Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 14: The Sun Rises In The East And Sweeps Ominously

Chang Sheng and a group of people are like perfectly roasted chicken in the mountains at night, they can definitely attract them!

Only Zhong Zhi knew about this matter outside the carriage, but out of his trust in Wang Teng and Xuan Zhenyi, he agreed to this mission, because the strength of this Red Scorpion Demon Lord far exceeded the strength of Innate Realm.

If they cannot be killed in a planned way, all living beings will be devastated.

Zhong Zhi thought this way and did the same thing. He knew he was sorry for the Qi and Blood Realm Martial Artists around him, but he also had his beliefs.

At this time, a deep and terrifying crisis crept up on his Tianling Cap. He was not surprised but overjoyed. Something that could make an Innate Realm powerhouse like him feel chilly was most likely their target this time!

"Everyone, please retreat back, I'm going to use the spell!"

In order to create a good fighting environment, he hurriedly took out a jade talisman from his waist and chanted silently.

"The powerful spirit of Xuansha is attracted by Qi and blood, and the edict is overwhelming. The sun rises in the east, and the fire Spirit Fire is born, sweeping away the ominous things!"


Chang Sheng and others were prompted and jumped back in time.

The unprepared Blood Moon Demon Wolf and the ghost monsters were all caught in the roaring explosion of the Dao Fire.

When these fires meet demons, they are like fire meeting hot oil. They burn more and more intensely and are transmitted to each other. Even if these animals roll around on the ground, they cannot be extinguished.

Soon, except for the demons who were still on the outside and couldn't get in, all the people inside were reduced to ashes and dissipated in the wind.

Seeing such a scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They finally had time to recover their physical strength, but Zhong Zhi only became more nervous.

He thought that the Red Scorpion Demon Lord would definitely take the opportunity to attack and kill him, and he had already made plans to use his own life to hold him back. However, after dozens of breaths passed, the Dao fire in front of him gradually extinguished, and the surrounding demons pounced on him again. The Red Scorpion Demon Lord did not take action.

Oops, he shouldn't have used the jade talisman to clear the area. The devil probably realized it was a trap.

Now they can only hold on. Although the demon has temporarily suppressed his bloodthirsty instinct, it will definitely not be suppressed over time, otherwise they will not become demons! Martial Artist!

Now it's up to them who can last longer.

Whoever cannot hold on will reveal fatal flaws and face the fate of death.

Another moment passed.

A figure with the same green light appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The cold aura on his body could make people shiver from a distance of more than ten meters.

Eyes full of endless resentment stared at Zhong Zhi, who was killing everyone, and then turned into an afterimage, roaring towards him.

Someone first noticed the situation here and exclaimed: "Is that a ghost-level ghost monster!?"

"The body is condensed and unstable. He must have just been promoted to the Resentment Level, and his strength is still unstable."

"Master Zhong, be careful!"

Zhong Zhi had just killed a demon wolf, and when he turned around, he saw the Resentful Netherworld that was already in front of him. He had no time to react and felt as if he was drunk, feeling like the world was spinning.

The strength of monsters is divided into ghost level, resentment level, and evil level, which also correspond to Human Race's Qi and Blood Realm, Innate Realm, and Extreme Realm.

The higher you go, the heavier the evil spirit it carries, which can make you dizzy during combat, or can cause you to fall directly into a nightmare coma.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a jade pendant on Zhong Zhi's body automatically shattered. A flash of spiritual light awakened him, and he finally blocked the attack at the last moment.

"You bastard, die for me!"

Zhong Zhi swung the long sword in his hand wildly, and dozens of sword energy flew out in an instant, clearing everything in front of him.

The Resentful Netherworld pulled out a series of phantoms and quickly avoided Zhong Zhi's sword energy.

The two then quickly exchanged blows, with no one gaining the upper hand.

The Resentful Netherworld roared again and again, seemingly wanting to continue attacking Zhong Zhi, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a feint, and it suddenly attacked the crowd of Qi and Blood Realm Martial Artists present.

Zhong Zhi had no time to pursue him and could only roar.

"Quick, pay attention to dodge, hold your breath and concentrate, don't be affected by hallucinations!"

One step at a time, one step at a time, the speed of the Resentful Netherworld was too fast. Before Zhong Zhi said a few words of reminder, it had already pounced on a Qi and Blood Realm Martial Artist.

The Qi and Blood Realm Martial Artist's eyes immediately glazed over, his body stiffened, and he died suddenly, and then the essence fell into the body of the Resentful Netherworld.

"Come on with the knife!"

The surrounding Qi and Blood Realm Martial Artists knew that escaping would only lead to faster death, so they faced fear and attacked with anger and blood.

The Resentful Netherworld did not resist forcefully and used its ghostly speed to pull away into the distance in an instant.

It was obviously extremely powerful, but it was good at guerrilla warfare and only looked for attacks on isolated individuals. Even though everyone cooperated tacitly, it still managed to injure two people again.

Zhong Zhi was so anxious that he couldn't do anything about it. If he continued like this, not to mention the Red Scorpion Demon Lord, just this Resentful Netherworld would be able to annihilate them all if he cooperated with the surrounding demons!

Wang Teng in the carriage sighed, and the majestic energy condensed in his hands was about to come out.

God's will, God's will, it seems that this plan will come to nothing.

Just when he was about to personally kill this resentment-level ghost.

A figure faster than the Resentment-level Netherworld seemed to flash, leaving an afterimage with every step as it rushed towards the Resentment-level Netherworld.

[Eight steps to catch the cicada]!

With just one breath, Chang Sheng rushed to the side of Resentment Netherworld. Resentment Level Netherworld didn't pay much attention to it, expelling terrifying resentment, turning into hallucinations and heading towards the indiscriminate covering of the surroundings.

All Martial Artists who encountered resentment became insane and teetering on the edge of collapse.

But Chang Sheng didn't seem to be affected at all, and the sound of waves sweeping through his body sounded.

The secret of Martial Dao·The vast ocean!

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