Chapter 106 The Master of the Tongtian Sect sent you a red envelope!!

“Two brothers, this matter of the gods was personally arranged by Daozu, we must handle it well, third brother, you have many disciples, it is not bad to do this, so why not fill it all in?”


The Tongtian Sect Master was stunned.

Looking at Lao Tzu, and then looking at the proud Yuan Shi Tianzun, his face changed instantly.

“Sure enough, sure enough!”

The Tongtian Sect Master was instantly distraught.

The three religions agreed that the canonization of the gods had occurred, and the cooperation of the Yuan Shi Lao Tzu against himself had also happened, so what else would happen next?

Will you be besieged by the Four Saints?

In an instant, the Tongtian Sect Master only felt cold.

Seeing that the Tongtian Sect Lord’s face was not right, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun’s brows also frowned.

“Third brother, what’s wrong with you?”

Lao Tzu asked with some concern.

The Master of the Tongtian Sect was in a state of confusion, and when he heard Lao Tzu’s question, he directly and impatiently said, “You should discuss this matter of the gods yourself, I will not discuss it!” ”

Speaking of which, regardless of Lao Tzu’s two people, their bodies shook, and they directly returned to the flood wasteland, and in a blink of an eye, they returned to the Biyou Palace.

As soon as he returned to the Biyou Palace, the Tongtian Sect Master opened the chat group.

Tongtian Sect Master: “Boy, what else do you know?” Say it all to this seat! ”

Qin Yu was in the group to explain the knowledge of the Heavenly Hall and the chat group to Xiao Shi and Iron Man, and he coldly saw that the Master of the Tongtian Sect had asked such a sentence.

“Huh? Look at the tone, this is to believe what I said? Just disappeared for half a day, will not happen to run into the agreed gods. ”

Thinking about it, Qin Yu couldn’t help but check it out.

“Name: Master of the Tongtian Sect.”

“Belongs to the world: the Ninth Order Flood World, during the period of the agreed list of gods.”

“Strength: Heavenly Dao Sage, Early Eighth Order.”

“Yikes! It really is! Isn’t that a coincidence? ”

Qin Yu was suddenly happy, coincidentally good, coincidentally good, this time the Heavenly Sect Master did not believe in himself, the trust of the Eighth Order Gangster, he did not want to know how to shave wool, just how to shave wool!

Thinking about it, Qin Yu was also a little excited and said directly.

“Oh, it seems that the Sect Master has already experienced some of the things I said.”

“How do you know?”

The Tongtian Sect Master was stunned again, but then he realized his gaffe and did not speak in a hurry.

Qin Yu smiled slightly and continued.

“Not only do I know this, but I also know that in the future, your intercepted church will be directly destroyed, and all the disciples under your disciples will be miserable, and even you yourself will be completely imprisoned.”

Trading words, of course, how to shock how to come, not to mention, what you said is the truth.

“What do you say?”

The Master of the Tongtian Sect only felt a tingling in his scalp, and he couldn’t help but burn with anger at the thought of his great Sect of Interception and Sect overthrow and his own complete confinement.

Qin Yu continued, “Whether you believe it or not, it all depends on the Sect Leader himself, if the Sect Leader is interested, I happen to have a detailed record of what will happen in the future. ”

Inside the Biyou Palace, the Tongtian Sect Master narrowed his eyes and spoke directly.

“Bring it to Honza.”

“This, Lord, this is a matter involving future destiny, and it cannot be leaked at will!” Otherwise, the Lord of the Hall does not know whether he will be exposed to some unpredictable danger. ”

Qin Yu said, but his face was very relaxed, and there was not the slightest worry.

Your Heavenly Dao of Desolation can still channel the Lords of my Heavenly Halls.

“What do you want to do?”

The Tongtian Sect Master asked directly.

“Gotta add money!”

Qin Yu just wanted to send out this sentence, thought about it, this is a bit vulgar, and he is not a brother Run, so he said in a different tone.

“This, the Lord of this Hall has always been very interested in the Heavenly Treasures, Spirit Treasure Magic Weapons, and Cultivation Secret Books of the Flood Wastes, and if you can get some of them and observe them carefully, there will be no problem in this matter of revealing secrets.”

Inside the Biyou Palace, the Master of the Tongtian Sect was stunned.

This boy is asking himself for benefits!

For many years, in this desolate land, he had not yet encountered anyone who dared to talk directly to the saint about the conditions and wanted benefits, what kind of group of masters, actually dared to talk to himself like this.

However, isn’t it a benefit, as a saint sect, in addition to suppressing the innate treasure of luck, there is really no shortage of resources.

Thinking about it, the Tongtian Sect Lord, who had already understood all the functions of this Heavenly Chat Group in a single thought, directly sent a directional red envelope to Qin Yu.

“Ding! The Master of the Tongtian Sect sent you a red envelope. ”

“Sleeper! The red envelope of the Sect Leader! Receive Receive! ”

Qin Yu immediately clicked on the Heavenly Sect Lord’s red envelope.

“Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the Quasi-Divine Grade Immortal Cultivation Technique, the Shangqing Immortal Technique. ”

“Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the Zhongpin Heavenly Spirit Treasure, Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. ”

“Sleeper! The Sect Master is atmospheric! ”

Qin Yu was momentarily stunned! This, quasi-saint-level immortal cultivation exercise! Zhongpin innate spirit treasure!

How many points of value is this worth? Hair out! Qin Yu was almost going crazy.

“Is that enough?”

The Tongtian Sect Master asked directly.

For these two things, the Tongtian Sect Master did not attach so much importance to them.

The elite disciples within the Shangqing Immortal Fa’s own door would basically cultivate.

Xuanyuan controlled the water flag after he got it, and it was a waste to put it there.

Although they were all treasures that would cause sentient beings to scramble for them, now, in the face of the fate of the future of the Interception Sect, these two things were naturally not worth mentioning in the eyes of the heavens.

“Enough is enough!”

Feeling the eagerness in the words of the Tongtian Sect Lord, Qin Yu hurriedly moved his mind, and directly condensed the Fengshen Rendition that he had seen in his previous life into a book, and then he clicked on the red envelope and sent it to the Tongtian Sect Lord.

“Ding! The group leader Qin Yu sent you a red envelope. ”

The Master of the Tongtian Sect hurriedly clicked open, and in his hand, a book suddenly appeared, “Divine Interpretation”.

The Tongtian Sect Lord’s eyes narrowed, and the Fengshen Interpretation was interpreted, did this imply something that had been agreed upon to seal the God?

Thinking about it, the Tongtian Sect Master directly opened the page of the book and quickly browsed it.

However, the more he looked, the more shocked his face became, and by the end, he was already full of anger.

“Damn! Damn it! Beginnings! You are so shameless! Beginnings! Father! You have colluded with outsiders against your own brothers! Aaaah! me too! ”

The saint was furious, it was absolutely a landslide!

Throughout Jin’ao Island, there was a landslide and tsunami, the clouds were thick, and the terrible saints were overwhelmed and swept out over and over again.

On Jin’ao Island, many disciples of the Sect were all shocked.

On Sanxiao Island, Yunxiao felt the terrible pressure coming from Jin’ao Island, and his face couldn’t help but change for a while.

“What happened to Master today?” It didn’t feel right when preaching. ”

Zhao Gongming laughed and said, “Sister, don’t worry, Master Zun is already the honor of a saint, what can be wrong, I think it is to feel the Heavenly Dao and have experienced it.” ”

“Is it?”

Yun Xiao frowned, but he didn’t quite agree.

Not only the Three Nights, Duobao, the Golden Spirit Virgin, the Turtle Spirit Mother and other people’s faces felt the pressure of the heavens, and their faces all changed.

Today’s interception is doomed to be unpeaceful.

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