Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 47: Chen Jingang·Bald Demon Martial Artist

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Chang Sheng raised his hand to indicate that he should not be concerned about the attack: "It doesn't matter, you take a rest, there may be monsters attacking the city later."

Lin Shen nodded respectfully and stepped aside. His attitude changed a lot unconsciously.

He had heard earlier that Chang Sheng was very promising at a young age and had broken through the Innate Realm before he was twenty years old. He didn't have an intuitive understanding of this yet. He had just seen Chang Sheng take action. He was amazed by the realm and power.

Worthy of being the youngest Innate Realm in Jiangbei County!

While Chang Sheng and others were doing some repairs, several dark figures stood on a hilltop a few miles away from the county seat, their eyes fixed on Chang Sheng on the city wall.

After a long time, a hoarse voice slowly sounded.

"It seems like a great guy has arrived in Bibo Mountain."

Demon Martial Artist can also control the power of demons, because their ability is given by dark wizards.

The dark wizard not only develops the power of demons himself, but also implants the power of demons into his Martial Artist subordinates, giving them powerful powers.

The threshold for using the power of demons is very high. If you are not careful, you will lose control and endanger yourself. It is not something that those who practice martial arts can easily master. Therefore, almost every demon Martial Artist has a dark wizard behind him. Wild wizards There are very few demon martial artists.

These incoming demon Martial Artists came from the Demon Fiend Sect. The dark wizard behind them gave them a blood cup and asked them to collect a huge amount of blood for refining.

The target of these demon Martial Artists is Bibo Mountain County. This city is at the junction of the two counties. The terrain is remote and the defense force is weak, making it easy to succeed.

However, things did not go as smoothly as they imagined.

Since the first raid was launched and the county seat of Bibo Mountain was not captured, Bibo Mountain's follow-up defense force has been rapidly strengthened, and it has become even more difficult to capture the city.

Because Bibo Mountain is located at the junction of Yangzhong and Jiangbei, Martial Artists and Qi Refining scholars from these two counties rushed over, and even people from Qingpu County further away came to support.

Bibo Mountain County is now almost the most difficult city to capture.

"It's hard to keep me waiting like this."

Several demon Martial Artists who drove the monsters to attack the city stood on the top of the mountain in the distance, looking at the Bibo Mountain County in the distance, feeling a little irritated in their hearts.

"These damn mortals."

"Why can't you just die in peace?"

Seeing a large number of undead and low-level ghosts being burned by the city's formations and being killed by the defending Martial Artist and Qi Refining warriors, they did not feel distressed. Such low-level monsters were plentiful in the wild, and they could easily gather them together. Big pile.

The biggest function of these Low Level monsters is to consume the power of the formation and the physical strength of the Martial Artist and Qi Refining Warriors.

Driven by the demon Martial Artist, hundreds of low-level ghosts turned into a long dragon, winding up the formation protective wall of Bibo Mountain City!

There are too many people below the formation, and these low-level ghosts will be killed soon. They are preparing to let these low-level ghosts break through from the top of the formation!

After all, there are only a few people who can fly.

When they saw a flash of sword light and hundreds of low-level ghosts being slashed with one sword, these monsters were stunned.

"Bibo Mountain...it seems like a great guy has arrived."

The sword that Chang Sheng had just struck, even though they were miles apart, they couldn't help but feel palpitations!

"What a strong sword spirit?"

All the demon Martial Artists looked at the figure on top of the city. Although they were far away and couldn't see Chang Sheng's face clearly, they still found Chang Sheng in the crowd.

After Chang Sheng killed the low-level Nether Dragon, he didn't stop. He slashed out more than twenty swords in one breath. With his sword energy, he directly killed all the undead and low-level Netherworlds in the south of the city!

Such a fierce performance shocked everyone.

It seemed that it was more difficult to capture Bibo Mountain County. Several demon Martial Artists looked at each other and hesitated for a moment.

One of the demons with a brighter mind, Martial Artist, seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "Maybe the situation is not as bad as we imagined."

"It is true that this son has excellent swordsmanship, but the sword energy used to cut out so many terrifying swords is not without consumption."

"He must be very exhausted now!"

"I must be so exhausted now that it's difficult to even move."

That makes sense!

The eyes of several demon Martial Artists lit up, feeling that this must be the case!

Since this kid is nothing to fear, we can just deal with the others with peace of mind!

If done properly, this city can be broken.

At this time, a deep voice came from behind them.

"You guys...continue to drive the monsters to attack the south city wall."

"Don't let...the man with the sword...go."

"I'm going to the north of the city..."

The person who spoke was a bald demon named Martial Artist.

His eyes were blood red, his face looked crazy for a while, then sober for a while, and he spoke intermittently, as if he was about to go completely crazy at any time.

His name is Chen Jingang, he is the strongest among these demon Martial Artists, and the blood-transforming cup is on his body.

Because too much demon power was implanted in Chen Diamond's body, which eroded his brain, driving him to the edge of complete madness.

The demon Martial Artist has dangerous demonic power in his body. Once out of control, he will die at any time. Moreover, they are all tools of the black wizard and do deadly things. This also makes the demon Martial Artist very unstable and difficult to control. , it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is rebellious.

But Chen Jingang is one of the few.

Even though he was unconscious, he was still extremely loyal to the dark wizard behind him.

"Your Majesty's orders are absolute!"

When the adult handed the blood-transforming cup into his hands, he was extremely excited.

No matter what, we must fulfill your orders!

A trace of madness flashed in Chen Jingang's eyes, and he looked at the other demon Martial Artists with vicious eyes: "You guys...if you dare to hold back...I'll kill you."

An intimidating murderous aura hit them, and several demon Martial Artists turned pale and did not dare to speak.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jingang had disappeared from where he was.

The remaining demon Martial Artists looked at each other in shock, did not speak, and left one by one.


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