Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 31: Increased Upper Limit·Human Fireworks

. . . . . .

After a cup of tea.

[Bronze statue skill breaks through to proficiency! ]

At this time, Chang Sheng's energy and blood had been consumed by about 30%.

After a stick of incense.

[Bronze Statue Skill Breakthrough to Mastery! ]

Time gradually passed, the sun got higher, and it was approaching noon. Ren Lingzhu almost hit Chang Sheng with a piece of wood all morning, and her expression gradually changed from shock at the beginning to numbness.

Chang Sheng's majestic energy and blood have been consumed by 80% to 90%.

Finally, Chang Sheng's practice progress changed again.

[Bronze Statue Skill Breakthrough to Basic Accomplishment! ]

At this time, a soft and strong warm current emerged from Chang Sheng's body. This new warm current flowed throughout the body, quickly soothing the pain caused by long-term beatings.

And with the blessing of this warm current, even Ren Lingzhu's sense of shock became much weaker.

"This is...Bronze Statue Strength!"

Chang Sheng was overjoyed. He had already mastered this outsider's hard skill to a considerable degree, and his qi and blood were naturally generated.

Since then, Chang Sheng has mastered four kinds of Qi and blood, Changhe Primordial Origin, Jingtao Palm, Frozen Qi, and Bronze Statue.

Four completely different qi and blood powers circulated endlessly in Chang Sheng's body, but there was no sign of interference or conflict. Such a scene would be enough to scare a large number of martial arts practitioners to death.

After practicing [Bronze Statue Skill] to the level of Basic Accomplishment, Chang Sheng not only mastered the Bronze Statue Strength, but he also clearly felt that the strength of his physical body had increased again, and his strength was no less than 5,000 kilograms. It has exceeded the previous physical limit.

His physical limit has really increased!

When Chang Sheng wants to click the upgrade button again, the system automatically prompts Chang Sheng to rest for a few hours and replenish his energy and blood before he can upgrade again to prevent overdraft potential and consumption of physical resources.

"Okay, you can stop now."

Chang Sheng's words were calm and his breath was steady, as if he was just taking a rest.

Ren Lingzhu was stunned for a moment, recovering from being a merciless smashing machine. She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't speak.

Seeing the beads of sweat on Ren Lingzhu's forehead, and looking like he was hesitant to speak, Chang Sheng smiled lightly: "Lingzhu, thank you for your hard work."

Ren Lingzhu shook his head: "It's not hard. Senior brother taught me how to practice. This little thing is what I should do."

Chang Sheng continued: "That's it. Let's have a meal together later."

Soon, the courtyard door was knocked again, and several boys came in carrying a wooden box.

"Mr. Chang, the food from our restaurant has been delivered."

Several boys opened the wooden boxes and put the steaming meals on the stone table in the courtyard.

The meals were sumptuous, especially the meat dishes, including roasted chicken, roasted pig, stewed fish, etc. Plates of exquisite food filled the stone table.

During this period, Chang Sheng practiced martial arts at home all day long and had a great need for food. He didn't have time to cook by himself, so he simply discussed the matter with the owner of the restaurant next to him.

He directly gave thirty taels of silver and asked the restaurant to deliver daily meals for a month.

This was a big deal, Chang Sheng was generous, and the shopkeeper immediately agreed.

After the boys who delivered the food left, Chang Sheng warmly greeted Ren Lingzhu to sit down: "Come, let's eat together. I really worked hard on you just now."

Chang Sheng couldn't resist Chang Sheng's hospitality, so Ren Lingzhu sat down and ate with him.

I have to say that the restaurant’s cooking skills are quite good. The dishes are full of color, flavor and flavor, which makes people want to eat. After getting along with each other, Ren Lingzhu found that Chang Sheng had no airs and was very easy to get along with. The two chatted while eating. It didn’t take long to become familiar.

Ren Lingzhu came from a martial arts family and had no children, so she gave birth to a daughter like this. However, this baby girl was different. She didn't like red clothes and preferred weapons, which gave the two elders of the Ren family a headache.

Chang Sheng heard these things with a bit of bitterness. The second elder in his family was no longer here. Hearing about the shortcomings of other people's parents made him feel sad.

The two of them chatted while eating, and their relationship unknowingly became closer, no longer as estranged as it was at the beginning.

After eating and drinking, Ren Lingzhu left. She had learned a lot from Chang Sheng about the practice of Chang He Sunset Palm, so she left Chang Sheng alone and went home to practice.

And Chang Sheng was too embarrassed to ask Ren Lingzhu to help him practice [Bronze Statue Skill]. His [Bronze Statue Skill] had already been Basic Accomplishment, and Ren Lingzhu might not be able to help him with his subsequent training.

Moreover, the next training scene will be too exciting, making it even more inconvenient for Ren Lingzhu to participate.

After a few cups of tea, Chang Sheng opened the courtyard door and walked out.

He needs to prepare some things for the next practice.

Chang Sheng was walking on the streets of Jiangbei County. On both sides of the streets were tea houses, pawn shops, workshops, and taverns. There were also many small vendors shouting and hawking in the open spaces on both sides of the streets, making it a lively scene.

He rarely wandered around the streets. Now walking on the streets of Jiangbei County, he rarely felt a little relaxed.

On weekdays, Chang Sheng is either practicing or going out on missions. He has always been very tense. Now the string in his heart has relaxed slightly. He walks on the street like a young man wandering out.

This is the most prosperous city in Jiangbei County, with hundreds of thousands of people. Chang Sheng slowed down and felt the fireworks in this world.

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to mortal hearts.

Even if there are rough roads, there will always be people who return home every day.

After crossing several streets, Chang Sheng came to a blacksmith shop. When someone came to the door, the shop assistant immediately came over.

"Objective, do you need to buy something?"

"Of course, I want to buy some ironware."

"Okay, sir, please come with me."

The boy at the blacksmith's shop led Chang Sheng to the wooden frame nearby: "We sell all the ironware here. You can see what you need."

Chang Sheng took an iron bar with a thick wrist from the shelf and weighed it. He felt that the weight was okay, but it was a bit too long.

I bought an iron stick for beating myself, but it was too long to swing and difficult to use, and it seemed that the iron stick was not strong enough.

Chang Sheng reached out and grasped the iron rod with both hands, and twisted it hard. The iron rod made a tooth-breaking crunching sound, and then the iron rod was twisted in half by Chang Sheng while the store clerk looked stunned.

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