Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 21: Named Qingyun·The Name Of Genius


At this time, everyone believed that Chang Sheng was an out-and-out genius.

A sense of urgency arose among the people.

This huge impact of the success of those around them gave them a surge of fighting spirit.

They must learn from Senior Brother Chang and fight hard to attack the Qi and Blood Realm!

Chang Sheng didn't know that just because of his breakthrough, he actually encouraged the fighting spirit of many Peiyuan Realm disciples.

Bai Yushu stood on the main stage that had been built, facing the crowd and said: "Martial Dao's journey is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. This assessment is to verify your sincerity towards Martial Dao. I hope all the disciples will encourage themselves." !”

"Now Peiyuan Realm disciples compete one on one, and the winner will advance to the next round,"

After Bai Yushu finished speaking, all the Peiyuan realm disciples began to prepare nervously. If their performance was too poor this time, they would be kicked out of the Taoist temple.

The competition venue for Peiyuanjing disciples is divided into seven areas, and Chang Sheng and other seven true disciples are responsible for supervising the referees.

Chang Sheng stood there, surrounded by a circle of people like stars holding a moon in his arms. There were only a few people who were sure of themselves. Most of them had uneasiness on their faces, smiling at Chang Sheng in a flattering manner, hoping When he performs poorly, Chang Sheng is able to show mercy.

He looked around, feeling a little touched in his heart.

You know, more than thirty days ago, he was also one of them.

But now, he has become the one who controls the fate of their Martial Dao. Things are so magical.

Chang Sheng looked serious and unsmiling, and said slowly: "The martial arts performance of the sect begins now."


All disciples come on stage one by one in the prescribed order.

Because of the low level, one-on-one comparisons can basically produce results within a few minutes.

Chang Sheng stood aside. As soon as the result came out, he immediately separated the two people and took it as an announcement of their final stay.

It didn't take long for everyone on his side to finish their assessment.

Two of them had been introduced for a long time, but their performance was too poor, so they were directly eliminated by him.

The remaining people who passed the examination were all smiles and relieved.

After about a stick of incense, all the Peiyuan Realm disciples finished their assessments, and the true disciples presented the results to the Guanzhu Bai Yushu for final judgment.

After reading it, Bai Yushu had no objection to the final result.

In the end, a total of thirteen Peiyuan Realm disciples were persuaded to leave Azure Cloud Daoist Temple while crying bitterly.

During the process of persuading people to leave, one of the disciples rushed out and knelt in front of the white jade book: "Master of the Temple, Master of the Temple, please don't let me leave, please, please!"

Bai Yuzhi was expressionless and no longer as kind as before: "I have given you five years, but you can't even break through the middle stage of Peiyuan Realm. The talent that can be selected to enter my Azure Cloud Daoist Temple is definitely not low. What does this mean? , it can only show that you know clearly, what is the use of giving you another year? The peak period of ordinary people's Qi and blood is only 20 years, and they cannot even reach the middle stage of Peiyuan Realm in 5 years, let alone the Late Stage of Peiyuan Realm, or even It’s Qi and Blood Realm.”

"Martial Dao is not suitable for you. Let's go and be an ordinary person in the future."

Bai Yushu persuaded them kindly, saying that hard work is indispensable for Martial Dao Talent. These people have average talent and do not work hard. Forcibly practicing martial arts will only exhaust their family resources and achieve nothing in the end. In the end, their families will be ruined. Bai Yushu is doing this for their own good.

No matter how unwilling they were, these thirteen disciples knew that Bai Yushu was good to them and had no ill intentions. They could only follow the advice of the master.

"Master Guan, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Thank you to the master for your cultivation over the years. I can't bear the nurturing and should leave on my own."

"Even if I am not in the Taoist temple, I am still a member of the Taoist temple. If the Taoist temple needs my place in the future, I can give you orders at any time."

"Viewer, take care!"

When these disciples were about to take shape, they spoke one after another, and their words were also sincere.

The temple master looked at these disciples and couldn't help but let out a long sigh and nodded slowly. Then he set his sights on the seven true disciples of Qi and Blood Realm.

"It's you next."

The position of Great Master of Azure Cloud Daoist Temple has been vacant for a month. Something happened to the previous Great Master. With the death of Elder Qi Quan, it is now necessary to elect a new Great Master.

Seven disciples of Qi and Blood Realm from the Taoist Temple gathered here. Everyone has an idea for the position of Great Master. As long as he becomes a Great Master, he will be trained by the Taoist Temple!

Azure Cloud Daoist Temple naturally cannot be compared with behemoths such as Zhenmo Si. It is impossible to fully support several core disciples. The Taoist temple does not have so many resources, but it is still no problem to support one core disciple.

Brother Great Master is the core disciple whom the Taoist Society has devoted its efforts to cultivating.

The seven Qi and Blood Realm disciples have burning eyes, and each of them exudes surging fighting spirit.

Seeing the disobedient looks in the disciples' eyes and their unafraid of a fight, Bai Yushu nodded slowly.

"We, the Martial Artists, should be like this. The winner among you...is the Great Master of Taoism."

"Then, the competition begins."

In this Taoist temple assessment, the assessment of ordinary disciples comes second, and the competition between true disciples is the top priority.

In this true disciple competition, two people were very vocal. One of them was named Yu Lan. He was only a hair away from the previous Great Master in terms of strength. However, when the two competed in the competition, their skills were inferior and they lost the competition. Fighting, so that the flowers fall elsewhere.

He has been preparing for this battle for the seat of Great Master for a long time and is determined to win.


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