Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 72: Move, Madam, You Don’T Want To Be Accused, Right?

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Zhou Tu watched in disbelief as the man in black fell to the ground and kept twitching. Under the black scarf covering his face, a pool of scarlet blood overflowed. The aura on the other person's body was also weakened to the limit!

With such an injury, even if he didn't die, he would be close to it.


Zhou Tu shouted sharply.

When the man in black was about to escape, he was beaten back by an unknown entity. Looking at the man in black with only half his life left, Zhou Tu felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

All the disciples of the Zhou family also looked wary, looking solemnly in the direction outside the door.

Steady footsteps sounded, and a figure crossed the threshold and slowly walked into the courtyard.

People in the courtyard were shocked when they saw the appearance of the visitor. This person was none other than Chang Sheng!

Chang Sheng looked around at all the Martial Artists in the courtyard, then his eyes fell on the man in black on the ground, a hint of amusement appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly.

"Master Bai, you're here late at night...why did you leave in such a hurry?"

"Master Bai, you're here late at night...why did you leave in such a hurry?"

Chang Sheng revealed the identity of the man in black, and everyone present was shocked.

As one of the leaders of the Bai family, Zhou Tu also went to the Bai family to inquire about the situation. He also saw the head of the Bai family, Bai Zhongrong, with his own eyes. When Zhou Tu saw the man in black, he also felt that this man's figure was somewhat familiar, and there was a faint feeling in his heart. There is some speculation.

Chang Sheng directly revealed the other party's identity, and Zhou Tu further confirmed the other party's identity.

No one said anything, just looking at the man in black on the ground.

After taking a few deep breaths, the man in black felt that he was barely alive again. He put his hands on the ground and slowly stood up.

The man in black looked around, knowing that it was extremely difficult for him to escape, so he simply pulled off his face towel, so that everyone could see his face clearly.

This person is none other than the head of the Bai family in Jiangxia, Bai Zhongrong!

Bai Zhongrong directly ignored the gazes of others. His eyes fell firmly on Chang Sheng: "How did you know it was me?"

Chang Sheng smiled lightly: "Because I have been following you all the way from the Bai family to here."

Chang Sheng's words have many meanings, which means that Chang Sheng has long suspected his identity, so much so that Chang Sheng squatted on him directly in front of his home.

Bai Zhongrong was in disbelief and exclaimed: "Why do you think it's me?"

He had no Law Manifestation letter. He just met Chang Sheng face to face, and the other party saw through his identity.

Chang Sheng is no longer interested in chatting with him: "I don't need to explain this to you, you can think about it yourself."

Then, Chang Sheng's eyes fell on Bai Zhongrong's belt: "The people you arrested should still be alive, hand over the bag.

Bai Zhongrong put his hand on the space bag: "Okay, I hand over the bag, but you must let me go."

Zhou Tu, who had been standing aside, immediately shouted: "Fuck you, if you don't want to suffer any physical pain, hand over your things right away.

Bai Zhongrong's Adam's apple squirmed and he said dryly: "Okay."

He slowly took off the small bag from his waist and handed it to Zhou Tu: "Here you...(ajcb)...

"That's weird!"

Bai Zhongrong shouted, suddenly raised his arms, and threw the space bag straight into the night sky on one side!

The space bag quickly disappeared!

Zhou Tu was shocked and angry: "Bold!!!"

The moment everyone's eyes followed the pocket, Bai Zhongrong had a jade talisman in his hand, and his figure had faded and disappeared.

"No! It's a move of the jade talisman!"

Zhou Tu slashed out with a knife, and Saber Qi swept past Bai Zhongrong's afterimage that was left on the spot without any hindrance. After taking a breath, even this afterimage completely disappeared!

The teleportation talisman is a very rare jade talisman that can instantly move the user twenty miles away. Just now, Bai Zhongrong took advantage of the moment when everyone's attention was attracted by throwing out the space-capturing bag, and used the extremely precious talisman. Move the jade talisman.

"Damn it! He actually escaped!"

Zhou Tu cursed loudly.

The silhouettes of several Zhou family disciples shot out, and they quickly found the discarded space bag. They opened the bag and saw a flicker of light [Several living people poured out of this small bag.

These people are still alive, but they have all fallen into a deep coma. They have been plotted by Bai Zhongrong's soul-suppressing seal and will not wake up in a short time.

But these people are not seriously injured. As long as they rest for a period of time, they will wake up slowly.

Chang Sheng was also surprised that such a change occurred in the field. He did not know that there was such a thing as moving jade talismans, and he did not expect that Bai Zhongrong could escape in such an occasion.

Although Bai Zhongrong escaped, he did not just leave. There are still many people in the county town, and so many people did not leave just because they wanted to.

And these people are also a good breakthrough for the next action.

Bai Zhongrong robbed so many people one after another. This was not a small move. It was impossible for Bai Zhongrong to be the only one involved. Some of the Bai family members who stayed in the county must know about it.

As long as you open the mouths of these people and figure out the reasons, you may find Bai Zhongrong who escaped again!

"Everyone rush to the Bai family's mansion immediately and control everyone in the Bai family. No one can escape!"

Not only Chang Sheng, but Zhou Tu also figured out the key and immediately ordered the Bai family to be controlled. All the disciples of the Zhou family disappeared and rushed towards the Bai family.

Only Zhou Tu and Chang Sheng were left present.

Chang Sheng looked at Zhou Tu with calm eyes, but Zhou Tu looked at Chang Sheng with a more complicated expression.

Strictly speaking, there is no life-or-death enmity between the two.

The previous conflict was nothing more than a dispute of words. Chang Sheng was incredibly powerful and crushed Zhou Tu on the spot, severely humiliating his opponent.

For this, Zhou Tu hated Chang Sheng with itch.

But just when Bai Zhongrong was about to escape, Chang Sheng came to the rescue and beat this guy back, really helping the Zhou family. "Zhou Tu is still somewhat grateful to Chang Sheng.

The situation just now made Zhou Tu think a lot.

Bai Zhongrong didn't kill these people immediately, he just used the soul-suppressing seal to charm them.

This shows that Bai Zhongrong wants to catch him alive!

No matter what purpose Bai Zhongrong had, the fact that he didn't kill these people immediately meant that the missing people might still be alive!

More than a hundred members of his Jiangxia Zhou family...may still be alive!

If there is such a possibility, then they must be rescued, and Chang Sheng is definitely a powerful helper. The Zhou family in their capital will probably need the help of Chang Sheng to save people.

Regardless of his terrifying Martial Dao strength or his clever and sharp mind, Chang Sheng was able to detect Bai Zhongrong's abnormality immediately and tracked him from Baifu to this point. This performance impressed Zhou Tu.

Fundamentally speaking, the two of them are in the same camp. Chang Sheng came to investigate the disappearance of the people in Jiangxia, and Zhou Tu came to investigate the disappearance of the Zhou family in Jiangxia. There is no need for the two sides to fight, let alone kill each other!

This was also the reason why although Chang Sheng had a conflict with Zhou Tu before, he did not kill the opponent, but only lightly punished him.

Zhou Tu nodded towards Chang Sheng and left. Chang Sheng responded with a smile, and the tension left by the two people's previous conflict also dissipated a lot unconsciously.

This night is destined to be a tumultuous night.

The disappearance of many people in Jiangxia was actually the fault of the Bai family. The head of the Bai family, Bai Zhongrong, was discovered on the spot and fled in fear of crime!

This news spread quickly and caused huge waves in Jiangxia!

The entire Bai family was arrested. The county magistrate Yu Chengan was also alerted and dispatched the city guard. Several guys who tried to escape were also captured overnight.

After controlling the Bai family, the most important thing is to find out Bai Zhongrong's current whereabouts as soon as possible and rescue those who may still be alive as soon as possible!

All members of the Bai family were thrown into jail and interrogated for information overnight.

Ding Zhenxian was also a master of torture and was temporarily recruited to participate in the interrogation of white people.

Among the many Bai family members, there are several good breakthroughs, such as Niu Ying, Mrs. Bai Zhongrong.

As Bai Zhongrong's pillow, she must know a lot, and it was Ding Zhenxian who was responsible for interrogating Niu Ying.

At first, when Niu Ying was arrested and imprisoned, her attitude was arrogant, her words were foul, and she couldn't ask anything. But after being slapped a few times, she became more cooperative.

There were two more slap marks on Mrs. Niu's face, and she was looking at Ding Zhenxian with a look of horror.

Ding Zhenxian chuckled: "Madam, you don't want to be questioned as Bai Zhongrong's accomplice, do you?"

"As long as you tell what you know, you will have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds."

Niu Ying had never experienced such a battle before, so she immediately told everything she knew, like pouring beans into a bamboo tube. .

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