Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 124 The thoughts of the girls (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Seeing that Hua Baoyan was back, Gao Liang and Chen Liqing, who did not accompany Jiang Hongfei to the bridal chamber but were sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard drinking, looked at Hua Baoyan together.

"How strong is this newcomer?" Chen Liqing asked.

——The bridal chamber is separated from the pavilion by a wall. How could Gao Liang and Chen Liqing not know what happened in the bridal chamber? Let's put it this way, if they didn't know what happened in the bridal chamber, would Gao Liang and Chen Liqing be able to sit on the Diaoyutai and not protect Jiang Hongfei?

"It's amazing!" Hua Baoyan said: "Her pair of swords are fast and dense. When she dances, she is so impenetrable. If I hadn't learned my spiritual eyes, I wouldn't be able to see her movements clearly!"

"He also wields two swords?" Gao Liang said slightly surprised.

"Just like my sister, she also wields a pair of sun and moon swords." Hua Baoyan said.

After receiving Hua Baoyan's confirmation, Gaoliang smiled slightly. Without asking, she knew that the result of the competition between Jiang Hongfei and Hu Sanniang just now was definitely won by Jiang Hongfei.


After Jiang Hongfei's strength reaches a certain level, it will not work to rely on closed doors.

——This kind of training is okay, but if the martial arts skills are not repeatedly tempered in actual combat and just rely on oneself to practice, there is really no way to improve.

In desperation, Jiang Hongfei found two absolutely reliable people to teach him tricks, and even asked them to give him guidance.

The matter was serious, so Jiang Hongfei was very cautious when selecting people.

——Jiang Hongfei wants to choose someone who is strong, has a reliable character, and has a very strict mouth.

In the end, after repeated comparisons, Jiang Hongfei chose Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang to help him improve his strength.

For others, it's not that their character or strength is not good, but that Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang are more trusted by Jiang Hongfei.

The former is the only person in "Water Margin" who truly "screams when seeing injustice on the road" and a person who truly "does justice for heaven and upholds justice." His chivalry and character have raised the level of Liangshan heroes as a whole, and also raised the level of Liangshan heroes. It enhances the overall spiritual connotation of "Water Margin". Throughout his life, he showed no signs of cowardice or calculation when encountering difficulties. He was a true "fire and wind fire" and was always the first to stand up! In the extremely dark world of Water Margin, he is the most dazzling light and one of the people Jiang Hongfei can absolutely trust.

The latter is more about the absolute trust cultivated through long time together.

simply put.

Since more than half a year ago, Jiang Hongfei has often fought against Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang to hone his martial arts skills and ask them about the problems he has encountered since practicing.

Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang helped Jiang Hongfei solve the problem of free artistic conception.

While Jiang Hongfei taught himself how to use long weapons and marksmanship according to the "Taizu Long Stick", he also learned how to set short weapons, that is, sword skills, from Lu Zhishen.

The world only knows that Lu Zhishen is good at using Zen staff, but few people know that Lu Zhishen is actually good at using swords.

Because Lu Zhishen had a bold character, when he became a monk in Mount Wutai to avoid disaster, he could not abide by the strict rules and precepts in the temple, so he often went down the mountain to the market town to drink and eat meat.

It was during this process that Lu Zhishen forged two weapons in the blacksmith shop in the market town. One was a water-milled Zen staff weighing 62 kilograms, and the other was a sword.

When Lu Zhishen got drunk and caused trouble in Mount Wutai, Elder Zhizhen wrote a letter recommending him to the Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo.

Just before going to Daxiangguo Temple, Lu Zhishen went to the blacksmith shop to retrieve the water-milled Zen staff and the sword.

Later, when Lu Zhishen traveled around the world, although the weapons he used when fighting were water-milled Zen staffs, he also carried his sword with him.

For example: when pretending to be Liu Taigong's daughter to clean up Zhou Tong, Lu Zhishen entered Miss Liu's boudoir and placed the sword on the bedside; when leaving Taohua Mountain, Lu Zhishen picked up the sword and left; when making a fuss in the wild boar forest, Lu Zhishen pulled the sword He took out the Jie Dao he carried with him and helped Lin Chong cut the rope and so on.

In short, Lu Zhishen's sword skills were also very good. He passed his sword skills to Jiang Hongfei without reservation.

And it was precisely because of Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang's unreserved guidance and training that Jiang Hongfei truly entered the ranks of first-class Qi practitioners.

But to be honest, although Jiang Hongfei now has the strength of a first-class Qi practitioner, he still has problems.

——Because Jiang Hongfei had fought against too few powerful qi masters, only Lu Zhishen and Gao Liang, which made him, how should I say, seriously biased.

Jiang Hongfei has adapted very well to a powerful Qi practitioner like Lu Zhishen, who has a broad-based attack style. He can now compete with Lu Zhishen at 50-50, or even 60-40.

Jiang Hongfei is six!

But if he were to face agile Qi practitioners like Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, Jiang Hongfei, who was severely inexperienced, would probably be in trouble.

Of course, this does not mean that Jiang Hongfei is incapable of fighting against agile Qi Practitioners like Lin Chong and Yang Zhi. After all, Gao Liang is also an agile Qi Refinement Practitioner.

However, Jiang Hongfei's current method of dealing with agile Qi practitioners is the same as Lu Zhishen's. He can only fight with great strength and broad strokes.

But this is obviously not completely suitable for Jiang Hongfei.

In short, Jiang Hongfei is still in the growth stage.

And what a coincidence, because he had sparred with Gao Liang the most (even more than he had sparred with Lu Zhishen), Jiang Hongfei was very good at fighting people who used double swords.

Gao Liang knows this better than anyone else.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Hu Sanniang wielded two swords, and also used the sun and moon swords like her, Gao Liang knew that Hu Sanniang was definitely no match for Jiang Hongfei, because she only used the sun and moon swords now, and it was difficult for Jiang Hongfei to dominate him. to windward.

Hua Baoyan's next words proved Gao Liang's guess.

"This is the first time I've seen Big Brother take action. I didn't expect him to be so powerful. When he got serious, Lady Hu, who was so powerful, was no match for him. He defeated Lady Hu in just a few moves. Honestly Teach the elder brother to carry it into the bridal chamber."

Hearing Hua Baoyan say that Hu Sanniang asked Jiang Hongfei to carry her to the bridal chamber, Gao Liang couldn't help feeling depressed!

"Another one who successfully jumped in line!"

Gao Liang looked at Chen Liqing and Hua Baoyan next to her. She estimated that these two would also queue up in front of her.

But she and Jiang Hongfei seemed to be trapped in an endless loop.

Jiang Hongfei is still exactly the same as before. He never misses any opportunity to take advantage of her. He always wants to push her down and sleep with her. Even when she guided Jiang Hongfei to practice, Jiang Hongfei was never honest.

But on the other hand, Jiang Hongfei never mentioned marrying her as his wife. He just pretended to be confused and kept spending time with her.

But if you want to say that Jiang Hongfei has no intention of marrying her as his official wife and just keeps wasting her youth, she really doesn't believe it.

Jiang Hongfei's family included Jiang Hongfei's concubines and maids. Regardless of whether it was a big deal or a small affair, Jiang Hongfei would directly push it to her and let her handle it.

Could Jiang Hongfei not know that this is the job of the head wife?

The key is that Jiang Hongfei even let her know his true strength.

——Although Gao Liang didn’t know how Lu Zhishen could make Jiang Hongfei trust him so much, Gao Liang knew that it would definitely not be easy because Jiang Hongfei had too many loyal subordinates and brothers, but Jiang Hongfei only chose Lu Zhishen, and even if Jiang Hongfei knew that he Whatever shortcomings he still had, Jiang Hongfei didn't ask anyone else to teach him. And to be chosen by Jiang Hongfei like Lu Zhishen, Gao Liang knew very well how high her status was in Jiang Hongfei's heart.

The key point is that Jiang Hongfei never meant to marry another woman as his wife.

Gao Liang could feel that Jiang Hongfei left the position of his wife to her.

However, Gao Liang didn't know what the problem was, which made Jiang Hongfei delay taking action.

"Come on, if you don't marry someone else as your legal wife, I will wait for you until death!"

Gao Liang drank all the wine in the cup, then stood up and said at the same time: "I'm going to rest. You two should rest early. Don't forget that we have to go to war tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Gao Liang left.

Chen Liqing didn't listen to Gao Liang, but continued to pour herself a glass of wine.

Unlike Gao Liang who drank alcohol there, Chen Liqing simply liked drinking.

However, Jiang Hongfei usually controlled Chen Liqing and only let Chen Liqing have a taste of it every time. Unless there was a special day, Chen Liqing was never allowed to drink.

In Jiang Hongfei’s words: “How can a woman behave improperly when she drinks too much?!”

Chen Liqing wanted to tell Jiang Hongfei every time: "If there is an emergency, the slave family can use spiritual power to force the wine out, and it will not be in the way."

But every time the words came to her lips, Chen Liqing swallowed them back because she didn't dare to argue with Jiang Hongfei.

Today, we finally caught up with Jiang Hongfei and took a concubine. No one cared about her. So Chen Liqing couldn't drink enough?

Seeing that Chen Liqing was already drunk, Hua Baoyan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, when are you coming?"

As she spent more time with Jiang Hongfei and the others, it was inevitable that Hua Baoyan would know many secrets.

One of them is that Jiang Hongfei occasionally went to Chen Liqing's room to spend the night.

In the past half year or so, Hua Baoyan had bumped into Jiang Hongfei coming out of Chen Liqing's room twice in the morning.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei did not hide the fact that he spent the night in Chen Liqing's room from Hua Baoyan - after bumping into Hua Baoyan, Jiang Hongfei would greet Hua Baoyan as if nothing was wrong.

Chen Liqing, on the other hand, tried her best to hide her, for fear that others would find out.

Don't you know, let alone Jiang Hongfei's family, almost everyone in Liangshan knows that Jiang Hongfei occasionally spends the night in Chen Liqing's room.

This is nothing at all. Everyone knows that Jiang Hongfei is a womanizer.

But in name, Chen Liqing is not Jiang Hongfei's concubine, but... well, no one can tell clearly, in what capacity Chen Liqing follows Jiang Hongfei inseparably every day.

Hua Baoyan is also a traditional woman. She feels that Chen Liqing has been fooling around with Jiang Hongfei in such a confused way.

Moreover, Chen Liqing is Hua Baoyan's master. Not to mention "once a teacher, always a father", the relationship between the two is also very unusual.

Therefore, Hua Baoyan felt that she needed to remind the very nervous Chen Liqing.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Chen Liqing replied carelessly: "When you see my father, tell him and I will come."

Chen Liqing doesn't have as many worries as Gao Liang. She only has one problem now, that is, she has to tell her father, Chen Xizhen, that she will be Jiang Hongfei's concubine.

Otherwise, Chen Liqing felt that her father might beat her to death for being an unfilial daughter who dared to decide her own life-long affairs privately.

Hua Baoyan hesitated for a moment and said, "Master, I want to say something that shouldn't be said, so don't think too much about it."

Chen Liqing drank a glass of wine and said, "Just tell me, I won't think too much about it."

Hua Baoyan organized her words, and then said tactfully: "What will happen if Master cannot see your father in a short time?"

Chen Liqing said without even thinking, "Then just keep waiting."

Seeing that Chen Liqing still didn't understand what she meant, Hua Baoyan made it clearer: "If this time is longer, and Master Xie does... that..."

Hua Baoyan pointed at Chen Liqing's lower abdomen.

Hearing this, Chen Liqing couldn't help but put down her wine glass.

To be honest, this is what Chen Liqing is worried about.

Nowadays, in order not to get pregnant, Chen Liqing has really sacrificed everything she can. It is no exaggeration to say that except for the last position, she has no reservations about Jiang Hongfei. Even Hong Ling asked her to give handed in.

If this goes on for a long time, Chen Liqing really can't guarantee whether she and Jiang Hongfei will get into trouble.

"What if he misses the mark some time?!"

After hearing Hua Baoyan's reminder, Chen Liqing suddenly felt that the wine no longer tasted good.

"Dad, where did Xie go? If Xie doesn't show up again, I really can't bear to be an unfilial daughter."


After letting out a long sigh, Chen Liqing couldn't drink the wine anymore. She stood up and said, "I'm going to bed too."

After walking out for a few steps, Chen Liqing stopped, then turned back and asked Hua Baoyan: "You said...if it happens once or twice, doesn't it mean that you may not get pregnant?"


Hua Baoyan couldn't understand what Chen Liqing was talking about.

When Chen Liqing saw that Hua Baoyan's confused expression now was the same as when she first met Jiang Hongfei, she knew that asking Hua Baoyan was in vain.

"It's better to ask that girl Hong Ling. She seems to know a lot recently and knows how to prepare for pregnancy."

After Chen Liqing left, Hua Baoyan was the only one left in the courtyard.

After hesitating for a moment, Hua Baoyan poured herself a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Sizz~ It's so spicy! How could Master like to eat such unpalatable food?"

After trying again, Hua Baoyan still couldn't accept the wine, so she simply put down the glass.

Recalling the more than half a year since she left her brother and sister-in-law and traveled around the world with Jiang Hongfei, Hua Baoyan felt that she had really been reborn.

"If my eldest brother hadn't brought me out, I probably wouldn't have known in my entire life that the world outside is so wonderful!"


Thinking of Jiang Hongfei, Hua Baoyan blushed a little.

Although she didn't understand anything, Hua Baoyan still guessed that Jiang Hongfei was not that innocent towards her. Anyway, her brother Hua Rong would not hug her, let alone touch her butt, grab her breasts and take advantage of her.

"If one day, my eldest brother treats me like my master, I won't be as unhappy as my master. I will directly teach my brother to come forward and tell him that I want to be his concubine and give him children..."

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