Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 391: Fight To The Death To The End

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Chang Sheng looked at Bai Shijie for a few times and then stopped paying attention to this guy. He also started to attack everyone in the You family.

This is the base camp of the You family, and many restrictions and formations have been set up here. It is run like a copper wall and an iron wall, and the defense strength is several levels higher than that of Lanxiang Mountain.

Although there were many strong men who attacked Youjia, and they were all from the Great Thousand Realm, they were still unable to move quickly when attacking Youjia’s station. A large number of defensive restrictions and formations slowed down everyone’s speed.

Chang Sheng squeezed into a crowd of people and launched an attack on Youjia unhurriedly.

"If nothing else happens... The You family will definitely be gone."

He knew very well that with so many people taking action, there was no chance that the You family would be spared.

In this attack on Youjia, Chang Sheng wore a mask and did not hide his strength, showing off the strength of the Great Thousand Realm.

Just the powerful aura exuded from Chang Sheng's body frightened several powerful men in the nearby Daqian Realm.

"The one with the bone mask... is so strong!"

"Indeed, with just a little momentum, 21 makes it hard to breathe."

"This is definitely the most powerful person in the Great Thousand Realm!"

"I don't know if the enemies of the You family came to visit. It would be really pitiful for the You family to offend such a powerful man.'

Several strong men from the Great Thousand Realm were talking quietly next to them.

Chang Sheng didn't say a word, his breath was cold, and he looked like he should avoid strangers.

Judging from Chang Sheng's current strength, if it were not for those few You family elders, but just some ordinary You family disciples, he could be wiped out with a snap of his fingers.

In front of Chang Sheng, those in the Middle Thousand Realm are like ants, while those in the Small Thousand Realm are like dust. A large swath can be wiped away with just a touch of your hand.

Soon, nearly a hundred Youjia disciples died at the hands of Chang Sheng.

Comparatively speaking, the number of You family disciples who died at the hands of Chang Sheng was relatively small. His main purpose here was not to kill people, but to seize treasures!

The Youjia family has a great business and a lot of good things. It would be a pity not to take the opportunity to get some. Otherwise, he would not come here at all.

Before Chang Sheng came here, he bought a detailed map of Youjia from Xueyilou. Xueyilou is also good at spying on intelligence [even this kind of information was obtained.

After writing down the internal structure of Youjia, Chang Sheng also focused on those high-value buildings when he acted.

For example, the You family's warehouse, the elder's residence, etc., there is a high probability that there are good things in these places.

Chang Sheng was not the only one who had the same calculation. Chang Sheng found that there were several other guys heading in the same direction as him.

"Haha, a bunch of cunning guys."

Chang Sheng did not say much to these powerful men from the Great Thousand Realm who were traveling with them, nor did he stop them. The eight people in Tian moved forward together.

There are three warehouses in Youjia, one large and two small. Chang Sheng's first target is a small warehouse.

Seven or eight people from the Great Thousand Realm gathered together and pushed forward. The ordinary disciples of the You family were unable to resist, and were killed by several people one after another. On the way, they met an elder from the You family who was from the Great Thousand Realm, and he was also repelled by everyone. Flee in panic.

Soon, everyone arrived at the warehouse, and a strong man from the Great Thousand Realm stepped forward and pushed open the door of the warehouse.

Everyone's expressions froze.

Nima is empty!

This warehouse is empty, there is nothing, even the mice starved to death in it.

"what happened?"

"The information I got said that this is the You family's warehouse! Why is it empty?"

"The information is correct, this is indeed the You family's warehouse."

"It seems that You Ruosong had known that this day would come, and had already moved all the things in the warehouse without leaving them for us."

"This old fox is quite cunning, but what's the use? You Ruosong is dead today, and he's gone, so what's the use of keeping all this money?"

"Still expecting the You family to make a comeback in the future? It's simply ridiculous!

Several strong men who concealed their identities, you and I, guessed some of the arrangements of the You family, and they all sneered.

Chang Sheng looked at the empty warehouse, turned around and left without saying anything.

You Ruosong was more cunning than he thought, and moved the contents of this warehouse in advance. The other two warehouses were probably in the same situation, and they were probably emptied out long ago.

In this case, there is no need to go to the warehouse, and the trip will be in vain.

"It seems that it is necessary to change our thinking..."

"Let's take a stroll first."

Chang Sheng broke away from the large force attacking Youjia, hid his figure, and went in the other direction of Youjia. [013404021 Feilu 071092080]

At this moment, the Youjia was surrounded by flames, shouting and killing, and disciples of the Youjia were dying every moment.

There were also people from the You family who fought back desperately and killed some of the intruders, but it was all meaningless.

There were too many people attacking this time. Whether it was the number of people or the top combat power, the You family was at an absolute disadvantage.

Let alone a desperate counterattack, even escaping to heaven has become a luxury.

Especially You Ruosong, the head of the Youjia family is currently being besieged by five powerful men from the Great Thousand Realm. Several other You family elders have already been killed and injured [now he is the only one left in the Great Thousand Realm on the Youjia side.

You Ruosong's face was smeared with blood, his hair was disheveled, and he let out a shrill roar.

"I want you to die!"

"I want you to die!


You Ruosong used all his methods to counterattack the incoming strong men.

He noticed a familiar aura on the people who came. It was obvious that these people were people he knew.

080 It's just that these people disguised their faces and figures. In the midst of a life-and-death fight, You Ruosong didn't have time to identify the true identities of these people.

But it doesn't matter if you can't identify it.

Now either you die or I live.

Looking at You Ruosong who looked like a madman, several people also slowed down their attack slightly.

"You Ruosong, surrender, you can't defeat us."

"If you are willing to hand over your You family's wealth, we can let you go."

"Isn't it good to live? Why should we fight to the death?"

"Master You, don't make a mistake."

Several strong men from the Great Thousand Realm tried to dispel his fighting spirit.

But You Ruosong would never be able to catch him without help. As the head of the family, he had already abandoned all childish ideas.

Surrendering at this time will only lead to death and there is no chance of survival!

Only fight to the death!

You Ruosong didn't say a word, with a hint of desolation on his face. Instead, he even more frantically launched an attack on several powerful men in the Great Thousand Realm.

Chang Sheng looked at all this from a distance, his eyes as deep as an ancient well and deep pool, without any joy or sorrow.

One of You Ruosong's hands has been broken, leaving only a broken arm, still fighting on its own.

Everyone could see that You Ruosong couldn't hold on much longer.

The head of the You family, who has dominated the Qinglan ancient world for many years, is about to fall!

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