Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 116 Wang Dwarf Tiger was exploded (additional update in place!)

Cao Zheng and Yang Zhi left. Yan Shun, who was holding back a lot of questions, couldn't wait to ask Li Zhong:

"Zhai Leader Li, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? Why do you propose that which family has made the most merits and contributed the most in this battle? His Erlong Mountain is stronger than both yours and mine. You propose this, Doesn’t this mean that the Lord of the Three Mountains has been handed over to Cao Zheng?”

"Master Yanzhai, please don't be impatient. Listen to Xiaoke and speak slowly." Li Zhong said.

Seeing that Li Zhong did have other plans, Yan Shun took a deep breath to calm down and said, "Master Li, please tell me."

"Cao Zheng is so rampant before he becomes the Lord of the Three Mountains. How dare you let him get his wish?" Li Zhong said.

"Master Li has great insight. If Cao Zheng becomes the master of the Three Mountains, our two families will sooner or later teach him how to merge with the Erlong Mountain Fire." Yan Shun said.

"It's just that the strength of Erlongshan is indeed higher than that of you and me, and Yang Zhi is probably a first-rate qigong practitioner. How can you and I compare to Erlongshan?" Yanshun said again.

Li Zhong smiled slightly: "Compared with Erlongshan, your two families are naturally incomparable. But if you and I are united, even if Erlongshan comes out in full force, how can we have as many meritorious deeds as you and I?" , Contribution is big?”

Yan Shun was a little unsure and said, "What does Leader Li mean...that you and I will form an alliance again?"

Li Zhong said matter-of-factly: "Since ancient times, only the two weak ones can unite to prevent one strong force from defeating and annexing them one by one. This is the way to survive."

Yan Shun praised: "Zhao Li is a truly wise man!"

Then, Yanshun changed his tone and asked, "How should you and my two families unite?"

Li Zhong said: "Xiao Ke, there are two options here, your family can choose one of them."

"Master Li, please speak frankly," Yan Shun said.

"The first plan is that we, Peach Blossom Mountain, will come out in full force. You, Qingfeng Mountain, will lend me another five hundred minions and three leaders to give me Peach Blossom Mountain. This time, all the proceeds from Peach Blossom Mountain will belong to you, Qingfeng Mountain. But in the future, when I become the Lord of the Three Mountains, I will definitely try my best to take care of you, Qingfeng Mountain." Li Zhong said.


Li Zhong's suggestion is a bit interesting.

But exchanging the spoils of this battle for the Lord of the Three Mountains, how could there be such a good thing?

If there is such a good thing, Yan Shun will definitely change. You must know that this may be Jiang Hongfei's second!

Who would have thought that Wang Ying added over there: "I heard that Hua Rong's sister has the appearance of a fish and a wild goose, a moonlight shyness of flowers, and is extremely virtuous and virtuous. If your family makes her a new addition, we in Qingfeng Mountain will same……"

"Good brother!"

Yan Shun quickly stopped, thinking that if Li Zhong added Hua Rong's sister, he would hand over the master of the three mountains to Li Zhong's Wang Ying!

Yan Shun had a headache. Wang Ying was a man who was willing to move forward in every possible way, but he was just too seductive. For the sake of a woman, he dared to fight with him, an old man.

Seeing that Yanshun prevented him from getting Hua Rong's sister, Wang Ying immediately glared at Yanshun.

Yan Shun could only comfort him with kind words: "Zhai Leader Li hasn't announced the second plan yet, why are you anxious?"

Wang Ying said "hum" to Yan Shun, which means, if you don't help me get Hua Rong's sister, I will never be done with you.

Yanshun ignored Wang Ying, who was rushing to his head, and only said to Li Zhong: "Master Li, please tell me the second plan."

Li Zhong glanced at Wang Ying, who almost did something bad, and then said:

"This second plan is quite simple. It is for you and me to exchange. My family will lend you five hundred minions and two leaders to Qingfeng Mountain. All the seizures from your family this time will be given to me in Taohua Mountain. I will give them to Yan in the future." After the leader of the village sits on the throne of the Lord of the Three Mountains, he will do his best to take care of my Peach Blossom Mountain."

Yan Shun, who wanted to be Jiang Hongfei's second choice, would of course choose this second option.

After taking a look at Wang Ying who didn't look at him with a good look, Yan Shun said to Li Zhong: "Brother, I chose the second option. There is just one thing. I hope that the leader of Li village will betray me to save my face."

"Master Yanzhai, please speak." Li Zhong said.

Yan Shun pointed at Wang Ying a little embarrassedly: "This brother is good at everything, but he has these shortcomings... Look, can that girl Hua Rong give me a home? Even if brother owes Master Li a favor."

"It's just a woman. How big a deal does it take me to do? As long as the people in Erlong Mountain don't have any objections, there will definitely be no problem here." Li Zhong said with a smile.

As soon as Li Zhong said this, Wang Ying immediately put on a smile and said: "If the people from Erlong Mountain dare to snatch the little girl from me, I will kill them!"

When Li Zhong saw it, he thought to himself: "Everyone says that the most powerful Liang is greedy for money and lust. He sets fire and kills Wang Xiaohu. He really deserves his reputation."

The two sides discussed the details again, and then Li Zhong returned to Taohuashan overnight to reorganize his troops.

The next day, before dawn, Yan took all the people on Qingfeng Mountain down the mountain and gathered at the designated place.

Here, Yan Shun saw the Erlongshan group with 500 fully armed qigong warriors, and the Taohuashan group with 500 minions.

Cao Zheng looked at Yan Shun, who had brought eight or nine hundred minions, and said with a bad expression: "Isn't it true that there are only the old, weak, sick and disabled left on your Qingfeng Mountain?"

Yan Shunpi smiled and said: "Both and each other, aren't you Erlongshan full of elites?"

Cao Zhengzhong snorted and said: "Don't say that I, Erlong Mountain, bully your family, let you pick the wall to attack first."

"I will go west from Taohuashan to attack the west wall." Li Zhong said.

After speaking, Li Zhong and Zhou Tong led the people from Taohuashan towards the west.

Yan Shun immediately understood and said: "My family will also go west to attack the south wall."

Cao Zheng said: "Then my family will go east and attack the east wall."

The three parties soon parted ways.

Not to mention that Cao Zheng led Bu Sanjun to the east and turned back west after less than two miles.

It is only said that the minions from Taohuashan marched southwestward under the leadership of Zhou Tong, and then entered a river valley.

This river valley has now dried up into a road that goes straight to Qingfeng Village. The ground is covered with fine stones and gravel. There are long slopes on both sides of the road, and there are large forests on the slopes.

Li Zhong did not go far, but rode on a highland barley horse, waiting for the people from Qingfeng Mountain to catch up.

Soon, Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou brought the people from Qingfeng Mountain to this valley.

As Li Zhong led the people from Qingfeng Mountain into the valley, he said: "In a moment, you and I will go to the south wall. To show our sincerity, my family will attack the first wave first. When my family is almost done, we will switch to your family." superior."

When Yan Shun heard that Li Zhong was so sincere, he immediately said: "Brother, don't worry, no matter how much benefit I get from Qingfeng Mountain this time, it will all belong to your Taohua Mountain. If you can't do what I said, you will kill me Yan Shun." Under ten thousand arrows.”

"If I can't trust you, Master Yanzhai, can I, Taohuashan, take the lead?" Li Zhong said with a smile.

The two sides had a very good chat, and even envisioned that after the three mountains were unified, they would annex Baihu Mountain and Qingzhen Mountain, and finally unify the Qingzhou underworld.

At this time, Li Zhong looked up and saw that the people from Taohuashan had gone far away, so he said to Yanshun, "Xiao Ke is going to chase his own horse. Yours should hurry up and follow."

"Let's go. We'll meet at Qingfeng Village in a while." Yan Shun said.

In fact, Yan Shun is not a very ambitious person, but the opportunity to become the second Jiang Hongfei is right in front of him. If God doesn't take it, he will be blamed for it. How can he not be ready to take action?

"Even if I can't become a big bandit like Jiang Yan, after today my name, Yanshun, will definitely resound throughout Qingzhou and the world." Yanshun thought with great pride.

When Qingfengshan's team entered Qingfengdian, Yanshun clearly felt the gloomy atmosphere in this dry river valley.

"I don't know how many people have died here, but there is such a strong yin energy."

"Wait a minute, isn't there an ambush here?"

But when he looked up at the people in Taohuashan who had just passed by, Yanshun felt that he was overthinking: "Maybe this is my first time doing such a big thing, so I'm a little nervous."

Yan Shun felt that this was understandable for him. After all, he was originally just a customer selling sheep and horses. Because he lost his capital, he lived in the green forest and robbed. He was not a general who had commanded troops for many years. He had never commanded an siege. Land grabbing?

After walking forward for a while, Zheng Tianshou also felt that the situation was not good.

Zheng Tianshou came to Yanshun and said, "Brother, something doesn't seem right here. Why don't we go back the way we came and go to Qingfeng Village by another way?"

Seeing that Zheng Tianshou also felt this way, Yan Shun hesitated for a moment and then wanted to do what Zheng Tianshou said.

But before Yan Shun could say anything, he saw arrows shooting out from the slopes on both sides of the river valley, like rain!

These spiritual arrows shot with the God's Arm Bow and infused with spiritual power were of no avail against the unarmored Qingfeng Mountain minions. Even if they turned on their defenses to resist, they would still be shot through by an arrow. destiny.

However, the minions in Qingfeng Mountain were caught off guard by the ambushed Liangshan Army officers. Eight or nine hundred minions were crowded in the narrow valley, running around and trampling on each other, unable to escape the overwhelming rain of arrows.

In an instant, most of the minions in Qingfeng Mountain were shot dead.

However, this divine arm bow is good, but every time it is fired, it takes a certain amount of time to prepare before starting the second round of shooting.

For the Qi Refiners, this time is enough time for them to escape.

In order to prevent the Qingfeng Mountain people from escaping, after a round of volleys, Hua Rong, who stood on the top of the mountain to observe the battle, seized the opportunity and immediately ordered a general attack.

Following Hua Rong's order, the bugler standing next to Hua Rong blew the charge horn, and the Fourth Horse Army hiding in the pine forest rushed towards the valley like a tiger descending the mountain, killing towards Qingfeng Mountain. The minions.

In an instant, dust was flying in Qingfengdian, and the sound of killing was loud.

Yan Shun was furious when he saw that his side was ambushed. With a sway, he turned into a half-orc with a tiger upper body and a human lower body. Then he raised his knife and charged at the Ma Sijun who were rushing down the mountain.

Seeing Yan Shun's fight, Wang Ying also swayed and turned into a short-legged tiger, following Yan Shun to face Ma Sijun.

Zheng Tianshou was not to be outdone. He shook his body twice and turned into a half-orc with a white wolf face. He also raised his knife and killed Ma Sijun.

If the Ma Fourth Army's attack formation is torn apart by Yan Shun, Wang Ying, and Zheng Tianshou, the attack power of the Ma Fourth Army will definitely be greatly weakened.

Hua Rong knew this very well.

Therefore, when Hua Rong clamped the yellow gelding under his crotch, the horse immediately turned into a beam of yellow light and carried Hua Rong down the hillside to meet Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou.

I don’t know how Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou communicated. I saw Yan Shun at the beginning and Zheng Tianshou at the end shooting at Hua Rong, preparing to fight against each other, while Wang Ying continued to attack the Ma Si Army.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hongfei, who was standing on the embankment not far away, did not look at Chen Liqing who was eager to try, but said to Hua Baoyan: "Little sister, do you want to try to shoot this short-legged tiger?"

After hearing this, Hua Baoyan nodded heavily, then drew her bow and nocked an arrow.

However, Hua Baoyan hesitated to shoot, probably because she had never had any shooting experience.

Seeing that things would be delayed if Wang Ying was not stopped, Jiang Hongfei looked at Chen Liqing and said with his lips: "Shoot in the leg, and you'll be caught alive."

Without saying a word, Chen Liqing drew out two eagle-feathered wolf-tooth arrows and took action instantly!

What a coincidence.

Chen Liqing had just fired her arrow, but when she saw the short-legged tiger transformed by Wang Ying pounce on Ma Sijun's food, Hua Baoyan was too late and was ready to take action.

But just when the bowstring was about to leave Hua Baoyan's fingers, Hua Baoyan found two sharp arrows shot out from her side.

Hua Baoyan, who was inexperienced in shooting, shook her hand unconsciously and loosened the bowstring at the same time.

The next moment, I saw: Wang Dwarf Hu, who was about to pounce into the Fourth Ma Army, was hit by an eagle-feathered wolf tooth arrow on the two short legs behind him, almost in no particular order.


After letting out a painful wail, Wang Ying transformed directly back into human form!

Wang Ying's reaction was quite fast. He was worried about being trampled to pieces by hundreds of spiritual horses. After being hit by the arrow, he turned over violently in the air, trying to use the power of rotation to avoid the impact of the horse army.


At the moment Wang Ying turned his body over, the arrow shot by Hua Baoyan also arrived!

Hua Baoyan's original intention was actually to shoot Wang Ying in the thigh, because Jiang Hongfei and the others had discussed that they could not surrender all their heads, which was a bit false. They had to surrender a few living leaders to realize Hua Rong and Huang Rang's military exploits.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Hongfei did not let Chen Liqing shoot Wang Ying, and Hua Baoyan did not want to shoot Wang Ying.

Who would have thought that because Hua Baoyan had been learning archery for a short time, it was her first time to shoot someone, and Chen Liqing interfered. What was even more coincidental was that Wang Ying's magical power was shot by Chen Liqing, causing him to return to his original form.

As a result, Hua Baoyan's arrow hit Wang Ying's crotch without any bias!

After the explosion of "Bang!", a pig-like cry came out of Wang Ying's mouth, as if it could cover the sounds of fighting on the battlefield!

After it hit the ground with a "pop", Wang Ying ignored everything and looked down.

Seeing that his crotch was just a piece of flesh and blood, there was nothing left. Wang Ying immediately covered his crotch and cried "Wow wow". It is estimated that when his parents died, he might not have cried so sadly...

Not to mention Wang Ying, Jiang Hongfei had the urge to cover his crotch when seeing this scene.

Jiang Hongfei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked Hua Baoyan: "Did you shoot high-explosive arrows?"

Hua Baoyan said a little embarrassedly: "The Nu family was afraid of missing the shot and thought that high-explosive arrows would have a wider killing range, so... they used high-explosive arrows."

Hua Baoyan asked timidly: "Did the slave family choose the wrong one?"

The person Hua Baoyan asked was not Jiang Hongfei, but her master Chen Liqing.

Chen Liqing, who now knew enough, turned her head to the side and said: "You made the right choice. If you are not sure, you can choose to use high-explosive arrows."

After getting Chen Liqing's approval, Hua Baoyan wanted to see the result of her first shooting.

——Hua Baoyan wanted to see where she had ejaculated in Wang Ying, making Wang Ying cry so painfully?

But before Hua Baoyan could take a look, Jiang Hongfei hugged her and left the battlefield. At the same time, he said to her, "Don't look any further. The winner has been decided."

The development of the war situation is indeed as Jiang Hongfei said.

After the Ma Si Army successfully rushed into Qingfengdian, the minions in Qingfeng Mountain faced the result of a unilateral massacre.

And just before Jiang Hongfei turned around with Hua Baoyan, Hua Rong had already shot Zheng Tianshou into his soldiers.

Seeing this, the soldiers rushed forward and tied up Zheng Tianshou with spiritual ropes.

Yan Shun, who was left alone, was quickly shot down by Hua Rong, with the head of the gun pressed against his throat, and then he was also tied up with a spiritual rope by Hua Rong's soldiers.

The fighting in Qingfeng Village ended after all three leaders of Qingfeng Village were captured alive.

Not to mention those Qingfeng Village minions who survived the disaster, they were surrounded by Ma Sijun and knelt on the ground, thankful that they survived.

It is only said that the sunlight fell on the severed heads, arms, legs, feet and arms, shining with bright red light.

The spirit horses and mutilated corpses lying on the ground were scattered everywhere, and the sight of blood glistening on them was terrifying.

The dead soldiers of Liangshan Army and the minions of Qingfengshan were all lying together. Only by looking at their clothes could one tell which side they belonged to.

The air was filled with a thick, nauseating smell of blood.

Some seriously injured people were lying on the ground dying. They looked at the sky for the last time. I don’t know if they were yearning for heaven or fearing hell. Their twitching mouth corners were smiling or in pain...

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