Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 86: Traveling In The Air·Crossing The Void


Many Martial Artists were watching Chang Sheng's moves while resisting the attacks of ghosts. Whenever Chang Sheng slashed three or two swords, these Martial Artists were even more focused on Chang Sheng's moves.

This is the most evil Martial Artist in Jiangbei County. If he can learn one and a half moves when Chang Sheng does it, wouldn't it be useful for life?

Looking at the longing and admiring eyes, Chang Sheng shook his head helplessly. After he slashed a few swords to save the situation, he leaned against the city wall again and pretended to rest.

Because all the Martial Artists worked hard to kill the ghosts, and Chang Sheng came to the rescue from time to time, no one died under the impact of many ghosts.

There are some injured people, but this is already a good result.

When only a few hundred ghosts in front of the east city were killed, they finally dispersed and turned around to retreat.

Seeing the ghosts retreating, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It was still early in the night, and the night was still long. Everyone was still stationed on the city wall, ready to prepare for the coming of the ghost again.

When a wave of monsters occurs, the entire night is unsafe. Only after dawn can everyone go to rest.

Repairs have also begun on the city wall, the injured Martial Artist has been replaced, some Law Weapons have been damaged, and the consumption of jade talismans has also been replenished.

Lin Qianling came over and said to Chang Sheng: "You did a good job. If you hadn't saved the situation just now, things would have been in trouble."

Chang Sheng said calmly: "It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning."

Lin Qianling tried to feel the aura on Chang Sheng's body, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

The other party's aura... doesn't seem to be too weakened?!

"Could it be that Chang Sheng just used the secret of Martial Dao and slashed so many swords that it didn't cost him much?"

Lin Qianling wondered in her heart, and continued: "You take a rest here, and I'll go take a look at the other city walls."

These top Martial Artists are not only responsible for the east wall, which is the most attacked by ghosts, but also take care of several other walls to ensure that nothing happens.

Chang Sheng stood up immediately: "I want to go to the south and take a look, where the Azure Cloud Daoist Temple is responsible.

Lin Qianling nodded and said nothing more.

The two figures flashed and disappeared in front of the city wall.

Chang Sheng stepped into the void and crossed the void with [Looking at the Clouds and Exploring the Moon]. In just a dozen breaths, he arrived at the southern city wall.

The person responsible for the southern wall is not only the Azure Cloud Daoist Temple, but also a Qi Refining soldier stationed here.

Master Qi Refining's senses were very keen. Xuan Kui was the first to notice someone approaching. He saw a figure coming through the air from a distance.

"somebody is coming."

"It seems to be Chang Sheng."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chang Sheng had already appeared on the city wall.

Having just experienced a fight, Chang Sheng's body was filled with evil spirits. The ordinary Martial Artist next to him felt cold in his heart and took a step back.

After looking around, Chang Sheng asked, "How is the situation here?"

Bai Yushu walked over, and he seemed to be in good condition: "We are fine here, there are only a few hundred ghosts, and they were solved in one go.'

The condition of the south wall was much better than that of the east wall, and few people were injured.

Ren Lingzhu also walked over. Her aura was as sharp as an unsheathed sword, and she looked very heroic.

After entering the Innate Realm, Ren Lingzhu's state of mind was completely opened, and his whole person underwent earth-shaking changes.

Seeing Chang Sheng arriving, Ren Lingzhu asked with concern: "Master, how is the situation on the east city wall?"

"The condition of the east wall is not bad."

"There were only more than 6,000 ghosts, and they were quickly eliminated.


Do you have any misunderstanding about the quantity?

What do you mean, only six thousand?

If six thousand low-level ghosts came to the south wall where the Taoist temple is responsible, they would all jump up in shock.

All the Taoist disciples looked at Chang Sheng speechlessly. Some opened their mouths to say something, but they didn't know where to start. [013409009 Feilu 111392100]

Chang Sheng inspected the south city wall and after confirming that there was no problem, he turned and left.

The Martial Artist of Innate Realm can fly in the air. Looking at Chang Sheng disappearing into the night sky, all the Martial Artists showed envy.

Especially those Taoist disciples in the Peiyuan realm looked at Chang Sheng with particularly complicated eyes.

Once upon a time, Chang Sheng was also a disciple of the Peiyuan Realm of Taoism, just like these ordinary disciples, but now, Chang Sheng has become the existence they need to look up to.

I'm standing in front of you, how much do you think I look like before?

Chang Sheng walked around and found that there was no problem, so he returned to the east wall again.

The attacks of ghosts here are the most violent. The Demon Suppressor guesses that there is a flash point of demon power to the east of Jiangbei County, which breeds a large number of ghosts. Therefore, if the ghosts come from that side, the ones who will suffer the most violent impact must be East wall.

After repelling the first wave of attacks from the ghosts, everyone waited quietly on the city wall until the sky got slightly brighter, but no ghosts attacked again.

The wave of monsters on the first day was over.

After dawn, everyone took stock of the situation on the battlefield. Except for some injuries, no one died. This situation was much better than before when the girl demon wave attacked.

If it were the past, there would be no heavy casualties.

Once, the city was destroyed and people were killed.

The injured have already been treated, and the consumption of Law Weapon and Jade Talisman is not serious. It is not a problem to sustain it for ten days and a half.

Among the Demon Suppressing Division, a group of high-level officials and Qi Refining officers gathered here. There is a very important thing to do now.

That is to find out the specific location where the power of the demon breaks out.

Find this place as soon as possible and you can turn passivity into initiative.

The demon tide has broken out many times in various places, and the Demon Suppression Division and the Qi Refining warriors have already figured out an effective way to deal with it (Zhao Nuo's).

First of all, you can place heavy restrictions on the place where the demon's power breaks out to suppress the intensity of the demon's power explosion. This can reduce the pressure of the demon tide's impact on the city to a certain extent.

In addition, you can also set up deceptive formations on the only way for the demon tide to reach the city, leading the demon tide to an inaccessible and desolate place, which can also reduce the pressure on the city.

Moreover, there must be a large number of ghosts entrenched near the place where the power of demons breaks out. If you can easily kill a large number of ghosts by taking advantage of the daytime, it will be a good way to weaken the sister demon tide.

The candidates to search for the place where the demonic power broke out were quickly determined.

Du Zhu, Xuan Zhenyi, Xuan Yuhu, and four other Innate Realm Martial Artists from Jiangbei County, a group of seven people, are the candidates to search for the place where the power of demons breaks out.

Shortly after dawn, the seven people left the city gate and hurried out of the city. .

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