Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 776: Big siege

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In the Western battlefield of the Shang Kingdom, Yan Zhengqing is directing the soldiers to retreat calmly and orderly.

The situation of Liu Guo’s battlefield has been received by Yan Zhengqing; but the wars in inland areas and coastal areas are not the same.

At the most critical juncture, Li Xian sent Su Zhongge, Zhou Keyin and Ma Zheng to help; but a few days ago, Li Xian again gave Su Zhongge and his 30,000 elites to Yan Zean.

Fortunately, Yan Zhengqing has stabilized the battlefield, and has even begun to close the encirclement.

At this time, the commanders of the three kingdoms of Xing, Cai, and Wu were all serious.

Wu Wenjun, Ma Wenjun, Xing Guo, Tai Shiming, Cai Guo, Huang Binqi, all of them looked seriously at all the information in front of them.

It is said that Huang Binqi has no ability, only one thing-loyalty, loyalty to Emperor Cai Guo. At the beginning, Huang Binqi sent a letter to run out of light, and Emperor Cai Guo rescued Huang Binqi with a golden sword. Since then Huang Binqi has been loyal to death.

Later, Cai Guo experienced a series of changes. A large number of masters and elites either died or fled, and eventually only Huang Binqi became a senior military officer. But Huang Binqi himself is a little bodyguard after all, and he doesn't have the ability to fall to death.

Fortunately, both Ma Wenjun and Tai Shiming were capable, and knew that Cai Guo could not fall now; plus that the Emperor Cai Guo commanded the battlefield remotely, Cai Guo did not suffer.

However, the information sent from the front line at the moment made Ma Wenjun and Tai Shiming feel heavy pressure.

"Liu Guo is finished!" Ma Wenjun sighed, his face very heavy. The underlying meaning is already clear. Liu Guo is over. How long can the remaining countries persist?

You know, Liu Guo can be said to be a relatively powerful country.

In the past, Liu Guoji could be said to be a piece of iron, but recently, Liu Guo was one of the few countries that took the lead in reforming the country, and had initially realized industrialization, preliminary popularization of arms equipment, etc. But Liu Guo, who is so powerful, at least Liu Guo who seems powerful, can't even stop the Shang Kingdom for a long time.

The Shang Kingdom clearly has such a powerful force, why did it continue to show weakness before?

Obviously, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and the Shang Kingdom is playing tricks! There is a purpose to playing tricks. What is the purpose of the Shang Kingdom?

Yes: tens of thousands of miles around!

After reading the information, Tai Shiming frowned slightly: "Since the Shang Kingdom has such a powerful combat ability, why is it that the Western Front has been retreating again and again? This is not reasonable!"

"Lure the enemy deep?!" Ma Wenjun looked solemn. Everyone is the commander-in-chief, these little tricks, etc., almost come hand in hand; naturally, it will soon react.

When Tai Shiming heard the words, he suddenly got up, and then when he came out of the map, he began to draw on the map constantly, looking for loopholes and possibilities in various aspects.

After a while, Tai Shiming frowned again. "This is wrong. There are no particularly dangerous terrains around. A few dangerous terrains are also under our control.

Even considering the arms of the Shang Kingdom, etc., there seems to be no danger here. What tricks are the Shang Kingdom playing? "

Ma Wenjun sighed: "We are faced with Yan Zhengqing, and we only know one surface about the technology of the Shang Kingdom. Be careful in everything."

This is, Huang Binqi next to him suddenly said: "Since there are so many problems, why don't we come to kill a teacher with a fist fight? First, plan a few random military actions to lead the snake out of the hole and see if the Kingdom of Shang is doing what?"

Ma Wenjun and Tai Shiming immediately looked at Huang Binqi, then looked at each other, and finally nodded neatly.

Ma Wenjun extended his thumb: "Yes, since I don't know what the other party is doing, we must lead the snake out of the hole and let the other party make some moves to see the other party's flaws.

Tai Shiming, how do we do this, divide an army to attack the small fortresses along the Shang Kingdom along the south to make a breakthrough.

Externally, we said that we must open up the channel between Lu and Guo and prepare to support Liu. "

Tai Shiming listened and nodded slightly, "The method is good, but we have to add that we will start building the Great Wall of Frontier Defense now. We will build from Cai Guo to Xing Guo to make a complete split of the West of the Shang Kingdom.

Look at how we do this, and how the Kingdom will react. "

The generals around have also made suggestions and suggestions, and everyone is thinking about it.

However, at this moment, suddenly a soldier came to report: "It's not good, the big thing is bad, the commander.

In the north, Tang State suddenly entered Cai State, and Cai State was tight. Zheng Guo, who is farther north, also gave up attacking the demon clan and turned into a defense, attacking Cai Guo with all his heart.

Also, Emperor Lu Guo made a decision to sell the country to the Shang Kingdom. Now Lu Guo’s royal family has set out for Anyang; and Anyang officials have gone south to prepare for Lu Guo.

In addition, there was news from Xing's country that Lieutenant Song Jingxiu had rebelled and had established himself as the'Southern Xing Kingdom' and had surrendered to the Kingdom of Commerce. The Kingdom of Shang has promised to give Song Jingxiu a soaring quota, and allowed Song Jingxiu to freely trade this soaring quota. "

Wow...... All the generals stood up suddenly.

Commander Xing Guo Tai Shiming was most surprised, "Why didn't you have a voice before? Why is there so much intelligence suddenly breaking out right now?"

The soldiers who were talking could not tell why, and could only stand on one side and not speak.

But soon, more information will be transmitted through Lingtongbaojian, which is information from various countries.

"The missile descended from the sky, and the unprepared border guards immediately collapsed..."

"Lieutenant Xing Guo Song Jingxiu has already turned to Shang Kingdom. Song Jingxiu temporarily rented an air carrier carrier of Shang Kingdom, as well as five hundred yuan infancy masters and 10 masters of the gods, and over a thousand kilometers of Xing Kingdom..."

"General Liu Guoling will make the Fox Sea... toot......"

When the information was passed here, all of the Lingtong Baojian collectively failed.

"Not good!" Ma Wenjun's complexion changed, "The Kingdom of Shang started!"

Immediately out of the camp, looking up, it was clear blue sky, no aircraft, nor the sound of an explosion.

Ma Wenjun frowned deeper, but couldn't figure out what trick the Shang Kingdom was doing.

Suddenly, **** generals flew from the rear, "The commander-in-chief is not good. Too many bombs suddenly fell from the sky, and all the grains were burned! Also, the Shang Kingdom used two More than a hundred masters of metamorphosis have blocked our way."

Before Ma Wenjun responded, there were **** generals in the north and south flying to report the tragic situation.

"Surrounded!" Ma Wenjun's complexion changed greatly.

"I understand!" Tai Shiming suddenly responded at this time, "The Shang Kingdom lured us 1.5 million troops and more than 1 million civilians into the interior of the Shang Kingdom. Here, we are not familiar with the place of life; but Shang The kingdom is familiar with the terrain here!"

All generals are pale!

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