Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1323: All-round genius

"I'll come, I'll come first..." Before Gu Hongyu could recognize his voice, Lin Yuantao was already rummaging through the pile of learning materials. Before he could think of anything, he found the simplest learning materials and asked the child in front of him.

The question at the beginning was indeed very simple. Lin Yuantao looked at the children surrounding him and asked: "What is one plus one?"




Several children answered almost at the same time, and everyone looked confident when answering.

However, just such a simple question still surprised everyone. Parents of their own children must know that the oldest one, Lin Yuan, is only more than two years old. Parents usually teach them how to speak. For Mathematics was not taught at all.

But now the five children didn't even have time to think. After asking the questions, they blurted out the answers. There were several other children over one year old among them.

Lin Yuantao looked at the child in front of him and his thoughts paused. After he didn't ask any more questions, Peng Minghao grabbed his study materials and continued to ask: "What is 4+4?"

"Equal to 8" several children said in unison again.

The additions stopped asking, and Peng Minghao started the double-digit addition and subtraction: "What is 8+9?"



"What is 49+50?"

"Equal to 99." It was still a uniform voice.

Peng Minghao competed with these children on addition and subtraction. Since the addition and subtraction within three digits was not difficult for the other party, he immediately started asking about the addition and subtraction of four digits, and then five digits. When he saw five Adding and subtracting digits was equally difficult, followed by multiplication and division. What shocked everyone was that when faced with three-digit multiplication and division, several children could say the correct answer in one breath without even thinking. When I came out, several adults next to me were still holding their mobile phones and hurriedly confirming whether their answers were correct or not.

This scene almost made Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning laugh out loud. These two people should know the abilities of several children best, because their own Taotao and Xiaoxi are the best examples.

"I told you, don't hold on to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Asking about other things will bring you more surprises." Looking at the shock from the beginning, to the ecstasy later, and finally to the numbness of the few people, Hongyu suggested with a smile.

"I'll ask this time." Shen Fengzhu took the study materials, rummaged through the Chinese subjects, and quickly asked: "What's the sentence below Li Liyuan Shangcao?"

"One year old and another old and prosperous, the wild fire cannot burn it out, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!" This time the children said the last three sentences while shaking their heads.

"What is the name of the poem 'The garden is full of spring scenery and can't be shut up'? Add a few other lines, and tell me which dynasty and which poet wrote it?" Seeing that the above questions failed the child, Shen Fengzhu directly raised the difficulty level this time.

"I should pity my clogs, and my teeth are covered with green moss, and the firewood leaf cannot be opened for a long time. The garden is full of spring scenery and cannot be closed, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall. The name of the whole poem is "Visiting the Garden Is Not Worth It" and was written by Ye Shaoweng, a poet from the Song Dynasty."


Although the children answered the questions in a different order this time, everyone still answered them casually.

Several people nearby took their mobile phones and quickly used Du Niang to search. It took a while for the children to answer the questions before they found the answer. Lin Yuantao said very excitedly: "Yes, yes, their answers are absolutely correct."

Shen Fengzhu was also pleasantly surprised. This time the difficulty of her questions continued to increase. Seeing that the seven-character quatrains were not difficult for the children in front of her, she glanced directly at the classical Chinese text at the back of the information: "Recite Su Shi's Water Melody Song Tou for me. "

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky with wine. I wonder what year it is tonight in the palace in the sky? I want to ride the wind back, but I am afraid that the high place will be too cold. | Dance to clear the shadows, how can I be in the world? Turn to the Zhu Pavilion, There should be no hatred in the low house, and there should be no sleep in the light. Why do we have to be reunited when we say goodbye? People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. This matter has never been completed in ancient times. I hope that people will live forever, and we can share the beauty of the cicadas thousands of miles away."

Word by word, there was almost no time difference when several children recited it. Their answers once again shocked everyone. Gu Hongyu did not teach one child to be like this in a short period of time. He turned all the children into academic masters. , it’s so subversive.

"How is it possible? How could this happen?"

"Hongyu, what did you do to them? Is this still my original Xiaoyuan?"

"Oh my god, am I in my sleep? Everything in front of me is not real?"


While sighing, Shen Fengzhu raised the difficulty again, and then she asked the children to recite long classical Chinese passages, such as "Mulan Ci", "Guan Cang Hai", "Shi Shi Biao", "Guo Qin Lun", "Lian Po" "The Biography of Lin Xiangru" and even "Chibi Fu", "Efang Palace Fu" and so on.

A group of parents are so patient. The children can answer the questions raised by the adults without losing their temper. Listening to several children reciting ancient classical Chinese neatly is really unique.

I don’t know why, but parents’ demands have gradually become higher and higher. Maybe it’s because their expectations for their children have increased, or maybe they believe what Gu Hongyu said before.

Everyone took turns to take some ancient classical Chinese texts to explain to the children and translate them into modern vernacular meanings. However, none of this was difficult for the children, and it only ended when each parent made himself very tired.

But this does not mean that the test for the children ends here. Zhang Siyan took out an English test paper from the learning materials and asked the children again: "Do you know how to say simple and difficult in English?"

"Simple and difficult." This question is not difficult for several children.

"You are a group of great children. How do you say this sentence in English?" Zhang Siyan continued to ask.

"You\\'re a great bunch of kids."

The difficulty continued to increase. Short sentences were still not a problem. Zhang Siyan simply gave several children a topic to write an essay. Let them use English to form a complete description in the topic of "home". The English words must not be less than 200. In addition, it is required that the answers of several children cannot be the same, and the words must be as appropriate as possible and grammatically correct.

This requirement is very high. If you can complete such a topic in a very short time, you can pass the English test!

As a result, several children did not disappoint all the adults. They almost all used their own homes as the theme, and then tried to avoid using the same English words to describe, but the overall feeling they gave everyone was so perfect.

Of course, this does not include Gu Hongyu's cousins, because they themselves do not understand English at all. However, seeing their children being able to speak the language of foreigners, they exude a knowing smile from the inside out.

After listening to the English essays composed by the children in a few minutes, all parents, whether they heard or not, were quiet. After a long time, Lin Yuantao said again with emotion: "Damn, they really became geniuses, and all-round geniuses. Hongyu, you are amazing. How did you do it?"

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