Chapter 102 Tongtian Sect Master Joins the Group Chat!!

Heavenly shop, lobby on the first floor.

Suddenly, a light rose above the screen.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone in the hall looked over.

“The second issue of the Kyushu Continent’s Top Ten Dynasties Ranking is released!”

Seeing this, in an instant, the Heavenly Shop exploded.

“Sleeper! This is the second issue? ”

“This month can be said to be a changeable situation! I wonder if the list will change? ”

“You’re stupid! The tenth dynasty in the previous period has been wiped out, and of course there will be changes. ”

“Quick, look closely!”

In the midst of the discussion, above the screen, the information was quickly displayed.

“The tenth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – Turkic Dynasty, reward the next spirit, fire spirit flying sword.”

“The ninth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – the Great Han Dynasty, the Spirit Weapon, the Purple Gold Daofu.”

“Eighth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – Southern Song Dynasty, reward the next pinling, red gold pagoda.”

“Seventh place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – the Great Qing Dynasty, rewarding the Zhongpin Spirit, the Heavenly Yuan Sword.”

“Sixth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – Bactrian Dynasty, Rewards, Medium Instruments, Cold Fish Yin Whip!”

“Fifth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – Dongying Dynasty, reward Zhongpin Ling, Purple Gold Wind Gun!”

“The fourth place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – the Eastern Ming Dynasty, the reward is Shangpinling, Biyuan Jinding.”

“Third place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – Great Sui Dynasty, rewarded with Shangpin Ling, Xuanfeng Red Scale Armor”

“The second place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – the Great Yuan Dynasty, rewarding Shangpin Ling, Purple Jade Xuantian Seal.”

“The first place in the list of the Ten Great Dynasties – the Great Qin Dynasty, rewarding the best spirits, the dragon breaking the waves and flying boats.”

“After the list is released, all reward artifacts will automatically be owned by the corresponding dynasty kings on the list.”

As soon as the list of dynasties came out, the people in the hall looked at it hurriedly, but immediately, the crowd burst out in exclamation.

“Sleeper, how did Dayuan suddenly rise to second place?”

“Didn’t you hear that all the immortal masters of the Three Continents that had disappeared for decades were born, and all the tribes of Mengyuan were ordered to submit to the command of the Great Khan, and now Mengyuan has completely twisted into a rope, and its strength is of course strong!”

“How did the big man fall to the ninth?” Is it so miserable? ”

“Oh, what a miserable! They have all been beaten to Luoyang, and it is difficult to say whether the big Han will be destroyed next? ”

“How did this Eastern Ying Dynasty rank so high?” Isn’t it a small country? ”

“It seems that this small country is not shallow in hiding!”

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, there were already spies of the major dynasty forces who passed on the news of the top ten dynasty rankings.

Northern Song Dynasty, Beijing.

The Liaojin army camped ten miles outside the city.

Inside the big tent of the Liao army.

Yelü Hongji played with the Heavenly Yuan Sword in his hand, and some satisfied expressions appeared on his face.

This Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty was simply instigating bags, he just scared them a little, he didn’t expect them to give such a spiritual weapon to himself, it was simply not too cool! With this Zhongpin Spirit Weapon, even if the Northern Song Dynasty could not be destroyed in the end this time, it would be considered a big profit.

Yelü Hongji was excited, and suddenly, the Heavenly Yuan Sword in his hand actually disappeared directly.

“Sleeper! What about my spiritual sword? ”

“How did it disappear out of thin air?”

“Could it be that Zhao Xu’s boy was cheating?” Dare you? ”

Yelü Hongji was cursing, when suddenly a message came from within his heavenly orders.

After reading it, Yelü Hongji’s face changed drastically.

“What? This spiritual artifact actually changed every month and ran away on its own? This was obviously no longer in Zhao Xu’s hands! I snatched it, why wasn’t it mine? ”

For Yelü Hongji’s roar, if Qin Yu knew, it was estimated that he would directly hehe.

What is yours? This is the temple of the heavens!

“Kill! Kill Yelü Hongji! ”

“Kill! His Majesty the Ming Emperor has an order to completely annihilate the Liao-Jin coalition army! ”


Just when Yelü Hongji was wondering, outside the big tent, there was a sudden cry of killing.

“Not bad! Enemy Attack! ”

Yelü Hongji stood up violently.

Outside the Liaojin tent, the Ming and Song allied forces directly rushed out of the city and killed the Liaojin coalition garrison.

With Daming’s intelligence ability, as soon as the second phase of the Ten Dynasties Ranking appeared, Zhu Houzhao had already received the news…

In an instant, he felt that he was going to explode, and Daming’s ranking actually did not rise but fell, directly falling to the fourth place! Although the reward is still a high-grade spiritual weapon, but the ranking falls is a fall, which makes Zhu Houzhao, who is proud of the spring wind, how can he endure.

Therefore, after discovering that the new list came out, after the spirit weapon would be redistributed, Zhu Houzhao directly struck.

Emperor Liao’s Zhongpin Spirit Weapon was gone, just taking the opportunity to destroy them and completely occupy the Northern Song Dynasty!


Zhu Houzhao was in the air, taking the lead and rushing to the outside of the Liaojin camp, his body changing violently.

In an instant, he turned into a giant up to a hundred meters high, this giant, full of starlight, holding a huge spiritual weapon Biyuan Jinding in both hands, smashed down hard against the camp in front of him.


With a loud noise, the sturdy camp was torn apart in an instant in front of the Shangpin Spirit Artifact, as if it were paper paste.

Zhu Houzhao roared angrily and killed him directly.

Inside the Heavenly Hall, Qin Yu naturally didn’t know that as soon as his list was released, it would cause a new war in the Kyushu Continent.

After he couldn’t finish the list, he directly opened the chat group function.

“Ding! When the chat group is opened, will a new group member be gathered? ”

“Ding! Since the host convenes a group member for the first time, five new members can be convened, and two new members can be summoned each month thereafter. ”

“Start calling!”

Qin Yu was also not polite and directly opened the summoning system.

“Ding! Start gathering the group…”

“Ding! Han Li joined the group chat. ”

“I love drinking animal milk to join the group chat.”

“Iron Hero Stark joins the group chat.”

“Orphans from Caomiao Village join the group chat.”

“The Master of the Tongtian Sect joined the group chat.”

“Who? Who? ”

Qin Yu almost jumped up.

“Master of the Tongtian Sect?” How he joined the group chat! Tease me? This is a big guy in the Ninth Order World! ”

“No, isn’t he being besieged by the Four Saints?” Still have time to join a chat group? ”

Qin Yu felt that his whole being was speechless.

At this moment, within the group chat, someone was finally the first to speak.

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