Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 66: Ten Thousand Categories Something Happened

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Facing Bai Yushu's astonished eyes, Chang Sheng smiled lightly: "I feel something in my heart and I have a breakthrough."

After breaking through the extreme realm, Chang Sheng's body was undergoing drastic changes every day.

His strength increases every day, and he can gain five to six hundred pounds every day.

A few days later, Chang Sheng's strength finally exceeded 10,000 pounds!

Under the constant washing and nourishment of Martial Dao's true energy, his body has grown to a size that is unimaginable to ordinary people!

Even if they were released into the vast mountains and wilderness, 99% of the monsters and monsters would not be as strong as Chang Sheng. Even if he did not apply any Martial Dao technique, he could perform a hand-to-hand tearing of monsters with just this strange strength.

Under the cover of [Aura Concealing Technique], no one knows that Chang Sheng has become the strongest existence in the entire Jiangbei County!

In her spare time, Chang Sheng instructs her disciples on their practice in the Taoist temple. Especially Chen Yueyue's performance was somewhat beyond her expectation. She can perform the [Plum Blossom Boxing] skillfully, as long as she masters the principles of the palm technique. Tell her clearly, and this little girl will understand and master it quickly.

In a secluded courtyard, Chen Yueyue played [Plum Blossom Boxing], and even a veteran like Chang Sheng couldn't find anything wrong with it.

If I insist on having any flaws, it would be that Chen Yueyue's strength is too small and the lethality of his fists is insufficient. However, there is nothing that can be done about it. Chen Yueyue is still young and has not yet matured his muscles and bones to grow. When you are angry.

"Her palm skills have improved so quickly, so you have put a lot of thought into it, right?" Bai Yushu asked with a smile on his face as he sat next to Chang Sheng.

"I just gave a brief pointer. It's because Yue Yue has a good understanding and learns quickly." Chang Sheng took a sip of tea and answered casually.

The Taoist temple has been booming recently. The two of them were chatting in the courtyard just now, talking about the follow-up development of the Taoist temple. Chen Yueyue came over to refill the tea for the two of them. Bai Yushu casually mentioned it and asked Chen Yueyue to perform the [Plum Blossom Boxing] again.

Chen Yueyue's performance was beyond the two's expectations. She had completely mastered this palm technique and was able to perform it well.

After one stroke of palm technique, Chen Yueyue's little face turned red and looked more cute as her Qi and blood circulated.

Chang Sheng became more and more satisfied with Chen Yueyue, and it was not in vain that he spent so much effort to guide her.

During this period, not only Chen Yueyue, but also all the disciples of Qi and Blood Realm in the Taoist Temple were patiently given guidance, especially Ren Lingzhu's performance was particularly outstanding.

She has been carefully guided by Chang Sheng for a period of time. Chang Sheng's Martial Dao wisdom and many fantastic ideas have deeply influenced her. Her way of thinking about problems is closest to Chang Sheng's.

When Chang Sheng gives guidance to a group of disciples, Ren Lingzhu is always the fastest to understand Chang Sheng's meaning. She has always been the most outstanding one among the many disciples.

There are currently as many as fifteen Qi and Blood Realm disciples in the Taoist Temple. In Chang Sheng's opinion, Lingzhu is the one most likely to break through the Innate Realm!

While Chang Sheng and Bai Yushu were talking, Chen Yueyue stood aside obediently, adding tea to the two of them from time to time.

After a while, a clerk from the Demon Suppression Department in official uniform stood at the entrance of the small courtyard and tentatively called out: "Mr. Chang,

Seeing that it was someone from the Zhenmo Division, Chang Sheng knew that it was probably the Zhenmo Division who had something to ask him about again.

Chang Sheng turned his head and apologized to Bai Yushu. The accounting steward at the door also smiled apologetically at Bai Yushu, and the two of them left quickly.

After arriving at Zhenmo Division, Chang Sheng saw Lin Qianling.

But Lin Qianling's face became more solemn and she said in a deep voice: "Chang Sheng, something happened."

Chang Sheng's face turned solemn: "What is it?"

"Things are rather troublesome. There have been several disappearances in Jiangxia County. Several families in the county have disappeared overnight. No one is alive or dead, and no bodies are found. People in Jiangxia are panicking."

"I sent Huang Liangxiao to deal with this matter, but he just sent an urgent report that he was injured and requested support from here."

"The other gold medal demon slayers can't get away. I'm considering asking you to help Huang Liangxiao solve this problem."

Chang Sheng nodded to indicate that he understood, and then Lin Qianling handed the file on this matter to Chang Sheng: "If you look at this, you will understand the situation better.

After reading the dossier, Chang Sheng had an idea.

Jiangxia is one of the four counties under the jurisdiction of Jiangbei County. It is not as far away as Tianning, but closer.

The span of the matter is relatively large. As early as a month ago, people were missing in Jiangxia County.

At first, it was just some farmers in the villages who disappeared mysteriously. Jiangxia County thought it was the good deeds of some bandits and the like, so they arranged some police officers to deal with these things, but there was no clue at all.

This situation did not stop, and later not only people in the village disappeared, but even people in the county began to disappear mysteriously!

Several of them were large families with a population of more than a hundred, and they disappeared inexplicably.

When something like this happened, the whole city was in panic.

Because among these large households there were Martial Artists who maintained nursing homes, even these people with military powers disappeared together.

Overnight, there was no movement at all, and all these people disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Hundreds of people disappeared before and after. Jiangxia County also knew that they had encountered a demon. They were unable to deal with it and immediately sought assistance from the Jiangbei Town Demon Division.

The Demon Suppression Division sent Huang Liangxiao, Innate Realm's gold medal demon slayer, to deal with it, but Huang Liangxiao's investigation did not go smoothly.

Last night, Huang Liangxiao was injured. Because of the dim light, he could not see clearly what attacked him. He only guessed that the opponent might be a demon Martial Artist.

Demon Martial Artist?

How can it be?!

Chang Sheng looked at Lin Qianling in confusion: "The demon Martial Artist attacked Huang Liangxiao?"

There are formations in every city. No one with the power of demons can even think of sneaking into the city without touching the formations!

In this dangerous world, the city is the last piece of pure land for people.

But Huang Liangxiao said that he was attacked by the demon Martial Artist in the city?

Lin Qianling shook his head. He also didn't quite believe that such a thing would happen: "It may not be the demon Martial Artist. Huang Liangxiao has not determined what attacked him. It may be something else."

No matter what attacked Huang Liangxiao, anyone who could ignore the warning of the formation and cause chaos in the city would not be a simple existence. Chang Sheng also felt a little more solemn.

"When should I leave?"


Naturally, the sooner something like this happens, the better. If it drags on, I don’t know how many lives will be lost.

After bidding farewell to Lin Qianling, Chang Sheng immediately went to prepare, and quickly packed everything he needed to use when going out.

After sending the message, his 19th team also arrived quickly. Ding Zhenxian and others looked solemn, waiting for Chang Sheng's order.

Chang Sheng told the team members about the situation in Jiangxia County, and everyone knew what was going on and were ready to go.

At the gate of Jiangbei County, five figures turned into sharp arrows and penetrated into the vast mountains and forests, rushing towards Jiangxia County.

Jiangxia is closer than Tianning. The last time I returned from Tianning, I rushed quickly and only took half a day to return to Jiangbei County.

Chang Sheng, the hidden realm, and the four Martial Artists from the Qi and Blood Realm used their Qinggong with all their might, faster than a galloping horse, and arrived in Shouchi County in less than two hours.

After inspection by the city guards, several people successfully entered Jiangxia County.

As soon as they entered the city, they noticed the unusual atmosphere here.

There were few pedestrians on the street, and most of the shops on both sides of the street were closed. There was a sense of coldness and desolation in the whole city.

Even the few pedestrians walking towards him had a look of panic on their faces. When they saw Chang Sheng's unfamiliar faces, these people's faces became a little more wary.

There have been several incidents in Jiangxia County recently, with several families disappearing without a trace overnight!

Who can bear this!

Everyone is in danger.

Especially when seeing unfamiliar faces, these people's nerves are particularly stimulated.

Seeing the thief-like looks on these people's faces, Chang Sheng and the others were speechless and choked. (Good Zhao)

"`||I don’t know why, but I always feel like missing people ten ways...

The corner of Tietou's mouth twitched, and he said with a look of pain on his face.

Among the 19th team, Tietou is the oldest, already over forty. He is a good old guy in the team. It is rare to see him getting angry with anyone, but now this good old guy can't sit still.

Along the way, every newcomer regards him as a thief. After all, he is also a Martial Artist of Qi and Blood Realm. Wherever he goes, he is not respected by Human Venerable. When has he ever been treated like this?

Lin Shen tugged on Tietou's clothes: "Don't worry, don't worry about them."

He is the youngest Martial Artist in the team, even younger than Chang Sheng. He has a young mind and does not care about the eyes of others.

Then Lin Shen asked Chang Sheng: "Captain, where are we going now?"

Chang Sheng looked at the situation in Jiangxia County and said in a deep voice: "Huang Liangxiao is injured. Let's go see him first."

"And he touched something, and I want to ask him something."

Huang Liangxiao was a veteran demon slayer from the Jiangbei Town Demon Division, and his Martial Dao cultivation was extremely profound, but even such a strong man from the Innate Realm was injured. Such an incident made all the team members feel solemn.

This matter...may be very dangerous. .

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