Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 359 The overall situation has been determined

Before Zhao Huan left the city, he was very worried that after he left, he would be conspired to usurp the throne, or his father Zhao Ji would be restored.

Therefore, Zhao Huan specially issued an imperial edict: "The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty needs me to go out to discuss peace with the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Based on the plan of the country, the country, and the lives of the whole city, I will discuss peace with the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. I ask you all, and I will do my best to serve you." Be quiet and do not cause any disturbance. I am afraid of causing trouble, so I am hereby issuing an edict to everyone."

Zhao Huan used this to tell the soldiers and civilians in the inner city that he was negotiating peace with Jiang Hongfei for them, and hinted that Jiang Hongfei only recognized himself as the emperor.

After arranging everything, Zhao Huancai left Zhang Shuye and Cao Fu to help him guard the state of Zhao and Song Dynasty, and went to Qingcheng accompanied by He Li, Sun Fu, Chen Guoting and other ministers.

Jiang Hongfei, who had received relevant reports long ago, sent Lin Chong and Xu Ning to lead three thousand elite cavalry to "protect" Zhao Huan and his party.

Seeing this, Zhao Huan's heart tightened! He was a little scared and wanted to retreat!

Chen Guoting, who saw what Zhao Huan was thinking, quickly introduced Lin Chong and Xu Ning to Zhao Huan: "Your Majesty, this is Lin Jiedushi, and this is Xu Jiedushi. One of them was our eighth great Song Dynasty envoy." One of the 100,000 gun and stick instructors of the Forbidden Army was once the teacher of the Golden Spear Class of our Great Song Dynasty Forbidden Army..."

Then, Chen Guoting briefly told Zhao Huan that Lin Chong and Xu Ning were framed by Gao Qiu.

After Zhao Huan heard this, he said with righteous indignation: "The emperor trusted his treacherous ministers and caused the murder of the two generals. I am very ashamed. I only regret that I was not in power at that time and could not redress the injustice of the two generals."

Regarding what Zhao Huan said, Lin Chong just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't be here today."

In the Zhao and Song dynasties, Lin Chong was just a low-ranking instructor. Now he is a third-grade Jiedushi and a general. The key is that Jiang Hongfei has the potential to unify.

Under such circumstances, how could Lin Chong possibly pay attention to Zhao Huan's verbal attempts to win over him?

As for Xu Ning, he didn't even bother to say polite words. He said bluntly: "Your Majesty, please go on your way."

Zhao Huan was already very scared, but when Xu Ning said this, Zhao Huan immediately became even more scared.

However, in this situation, no matter how scared Zhao Huan was, he still had to go to see Jiang Hongfei, otherwise Lin Chong, Xu Ning and the three thousand elite cavalry under their command would be able to tie them up to see Jiang Hongfei.

So Zhao Huan could only bite the bullet and follow Lin Chong and Xu Ning.

On the way, Zhao Huan saw Lin Chong, who had a leopard head and ringed eyes, a swallow's chin and a tiger's beard, and a figure of eight feet long. He looked like a heroic man. Then he looked at Xu Ning, who had a body of six feet five six, a white face, three thin teeth, and a black mustache. , very thin waisted and broad-armed, and also very brave.

Zhao Huan couldn't help but think: "These two good generals actually became Jiang Yan's generals because of the emperor's stupidity and appointed a treacherous minister like Gao Qiu. One went down and the other went up. No wonder our Song Dynasty is what it is today."

Zhao Huan even thought: "If I had ascended the throne a few years earlier, I would not be like this."

Along the way, what Zhao Huan saw were all the military camps of the Yuan army and the Yuan cavalry coming and going. Some of them had white skin and dark eyes, and were obviously not Han people.

A Song minister who had been to the Liao Kingdom saw Zhao Huan looking at these lustful people and said, "They should be Khitan people, and their ancestors may have blood from the Western Regions."

Zhao Huan counted carefully. The number of Dayuan cavalry he saw alone was no less than 50,000.

Zhao Huan thought to himself: "Wu Yongyan, there are Dayuan cavalry everywhere in the capital. You must not lie to me."

More than an hour later, Zhao Huanjun and his ministers arrived in Qingcheng.

After so many days, Zhao Yupan and other emperor concubines and concubines must have been completely destroyed.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei, who was already victorious, had a rare moment of leisure and elegance, and actually played "Werewolf" with Zhao Yupan and other emperor concubines and concubines.

Seeing that Wu Yong was back, Jiang Hongfei, who was about to "kill" Zhao Fujin, knew that it must be Zhao Huanjun and his ministers who had arrived.

Jiang Hongfei thought for a while, then waved to Wu Yong.

Wu Yong understood immediately that Jiang Hongfei did not want to see Zhao Huan.

Wu Yong then withdrew from the Zhai Palace and asked people to arrange residence for Zhao Huanjun and his ministers.

Seeing this, Zhao Huanjun and his ministers panicked!

Zhao Huan has come to see Jiang Hongfei in person. As the victor, Jiang Hongfei doesn't want to greet Zhao Huan personally. How come he doesn't even see Zhao Huan? This is so disrespectful.

Zhao Huanjun and his ministers hid in the small room arranged by Wu Yong for them to discuss for a while, guessing that Jiang Hongfei had such a cold attitude because they did not bring Jiang Biao.

Zhao Huan felt that it made sense. The surrender of the surrender was a written proof of the final victory or defeat of the war between the two countries. It was also an important basis for the victorious country to demand war compensation from the defeated country. If he did not hand over the surrender, how could Jiang Hongfei have a good attitude towards him?

In fact, it is not that Zhao Huan and his ministers did not know that they should represent the Zhao and Song Dynasty to the Yuan Empire.

But Mr. Zhao Huan didn't want to admit that he had lost the war, and still imagined that one day a miracle would happen and he could turn defeat into victory.

This has delayed the matter until now.

Now, Jiang Hongfei doesn't even see Zhao Huan. Zhao Huan finally faces the reality and feels that this matter cannot be delayed any longer.

However, drafting downgrades has always been a thankless task. Throughout the ages, too many people have been liquidated and even infamy for perpetuating the consequences of drafting downgrades.

Therefore, all the Song ministers were shirk-shielding. No one was willing to draw up a table of surrender or take the blame.

Finally, when Zhao Huan's face was livid with anger, Sun Zhan stepped forward and wrote the first version of the lower table. He Li, Sun Fu and others helped to revise it.

What worried Zhao Huan and his ministers was that although Wu Yong helped them submit the surrender letter, Jiang Hongfei did not take any other actions except sending Han Fang and Gao Qingyi to help Zhao Huan and his ministers revise the surrender letter, and he did not meet Zhao Huan.

This made Zhao Huan and his ministers even more uneasy!

At the same time, Zhao Gou received another edict from Zhao Huan.

In this edict, Zhao Huan asked Zhao Gou to immediately raise troops to rescue the king.

Liu Ding, who came to deliver the letter, told Zhao Gou and others that Guo Jing had harmed the country, Bianliang City had been broken, and all the royal and clan members in the city had become trapped.

Zhao Gou immediately summoned Geng Nanzhong, Wang Boyan and others to study countermeasures.

After research, Zhao Gou and others quickly decided to establish the Grand Marshal's Office, with Zhao Gou as the Grand Marshal of the Army, and Wang Boyan and Zong Ze as deputy marshals.

In order to increase his own power, Zhao Gou deliberately put on the scarlet robe and jade belt given to him by Zhao Huan.

Geng Nanzhong endorsed Zhao Gou and said: "This scarlet robe and jade belt belong to the Supreme Lord. When the Supreme Lord abdicated to Your Majesty last year, he took them off his body and gave them to Your Majesty. Now Your Majesty has given them to King Kang."

After hearing what Geng Nanzhong said, how could the people in the Grand Marshal's Office not understand that this was the rhythm of Zhao Gou becoming Zhao Huan's successor and the new emperor of the Zhao Song Dynasty?

Of course, some people also think that Zhao Gou, Geng Nanzhong, Wang Boyan and others are too anxious? Although the city of Bianliang has been broken, the matter there has not been determined after all. What if the Yuan army just robbed some money and women and left? At that time, wouldn't they be considered to be plotting to usurp the throne?

Only Geng Nanzhong, who led all this, knew that Zhao Huan was not a man who could accomplish great things, and Jiang Hongfei would definitely work hard for the great unification and would never do anything soft and lenient. Therefore, the people in Bianliang City were definitely finished. Whether the Zhao Song Dynasty could still exist depended on Zhao Gou.

Han Fang was a Liao official, and Gao Qingyi was a Bohai native. They both had no good feelings towards the Zhao Song Dynasty.

The key point was that the surrender was a serious matter and could not be sloppy. They did not dare to delay the great events of the Yuan Empire.

Therefore, after Han Fang and Gao Qingyi took over the supervision of Zhao Huan and his ministers writing the surrender letter, they listed an outline for Zhao Huan and his ministers under the command of Wu Yong, asking them to write clearly about the bad policies, Huashi Gang, and Xichengso of the Zhao Song Dynasty, where the mistakes were, where the roots were, and where they were. In the less than one year since Zhao Huan ascended the throne, he repeatedly tore up the peace treaty and was always uncertain about war and peace. Where was the mistake, where was the root, leaving no fig leaf for the Zhao Song Dynasty.

How can people not bow their heads under the eaves?

Under Zhao Huan's order, Sun Di redrafted a surrender letter according to the requirements of the Yuan Empire.

Then, Han Fang and Gao Qingyi asked Zhao Huan and his ministers to revise it more than a dozen times.

Later, Han Fang personally helped Zhao Huan and his ministers revise it again.

After getting it to the Ministry of Rites, the officials of the Ministry of Rites revised it again.

When Jiang Hongfei finally showed it to him, Jiang Hongfei personally crossed out the two words "Great Yuan" in front of "Emperor of Great Yuan" in the surrender form, and crossed out the four words "Emperor of Great Song", so that there was only one emperor in the surrender form, that is, Jiang Hongfei.

This also shows Jiang Hongfei's ambition that is now undisguised.

After showing this surrender form to Zhao Huan, Zhao Huan did not move a word and said very happily that their Zhao Song Dynasty fully agreed.

Three days later, the Great Yuan Empire held a surrender ceremony in front of the Zhai Palace.

This was the first time Jiang Hongfei and Zhao Huan met.

Zhao Huan did not expect that Jiang Hongfei, who was already in his thirties, was so young and seemed not much older than him.

Jiang Hongfei sighed that if Zhao Ji had not been so impulsive and hurriedly passed the throne to the extremely stupid Zhao Huan, he would definitely not have been so easy to severely damage the Zhao Song Dynasty.

Let's put it this way.

Zhao Ji had problems such as arrogance, extravagance, and ambition, but at least he was not that stupid, and he was humane and talented. It can even be said that Zhao Ji's advocacy of recovering the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun was not entirely wrong, because this was indeed the closest time for the Zhao Song Dynasty to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun. To be fair, Zhao Ji's timing was actually correct.

It's just that Zhao Ji was too troublesome and exhausted the foundation of the Zhao Song Dynasty, which left Zhao Ji with a good opportunity to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, but without the strength to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun. In addition, Zhao Ji's luck was a little worse. When this good opportunity came, an uprising broke out in the southeast, disrupting all of Zhao Ji's plans.

Speaking of which, it's still like Zhang Dun's evaluation of Zhao Ji: Zhao Ji is frivolous and cannot rule the world; it's also like Tuotuo's evaluation of Zhao Ji: Zhao Ji can do everything, but he can't be a king!

Zhao Huan, on the other hand, really had nothing to recommend him.

To sum up: He was in office for only a few months, but he dismissed 26 prime ministers like a revolving lantern. Among them, Geng Nanzhong, Wu Min, Xu Churen, Zhong Shidao, Tang Ke, He Li and others had a key impact on the crisis. Some of their important strategies for saving the country were not adopted by Zhao Huan, while some important plans that led to the country's failure were adopted by Zhao Huan.

In short, Zhao Huan, whether in history or in this life, ended up like this, which was not worthy of pity at all. It can only be said that there must be something hateful about pitiful people.

Zhao Huan still had the awareness of a loser. He not only took the initiative to kneel down to Jiang Hongfei and respectfully called Jiang Hongfei "Your Majesty the Emperor", but also took the initiative to read the surrender letter, giving people the feeling that he was a person who accepted the fate.

Of course, in fact, Zhao Huan was enduring. He wanted to learn from Goujian, who was sleeping on straw and tasting gall.

Many Song officials, seeing this scene, could not help but shed sad tears.

Some Song officials sighed.

In fact, at this point, anyone who is not stupid can see that in this great duel that changed the fate of the Yuan and Song dynasties, the ministers of the Zhao Song Dynasty were certainly wrong, but the biggest problem for the Zhao Song Dynasty to fall into such a situation was Zhao Huan, the emperor and the highest decision-maker of the Zhao Song Dynasty.

If Zhao Huan had not always been uncertain about war and peace, always going back and forth between war and peace, unable to recognize the good strategies offered to him by loyal generals, and adopted those stupid strategies, and stupidly abandoned his martial arts, these people and the Zhao Song Dynasty would definitely not have fallen into such a miserable situation.

Jiang Hongfei did not take the opportunity to ridicule Zhao Huan. Since Zhao Huan wanted to act, Jiang Hongfei would accompany him to act.

Next, Jiang Hongfei never mentioned letting Zhao Huan and his ministers return to Bianliang City, but sent Wu Yong to ask Zhao Huan for 20,000 spiritual horses first.

Zhao Huan, who wanted to return to Bianliang City as soon as possible, agreed without hesitation, and then ordered people to return to the city as soon as possible to convey the imperial edict to Wang Shiyong, the prefect of Kaifeng: "All horses in the inner city must be handed over to Kaifeng Prefecture within three days; those who hide them will be punished by military law with their entire family; those who report them will be rewarded with 3,000 spiritual money."

So, from the imperial horses to the lower ones, Kaifeng Prefecture received a total of more than 9,000 spiritual horses, and even the spiritual horses of the palace eunuchs were all handed over.

After receiving these more than 9,000 spiritual horses, Wang Shiyong, Xu Bingzhe and others immediately sent all of them to the Yuan army.

In fact, these Banzhi imperial guards knew very well what handing over the spiritual horses meant.

So, when handing over the spiritual horses, these Banzhi imperial guards all sighed.

It is worth mentioning that from then on, some of the literati in the inner city rode donkeys and sedan chairs, and some walked on foot. There was not even a single spiritual horse in the inner city.

After all the spirit horses in the inner city were controlled, the royal family and clan of the Zhao Song Dynasty, as well as the officials, soldiers and civilians in the inner city, completely lost the possibility of breaking out of the capital, and all became turtles in a jar, unable to fly away.

Next, Wu Yong asked Zhao Huan and his ministers for the weapons in the city on behalf of Jiang Hongfei.

The reason given by Wu Yong was that these weapons were hidden among the people, which could easily cause civil strife in Bianliang City and was not conducive to the restoration of order in Bianliang City.

That's right.

Jiang Hongfei and his ministers were worried that the people in the inner city still had the strength to fight.

At this time, there were at least millions of weapons in Bianliang City.

Moreover, a large part of these weapons were abandoned by the Song army in the streets and alleys of the inner city when Bianliang City was breached, and the people in the city picked them up and took them home. Some were distributed to the residents in the city by He Li in the name of the Zhao Song court in preparation for street fighting.

In short, these weapons are currently in the hands of uncontrolled people.

If someone wants to resist, these weapons and armor can cause considerable damage to the Yuan army.

This kind of thing must be prevented.

Especially when Jiang Hongfei is preparing to take Bianliang City.

The horses have been handed over, how many millions of weapons and armors can Zhao Huan still lack?

Soon, Zhao Huan ordered Wang Shiyong, Xu Bingzhe and others to collect all the weapons and armors in the inner city and send them to the Yuan army.

Kaifeng Prefecture immediately posted a notice, ordering citizens to hand over their hidden weapons and armors within a time limit, and those who failed to hand them over within the time limit would be dealt with according to military law.

Citizens all knew that this was Jiang Hongfei's order, who dared to disobey?

Moreover, if these weapons and armors were not handed over, the Yuan army would not withdraw, and there might be a disaster of death.

So people in the inner city handed over their weapons one after another.

As a result, all kinds of weapons and armors were piled up like mountains.

Kaifeng Prefecture quickly organized manpower, transported them with carts and carried them with civilians. After several days, all these weapons and armors were delivered to the Yuan army camp.

Even so, Jiang Hongfei and his ministers were still not satisfied.

Under Wu Yong's suggestion, Zhao Huan later ordered the Song army to hand over all their own weapons and armor.

At this point, the people in Bianliang City had completely become fish on Jiang Hongfei's chopping board, and Zhao Huan and his ministers still didn't know that they had fallen into the premeditated plan of Jiang Hongfei and his ministers and couldn't extricate themselves. They still thought that the big thing had been decided and were immersed in the illusion of a successful peace negotiation...


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