Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 208 What you can’t get is causing commotion

The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Hongfei left two sets of exquisite women's clothes and a box of jewelry for Song Yulian, and asked her to rest for a while before he got up to organize the army and prepare to return to Shuishuibo Liangshan.

Song Yulian is a woman who has traveled around the world. She has experienced severe beatings from society. How can she not have sense of propriety?

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Hongfei left, Song Yulian dragged her body that was quickly torn apart by Jiang Hongfei and got up from the bed, washed up, and then put on a set of exquisite women's clothes that Jiang Hongfei left for her, as well as jewelry and headwear. .

People rely on clothing, Buddha relies on gold clothing, horses rely on saddle clothing, and women rely on packaging.

After putting on this exquisite women's clothing and putting on the jewelry and headdress given to her by Jiang Hongfei, she immediately became covered with pearls and jade.

Song Yulian looked at herself in the bronze mirror. She had a graceful face and delicate jade. There is a dark cloud across her bun, and the crescent moon is half-curved across her eyebrows. The beautiful feet in the skirt are slightly revealing, and the slender hands and green sleeves are half-cageed with infinite meaning.

What a noble young lady!

Seeing this, Song Yulian smiled sweetly: "You lucky little girl, I finally taught you to live the life you dreamed of, congratulations!"

After admiring her now charming and graceful self for a while, Song Yulian went to pack her things with satisfaction, preparing to wait for Jiang Hongfei to come back and take her to Shuibo Liangshan.

Not long after, some soldiers came to report that Song Jiang wanted to see him.

Song Yulian did not dare to invite Song Jiang in, which would cause Jiang Hongfei to misunderstand, so she chose to go out to see Song Jiang in person.

Song Yulian walked out of the gate of Gao Lian's house and saw that not only was Song Jiang outside the gate, but Song Jiang was also accompanied by Li Kui, who had given her nightmares for several nights. Li Kui was carrying an extremely exquisite jewelry box.

After seeing Song Yulian, Song Jiang and Li Kui worshiped together: "I've met my lady!"

Song Yulian returned the salute dignifiedly.

Seeing Song Yulian being moisturized by Jiang Hongfei and turning pink and white, and being dressed up by Jiang Hongfei to look unattainable, for some reason, Song Jiang felt like he had lost something and felt empty in his heart.

Song Jiang quickly calmed down and said, "Brother, I am here to bring brother Li Kui to apologize to my wife."

As soon as Song Jiang finished speaking, Li Kui honestly presented the jewelry box and said angrily: "The villain offended the lady that day. I hope the lady will not be as knowledgeable as the villain. Small gifts are not respectful."

Song Yulian did not accept the jewelry box, but said calmly: "That day has long since passed, Brother Li, don't worry about it. As for gifts, why should you give them with such generous gifts? It would be disrespectful to accept them. If you two insist on giving them, you can Send it to my officials, who will teach me how to take it, and I will not refuse, otherwise please take it back."

Song Yulian's answer made Song Jiang's heart tremble.

Song Jiang is so smart, how could he not see it? Song Yulian was afraid that Jiang Hongfei would misunderstand him and did not want to have anything to do with him, so she did not accept his gifts personally.

Song Jiang was unwilling to let the bond between him and Jiang Hongfei be broken, so he smiled and said: "This is the black man's gift of apology to my wife. This black man is very powerful. His two axes each weigh a thousand kilograms, and he has killed thousands of people." Eight hundred people, including the old, weak, women and children, were not spared. His hands were neither gentle nor heavy. He had injured my wife before, so he should make amends to her."

Song Yulian heard this and said, neither humble nor arrogant: "I used to be helpless and insulted and beat my family members. Why do I need a strong man like Brother Li? A single person can abuse and beat my family of three at will. But now my family is an official." He is the Great Sage of Heaven, the most powerful hero in the world, and has a powerful cultivation base. There are few rivals in the world. He has hundreds of thousands of Liangshan heroes under his command. With Brother Li's courage, how dare Brother Li still use his fingers like that before? Poke me in the forehead?"

Song Jiang was suddenly speechless!

Song Jiang really didn't expect that Song Yulian, who had been at his mercy before, would no longer be afraid of him after not seeing her for just one night.

Song Jiang sighed secretly, and then no longer played the intimidation game with Song Yulian, but played the favor card and said: "On that day, brother Li Kui was reckless, and afterwards he paid some spiritual money for his wife's family on his behalf, which temporarily relieved the family's urgent needs. , Now that my brother has helped my wife to marry a good man, I can be considered a favored wife. I just hope that my wife will remember the kindness of the past and say a few kind words for my brother in front of the Great Sage."

Song Yulian refused without even thinking about it: "The official said last night that my brother wanted to exchange me for soldiers, so he sent me here. Between me and my brother, it's really hard to say who owes whom. Forget it, what happened in the past can't be said." Let it go. From now on, if my brother needs help from my official, you can go directly to him. I am a married woman, and it is really not convenient for me to see my brother again, so you and I will just say goodbye."

After saying that, Song Yulian left with her legs crossed.

Song Yulian's answer was neither arrogant nor arrogant, and was well-founded, leaving even the eloquent Song Jiang speechless.

This made Song Jiang suddenly feel a little confused when he looked at Song Yulian's back.

It wasn't until this moment that Song Jiang discovered that although Song Yulian and Yan Poxi were both singing girls, they were fundamentally different.

That Yan Poxi was willful, unruly, and immature, both in actions and words. She was a prostitute and a troublemaker.

Song Yulian, on the other hand, was generous and decent, measured in her actions, mature and steady, and looked like a good housekeeper.

At this moment, Song Jiang actually regretted giving Song Yulian to Jiang Hongfei. He even regretted that he wanted to betroth Song Yulian to Qin Ming. If he had known that Song Yulian was such an outstanding woman, he would have kept it for himself.

However, there was no medicine for regret in this matter. Besides, Song Yulian had already been eaten by Jiang Hongfei, and it was Song Jiang who pushed Song Yulian to Jiang Hongfei's bed with his own hands. What use would Song Jiang be if he regretted it?

This may also mean that those who are not available are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are confident.


Jiang Hongfei did not put up his trousers and refuse to admit his mistake. Instead, he happily gave Song Jiang more than 900 soldiers, ruffians and rogues, allowing Song Jiang to once again have more than a thousand troops, so that he would not be in ruins.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Hongfei gave Song Jiang more than 900 soldiers and ruffians had nothing to do with Song Yulian.

Jiang Hongfei did this mainly so that Song Jiang could continue to fight Chao Gai.

——If Song Jiang was defeated by Chao Gai in a fight, how could Jiang Hongfei reap the benefits?

Also, it would be difficult to deal with these ruffians and scoundrels if Jiang Hongfei did not give them to Song Jiang.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Hongfei led more than 900 soldiers and scoundrels to Naitou Mountain...

After handing over the subsequent public trials, house searches, recruitment and other matters in Gaotang Prefecture to relevant personnel, and leaving Ma Yijun behind to protect the people in Shuibo Liangshan, Jiang Hongfei led the army in triumph.

At the same time, some officials who had fled from Gaotang Prefecture arrived in Bianliang City, Tokyo, and brought to the capital the story of the Liangshan heroes and the Naitoushan people who captured Gaotang Prefecture and "burned, killed, and looted" in Gaotang Prefecture.

Gao Qiu heard that his cousin Gao Lian was killed by Jiang Hongfei and that no bones were left. When he went to court the next day, he went out to the class and said:

"Now there is Jiang Yan, the leader of the bandits in Liangshan, Shuibo, Jeju. He first attacked the Daming Prefecture and then opened the Deok Prefecture. He has committed great evils. He robbed the city, looted the warehouses, plundered the people's property, and gathered the thugs and gangsters. Now, Gaotang Prefecture has been invaded. The officials and the people were slaughtered, the warehouses were empty, and everything was taken away. This is a serious problem for the people. If they are not killed and eliminated early, they will develop into thieves in the future, even more powerful than the enemy countries in the north. The humble ministers are extremely frightened. Please beg our emperor. Break."

When Zhao Ji heard the report, he thought to himself: "This group of rampant thieves must be wiped out, otherwise the impact will be too bad."

So Zhao Ji issued an imperial edict, ordering Gao Ji to select generals and mobilize troops to suppress Jiang Hongfei. It was necessary to clear Shuibo Liangshan and kill all species.

Gao Qiu received the order and said again: "To measure these grass bandits, there is no need to raise a large army. I will protect one person and go to recover them."

Zhao Ji said: "If you use me, there will be no mistakes. Set off immediately, report your merits quickly, get promoted to an official position and be rewarded, and be promoted to a high position."

Taiwei Gao reported: "This man is the direct descendant of Hu Yanzan, a famous general in Hedong at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. His single name is Zhuo. He wields two copper whips, has the courage of ten thousand people, and is proficient in the art of commanding troops. Now it is Runing County. He is in charge of the capital, and he has many elite soldiers and brave generals under his command. If I recommend this person to protect you, you can conquer Liangshan in Shuibo. You can be given the command of soldiers and horses, and lead elite sergeants on horseback and infantry, so that the bandits in Liangshan can be wiped out within a short period of time, and the entire army can return to the court."

Zhao Ji accurately reported and issued an imperial edict: The Privy Council immediately sent someone to go to Runing Prefecture to announce the capture of Hu Yanzhuo at starry night.

After the court that day, the Privy Council assigned an officer to go with the imperial edict to obtain Hu Yanzhuo.

Starting on the same day, the time was set and Hu Yanzhuo was asked to go to Beijing to obey orders.

After hearing the imperial edict, Hu Yanzhuo hurriedly packed up his helmet, armor, pommel and horse equipment, and left Runing Prefecture with thirty or forty followers, heading for Beijing at starry night.

Speechless on the road.

He only said that after Hu Yanzhuo arrived in the capital, he came straight to see Gao Qiu.

Gao Qiu saw that Hu Yanzhuo's appearance was extraordinary:

Descendants of the founding heroes and great-great-grandsons of the great generals of the previous dynasty. It is passed down from his family that the whip technique is the most powerful, and he is brave and accustomed to battle formations. With the sword he can explore the tiger's den, and with the bow he can shoot away the eagles. The general was born to determine the world, and Hu Yanzhuo became famous.

Gao Qiu was overjoyed and took Hu Yanzhuo to court to see Zhao Ji the next day.

Zhao Ji also saw that Hu Yanzhuo's appearance was extraordinary, and he was so happy that he gave Hu Yanzhuo a black horse that could kick the snow.

Hu Yanzhuo thanked him for his kindness, and then followed Gao Qiu to the Palace Commander's Mansion to discuss raising an army to suppress and capture the heroes of Liangshan.

Hu Yanzhuo said: "Thank you, I am observing Shuibo. Liangshan has many soldiers and generals. It has many first-class Qi refiners. We should not underestimate the enemy."

After a pause, Hu Yanzhuo continued: "The thieves live in the water and cannot be conquered without boats. If I only use horse and foot troops to conquer, I may lose and fall into the thieves' tricks. I must also get an imperial edict to teach the navy to go with them and advance by land and water." , only by walking together with the boat and the rider can you succeed in no time.”

Hearing this, Gao Qiu wondered: "Today in the Song Dynasty, we only have a barely adequate naval force of Dengzhou, but it is no more than one or two thousand people. Well... Otherwise, the general will go to suppress the Liangshan bandits first and see if he goes to fight. If you don’t go to war, how about I mobilize the naval forces for the general to help him attack?"

Hu Yanzhuo also knew that the Zhao and Song dynasties were seriously short of naval troops, so he could only say: "Okay, but I still want to beg for help. The two generals will be the vanguard. If we get there with the troops and horses, we will definitely achieve great success. If it is done by mistake, I will accept it." It’s a serious crime. I hope you’ll be rewarded with a favor.”

Captain Gao asked: "Who is the general protecting and can be the vanguard?"

Hu Yanzhuo reported: "The villain is the training envoy of the Chenzhou regiment, whose surname is Han and Tao. He is originally from Tokyo. He once took the military examination and was born. He makes a jujube tree and is called General Bai Sheng. He can be a true vanguard. There is also One person is the training envoy of the Yingzhou regiment. His surname is Peng Mingqi, who is also from Tokyo. He is the son of a general who has been working for many generations. He wields a three-pointed two-edged sword. His strength is outstanding. He is called General Tianmu and can serve as a deputy vanguard."

Captain Gao said: "If Han and Peng are the vanguard, why worry about being crazy!"

On that day, Gao Qiu went to the commander's palace and took two ultimatums, asking the Privy Council to send someone to Chen and Ying prefectures at night to recruit Han Tao and Peng Qi and rush to Beijing.

Within a few days, Han Tao and Peng Qi arrived in the capital, and then came to the Palace Commander's Mansion to meet Gao Qiu and Hu Yanzhuo.

Gao Qiu asked: "You are waiting for the third group. How many people are there in total?"

Hu Yanzhuo replied: "The three-way horse army totaled five thousand, and the infantry company numbered ten thousand."

Gao Qiu said: "The three of you will return to the state in person, select an elite horse army of 3,000, and an infantry of 5,000, and set off on a date to capture Shuibo Liangshan."

Hu Yanzhuo had already found out clearly that there were one or two hundred thousand soldiers and horses in Shuibo Liangshan.

Gao Qiu asked him to lead eight thousand troops to encircle and suppress Shuibo Liangshan. What was the difference between this and going to die?

So Hu Yanzhuo said: "These three horse infantry soldiers are all well-trained men. They are strong men and horses. There is no need for the palace commander to worry. However, there are too many bandits in Liangshan. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of big and small bandits. We are less than one." With thousands of soldiers and horses, it may be difficult to win. I beg the Prime Minister to mobilize an additional 30,000 to 50,000 troops before we can destroy this thief."

Gao Qiu was very embarrassed after hearing this!

Why is Gao Qiu in trouble? With 800,000 imperial troops at his disposal, couldn't he mobilize tens of thousands of troops?

That's certainly not the case.

Gao Qiu still has some capable men.

But the problem is that Gao Qiu has so few capable men and horses that he must always be prepared for Zhao Ji to regain the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun.

——If Zhao Ji wants to recapture Yanyun Sixteenth, and Gao Qiu, the Minister of Defense in charge of the 800,000-strong Imperial Army, cannot send out a few capable troops, then Gao Qiu will be in big trouble.

All 800,000 forbidden troops must prepare to regain the sixteen states of Yanyun?

That...actually, the Zhao and Song Dynasty's Imperial Guards did not have as many as 800,000 soldiers.

Of course, if you look at the books, 800,000 is just a lot more.

But in fact, the 800,000 forbidden troops were not even 30%, and all those gaps were taken up by officials at all levels in the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Some people may say that even if there are only more than 200,000 soldiers left in the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, it will not be impossible to send 300,000 to 50,000 troops to Hu Yanzhuo, right?

"Jingkang Yaolu" records: As the Minister of Defense of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, Gao Qiu used the land of the military camp to build a private villa, treating the imperial soldiers as craftsmen. He did not train at all on weekdays and only did the work of craftsmen. If a soldier has no skills, he has to spend his own money to hire craftsmen; if a soldier has no skills and no money, and only knows how to fight, then I'm sorry, the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army does not want such idlers.

As a result, the discipline of the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army will naturally be weakened, and there will be no soldiers and no soldiers to use.

In fact, Gao Qiu turned the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army into various craftsmen, not mainly for his own convenience in real estate, but to help Zhao Ji build palaces and build Genyue Longlived Mountain.

In this way, except for the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army soldiers who were reserved by Gao Qiu and were ready to help Zhao Ji recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, the remaining "Gyeonggi Forbidden Army soldiers" in Gao Qiu's hands were all craftsmen and could not fight at all. , Gao Qiu was reluctant to send them to fight - if they all died, who would build Zhao Ji's garden?

After all, he is a member of the system, and Hu Yanzhuo knows a little about the situation of the Gyeonggi Forbidden Army. Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he could only say: "Otherwise, we can only take the route of elite soldiers."

Gao Qiu asked: "What is the elite soldier route?"

Hu Yanzhuo said: "I have heard about it. The reason why the Liangshan bandits have won many battles is because they used armored heavy cavalry to open the way. I am going to build three thousand armored heavy cavalry, and then connect them together to make The serial horse may be able to defeat it."

Gao Qiu was overjoyed: "The general is a really good general!"

Hu Yanzhuo said: "Although this method is good, it requires three to five thousand sets of armor for men and horses, and many corresponding weapons."

Gao Qiu waved his hand and said: "In that case, you can go to the armored warehouse of the capital. You can choose any clothes, armor and swords you want regardless of the number, and lead them forward. Make sure your troops and horses are in order to fight against the enemy. On the day of departure, I will I’ve sent officials to take a look.”

After receiving Jun's order, Hu Yanzhuo took people to the armor storehouse and selected 5,000 first-class iron armors, 5,000 first-class vests, 5,000 first-class helmets, 2,000 spears, 1,000 gun knives, and divine arms. Ten thousand bows and countless arrows were loaded onto the chariot.

On the day before he left, Gao Qiu took the initiative to allocate 3,000 good horses to Hu Yanzhuo.

Then, Hu Yanzhuo, Han Tao, and Peng Qi each returned to their respective states to fetch soldiers and horses.

In a few days, 3,000 armored cavalry and 5,000 elite infantry armed to the teeth came rushing towards Liangshan...

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