Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 203 Chao Gai slaps Song Jiang

Just like Song Jiang never changed, Wu Yong actually never changed either.

Wu Yong once said to Song Jiang that he would stand on the side of the winner, and that was true.

During this period, Wu Yong saw all Song Jiang's private actions and remembered them in his heart.

I have to say that compared to Chao Gai, Song Jiang is really capable, thick and dark, and has the potential to achieve great things.

Moreover, before he knew it, Song Jiang's momentum surpassed Chao Gai's by a large margin.

Looking back at Chao Gai, Naitoushan's strength has been increasing, but the strength that Chao Gai really controls has never changed.

The key point is that Chao Gai’s naive idea of ​​just leading his brothers to be proud of the mountains and forests, not afraid of the sky, the earth, or lawsuits, dividing spiritual stones based on scales, wearing strange silks and brocades, eating wine in jars, and eating meat in large chunks, is really It is unpopular, especially after everyone has lived such a life or even got tired of living such a life.

To be honest, Chao Gai's pursuit is somewhat attractive to those who had a very bad life and even struggled to eat, but to those who have really seen the world, it really has no selling point at all. .

Think about it, among the leaders of the cottage, some used to be part of the officialdom, some used to be village owners, and some used to be overlords in a certain industry. These people were already doing well, so how could they be willing to just be strong men?

As for the road to recruitment that Song Jiang wants to take, although it is not a good road, the advantage is that many people can accept it and there is a certain market.

The key is that as the boss, Chao Gai does nothing, and occasionally does something, which is just making random promises that are not helpful, while Song Jiang seizes every opportunity to grow and win people's hearts every day.

As a result, not only most of the leaders of Naitou Mountain turned to Song Jiang, but also all the leaders and even the minions also turned to Song Jiang.

To be fair, if you exclude Jiang Hongfei's elements and Wu Yong's elements, Chao Gai would have been defeated by Song Jiang a long time ago. Moreover, Chao Gai's loss was not unjust at all, and Song Jiang's win was not at all a fluke.

Wu Yong felt that just seeing Song Jiang working so hard, he should give Song Jiang a chance.


Song Jiang's opportunity to make a comeback, which he had worked hard for two years, only lasted two days, and was defeated by the enemy in just two battles.

This allowed Wu Yong to discover two problems with Song Jiang - very serious problems.

The first problem is that although Song Jiang has the ability to be the boss, he does not have the ability to lead troops.

This problem is actually easy to solve, that is to recruit some talents with the ability to command troops.

Moreover, Wu Yong felt that Song Jiang had already recruited such talents as Qin Ming and Huang Xin, as well as Li Cheng and Wen Da, including Zhu Dian and Lei Heng. They were all military commanders in the Zhao and Song Dynasty, and some even He was a general from the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

This is also the reason why Wu Yong feels that Song Jiang may be able to succeed this time, and it is also the reason why Wu Yong is willing to go on an expedition with Song Jiang this time.

But the real troublesome problem is that Song Jiang does not have the destiny to be the boss.

It can be said that before coming, Wu Yong had calculated everything and felt that even if Gaotangzhou had two generals like Li Cheng and Wen Da, they would definitely win this time.

However, the strength of Gaotangzhou's military generals is average, but the prefect is a mage who knows magic and has three hundred magic soldiers. When his strange wind comes out, the people on our side can't see anything and can only run away with their heads in their hands. The opponent's magic The soldiers were not affected by the strange wind and slaughtered their own people wantonly in the strange wind.

Even if the Liangshan Army were to fight such a battle, they would not be able to defeat the opponent's mage and would not be able to win.

It’s really not as good as God’s calculations.

But for Song Jiang, people help him, but God does not help him.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless talented people and hard-working people like crucian carp crossing the river. If you want to achieve something, especially if you want to achieve something big, you have to rely on heaven to help you.


As soon as Song Jiang is about to soar into the sky, Song Jiang's great momentum will be severely frustrated, and then Song Jiang will be brought back to his original shape, or even stepped into the mud.

In Wu Yong's view, it is much more dangerous to follow a boss who is not destined to be a boss and has the disease of wanting to be a boss, than to follow an incompetent boss.

An incompetent boss will only make it difficult for this force to develop and grow, leaving everyone inactive.

And this kind of boss who is not destined to be the boss but has the disease of wanting to be the boss will always refuse to accept his fate and seek death, and will definitely kill those who follow him.

Therefore, Wu Yong did not remind Song Jiang that Gao Lian would probably come to steal the camp tonight, but wanted Song Jiang to try it out and see if he was destined to be the boss.

Of course, Wu Yong also had selfish motives for doing this.

If Song Jiang dies, the overt and secret fighting on Naitou Mountain will stop. From now on, will Naitou Mountain continue to be proud of the world under the leadership of the unambitious Chao Gai, or will it slowly come to an end and be drowned by Liangshan or other big events? Whether the forces are annexed or waiting for a boss who can lead Naitoushan to glory is another matter.

And if Song Jiang is a true immortal dragon and can turn defeat into victory and defeat Gaotangzhou and replenish the lost troops, then Wu Yong will know what choice to make.

In short, Wu Yong brought his friend Dai Zong with him, and also brought with him Zhu Dian and Lei Heng who had saved him.

As for others, just ask for your blessings. Who made them choose to believe in Song Jiang? Then we have to accompany Song Jiang through this disaster.

Song Jiang didn't know that Wu Yong had so many thoughts. He just assumed that Wu Yong brought back Zhu Tong and Lei Heng, his and Chao Gai's common friends, in order to persuade Chao Gai to bring Gongsun Sheng to help in the battle, and to bring Dai Zong with him. It is to facilitate the delivery of messages.

Therefore, Song Jiang, who also recognized the reality that it was impossible to defeat Gao Lian without inviting Gongsun Sheng and others, agreed to Wu Yong's proposal and personally sent Wu Yong, Dai Zong, Zhu Dian and Lei Heng out of the camp, and then ordered a few people : "After all the brothers went back, they told the King of Heaven that Xiao Ke had lost some troops and horses, but fortunately none of the leaders were lost. When we capture Gaotang Province, we will surely be able to make up for the losses in Fengshan, and teach the King of Heaven not to let go. In my heart.”

Wu Yong nodded: "I don't have to."

After saying this, Wu Yong left with Dai Zong and the others, and hurried away at night, looking towards Naitoushan Mountain...

Let’s talk about Song Jiang and others.

During the day, they were chased by Gao Lian for dozens of miles, so tired that they went to bed early.

The people in Naitoushan slept until the first watch, but saw:

Clouds are everywhere, and fog is rising in all directions. The sky and the earth were shaken by strong winds, and the seas and rivers were turned over by torrential rains. The Thunder God is angry and rides the fire beast upside down to show off his power; the Lightning Mother is angry and grabs the golden snake to exert her holy power. The big trees and their roots were uprooted, and the deep waves rolled them dry completely. If he hadn't killed the dragon with his mouthful of water, it would have been jellyfish falling in Sizhou.

Soon, the flash flood, which seemed to be pouring down from the Milky Way, rushed down from the mountain like a dragon and rushed into the military camp on Mount Naitoushan.

The leaders and minions of Naitoushan who were still sleeping were washed away by the surging torrent, including their people and their camps, and turned into a big river.

What's even more frightening is that both sides of the river are lined with Song troops armed with spears and crossbows. They shoot arrows at the people from Naitou Mountain in the river. If they see people from Naitou Mountain climbing ashore, they step forward. Shot to death.

The two brothers Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun found Song Jiang who was about to drown at the first time, and then used their good water skills to transport Song Jiang to a safe place.

As soon as Song Jiang recovered, he hurriedly said to Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun: "Don't worry about me, go and save the brothers!"

So Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun hurried to the flood to rescue the other leaders of Naitoushan.

Soon, Wang Dingliu also participated in the rescue.

After the full rescue of Zhang Heng, Zhang Shun and Wang Dingliu, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, Zheng Tianshou, Kong Ming, Shi Yong, Li Kui, Mu Hong, Mu Chun, Xue Yong, Li Cheng, Wen Da, Cai Fu, and Cai Qing were rescued one after another, except for Kong Liang and Li Li.

Not long after, Gao Lian was seen walking, leading three hundred magic soldiers, blowing whistles in the wind and killing Song Jiang and others.

Seeing this, Song Jiang and others were shocked!

For a long time, due to the special environment of Naitoushan without water, Song Jiang paid very little attention to the leader of the navy, that is, he did not pay attention to the brothers Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun, let alone Wang Dingliu, their little transparent follower.

In other words, although Song Jiang has been courteous and courteous and has been trying to win over the people of Naitoushan, he is also strategic. Song Jiang has been trying his best to win over useful and well-born leaders like Qin Ming, Li Cheng, and Wen Da. Song Jiang's energy was limited after all, and it was inevitable that he would not be able to take care of those leaders who were useless and of poor background.

Zhang Shun was okay, but Zhang Heng couldn't accept that the two brothers were only treated like this despite their good abilities.

Today we finally got an opportunity for navy leaders like them to show off their power. When Zhang Heng was rescuing people, he said to Zhang Shun: "Your brothers and I have never made any meritorious deeds since we came to the stronghold." , only watching others receive rewards for their meritorious service is despised by others, and is not favored by my brother. Now that Gao Lian has flooded the army camp, it has given us the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. If you and I take the opportunity to capture Gao Lian, we will This great achievement makes it easy for all brothers to argue with each other."

Zhang Shun disagreed and said: "There will be a water battle in the future. You and I will have the opportunity to perform meritorious service and be rewarded. Why rush? And that high-ranking man likes to be evil. You and I should listen to my brother's orders and save people with peace of mind. Don't be unable to save others." Helping each other is in vain and making people laugh."

Zhang Hengdao: "If you don't know how to seize the opportunity, in what year, month and day will you be able to make meritorious deeds? Just don't go, I will look for opportunities to make meritorious deeds."

At this time, I saw Gao Lian coming over with three hundred magic soldiers.

Zhang Heng dove into the water and immediately turned into a big fish with sharp teeth and swam towards Gao Lian.

Seeing this, how could Zhang Shun not know that Zhang Heng, who wanted to express himself, wanted to catch Gao Lian?

As the saying goes, brothers fighting tigers, father and son go into battle.

Zhang Shun let out a long sigh, "Alas~~~!", and then jumped into the water, turned into a big white fish, and swam towards Gao Lian faster than Zhang Heng.

When Wang Dingliu saw this, he turned into an alligator and crawled into the water to help Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun.

Gao Lian was only focused on killing Song Jiang and the others, and didn't even notice that someone used the cover of the flood he created to touch his side.

Zhang Heng did not hesitate. The big fish he transformed saw the right moment and hit the water with its tail so hard that it jumped out of the water and smoothly bit Gao Lian's arm.

What Zhang Heng wanted was to turn around and drag Gao Lian into the water.

And as long as Gao Lian gets involved, let their brothers deal with it. If they want him to live, he will live; if they want him to die, he will die.

But before Zhang Heng could drag Gao Lian, the Tai'a sword on Gao Lian's back flew out of its scabbard with a whoosh, and cut Zhang Heng in half with one strike!

Zhang Shun's eyes immediately turned red when he saw it. He jumped out of the water and shot at Gao Lian on the shore, hoping to avenge Gao Lian for killing his brother!

But Wang Dingliu, who was behind Zhang Shun, could clearly see that Gao Lian was not only powerful in magic, but also had a good flying sword. Zhang Shun would die if he went up to him.

Therefore, Wang Dingliu turned into an alligator, bit the tail of the big white fish that Zhang Shun had turned into, and then pulled it back violently.

At this time, I saw a flash of sword light, and Tai'a's sword passed an inch in front of Zhang Shun.

——Thanks to Wang Dingliu's quick enough reaction, otherwise Zhang Shun would have to follow in Zhang Heng's footsteps.

After being pulled by Wang Dingliu, Zhang Shun fell into the water again.

Although Zhang Heng was cut in half by Gao Lian's sword, he did not die immediately. He used his last strength and obsession to bite off a large piece of flesh and blood from Gao Lian's arm, and then fell into the river.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun quickly grabbed Zhang Heng and then swam back with Zhang Heng at full speed, hoping to find someone to treat Zhang Heng.

But what Zhang Shun didn't notice was that Zhang Heng's blood had dyed the river red.

Zhang Heng said to Zhang Shun extremely weakly: "Brother, listen to me...don't waste your energy, I...can't be saved."

Zhang Shun said stubbornly: "Brother, don't say any depressing words. I will take you to Liangshan to find Dr. An. He will definitely be able to save your life!"

Although An Daoquan's medical skills were superb, Zhang Heng looked at his lower body, which had disappeared from the waist, and then felt that he was in trouble.

Zhang Heng said to Zhang Shun: "Brother, listen to me, Song Jiang...Song Jiang is not a wise master, nor is he loyal. You can't...you can't follow him anymore. Either...either go to Jiang Yan, or...or... ...back...back to Jiang...back to Jiangzhou."

After saying that, Zhang Heng completely lost his voice.

Zhang Shun looked back and saw that Zhang Heng had closed his eyes.

Zhang Shun, who lost his biological brother, burst into tears in the water...

Let's say that Gao Lian was bitten by Zhang Heng on his arm until it was bloody and bloody, and he couldn't help himself from the pain.

Gao Lian knew very well that without him, his three hundred magic soldiers would not be able to display their true strength at all, and they would not be able to capture Song Jiang and the others.

"Forget it, spare these guys' lives first!"

Thinking of this, Gao Lian returned to the city to recuperate and ordered the sergeant: "Guard the city and make preparations at dawn and night. Stop fighting with him. It's not too late to catch him after I recover from my injury!"

Soon, the water receded.

At noon the next day, Xue Yong found Li Li in the river valley who had been dead for a long time. He was also hit by two sharp arrows, one of which passed through his neck. It was obvious that he had been shot by the Song army. Killed in the river.

In the evening, Kong Liang's body was also found in the downstream river valley. There were no other external injuries on his body and he should have been drowned.

When Song Jiang and others were searching for the bodies of Li Li and Kong Liang, they found more than 100 leaders and minions who were dead.

These people are all the survivors of this battle.

Five days later, Chao Gai personally led Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, Gu Jian, Li Ying and three thousand troops to Gaotang Prefecture.

It is said that Song Jiang not only lost all the more than 10,000 horses in Naitou Mountain, but also killed three leaders: Zhang Heng, Li Li and Kong Liang.

As soon as he saw Song Jiang's face, Chao Gai slapped Song Jiang in the face, making the corners of Song Jiang's mouth bleed.

Anyone who sees it will feel that Chao Gai's slap is somewhat personal.

But Chao Gai said: "A general without a plan will tire out thousands of troops; a commander without a plan will defeat ten thousand divisions. You Song Gong obviously has no ability to lead an army, but you don't listen to me, the leader of the village, and you insist on it." You brought a large army to attack Gaotang Prefecture, but the whole army was destroyed. How can you be worthy of brothers Zhang Heng, Li Li, Kong Liang and those twelve thousand innocent dead souls?!!!"

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