between heaven and earth.

This is the Manye Flying Flower Flow of the Young Master’s Order.

Logically speaking, ordinary martial artists have no way to harm ghosts who are spirit bodies, but if the Yin-Yang family headed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is another matter, the spell seal of Yin-Yang Art is equally effective in facing evil spirits as it is in the face of warriors.

A frost mist suddenly came, freezing an evil spirit that sneaked up from behind.

A coiled beauty walked past the evil ghost, and the frost melted into bits and pieces, and the frozen evil ghost also died. Bai Lu deceived the frost, and Madame Xiang, one of the five great elders, also began to move.

The Yin and Yang family that fell from the sky was undoubtedly a great savior in the eyes of the royal ministers of the Song Kingdom!

At first, they looked at the scene in front of them with some confusion, and then their eyes showed gratitude and excitement for the rest of their lives.

In just a few breaths, all the evil spirits in the palace were killed.

The black-robed man Donghuang Taiyi at the head never moved, quietly watching from the side.

These little tregash fish are not yet his turn to do it.

“Dare to ask you who is divine? This escort is meritorious, and I will definitely reward you a lot. Seeing that the situation was safe, Zhao Zhen walked to Donghuang Taiyi’s side and asked excitedly.

His eyes are very old, and it can be seen that this group of people is led by this mysterious black-robed person.

Donghuang Taiyi slowly turned his head, looked at Zhao Zhen for a moment, did not salute, and said coldly: “I came at the will of the Heavenly Emperor, not to escort you.” ”

The matter of Zhu Houzhao’s change of title has been widely spread around the world.

Everyone knew that the Ming Emperor did not allow others to call him emperor anymore, only allowed to call him the Heavenly Emperor, so as soon as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said the Heavenly Emperor, Zhao Zhen immediately remembered Zhu Houzhao, and some stunned stood in place.

This group of great saviors who fell from the sky are actually people from Daming?

“I don’t know… I wonder why the Ming Emperor sent the princes here? After a pause, Zhao Zhen asked.

“The Heavenly Emperor intends to let the Great Song cooperate in canonizing the city gods in various parts of the Great Song to manage ghosts, and this is only one thing.” Donghuang Taiyi said lightly.

At that time, all the members of the Yin-Yang family gathered and came to stand quietly behind him.

The City God is an official in the netherworld who has managed ghosts since ancient times.

Many of the temples still exist, but most of them are abandoned.

Zhao Zhen was worried, what did this black-robed man mean when he said that he wanted to canonize the city god to manage the ghosts? Could it be that Zhu Houzhao has become an immortal? Can you still canonize immortals?

He had some doubts about this, but there was a faint expectation in his heart.

If this is true, it means that the Great Song will be saved!

“How? Could it be that the Song Emperor wanted these evil spirits and ghosts to continue to cause trouble in the Great Song? Seeing that Zhao Zhen was silent, Donghuangtai spoke.

“The city god can govern one side and manage ghosts, guide ghosts into the netherworld, make people suffer from ghost infestation, and eradicate man-eating evil spirits! This is a good thing for the people of the world. I hope the Song Emperor can think clearly. Donghuang Taichi continued.

However, before Zhao Zhen could speak, the ministers behind him surrounded him and objected one after another.

Without the evil spirits, their courage is much stronger.

“Absolutely not! Daming has the city god of Daming, and the Great Song has the city god of the Great Song. How can the City God of the Great Song allow you Daming to be canonized?!” A minister threw up his hands and said, “Your Majesty! I can’t agree that this is a conspiracy by the Daming Kingdom to annex the Great Song! ”

“Wolf ambition, obvious!” Others echoed.

Because the city god canonized by Daming must be under the jurisdiction of the Daming Kingdom, this also means that the power of the Song Kingdom in the netherworld all belongs to Daming, which is a fundamental thing! If Daming is in a bad mood one day, or wants to annex the Great Song, casually let these city gods be lazy and no longer maintain order in the netherworld, or simply release those evil spirits to eat people, then the entire Great Song Kingdom will suffer greatly!

At that time, the whole country will be in chaos again, and there will be no way to rectify it.

Hearing the words of the ministers of the Great Song, Donghuang Taiyi sneered.

It was Zhao Zhen who took the idea, and there was no need for him to talk to these officials, which plainly tarnished his identity.

And when those officials saw him so arrogant and rude, they all blushed with anger and thick necks, and their voices of opposition shouted higher, obviously forgetting how embarrassed they were when they were chased and killed by evil spirits just now.

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