Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1328: Discourse and International Status

The news of an island appearing in the Bohai Sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean spread a lot in the next few days. Basically, people who can receive TV signals and radio channels are talking about it. This is an island that suddenly appeared. And the area exceeds 10,000 square meters. Nowadays, some countries do not have such a large land area!

"Baga, you are all pigs. Such a big news has only been revealed now. The island is now occupied by the Chinese navy, and it is said that it has begun to build fortifications on it. Your malfeasance has caused huge losses to our empire!" The highest power center in Japan, Cabinet Minister Asan roared angrily at an official who bent ninety degrees in front of him. Tianlai Novels|2

"Master Xiang, it is true that we missed the opportunity this time and are now passive, but we will not let China successfully build fortifications on the island. I will lead the Imperial Army to harass them..."

But before the military minister of the Army could finish his words, Asan said bitterly: "It's too late to say anything. You think the Chinese army has no defense against us. Now we can only join forces with the Mi Empire to put pressure on China. According to China's past behavior, the other side will definitely not dare to force it. We hope to make this matter as big as possible. Since we can't get it, we can't let China get it. "


On the Korean side, they are also calculating the gains and losses of the sudden appearance of the island. The size and location of the island are full of great attractions for Korea. For practical interests, they are ready to have a fight with China.

I don’t know when the people in South Korea began to show their shameless style again, and began to spread the news that the newly emerged islands were located within the waters of South Korea. The powerful law enforcement ships in the country openly interfered with China’s control of the islands in a big way. open up.

However, this time China did not back down in the face of South Korea's provocation. After repeated warnings, China's coast guard ships also used force to counterattack this time, forcing three South Korean law enforcement ships to surrender unconditionally and then brought back all the ships and personnel. Domestic seizure, this feat has aroused praise from the people of the country, thinking that for the people of Bangzi country, they must retaliate in kind and show no mercy.

Of the three countries related to this island, China has the absolute upper hand. Neither South Korea nor Japan can curb China's continued actions.

However, at this time, the United States, which had nothing to do with the island, made bold statements, openly claiming that China had no ownership of the island, and wanted to mess around like the Diaoyu Islands. This time, China did not back down, and while expressing its position internationally, , on the other hand, the construction of the newly born island has not stopped at all.

"Xie Te, the current Chinese are too arrogant. Mr. President, I think we should give the other party strong condemnation and sanctions. In addition, we should pull the aircraft carrier formations stationed in Singapore and Japan over and conduct military operations in the waters near the disputed islands. Exercise." The hawkish military representative of the United States said very forcefully.

However, Omar did not immediately agree this time. He thought about it and said worriedly: "We can't be impulsive now. Do you still remember the unexpected situation in the Pacific aircraft carrier formation a year ago? The reason why China dared to challenge us blatantly must have something to rely on." , we must understand this matter thoroughly before taking action.”

Americans have always valued life very much. If Omar agrees with the opinions of the military representatives and any unexpected consequences occur in the future, he will bear a great responsibility. Now Omar knows that his political opinions are supported by the people. The proportion is getting smaller and smaller, and many things have to be cautious and cautious.

At this time, another conservative representative of the military said: "I agree with the suggestion of His Excellency the President. Don't forget, China has changed a lot during this period, especially the magical things that have happened in its domestic environment. Many wealthy businessmen and powerful people in the world are flocking to it. Once we use military power to cause friction with China, I am afraid that many countries will side with China. "

"No, are we just watching China acquire those 10,000 square kilometers of islands and ignoring the calls of the allies? Doesn't this prove that the United States is afraid of China? Doesn't it make the whole world laugh? We must have a way to contain the rise of China Is that right? Now I hope everyone will use your wisdom. We, the United States, are the most powerful country on the planet, bar none!" The hawkish senior American official slapped the conference table and shouted with veins popping out on his neck.

"Okay, before these weird things are figured out, no action can be taken rashly. Mr. Johnson, the most I can agree with is that you allow two aircraft carrier groups to conduct a military exercise in the waters of Japan, but the distance cannot be close to the current one. Island, you understand...!" Omar hesitated and finally gave in a small step, but the principle was still in his control.

"Yes, Your Excellency, President!"

Except for Gu Hongyu, only a few senior officials in China are aware of the changes in China's environment. This matter has been classified as top secret and has been sealed. It is impossible for the United States to find the answer. The last time it targeted an aircraft carrier when it entered the South China Sea. Gu Hongyu was also involved, and very few people knew about it. It is also very difficult for the United States to obtain information in this regard.

In this way, with the wolves looking around, China quickly transformed and constructed the island and took actual possession of it. In less than a month, tens of thousands of people were moved to the island. In addition, There is also a division of troops deployed.

It is worth mentioning that the name of this island was collected nationwide, such as Miracle Island, Fairy Island, Sun-Destroying Island, Xijing Island, etc., but the final name is relatively ordinary, just Donghai Island. In Gu Hongyu's opinion, the leaders of China are keeping a low profile. As long as they hold the island in their own hands, the name will not make people from other countries hate it.

"Silently making a fortune" is what China is like today.

Although there are still many strange voices in the international community, the domestic environment has improved, especially the stories of China's miracles have cast a veil of mystery on China.

Before, foreigners who came to China were welcomed by many countries, but with the increase in foreign tourists, several Chinese leaders immediately discussed a series of strategies, and the first was to raise the threshold for foreign tourists to enter China, just like the United States used to target other countries. Those who are given priority to obtain temporary residence and passes in China are either those who have made achievements in a certain field or high-tech talents...

In just two months, many technological innovations in various fields have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, filling the gaps in China one by one.

Moreover, the number of countries that have established various strategic partnerships with China is increasing day by day. Every day, officials and ordinary people across the country can leisurely listen to the good news circulating on TV or the Internet.

Yes, China's current international status is unconsciously improving, and its voice is also quietly increasing.

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