Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 420 Jiang Yan meets Fang La

After Fang La was taken to Nanjing, Jiang Hongfei summoned Fang La.

Although Jiang Hongfei and Fang La were both members of the Four Bandits, and Jiang Hongfei was Fang La's sister-in-law and son-in-law, in fact, among the Four Bandits, the only one Jiang Hongfei had never met was Fang La.

For this summons, Jiang Hongfei did not choose a formal place, but chose to be in the imperial garden of the palace.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Fang La, the leader of Manichaeism and the Holy Duke of the Yongle Dynasty, who almost separatized the southeast. In its heyday, he had more than a million rebels, and was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Fang La also looked at Jiang Hongfei, the founder of the Yuan Empire, the winner who had fulfilled his dream and brought the world into chaos, making him a complete loser and a prisoner. As for his sister-in-law, son-in-law, etc., like Would heroes and tycoons like them care about the relationship created by this kind of political marriage?

The sunlight shines dappledly on the two people through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the Imperial Garden, as if the light and shadow of history and reality are intertwined, reflecting their respective glory and loneliness.

Jiang Hongfei walked slowly, each step appearing calm and powerful. His eyes showed both scrutiny of the defeated and respect for the heroes of the past.

"Master Fang, although you and I have opposing positions, it is undeniable that you have shaken mountains and rivers and shocked the world with your own efforts. You can be regarded as a hero."

Fang La sneered, with both reluctance and relief in his voice.

"Jiang Yan, you have indeed accomplished what I have not yet accomplished, unifying the Central Plains and creating the Great Yuan Dynasty. But have you ever thought about whether the world has really become more peaceful because of your unification? What you pursue is just The pleasure of power and conquest, and I at least had an ideal of benefiting all people.”

Hearing this, Jiang Hongfei stopped and turned to face Fang La, with a hint of complexity flashing in his eyes.

"Ideal? Didn't the ideal in your mouth turn into swords and swords in the end, and countless lives were destroyed? I admit that what I pursue is the unification of the world, but I also believe that only in a unified country can the people be free from the pain of war, and culture To communicate and integrate, the economy can prosper and develop. As for power, it is just a tool to achieve all this.”

Fang La was silent for a moment, seeming to digest Jiang Hongfei's words.

Then, he slowly raised his head, with a little more relief in his eyes.

"Perhaps, the battle between you and me is a collision between ideals and destiny. I lost, completely, but I have no regrets. I just hope that you can fulfill your promise, treat my people well, and let them live in your Under the rule, you can live a stable life.”

Jiang Hongfei nodded with a firm tone.

"Master Fang, don't worry. Although I am not a saint, I also know the truth that 'water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it.' The Great Yuan Empire will be an inclusive dynasty, regardless of Han, Khitan, Japanese, or Goryeo. Everyone in the Southeast will enjoy equal rights and opportunities. As for you, Leader Fang, I will not kill you. No matter what, you are my uncle and father-in-law. You don’t have to recognize me as a relative. But I can’t deny my relatives.”

After that, the atmosphere between the two seemed to have eased a lot.

Better to die than live.

Besides, as long as people are alive, there is hope.

Although Fang La didn't say anything, his eyes softened a lot when he saw that Jiang Hongfei didn't kill him.

Jiang Hongfei turned around and left, leaving Fang La standing alone in the imperial garden, looking at the sky that once belonged to him.

Not long after, Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi came to Fang La with their seven children.

Fang La took a look and saw that his sister and his daughter were both married women. Needless to say, the children around them must have been born to Jiang Hongfei.

Fang Baihua was still holding an infant child in her arms, while Fang Jinzhi was even more pregnant, obviously pregnant again.

It has to be said that it is ironic that the three people who were once closest to each other get together again under such circumstances after not seeing each other for many years.

Fang La, Fang Baihua, and Fang Jinzhi all looked at each other speechlessly.

At the beginning, in order to marry Jiang Hongfei, Fang La married his biological sister and biological daughter to Jiang Hongfei in exchange for a temporary opportunity for development.

Later, Jiang Hongfei occupied the southeast corner, leaving Fang Baihua to help Jiang Hongfei take charge of Fuzhou.

Fang La had tried countless times to persuade Fang Baihua to bring Jiang Hongfei's territory and men to join him, and the two brothers and sisters would conquer the country together, but Fang Baihua refused them all. Even if he asked his wife, Shao, to come forward to persuade Fang Baihua, it was useless. .

Fang La also tried to contact his daughter Fang Jinzhi, hoping that Fang Jinzhi would blow Jiang Hongfei's pillow and ask Jiang Hongfei to let him go.

But Fang Jinzhi always persuaded him to surrender and stop making unnecessary resistance.

The daughter who is married off is the water that is thrown out.

In the end, Jiang Hongfei's Yuan Empire completed its unification, and Fang La became a prisoner.

At this moment, the setting sun was like blood, reflecting on Fang La's face that had gone through many vicissitudes of life, adding a bit of tragedy to him. He stared at the two women he had been closest to before, with mixed feelings in his heart. Time has not only left traces on them, but also built an insurmountable gap between them.

Fang La's eyes slowly slid over the children's young faces. Each child carried a future that he had never touched. The family ties connected by blood seemed particularly complicated and heavy at this moment.

"Hundred flowers, golden branches..." Fang La finally broke the silence, his voice was low and complicated, as if every word carried a thousand pounds of weight, "I haven't seen you for many years, how are you...?"

This sentence is simple but as heavy as a thousand words, and contains too many unspoken emotions and guilt.

Fang Baihua sighed softly, a complex emotion flashing through her eyes, including love for her brother and persistence in her past choices. The baby in her arms seemed to feel the solemnity of the atmosphere, sobbed softly, and then became quiet again, as if it also understood the silence at this moment.

Fang Baihua spoke slowly, her voice soft but firm: "Brother, things are unpredictable, and we have finally embarked on different paths..."

Fang Baihua hesitated to speak, and finally just shook her head slightly, as if all her words were transformed into this action.

Fang Jinzhi gently stroked his swollen belly, with expectations for the future and emotion about the past in his eyes.

"Father, I know that Xie has great ambitions in his heart, but Jin Zhi is a mother and understands the value of peace even more. Your Majesty, although he... is ambitious, he also knows how to govern the country and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. If Xie can let go, he may be able to find a way out. Another peace.”

"Your Majesty is kind-hearted and will not kill Xie, mother, eldest brother, or second brother. He will only teach you to live in Wanguo City temporarily, and then my aunt and I will figure out a solution."

When Fang La heard this, he felt an indescribable sadness and relief in his heart. He knew very well that his previous ambitions and decisions had put this family under too much undue burden. Now, seeing that his sister and daughter are well and are even willing to intercede for him, the warmth of family affection is like a ray of sunshine in winter, penetrating the haze in his heart.

"It was my fault..." Fang La whispered, his voice full of self-blame and remorse, "I thought that sacrificing your happiness could gain a dominant position, but I forgot that true strength is what people want, it is The world is at home. Now, I am a prisoner and there is no chance of a comeback. I just hope that you can be happy and healthy and not get involved in this endless dispute again. "

Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi both shed tears when they heard this, but they also held each other's hands tightly, as if conveying strength and support silently. They know that no matter what happened in the past, the reunion at this moment is the best hope for the future.

Fang La turned his gaze into the distance, as if he had penetrated the mountains and saw the world he had dreamed of conquering.

"That's all, that's all." Fang La murmured to himself, his voice full of relief for the past and helplessness for the future, "Maybe, this is fate. My success and failure will be here in my life. I hope Jiang Yan, can take a different path from me."

Fang La looked up at the sky. The sky that was once dyed red by the war has gradually returned to peace. He secretly prayed that this hard-won peace would shine on this land for a long time, so that future generations would not repeat the same mistakes, and that family ties and peace would become the most precious wealth in the world.

Fang La's eyes once again glanced at Fang Baihua, Fang Jinzhi, and the children behind them. Those young faces seemed to be the last touch of warmth in his life.

"You should go back first. Your Majesty will decide everything."

Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi looked at each other and sighed silently. They understand that Fang La, as a generational hero, has his own pride and dignity.

So, Fang Baihua and Fang Jinzhi took the children, turned around slowly, and walked into the distance step by step, leaving Fang La's back behind him.

Fang La watched them leave until their figures completely disappeared from sight. He then looked away, straightened his back, and strode towards the guards waiting for him.

At this moment, Fang La seemed to have returned to that all-powerful era, with no fear in his heart, only a calm acceptance of his fate.

Something happened in Jiangnan.

Jiang Hongfei has also completed the construction of the port here in Jiangnan, and the industrial revolution has been laid out. All the dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry who should be eradicated here in Jiangnan have also been eradicated.

Jiang Hongfei left Sun Jing, General Lu and a large number of capable and familiar people responsible for the governance of Jiangnan, while Shi Bao, Lu Zhishen, Han Shizhong and others were left to lead troops to wipe out the remaining resistance forces of Fangla's rebel army and the Song army.

It is worth mentioning that in the past two years when Jiang Hongfei went south, either intentionally or unintentionally, more than a thousand women gathered together.

Most of these women were the daughters of high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry families in Shu, Huaixi, and Jiangnan. They seized on Jiang Hongfei's hobbies and weaknesses, and used various methods to send their daughters away. Go to Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei did not resist.

The killing will definitely be endless.

Moreover, these high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry families can be passed down for so many years, even thousands of years, and they must have their own uniqueness.

Jiang Hongfei established the Yuan Empire and attacked these dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry. His purpose was not to fight them until death, but to redistribute the land and resources monopolized by them and inhibit land annexation.

Now that Jiang Hongfei's goal has been achieved, he must take it back.

After all, these high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and gentry have something to offer.

Just like the Qian family, the first aristocratic family in Zhejiang and Zhejiang, even a thousand years later, they can still contribute talents and strength to the country.

Jiang Hongfei is the emperor of the Yuan Empire. What he wants is construction and governance, not destruction.

Let's put it this way, Jiang Hongfei's move not only eased the relationship with these dignitaries, wealthy families, and gentry, but also invisibly weakened their monopoly on resources and land.

Jiang Hongfei knew very well that governing a big country is like cooking small dishes, and it is necessary to use softness to overcome hardness, in order to harmonize the cauldron and stabilize the country.

So, Jiang Hongfei began his more delicate and far-reaching layout, no longer focusing only on the current power change, but also on the long-term development of the country and the prosperity of culture. He knew that true strength lies not only in the vastness of the territory and the strength of the army, but also in the cohesion of people's hearts and the gathering of wisdom.

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei also realized that to truly break the barriers of the old class and achieve fair distribution of land and resources, force alone is far from enough.

He promulgated a series of reform decrees to encourage farming, reduce taxes, and pay special attention to the interests of small and medium-sized landlords and self-cultivating farmers, so that the country's economic foundation can be consolidated.

In addition, he also set up a special supervisory agency to crack down on official corruption and land annexation to ensure that the results of the reform can benefit the general public.

In terms of culture, Jiang Hongfei vigorously advocated letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend. He personally wrote articles to expound his views on education, science and technology, art and other fields, encouraging people to be innovative and pursue truth.

Under his promotion, the cultural undertakings of the Yuan Empire ushered in unprecedented prosperity, various academic schools emerged, and scientific and technological inventions emerged in an endless stream, which greatly promoted the progress of society.

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei never forgot his original intention-to curb land annexation and realize the rational allocation of resources.

He issued a series of decrees to encourage farming, restrict the excessive expansion of the landlord class, and at the same time reduce the tax burden of the people, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the national strength is growing stronger.

In this process, Jiang Hongfei showed his foresight and broad mind as a wise ruler.

Jiang Hongfei understood that true strength is not conquered by force, but by wisdom and benevolence to win the hearts of the people.

Under Jiang Hongfei's governance, whether it is Huaixi, Jiangnan, or other regions of the Yuan Empire, they have gradually entered an unprecedented prosperous era, with people living and working in peace and contentment, and culture prospering.

Now, Jiang Hongfei has done everything that should be done, can be done, and must be done in Jiangnan.

Jiang Hongfei ordered to return to Beijing.

On September 11, the 12th year of Hongwu in the Yuan Dynasty, Jiang Hongfei eliminated Fang La and the Yongle Dynasty, completed the great unification, and led more than a thousand concubines, more than a thousand civil and military officials, more than ten thousand talents from Shu, Huaixi, and Jiangnan, an army of 300,000, and countless treasures, and returned to Beijing in triumph...


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